Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 673

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Genius Magician Who Eats Medicine Episode 673

Central Council Senate (1)


As well as activating Kaise’s pocket watch, the hands of the clock turn backwards.

Grab the artifact that rotates counterclockwise, slowly approach it and carefully place it on the platinum jewel.


With that alone, the time of the synesthetic body goes backward little by little and the torrent of power that was condensed to the fullest is released.

A pure white shockwave swept across the laboratory and soared high into the sky.



Through Kaise’s retrograde magic, he accepts and interprets the thoughts of the ascendant who was released backwards on the spot.

The Prime Minister of a ruined country and the Platinum Commander. A war agent who destroyed many civilizations.

A handful of thoughts that Ascendant Orochnier left for Lennok at the last moment.

Instead of being swept away by the wind and waves of reality, that thought remained by Lennok’s side in the form of a vivid necklace.

In Machina, the Ascendant’s mind substance that had no choice but to be kept.

Lennok returned to the Balkans and was engrossed in studying them as soon as he had time.

“The Orochnier’s mass magic is not a miracle of creating something out of nothing.”

Lennok murmured as he watched the analysis figures floating on the screen in the lab.

“If that was possible, he would have succeeded in ascending to heaven and reached this world long ago. His mass technique is closer to reproducing memories using a catalyst.”

[Reproduction of memories?]

“It’s a way to use platinum as a catalyst to restore the memories you’ve broken and destroyed. Conversely, you must destroy it with your own hands before it can be implemented through a spell.”

Beep Beep Beep!!

When the empty items are filled in with estimates and the simulator is activated, the appearance of the jewels on the screen begins to change.

Soldier of Platinum Giant cannons and rockets The shape of all sorts of weaponry and fragments of buildings can change its shape.

A finite cycle that restores all traces of destruction it has destroyed with its own hands.

That was the supernatural power of mass magic that Hermes Orochnier possessed.

“Perhaps the mass technique Oroknier learned wasn’t originally a power specialized in combat. Considering that he came from a background close to that of a literary man, it must have been an ability specialized in production or production.”

[The power of the transcendental body wasn’t a power specialized for combat?]

“I think it was reached because the direction was greatly twisted in the process of building up the hierarchy.”

Because Lennok peered into the memories of Orochnir’s life from beyond the door, he was able to vaguely infer how he developed his mass magic formula.

Orochnir is not interested in resonance. Later, he rose to the top of the world by utilizing his talent.

He would have had enough time and qualifications to refine the skills he had learned while living a longer life than others.

Wouldn’t it have been made into an army of platinum to carry out a final war by refining the mass magic formula that was originally used for production or production?

“In the end, getting the qualifications depends on the user who handles them, rather than the nature or limits of the power… … .”

That’s why Orochnier’s answer, which only ascended to the world of thought, not himself, was wrong.

The irony is that Orochnier chose that way even though there was no way he didn’t know about it.

It may have been the desperate yearning of an Ascendant who realized that he had no hope.

But Lennok was able to understand the heart of the fallen Ascendant.

Because Lennok was no different from them.

Even while facing countless answers that have already failed and abandoned, and affirming that they are wrong.

How could he be sure that the answer Lennok would come up with would be more correct than theirs?

Perhaps Lennok, too, will be left at the end of an ending that fails as badly as they do, or worse than they do.

But even knowing that, Lennok couldn’t stop chasing the pioneers who had gone before him.

Looking for a way, not hope.

You are creating answers, not qualifications.

If you have to ask questions and seek answers to everything, if even the process is a product of cause and effect to reach an end-

“…At least I don’t want to regret it.”

As Lennok muttered and operated the controller, the shape of the jewel blurred and the laboratory began to vibrate.

Kugu Palace!!

The platinum jewel that Orochnier left behind was an aggregate of thoughts gifted by the Ascendant.

The will left by such a transcendent is dangerous enough to interfere with the entire space-time just by existing there.

Although output is handled with multiple devices in between, the space-time of the laboratory is about to be distorted with just that.

However, even though Lennok knew that fact, he had no intention of stopping his research right here.

‘The mass technique Orochnier left behind is a power that has no limits to its effectiveness.’

Lennok’s gaze sank deeply as he watched the platinum glow spreading in all directions.

‘Even if I don’t learn it perfectly, it’s enough if I know how to handle the principle properly.’

A mass technique that recreates the memories one has destroyed and destroyed by mass formation.

But despite the demanding conditions and near-diabolical fuel economy, Lennok knew that the potential inherent in this technique was limitless.

In the meantime, countless strong men and supermen that Lennok had defeated. Strategic weapons and fortifications.

He was convinced that if he could borrow a mass technique to retrieve some of his memories, he would be willing to pay any price.

[The organisms I’ve dealt with so far are my tail trimmers… … .]

Dabi, who muttered that, suddenly started to burn with enthusiasm to the extent of being strange.

[Very good idea, Master. Let’s start right away!!]

“…Where the hell did my research come to the conclusion that it was a trimmer?”

Lennok responded with a bewildered response, pushing the lab’s power supply lever to its limit.

woo woo woo… … !!

In order to understand the principle of the formula, you should be able to scrape the output of Orocneer’s will to the bottom.

Lennok was prepared to destroy the whole laboratory, and was planning to use Kaise’s power to bring out the Ascendant’s will to the limit.

Keying Keying Keying Gig… … !!

The sound of breaking glass, the illusion of churning in the air, the feeling of time slowly stretching covers the five senses and consumes moths.

The sense of foreign body that began to drift away little by little as time and space were turned upside down began to affect Lennok’s dull five senses.

Screens of expensive research equipment were broken one after another, and severed wires ran rampant like snakes everywhere.

The raging storm of magical power mixes with the brilliance of platinum to create non-existent matter in reality.

A strange landscape where the entire laboratory is covered with platinum scales.


Even Davi can’t easily endure in Lennok’s arms, and parts of the mansion are about to explode in the aftermath of intermittently disconnected auxiliary operations.

However, Lennok didn’t even blink and used his magical powers to pierce the radiance of platinum.

The endless intuition of a wizard penetrates the mind of an ascendant. It opens up the core.

Kiyi Lee Profit!!!

Just before the space of the laboratory was crushed and twisted with an eerie noise as if the door had been twisted and torn.

Lennok, who had pulled his consciousness out of his thoughts, withdrew his hand.

Whoops… … !!


Along with the sound of the wind sucking the entire atmosphere, a huge shock wave rose and lifted the research equipment into the sky.

Expensive measurement equipment that easily quotes tens of millions of cells is on the verge of becoming a pile of junk.

[Reverse Gravity]

Lennok snapped his fingers and used anti-gravity magic to stop the chanting equipment from falling helplessly and breaking.

Lennok, who slowly reduced his magic and gently set the equipment down in the lab, glanced back.

A platinum jewel that fell on the ruins of a neatly destroyed workbench. There is not even a scratch on the crystal that is wrapped in pure white brilliance.

Lennok murmured as he slowly approached and picked up the jewel.

“That’s it. It won’t be any more difficult.”

If you make up your mind and dig into it to the end, it is possible to find the meaning within it.

However, in the process, Lennok had an intuition that it was not strange that the memories of the battle against Orochnier flowed backwards, and he stopped.

The place where Lennok’s mansion is now located is the 20th district area.

If the memory of the battle with the ascendant flowed backwards and popped out in reality, it wouldn’t be strange if that alone resulted in tens of thousands of casualties.

Once I checked the method, I had no choice but to check the rest separately in a deserted place.

After recovering the jewel, Lennok left the lab and locked the door.

Lennok, without hesitation, strode up to the first floor and took care of his coat.

Darby asked with a puzzled look.

[Are you going to start the experiment right away?]

“I want to, but…It seems there is one thing that needs to be dealt with first.”

[Is this something that needs to be dealt with…?]

While Darby was puzzled, Lennok raised his hand.


Lennok, who took out a white revolver from his chest, instantly raised his mana and added an auxiliary magic. I pulled the trigger.

Don’t fall… … !!

The blue magic light gathered like blood vessels along the white gun barrel and disappeared with the gunshot.

The bullets fired at random bounced off the walls of the corridor like ricochets and disappeared towards the stairs in an instant.

Right after that, blood started dripping down the empty stairs.



With a moan, something that fell between the stairs wriggled and ran away.

Lennok lowered the gun and stared at him with a cold gaze.

“An uninvited guest has arrived at the mansion. Shouldn’t we go out to meet you?”

* * *


A regular noise reverberates through the hallways of the quiet mansion.

The figure of Lennok crossing the hall without hesitation while holding a cane shaped like flowing water.

A shadow curved like a scythe fell over Lennok’s head, who stood in the living room with an expressionless face.


A flash of light that opened its bizarrely torn mouth like a raven and tried to bite Lennok’s neck without hesitation.

But Lennok didn’t look back at him or raise his mana to respond.

I just lightly tapped the cane in my hand once, standing in a position with a clear view of the living room.


At that moment, the whole scenery of the living room was overturned, and the body of the shadow was slammed upside down on the ceiling.



“I can barely feel the magic. “

When Lennok tapped his cane once more, this time the human figure collapsed on the floor and twisted.

Lennok murmured as he looked down at the trembling figure with his head under his feet.

“Innate ability. Is it psychic powers or blood system abilities? No, it’s a bit more primitive than that… … .”

Lennok, lost in thought for a moment, nodded.

“Right. Close to racial characteristics. Were you not human in the first place?”

“Knock…!! wow!!”

When he snapped his fingers one more time, the opponent’s body turned over on the spot without warning.

Lennok took a close look at the man whose face was revealed with a dumbfounded expression.

“Looking at the lower jaw and the arrangement of teeth, it is not impossible to speak a language. Why aren’t you talking?”

I guessed that it was a sub-species, but judging by its appearance, it was almost no different from a human.

It’s just that the skin is exceptionally dark and the sign is faint, so it’s hard to notice.

Not to mention, it seems that there is almost no magic power due to the constitution, so it must have been difficult to recognize the presence with moderate sensing ability.

“If you don’t want to become a test subject while alive, you’d better say something.”

Lennok smiled strangely and trampled his neck with his foot.

“I’m also very curious about how you broke through the barriers and security devices of the mansion.”

“Oh no…I didn’t know!!”

Didn’t Lennok’s threat to use him as a test subject sound like a joke?

The man, who had only been moaning unidentified, hurriedly shouted in response.

“You didn’t know?”

“Yeah…I didn’t know. I didn’t know this house belonged to a wizard like you… … !!”

The man begged, not even thinking about stopping the bleeding from his side.

“If I had known, I would never have come in. please live… … No, please save me!!”


Did he not even know who Lennok was, even though he had excellent stealth skills to break into the mansion?

Sensing a sense of incongruity, Lenok immediately inspected the barriers and security devices in the mansion.

“…Right. Did the power of the barrier weaken in the process of dissolving Orochnier’s will?”

“What what?”

Lennok muttered thoughtfully over the bewildered man.

“I experimented with the intention of blowing up the lab, so even if there was a recoil, it wouldn’t make sense for an intruder to come in right away.”

Lennok’s cold gaze turned to the man’s collar.

“You’ve been aiming for this mansion from the beginning. yes?”

“no. please…!!”


As I hit the man’s chest with shock magic, things rained down from his front pocket.

A wad of cash and some magic books that I got while bounty hunting. Even artifacts studded with old jewels.

Lennok smiled as he saw the thief who had managed to rob the goods in the blink of an eye.



The moment a desperate man swung a scythe at Lennok as if in a fit.


The pure white revolver pierced the man’s forehead as it spewed fire.

A rapid fire close to the moment of detonation by chanting assistive shooting magic. The man, who could not even react, collapsed backwards with a faint agony.

Lennok turned his back on the young man’s corpse and looked around the quiet mansion in silence.

The scenery is so calm that it is hard to believe that the mansion was burglarized just a moment ago.

Lennok smiled as he looked at the mansion, which was so natural that the naked eye could not notice the discomfort at all.

“Are there more?”

No answer came.

But Lennok didn’t care and spoke as if explaining to someone invisible.

“It was planned from the point of aiming after the party. If you’ve seen the stolen goods piled up in the garden, you’d know that one person isn’t enough. decidedly… … .”

Lennok laughed as he pointed the gun at the young man’s corpse.

“He waited anxiously for something until he died. Isn’t it because you have a colleague?”


“I can’t help it if I don’t intend to come out to the end.”

The moment he taps his cane once more, the landscape of the mansion begins to shake little by little.

Creation-type unique magic: Applying witchcraft

Phase summoning: Mixing concepts

“Let’s put it in one place and think about it.”

[Aramatos’ camouflage]

Coo-goo-goo… … !!

The scenery of the hallway, the living room ceiling, and the kitchen are distorted, overlapping in one place and rotating as if unfolding.

The sight of Lennok’s mansion wriggling and oscillating wildly, as if it were alive by its will.

Gastric juice-like fluid leaked from various parts of the walls and ceiling, and foreign substances secretly hidden inside were pushed out in all directions.

Chii profit!!


Screams erupted from everywhere along with the sound of melting flesh.

Spiritual bodies like whitish shadows were dragged out as if sliding, and bounced against the vibrations of the hallway and ceiling.

Those who can’t hold on and try to escape hurriedly look for an exit, but the escape only comes together with the illusion of distorting space.

The entire mansion is mixed with the stomach of a giant creature, digesting and spitting out foreign substances.

Life and matter, which originally did not belong to Lenok, were slipped and driven as if they were expelled by gastric juices and acid.

In the end, they all gathered all at once, as if they were driven to the edge of the garden of the mansion.


About a dozen thieves, who were quickly discovered and kicked out, glared at Lennok with bloodshot eyes and breathless eyes.

They burn their fighting spirit at best, but their flesh is already melted in stomach acid and their flesh is clearly exposed.


The figure of a subhuman race frantically running towards Lennok, gasping for breath like a beast.

What’s unusual is that all of the weapons they hold are daggers that glow green.

The moment he appeared hiding all over the garden and approached Lennok right in front of him, trying to stab him with a dagger.


Following the flow of the shield spinning right in front of Lennok’s nose, everything was deflected.

Creation-type unique magic: Synthesis

[Mental Scream]


[Double Spell: Psycho Shocker]

The faint wave extending from the fingertips split into dozens of flashes and rotated in different directions at the same time.

Creation magic created by combining Mental Scream, which forcibly raises the human spirit, and shock magic, Shockbuster.

Ugh support!!

The intense mental shockwave generated in this way was swung around as if it were shattering the subspecies’ consciousness.

Dozens of subhumans began having seizures with their eyes completely turned inside out.


Dozens of superhumans who completely lost their reason and indiscriminately wielded murderous intent toward Lennok.

The moment the staff was lifted, the sorcerer surged up and danced in perfect order while holding on to the limbs of the thieves.

hooked! hooked! hooked!!!

Guided by the manipulation magic, they held hands hand in hand and stabbed the blades into each other’s hearts without hesitation, as if embracing each other.

“turn off…uh….”

The sub-species stood in a circle and leaned against each other with daggers thrust into each other’s hearts.

It stops breathing while standing still without falling like a domino.

A strange sight where dozens of people die and bleed at the same time in the middle of the mansion garden.

The moment Lennok looked at it, immediately turned his back and was about to enter the mansion.

A low voice echoed from behind.

“You are so merciful to the thieves who come to your house.”


Dozens of young men with the same face were thrusting blades into the body of the fallen subhuman race.

After stabbing the heart one more time, he slashes the head of the sub-species without hesitation and drops them off the spot.

The moment when the twin youths who appeared out of nowhere and performed brutal executions turned their eyes at once.


The bodies of the young people overlapped on the spot and turned into one person.

A bizarre ability to create an alter ego of oneself. However, in the process, the mana is not felt at all.

“A psychic?”

“Since ancient times, it has been said that a robber who enters a house has made it a rule to commit suicide by hanging himself.”

The young man smiled and said.

“I can help you take out the trash if you want. How are you?”


Lennok, who was silent, leaned on his staff and spoke.

“He was already dead, but he deliberately cut his throat.”


Lennok tilted his head, pointing at the dead sub-species stabbing each other in the heart with daggers.

“I cut that off almost at the same time. If I don’t do that, won’t I die?”


Lennok laughed coldly.

“You know who these sub-races are.”

That moment when the smile on his lips slightly collapsed and his fingertips trembled.

The young man’s body was cut in half and pinned to the wall of the mansion.



An overwhelming disparity that can’t even be felt by the senses of a young man.

If you didn’t raise your arm in awareness of the ominous, it wouldn’t be strange if your ribs were probably crushed.

Asked Lennok, who lifted the young man’s body from the wall as if he were stuffed.

“It’s probably not a coincidence that he showed up at the end and showed condescension. What are you doing?”

“Kuluk cool!! Now, can you give me a moment….”

The young man let out a dry cough and replied.

“…I can explain.”


As Lennok said, he raised his hand, and a tree trunk rose from the yard and formed the shape of a chair.

The young man, who had been staring blankly at Lennok, who was casually leaning back in the chair, came to his senses and hurriedly opened his mouth.

“My name is Armand Martins, who holds the position of Assistant to the Central Council.”

“Central Council?”

The moment Lennok faintly frowned at those words.

A young man who called himself Armand took out a golden letter from his arms.

“I have come to this place today as the messenger of the Senate of the Central Council.”

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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