Solo Max-Level Newbie Chapter 76

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Episode 76 How a deceased person defends (1)



The appearance of skin peeling off and blood flowing from bites.

Zombies who only coveted human flesh came rushing in.

A huge number.

In addition, because the speed was fast, the zombies reached the front of the arena in an instant.

“brother. Can you really stop this?”

Lee Tae-min looked anxiously at the plants growing at the entrance of the stadium.

The ‘solar plant’, which was made in the shape of the sun, was quite large, but did not seem suitable for battle.

“brother. You didn’t choose strange things on purpose because you said you enjoyed thrills like before, did you?”

He also added a word of flexibility.

Even the two deceased people had never used it as a main force to defend plants on the 4th floor.

This means that it is completely unknown territory.

“don’t worry. Because these guys are more usable than they look.”

Jinhyuk laughed lightly.

Right then.



Chun Youseong drew his sword.

at the same time.

thud! thud! thud! thud! thud!

With a roar that shook the earth, the zombies’ attack began.

Zombies trying to enter the stadium without hesitation beyond the vines.

But the moment the first zombie sets foot on the ground.

[Solar Plant fires Lv1 ‘Light of the Sun’!] The

swollen plant vomited a sphere with a diameter of 2m.


A huge mass of magical powers that contained the energy of the sun and exploded in places where zombies were concentrated.



The zombies, whose bodies were on fire, stumbled and fell.


“What power…!”

“I think this is much stronger than the Flame Tower or the Ice Tower.”


An earthquake occurred in the pupils of the four people who were watching.

More than 50 zombies evaporated in one shot, so it has to be.

“So you said. It doesn’t matter if you choose a stadium as your base.”

Although there was a tough condition to catch the boss on the 3rd floor and get to the 4th floor first.

Once prepared, this plant-type tower will exert its greatest power.

‘Of course, if it wasn’t for me, I wouldn’t be able to use this properly.’

In order to properly understand the characteristics of plants and use them in the right place, experience, not luck, is required.

A lot of hands-on experience.

“I need about a minute before I can use the light of the next sun.”

“You’re asking me to stop the zombies in the meantime.”

Chun Yuseong grabbed his sword as if he had nothing to hear.

Anyway, one eye is good because it’s fast.

“Don’t overdo it and get bitten by a zombie. If it gets infected with a virus and changes, it becomes troublesome to clean up.”

“I don’t mind. Do you think I’m going to get hit by a zombie or something?”

“Didn’t you just break down when you said that to the Moorim kids?”

He said he wiped it all away.

He barely lasted 3 minutes and his life was in danger… I saw it very well.

Seriously, I should have recorded that scene and held a performance once a month, but it’s just a pity.

“That’s it! It’s because I ran out of stamina while fighting the guys below. Didn’t you see how many people I deal with alone!”

“Oh, no matter what, he must have been. This time, I hope you will arrange your stamina.”


Chun Yuseong swallowed a groan filled with anger.

It was because he himself felt that no matter what he said, it would only be a lame excuse.

Then he turned around with a pouting face.

“…I’ll do it right this time.”

I didn’t forget to build up my self-esteem until the end.

“brother. I’ll take the center.”

Lee Tae-min, who has a wide field of view thanks to the ability of a ‘machine lord’, will be able to play a role in controlling the overall situation from the center.

No matter what anyone says, the skill to fly a drone was a scam itself.

“okay. Please.”

“Ugh. Then can I go north?”

“I’ll take the southern entrance.”

Yuyeonhwa and Teresa also moved in to support the plants.

All that remains is the east side.

‘I guess I’ll be able to practice my skills properly in a while.’

Jinhyeok took out the ‘Double Dragon Sword’ he received from Yoo Chunyoung.

The clear blade, enough to make your eyes hurt, gave off an alert.

pounding! pounding! pounding!

My heart beat quietly.

A holy relic class item that I try to use for the first time in real life.

how much power it has.

Now is the time to try it out.

‘First of all, from the grave of the sword…’

Jinhyeok manifested a black strong energy.

Woo woo woo!

The rough energy that was difficult to handle was so softly overlaid on the sword.

‘I see…’

I never thought I could perfectly accommodate such a heterogeneous and selfish ability.

As if they had been one body from the beginning, the sword and strong qi formed a single body.



Zombies opened their mouths to eat human flesh.

Saliva mixed with blood dripped.

“I’m sure you’re very hungry. I’ll make sure you eat a lot.”

Even though it’s not the lean meat they want, if you eat plenty of ganggi, you won’t want to eat anything again.

like that.

On top of the stadium that has become a dead soil.

[Black moon night is activated!]

A black crescent moon hung over it.


[You blocked the first wave.]

[The second wave starts in 3 hours.]

[Time left 2h:59m:59s]

With a short status window. A phrase announcing victory appeared.

Players at different bases breathed heavily.

“omg. Huh Eok. Huh.”

“Damn, maybe it’s because it came so suddenly, and it’s really hard from the first one.”

“I know yeah. If it continues like this, it would be dangerous to go only in the middle, let alone the last wave, right?”

“Grab your teeth and hold on. You have to rub it somehow to get extra rewards.”

On the 4th floor, additional rewards were given for accomplishing several achievements as well as having to stop the waves.

Killing the most zombies, that is, the highest kill reward per base.

A popular award reward that was voted on by subscribers around the world for how diverse and splendid the defense was.

These are two things.

A chance to get rare items and materials that are sold at high prices on the coin exchange as well as A-rank random boxes!

To get ahead of others, you must achieve one of these two.

But just then

[Highlight video will be broadcast.]

Another phrase appeared.

It was a 3-minute video that edited the performance of each base for the popularity vote of subscribers.

“As expected, the Chinese side is strong.”

The one that stood out by far in the highlight was the mart with the Chinese guild, the Triad.

A combination of the main flame tower and the divine auxiliary tower.

With hundreds of people as well as players who seemed to be strong rankers, we blocked the first wave quite easily.

Looking at the cool directing and splendid skills based on internal skills, there was no doubt that he would receive a fairly high score in the popularity vote.

After a few seconds, the screen changed.

It was the ‘Sangam Stadium’, which was the largest and most difficult to defend among these bases.

“The five of you blocking that wide area?”

“I thought some idiots picked that place, but there really are. The empty-headed ones.”

“I bet you Annihilation in the next wave over there.”

“Puhaha. Look at the defense towers they chose. it’s a plant Besides, there are no auxiliary towers.”

Immediately, ridicule from the players erupted.

It had to be.

In defense, it was common sense among common sense to choose a powerful flame tower or an ice tower with both attack power and crowd control.

No one paid much attention to plants that were difficult to grow and could only be tied up.


As the video continued, the sneer turned to admiration.

“What is it?”

“I can’t believe it…”

The admiration soon distorted into astonishment.

“This crazy. Did the plant eat the medicine? What are you so strong about?”

“I can’t believe it. I heard that raising them is difficult, but what method did you use?”


Even if it is strong, it is too strong. As if they were mocking the players who chose the other towers.

What surprised me most was the skills of the five members.

“Five… are blocking it.”

One person defends one entrance.

It would be impossible unless the skills were backed up.

And the most notable among them was the dark-haired Asian at the eastern entrance.

“To handle Kang Ki so freely.”

“I’m glad we’re the same… players. If you think of meeting them as enemies, just imagining them is terrifying. Ugh.”

The sight of literally wiping out zombies was enough to make the whole body of the viewer goosebumps.

Distinguishing ability and proper distribution of power.

Even when dealing with that many people alone, I didn’t lose a single breath.

Not at the human level.

“Who is it?”

“It looks like a ranker…”

“It must be China or Japan. Those large guilds have been doing great lately.”

A man shouted as speculation and anticipation came and went.

“ah! That player is Kang Jin-hyeok. Korean ranker Kang Jin-hyeok!”

“The person who got the S rank this time?”

“Come to think of it, I heard that there are big rookies in Korea as well.”

“It deserves an S rank. It has to be because it is that strong.”

It was not easy to remember players in other countries when large rookies were pouring in.

However, at this moment, a name was clearly engraved in the minds of the players on the 4th floor.

About a player in Korea named Kang Jin-hyeok.

And also about the special that the player has.


Same time.

Jinhyeok explained the plants to the rest.

“This is ‘potting’ and ‘pruning’. Since I have the soil I made myself, I can do repotting here, and I only need to prune the 6th and 7th branches right now. The 14th, um… do it in an hour. If you do that, it will grow on its own from then on.”

Plants must also be grown to strengthen the base.

If this method was used, it was possible to increase the number of plants and at the same time maximize the growth rate by cutting out the parts that eat up nutrients unnecessarily.

“how is it. Isn’t it simple?”

“Is it simple? this?”

Jinhyeok talking calmly made Yoo Yeonhwa sigh as if she was full of energy.

“brother. What kind of botanist were you really?”

“Hyung, what did you do when you were on [Tower of Trials]? I think I could almost write a thesis about the tower at this level…”

“Jinhyeok-san is really great. Wow.”

“It was no wonder that I had a hard time winning. It was a mistake to try to compete against a crippled person who deviated from common sense.”


There is something strange between the compliments.

the last remark.

I am very hurt.

“Anyway, you can do it this way. Please take good care of the plants until the next wave.”

“You are taking good care of it. What does that mean? where are you going?”

Chun Yuseong raised his eyes.

It was an expression that did not understand that the core force was away in an important defensive battle.

“I’ll go to the base next door to play for a while.”

When I saw the highlight video earlier, he blocked it quite well.

If things went on like this, they might have to compete for the highest kill reward.

can’t be like that

Of course, there is no need for rivals on the 4th floor.

Because this wasn’t a cooperative game.

And because the Moorim guys just didn’t like their existence.

Above all else, we need to make sure that those who drew knives at me and my comrades pay for it.

Don’t even dare to touch it again.

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Solo Max-Level Newbie

Solo Max-Level Newbie

Score 8
Status: Ongoing
Jinhyuk, a gaming Nutuber, was the only person who saw the ending of the game [Tower of Trials]. However, when the game’s popularity declined, it became difficult for him to continue making a living as a gaming Nutuber. Since he already saw the ending of the game, he was about to quit playing. But that day, [Tower of Trials] became reality, and Jinhyuk, who knew about every single thing in the game, took over everything faster than anyone possibly could! “I’ll show you what a true pro is like.”


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not work with dark mode