The Player Hides His Past Chapter 152

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Episode 152. Seeds of Tears (3)

A text from Nam Tae-min.

[The key to dungeon capture is to identify the location of the deepest part of the dungeon.

The depth of the Rift Dungeon is located near the Chelsea Bridge.

Very likely to be AAU London branch.]

I see.

It seems that the AAU side also noticed something.

Of course, I had guessed the location of the deep dungeon through [Natural Enemy Relations].

“…After the cataclysm, the symbol of Chelsea Bridge Road was changed to the London branch of AAU.”

The geography of London is unfamiliar.

If it hadn’t been for Schraig’s guide, I might have had to open up a map app and set out to find my way. Of course, it is burdensome to express the portal because it is cumbersome.

‘I know what’s at that coordinate.’

Rather, it means that the portal could be a shortcut to the trap.

Furthermore, wasn’t the trap of this dungeon rift related to rain?

I was already soaked from head to toe.

That’s embarrassing enough even now.

No more forced showers.

“Anyway, I can’t believe it even after seeing it.”

Schraig’s voice was thrilled.

…Judging by the look on his face, he doesn’t seem empty.

I want to see something and go there.

I also followed Schraig’s gaze and looked around.

London in the rain.

The streets were lined with aquario oak trees.

ten minutes at most.

It was a fleeting moment that was far from enough to grow into a giant tree.

Indeed, it was the effect of Hiel’s blessing that germinated the seed of the World Tree.

The roots are hard and the stems are straight.

Branches that grew profusely above it.

Brilliant buds began to bloom at each end of the branch.

…no matter how you look at it, it’s overly flashy.

[The pentagram of pure knowledge].

To my knowledge, the Aquariu Oak was never like that.

You can guess why.

It must be Highel’s influence.

Damn my appetite is bitter

‘I wasn’t in a position to say anything.’

[Esthetic] This feeling is like watching my “magic” with added stats!

It is said that children are mirrors of their parents.

I’m sorry, Heyel.

As I looked up, Hayel opened his mouth as if he had waited.

“That sublimity seems to have affected me too.”

Yes, it’s all my influence.

I’m sorry I used bad water, Hiel.

…But wait a minute, [Sublime]?

It was a word I just couldn’t get out of it.

Yes, because [Sublime] was a title I had newly acquired on the Arcana Continent.

I opened the status window and checked the effect of [Sublime] again.

[Sublime: Sublime one, the Arcana continent remembers you.]

That’s right.

Quite the opposite of the lengthy and specific [Last Adventurer] effect.

It was just one line.

Why didn’t you feel bad?

Even the one-line effect seemed to have something really great.

‘The Arcana Continent remembers me.’

I don’t know if I was influenced by integrity or innocence.

It meant that the system did not pretend not to know about my desperate struggle against millions of demons. Besides, how many benefits did you gain through that struggle?

The most important thing is to curse Marcelo’s time limit.

[Magic Eye’s Telescope].

Even a huge amount of experience to ignore the death penalty.

That’s why it’s about the ambiguous effect of the title.

I was able to pass on it kindly.

Was the joy of winning even greater because there was no expectation?

‘…There must be something here.’

It was clear that [Sublime] had an additional effect that was not specified. ‘Something’ that could not be recognized even with Grandfell’s martial arts talent.

“Right. You worked hard, Hiel.”

Contrary to his daunting inner thoughts, he speaks calmly.


Hiel raised the corners of her mouth and lowered her head.

“It’s too much praise for me, who is still very lacking.”

Of course, there was no time to continue chatting with each other.

The British branch of AAU, the depths of the dungeon that is gradually getting closer.

Suddenly Schraig called out urgently.

“…the enemy. The number is about five!”

Schraig level 402.

Now, the level was similar to that of Nam Tae-min and other top players. He was once one of the top three players along with Scalox.


His calm demeanor in the face of the sudden appearance of the enemy must be proof of that.

I am familiar with Schraig’s class.

Schraig was one of the few players I knew before I woke up. why did you know Simple. Because it was so cool

A swordsman class fencer.

Indeed, the country of gentlemen has a gentlemanly attitude.

Schraig drew his weapon and took a fighting stance.

His weapon, like a giant needle, is a foil.

A sword specialized in stabbing.

“You hear Zachary? How’s the situation? Citizens?”

While concentrating on the battle, he does not forget the safety of the fallen citizens.

Of course, the pride of Grandfel is a look that can only be satisfied.

“The monsters haven’t appeared yet? yes i’m glad Then it would be better to line up and prepare now. It seems that monsters are appearing from the depths of the dungeon.”

Schraig, who grasps the situation and delivers it.

I stood side by side with him.

And I looked ahead.

‘Exactly five.’

Can you explain the appearance as a mannequin filled with water?

Five water men were coming towards us.

end of situation.

Schraig finished the call and spoke to me.

“According to the additional patch notes, their names are Ghosts of the Gloomy City. Its level is said to be between 600 and 650. And this is just my feeling…”


Schraig gritted his teeth.

“If it’s a specter, there’s a high probability that physical attacks won’t work on them.”

I agree to some extent.

leaving the name

Is there an old saying about cutting water with a knife?

At first glance, physical attacks seem impervious.


Schraig’s hand, which held the sword firmly, was shaking.

It wasn’t fear.

That was anger.

The guys who made London’s own hometown like this appeared before my eyes.

“Damn it.”

He must be angry that he can’t do anything with his sword.

I fully understand that feeling.

However, even if you can guess the feeling.

There is a reason why I said I sympathize only to a certain extent.

I opened my mouth.

“Can you be sure?”


“Are you really sure that a physical attack won’t work?”

“That’s it.”

Schraig didn’t understand.

I also said something useless if it was like the old days.

Are you here to talk about some other cringe?

He may have started lamenting his life inwardly.

But I realized something after I died and came back to life.

‘In the end, I need the strength of the players.’

I don’t know if it’s on the Arcana continent.

Because the real me couldn’t deal with millions of demons.

Ultimately, it requires the cooperation of the players.

Pride is also basic.

The cooperation of players with excellent skills.

So look closely, Schraig.

I slowly raised my hand.

took a fighting stance.

What I held in my hand was none other than a black long umbrella.


I said to the surprised Schreig.

“From now on, what you will do is simple. to watch.”

Then the sword.

No, I focused my sword steel on Jang Usan.

He spoke calmly.

“To be precise, it is to witness swordplay.”

“…is that a sword?!”


A state that requires high qualifications just to witness before dealing with it.

However, once a swordsman can handle swordsmanship, the swordsman’s combat power increases exponentially.

Because I had witnessed strength beyond my level from sword users like Harkon and Yeshika Enoch.


A sword clad in such swordsmanship.

Even if it’s just an umbrella, not a sword.

It can do damage to ghosts.

“It’s black. I don’t know what you’re talking about all of a sudden…! You are dangerous alone. Moreover, with an umbrella like that…!”

But Schraig couldn’t have known that.

It is not strange to be astonished.

So I told you to keep an eye on it.

‘Because it will be easier to understand once you see it.’

Five ghosts rushing.

I pointed my umbrella at them.

A silver spirit that climbs around an umbrella.


A decisive blow.

At the same time, the ghosts collapse.

A look of astonishment crossed Schraig’s face.

“…What’s this?”

Other than that, I wasn’t surprised at all.

I didn’t feel sorry for defeating the monster with an umbrella.

Kill 5 level 600 monsters in one hit.

Is it because of the level close to level 500 and [Natural Enemy Relationship] that was not enough?

If not, is it because of the experience of fighting to the death among millions of demons on the Arcana continent?

Because only the guys didn’t feel the tension.

‘Lee Ho-yeol really grew up a lot.’

It’s not like I entered the dungeon crack alone.




Player Lee Ho-yeol.

Estimated level Minimum level 900.

His strength was well known.

Because Schraig had common sense of the arcana.

To have risen to 3rd place in the player rankings in the past.

It was that Schraig had experienced the grievances and emotions that other rankers were currently feeling.

So I couldn’t understand it any more.

Lee Ho-yeol What the hell is that guy?

The main means of attack is magic.

However, even holding the sword would not have surprised her.

The way he handles the sword was accessible through the media.

But this went beyond the limit.

it’s an umbrella

Defeating five level 600 monsters with an umbrella!

Schraig clenched his fist.

‘…Is this the difference in level?’


It wasn’t just that he felt the gap with Lee Ho-yeol. Because the only thing he can mention now is the glory of the past. He knew himself better than anyone else.

‘I must have hit the limit long ago.’

To be precise, within the limits of class fencers.

Even if there is no such thing as a nobleman in a real job.

There are nobles in Arcana’s class.

The most precious hidden class is located at the top.

For former members of the Hidden Class, there must be Scal or Jessie Heinness.

Their strong potential would only make your mouth hurt if you explained it in words.

Below that are popular classes like the Barbarian Healer.

Classes that are supported by performance as many players choose.

If you’re lucky enough to do a class quest.

It was comparable to the hidden class, or even changed to the hidden class.

And at the bottom, there is an unpopular class like yourself.

Schraig could have been sure.

Fencer is a garbage class that only looks good on the surface.

If I could turn back time, I wouldn’t have chosen this class.

Basically, he was a swordsman.

Attack power is bound to be based on the [Strength] stat. The Fencer, who had to target the enemy’s weak points, required an absurdly high [Agility] stat.

A class that requires both strength and agility.

It was natural that the higher the level, the lower the efficiency.

‘It’s a power that I can’t even dream of.’


Schraig looked at his foil.

In the end, the stumbling block was the power of the attack.

Because there were many vulnerabilities in the attack method that relied on stabbing.

‘What is the replacement class?’

Chief of the Mage Tower.

infinitely deep darkness.

Dragon Hunter.

I couldn’t guess from the name.



…and umbrella fighting.

I couldn’t even guess from watching.

But one thing was certain.

Schraig laughed bitterly.

‘It’s something I can’t catch up to.’

In fact, the subject matter was finished from the time of Yusra Kingdom.

So I thought I wouldn’t be discouraged…

Schraig was furious.

“…After all, I’m not going to be of any help.”


The hometown where you were born and raised.

Even until this morning, the streets I used to walk on were covered in rain fog.

London’s families, colleagues and citizens are in crisis.

He was resentful of not being able to do anything with his own hands.

“You are incompetent.”

It was the moment Schraig lowered his head.

“Are you paying attention, Schraig?”

…I heard Ho-yeol’s voice.

Schraig raised his head.

As consistent as the voice.

Ho-yeol, holding the umbrella like a sword, continued.

“You must witness the sword.”

it’s black

I didn’t know what the hell you were talking about.

Schraig recalled Ho-yeol’s words that passed by.

-“From now on, what you will do is simple. to watch.”

-“To be precise, it is to witness swordplay.”

It’s overrated.

It was clear that he was seriously mistaken about me.

said Schraig in a voice mixed with resentment.

“It’s black. I don’t know if you know, but I’m different from other swordsman class players! My class is the fucking Fencer, who is filthy weak and has clear limits. I don’t even know what swordsmanship is, but you expect me to do that…!”



What do you know?

Do you know my class called Fencer?

If not, do you know my limits?

Ho-yeol continued talking before the question was even gone.

“But it doesn’t matter.”


“Believe in yourself. Even if you don’t have the courage to do so.”

in a very serious voice.

“Believe in me who believes in you.”




Do you know?

Schraig was one of the few players I knew before I woke up. Besides what? Fencers are filthy weak and have clear limits?

I want to give you a day experience of demon hunter.

‘It’s less visible now thanks to her size.’

It is said that when I just woke up, my legs were shaking just from hunting gnolls that were far below my level.

I assure you, no matter how obscure the fencer is, it won’t be able to catch up with the demon hunter?

What other class in the world invests stat points in [Strength] [Agility] [Magic] [Luck] at the same time?

So I can confidently say.

“Believe in me who believes in you.”

I bet

Ranking 3rd in Arcana is a position you can never reach without talent.

So keep your head up and look closely, Schraig. Because you have to witness the sword and realize the reality.

“If you want to protect something precious with that hand.”

Even if it’s to stand up to the demons that will come.

It’s scary that I spit it out with Grandfel’s speech.

Once again the [ghosts of the gloomy city] came into view.

…By the way, the number is quite high this time?

There are so many forms that it is colorless, that. If I were alone, I would have taken an umbrella and dealt with it slowly, but there were citizens who fainted. No matter what, structure takes precedence over education.

It was the moment I was about to raise my mana.


In an instant, a message popped up.

[Noble one. Your sublimity led to a small change.]

…I said I led a small change?

what change?

Before that, isn’t the title of a noble person a bit excessive?

While I was thinking.

A voice was heard.

Shraig’s voice trembled wildly.

“Lee Ho-yeol, player. Silver shimmering in that umbrella! Are you saying that haze-like thing is the sword spirit you mentioned? Wait, before that, do you know what [sublime] is? What message did you just send me…!”

You witnessed the sword technique, Schraig.

But thanks to you, I also realized it.

Was this the hidden effect behind the title [Sublime]?

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The Player Hides His Past

The Player Hides His Past

Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Artist: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The virtual reality game “History of the Arcana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with their in-game characters appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!


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