The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 256

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Chapter 256

Raon saw the mighty Yogi and the air currents bursting with cold air. The left upper body of the four apostles was roughly torn as if it had been eaten by a beast.


Grizzly gray blood gushed from wounds on his chest and shoulders that looked like they had been cut with a saw.


The 4 apostles collapsed with their eyes closed without even being able to scream. His breathing slowed down.


Raon let out the breath he had been holding back. The time I stopped breathing was short, but my body felt languid because I burst out with power at once.

‘It’s been a while, so I must have been nervous too.’

It was an assassination that I had done like eating rice in my previous life, but doing it now made me feel a bit awkward.

But I didn’t hate it. It meant that I was closer to being a prosecutor than an assassin.

Raon smiled as he looked down at the gray blood-stained sword.

‘Come to think of it, this is the first time.’

It seemed to be the first time he had assassinated an enemy of his own will rather than Derus Robert’s orders. There was a green warlord, but it failed, so I decided to make an exception.

-You bastard…

Lars climbed onto the bracelet and glared at Raon.

-When did you learn assassination techniques?

In the past, when I tried to cut off the head of a guy wearing a helmet and only cut his shoulder, I couldn’t even laugh because I was clumsy, but the assassination I showed you now is different.

Like a skilled assassin, he pierced the enemy’s heart and exploded his crouching power before he could react. It was a perfect assassination method for catching a master with excellent defense skills.

-It was not a method for beginners to use.

It didn’t make sense for Raon, this being his second assassination, to make such a bold attack. It was clear that someone had taught him the art of assassination.

‘Of course I’m self-taught.’

Raon shrugged while holding the requiem sword.

‘There is a saying ‘Manryu gwijong’. As my swordsmanship skills improve, I can even assassinate.’

I couldn’t tell Ra’s about my past life, so I glossed over it.

-I feel it every day, but you are really crazy.

‘Is it a compliment?’

– Of course it’s an insult! And…


-joy. No.

Lars shook his hand with a cold smile. He smiled coyly, as if he knew something, but I knew what he was thinking.


I turned my head to the embarrassing voice right in front of me. Morel’s lips trembled as he held onto his throat, which was dripping with blood.

“What the hell, when and how…”

The question was strange as I was embarrassed.

“I intervened because it looked very dangerous. Wouldn’t that be a bit of a distraction?”

“Huh, of course.”

Morel let out a bloody sigh with tired eyes.

“Thank you for being alive. thanks.”

He lowered his head without the slightest hesitation. It was like thanking him for not just saving himself, but for saving all of Balkar here.


Raon cocked his chin.


“Thank you, right?”

“Thank you… no! Honorifics ended in Forban poetry!”

“Oh, I see.”

Raon smiled and nodded.

“Even if I haven’t seen you in a while…”

“Put this on.”

Raon laughed and threw the wound medicine. Morel was a person who acknowledged and accepted what he had to admit, so he didn’t have a bad image like a cheap princess.


As soon as Morel received the wound medicine, the storm of aura caused by Yogi and the cold disappeared and the four apostles collapsed on the floor were revealed to everyone.


“Four apostles!”

“What is this!”

“Don’t be ridiculous!”

As the four apostles collapsed on the floor, motionless, the white-blooded believers let out a tearing scream.

“La Raon?”

“Raon Sieghart!”

“Why is the author here…”

“Wait a minute, did that person defeat the apostle?”

On the other hand, the wizards and knights of Balkar Kingdom opened their mouths when they saw Raon standing in front of the apostle.


Especially, Princess Jaina opened her eyes to the point of tearing in more surprise than when she was attacked by the archbishop. All of them looked as if they did not understand the situation.

“Raon? Raon Sieghart?”

“That guy is the one who took down the 7 apostles…”

“When did you come here?”

The Baekblood Church figured out Raon’s identity and caused red flames in his eyes. They were angry with gnashing their teeth for defeating the 4th apostle after the 7th.

“Have you done it?”

Dorian, who belatedly entered the cavity, shouted when he saw the four fallen apostles.

‘Anyway, that guy is…’

-That stupid guy!

[haha. This is true….]

Raon, Lars, and Lohengrin glared at Dorian at the same time after defeating the enemy and taking the first place on the horse that should not be said.

“You got it done! After all, he is the sub-lord!”

Dorian smirked again, shouting something he shouldn’t have said.

“Kill them! Kill them all! Never let them live!”

The Archbishop shouted as he sprayed the Spear of Blood with his staff. The white-blooded Christians who had been spreading here and there came in waves.

“It wouldn’t make any sense.”

Raon fixed the requiem sword by sending a faint gaze to the four fallen apostles rather than to the White Blood Church.

‘Everything you guys do.’

* * *

According to Dorian’s curse, the four apostles did not die, but held their breath and shrank.

‘I almost died.’

If I was just a little bit late, I would have really died.

The moment the red blade pierced his skin, he barely survived thanks to his blood moving his heart.

His left shoulder and upper body were blown off, and he suffered fatal wounds that were close to death, but he was fine. If you kill him, everything will be solved.

oh oh

The four apostles endured the pain by chewing their tongues. As if the remaining energy of a dead body is dissipating, he operated his blood very slowly so that no one could notice.

‘I will kill you in the same way.’

Just like I was ambushed from behind, I will burst Raon’s heart from behind. I waited for the right time, patiently holding back the strength in my hand holding the long sword.

“Kill him!”

The archbishop shouted vengeance, sprinkling blood and ordered the attack.

I felt my blood pulsating and the disciples rushing at Raon.


I heard Leon’s footsteps. He turned and was about to approach the archbishop.


The four apostles exploded the accumulated blood and raised their bodies. In order to pierce Raon’s heart at once, he threw back his long sword. By the way…


Why is this guy looking at me?

Raon Sieghart, who should have turned his attention to the archbishop, was looking this way.

“Are you done pretending to be dead already?”

Goosebumps rose from the corner of his mouth that soared along with the low words.

‘I knew all about this guy… heck!’

Before he could unleash his long sword, the dagger Raon was holding grazed his neck. With a cold sensation, power drained from the body.


The four apostles shook their chins as they held the solid red line drawn from their necks with their one free hand.

“Why do you know…”

Raon smiled as he watched the four apostles fall behind him.

“Because animals are the most open-minded when hunting.”


The 4 apostles used the unused blood energy to stir up the ability to regenerate. Even though he was using all his strength for regeneration, the torn off flesh and sword scars on his neck did not recover.

“What is it? Why is it regenerating…”

If it was his own white spirit’s aura, he could regenerate wounds caused by strong energy, but strangely, the wounds created by that dagger did not regenerate. The strands between blood and blood were severed.

“Is playback not working?”

“That sword…”

“This guy is breathing to kill you. You can’t stop it with blood.”

“Now go to sleep… go off!”

Raon grabbed the requiem sword in reverse. After confirming the heart of the apostle who was leaning to the right with the evil eye of rage, he slashed it down.


The yogi gathered at the swordplay of the requiem sword burned from the heart of the four apostles, and gray blood and blood filled in the heart gushed out like a fountain.


The life in the eyes of the four apostles began to fade. The aura of the White Spirit stored in the heart was sucked out and could not be saved even if the White Blood Religion Master came.

“Wow, he’s alive…”

Dorian scratched his head blindly.

“I’m not saying things like, ‘Did you do it?’ Curse, curse.”

Raon smiled at Dorian.

“Four apostles!”

“Save the apostle!”

“Don’t stop!”


The white-blooded Christians realized that the apostle was truly dying and threw themselves with all their blood.


Raon swiped the requiem sword. After purifying the muddy energy of Yogi and Glacia with the Ring of Fire, she drew the Soul Sword again.


The melody of bloody rain blooming on the red blade covered the cavity.




The white blooded believers fell to the floor vomiting blood in Chilgong. The only one standing was the archbishop.

On the other hand, it had no effect on the others in it. Heolwoo was literally a deadly swordsmanship only for white blood believers.

“That sword…” said

the Archbishop, his hand holding the staff trembling. The thinly exposed mouth was covered in blood.

“Muhak only for you.”

Raon swung his soul sword and approached the archbishop.

“Oh don’t come!”

The Archbishop took a step back and raised his staff. Countless white-blooded blades rained down from the staff.

‘It’s falling without the public.’

The blade of blood was not aiming at the target, but was covering the entire space like rain. It was easy to dodge or parry.


After reading the direction of Raon’s blood, he kicked the ground.

“You idiot!”

The archbishop raised the corners of his mouth and changed the direction of his blood. The blades of blood, which spread in a fan shape, gathered like sharp awls and aimed at vital points throughout the body.

‘I was able to change the direction.’

Seeing how the trajectory of the blood storm that covered space itself was changed in an instant, he seemed stronger than the archbishop he had met in Forban City.


‘So what.’

Raon laughed coldly and raised the cartoonist. The blade of the requiem sword became red as if it were heated by fire, and a group of flowers of flame soared.

Comic book white flower.


The flower petals that bloomed from the tip of the sword spread in the wind and collided with blood.


The shards of the cartoonist, imbued with Yogi’s power, melted all of the archbishop’s blood.


The only thing left in the cavity was a piece of Hwaryeong that sprinkled a magnificent light.

“Are you done?”

Raon walked between the sinking hwaryeong and stood in front of the archbishop.


The Archbishop trembled and took a step back.

“Now the end…”


The Archbishop jumps forward instead of backing down. The staff in his hand filled all the remaining blood energy and pierced his heart.


Raon nodded his head with a cool look.

‘This is how white blood is.’

The White Blood Church does not confess its sins, does not pray, and does not ask for forgiveness. They are typical crazy people who believe that only they are justice and only they are right.

That’s why they suck human blood and tear off their flesh.

Raon stepped on the Garambo method. He burrowed into the archbishop’s arms and stabbed his heart with the requiem sword. It was thicker than the apostle, but white blood soaked the floor.

“Keep it off…”

The archbishop rolled his eyes in anger, not resentment, before collapsing.

[The soul sword absorbed a huge amount of blood.]

[The soul sword purifies blood.]

A mighty tremble rose from the soul sword.

‘It’s the first time I’ve gotten this much blood.’

Because he had absorbed the blood of the Apostle and the Archbishop, it was not possible to predict how much his abilities would rise this time.

‘I can’t wait to see how high it will rise. right?’

– Shut up! It’s all the king’s. Big…

Lars was already biting his lip as if he was worried.

Raon brushed off the blood on the requiem sword and raised his head. The cavity was locked in thick silence.

“I’m crazy…”

“To kill an apostle and an archbishop so easily…”

“Raon Sieghart. Is that the genius called the Seolhwa Swordsman?”

“That is not at the level of a genius. It is a monster.”

“I heard that you are not even 20 years old…”

All the unmanned shadows of the small and medium powers of the Balkar Kingdom were revealing their astonishment with their eyes wide open.

Their reaction was natural, as it was no different from defeating all the White Bloods, who were the strongest in the community, by Raon alone.

“La Raon!”

Zatis approached with a wide smile.

“Thank you for saving me!”

He smiled broadly and bowed his head. Still, without thinking about power and power, I just expressed my gratitude for the situation.

“I really have nothing to say because I get help every time.”

Zatis scratched the back of his head, saying he had no face.


Raon shook his head. Jatis also grew even more than when he saw him in Forban. As long as you maintain that upright personality, you will surely be able to rise higher.

“Now then…”

As they stepped on the advance to make the cavity resound, all the shadows of the Balkar small and medium forces flinched and stepped back.

“I will tell you for sure. Sieghart has no intention of giving up Lohengrin’s inheritance. If you have any complaints, let’s end it here.”



Naturally, no one opened their mouths. Who would rebel against the monster that cut down the White Blood Apostle in one fell swoop? Even Morel, the only one he could face here, had a lifesaver, so everyone kept their mouths shut.

“Are you saying that Sieghart will take care of all of that?”

After a brief silence, a middle-aged man with gray hair came forward from the small and medium power. Expert superlative. It seemed that this person was the representative of the small and medium power.

“That’s right.”

Raon nodded without hesitation.

“Isn’t that a bit too much? Valcardo…”


Morel interrupted the middle-aged man with a sigh.

“Salaman was saved by Raon Sieghart. Let me get out of here.”

He came forward and returned the wound medicine.

“You’re not trying to swear by that one word, are you?”

“What do you see me as? I don’t live filthy like your captain.”

“I believe you when you say that.”

When Raon nodded, Morel frowned and turned his head.

“Go back.”

“Wait a minute!”

Princess Jaina jumped up as if she couldn’t do it.

“To come all the way here and just go…”

“Princess. Now…”

“Oh, Princess Jaina.”

Raon stopped Morel and approached Princess Jaina. He grinned and said, “Contract.”


It was only then that Princess Jaina’s face turned pale as if she remembered signing the special contract.

“Long time no see.”

“Long time no see…”

“Long time no see?”

“Oh, long time no see.”

Jaina licked her lips and nodded.

“So what’s wrong with my proposal?”


She sniffed without even lifting her head. Shame and resentment seemed to come at the same time.

“Um, this is the second time I’ve saved the princess. Isn’t this something that deserves an award?”


“Isn’t it? I’ve saved a princess named Golden Jade Yeop of Balkar twice, but I have to give her a gift or a coin…” “

Balkar is not a place that doesn’t know shame. You don’t have to worry because it’s a place where you pay the price of life for the price of life and the price of blood for the price of blood.”

The princess’ whole body trembled at Morel’s words and gaze. She reached into her bosom and pulled out a golden plaque. The name Jaina was written on it.


Jaina held out her amulet, shaking her hands like a paralyzed patient.

“As expected, the princess is cool.”

Raon didn’t refuse and took her hand right away.

‘It’s good that I caught the weakness.’

This would work not only for the princess, but also for King Balkar.

It is a widely circulated story that King Balkar cares for Jaina. A pretty good treasure came into my hands, and I smiled naturally.

“Take this too.”

When Raon nodded in satisfaction, a red plaque flew from Morel. It was a hexagon with a snake in the center.


“It’s mine. Write if you need anything.”

“thank you.”

“Is there any refusal?”

“Why do you refuse to leave the treasure?”


Morel smiled and turned around.

“Go back. Help the princess.”


At his cry, the female knights supported Jaina. As he exited the joint, he stopped and turned around.

“Raon Sieghart. Make sure to repay this favor.”

He thanked me once more and went upstairs. Zatis also smiled lightly and nodded. Jaina could only hear the grinding of her teeth, and Enield pretended not to notice.

“Ooh we’re going too!”

“Thank you for saving me!”

“Thank you so much! I will repay this grace no matter what.”

The warriors of the small and medium forces trembled and nodded their heads as soon as Balkar, whom they believed in, left.

“Thank you?”


“You mean to return the favor?”

“of course!”

“Ah yes, thank you. Dorian!”


Dorian, who had been standing at the entrance watching Valkar leave, turned his head away.

“These guys are leaving. Write down your name and affiliation.”

“Ah yes!”

Dorian nodded, set down the desk she was holding in front of the entrance, and took out a paper and pen.

“Why is that name over there…”

“Didn’t you just say you would repay the favor? Then you better make sure.”

Raon smiled lightly at the small and medium-sized warriors. There was a thin but cold spirit in the smile.


The soldiers of the small and medium powers swallowed dry saliva while watching Raon smile.

‘I can’t believe this…’

‘Right. Bring money or gifts. Just like Valkar earlier…’


‘Solhwa Swordsman! Said to be an accomplice!’

‘But they’re going to kill me if I don’t bring them?’

‘Then why did you come forward and take it! I just had to say thank you and it would be over!’

The warriors broke into a cold sweat after understanding Raon’s intentions.

“Let’s go.”



When Raon gestured as if to go quickly, the warriors of small and medium forces bit their molars and walked towards Dorian.

“yes! first minute! A name!”

Dorian took out a chair made of white wood and sat in front of the white wood desk. It was very strange to have a desk and chair shining white in a cavity full of corpses.

“I’m Rikill of the Boramae Guild…”

“Yes. Mr. Rickel. Boramae guild…”

He quickly wrote down his name and affiliation as if he were used to it.

Raon turned his head to see the last remaining forces. The Shadow of Derus Robert. He met the eyes of the assassins who had the same eyes as his previous life.

‘Should I say I miss this?

Seeing the eyes of the shadows reminds me of the past. The days of hell where he abandoned humans and became a hunting dog for the success of his mission.

Thinking back then, I didn’t want to kill them. Because everyone was kidnapped, sold, and brainwashed just like they were in their previous lives.

‘Shall I send it back?’

The way shadows behave is simple. If there is even a 0.1% chance of success, they will attack no matter what happens to their lives, and if the possibility is zero, they will withdraw. They were judging whether the mission was acceptable or not by the senses embedded in their bodies and heads.

“What are you guys going to do?”

Raon resonates the ring of fire and raises the cartoonist. The mighty spirit wave that reached the Master level burned endlessly. Stone debris fell from the ceiling and the floor began to crack.



“Turn off…”

All the shadows trembled at the mighty momentum. The sunken eyes shook as if they were about to pop out.


The shadows felt that their chances of defeating Raon were zero and stepped back. He jumped over the soldiers of small and medium powers lined up in front of Dorian and escaped through the passage.


“Are you just letting them go?”

“They’re assassins!”

The warriors of the small and medium powers opened their mouths as if they did not know if they would let the assassins go.

“I am not a killer. You can’t kill those who don’t even dare.”

Raon smiled lightly and shook his hand.

“Then you should write down your name like we did!”

“Will the assassins tell you their names? It’s good if you don’t kill yourself.”


“But don’t use a fake name or affiliation. I have a good memory.”

When he muttered that he remembered all the faces, the people who had put down the pens earlier ran back to Dorian.

“I made a mistake!”

“me too! My real name is…”

Raon smiled and turned around.

– It’s evil! How wicked! Did you do something like a demon from another dimension?!

Lars had his mouth wide open with an expression of shock or surprise.

[Heh heh he is also a priest. I didn’t even need to prepare myself.]

Lohengrin also laughed in admiration.

“It’s nothing. I just… um?”

Raon stopped talking and looked at the soul sword in his hand. A strong trembling occurred in the sword body that had been quiet while absorbing blood.


The requiem sword burst into tears and led himself. Follow the guy’s guide and see the corpses of the four apostles.

“You absorbed all your blood.”


The requiem sword pointed to the hands of the four apostles, saying that was not the case.


In that direction, there was a long sword wielded by the four apostles.


Raon swallowed dry saliva while looking at the long sword.

“You mean the power of that long sword can be yours too?”

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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Raon’s entire life had been lived as a dog on a leash. Through a twist of fate, he obtained a new life. Wrath remained in the wreckage of his destroyed leash. Finally capable of standing on his own feet, he decided to live life by his own will. He would slay anyone standing in his way… Even if they were a god.


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