Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 397

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Growth and Proof (1)

“Here, Director.”

Cassia, who was walking around the control room in a lab coat, spotted Bayla and waved.

“Cassia. I would have told you to say hello properly in front of other people.”

“Ah, a project was finished the day before yesterday, so there won’t be any outsiders coming in for a while, right?”

“Isn’t that assistant professor you brought here an outsider?”

“ha ha ha…. We shouldn’t talk about losing the bet.”

Cassia scratches her cheek and smiles shyly.

Bayla sneered lightly at the sight, but stood behind her without saying anything.

The deputy researcher, who had impressive gray hair, was still unable to take his eyes off the image displayed on the monitor screen.

“Are you still doing the same thing over and over again?”

“It’s already been over three days since I started working.”

Cassia answered right away.

“I spent a whole day touring the facilities inside the institute, and from the next day, I decided to sit down in one place and focus on meditation.”

“It is difficult to understand. What is the use of such a process in studying magic… … .”

As Bayla muttered, she looked down at the huge, open cavity that was reflected on the other side of the screen.

The Carlyle Research Institute, one of the city council’s research facilities.

In the middle of the basement of this facility equipped with grandiose and systematic facilities that can fit in one hand even in this huge city in terms of scale.

A man with a tired expression stood there, rubbing his neck.

She carries a spirit in the form of a fox on her shoulder, constantly radiating magic power and rotating it around herself.


A portion of the magic that was completely removed from Lennok’s body rotated in midair, drawing a huge circle and spinning rapidly in place.

Lennok looked up at the circle of magic, which had expanded to barely hold the skinny wizard’s body, and carefully placed his hand toward the center.

woo woo woo… … !!

The moment Lennok’s hand, trembling faintly, passed through the center of the circle and reached the other side.

The rotating magic power collapses like sand and scatters in all directions.


At the same time, a powerful shockwave blew the debris from around Lennok away from the cavity.

At the edge of the vast cavity, the objects Lennok had pushed out and the remains of the shelf had already piled up like garbage to form a gigantic mountain.

Bayla looked down at him quietly and asked.

“A research project ordered by the special agency Aegis. When did you say the convocation date was?”

“yes? It’s a week later. From then on, I thought about setting up a meeting in earnest, and all the other researchers sent their vacations… … .”

“It’s been a week…good. Leave it alone until then.”

“Are you okay?”

Cassia was surprised by Bayla’s words and asked back.

Although Lennok was given permission to enter the laboratory, he agreed to monitor the use of the facility for a period of three days.

I didn’t expect that Bayla would take care of Lennok’s convenience in a situation where there was no problem even if the conditions were applied more strictly at the point where Bayla had full power of the laboratory.

But Bayla also answered, looking down at Lennok in the hollow below with a calm look.

“Even if you were a disciple of Aris, if you had planned to abuse the research facility for self-interest, you would have been kicked out right away… … . It’s not incomprehensible if you needed a place to practice magic without being disturbed by others.”

As a condition of a bet he had made at Rabatenon University, he was allowed to use the research facilities, but Bayla intended to kick Lennox out immediately if he tried to do anything strange.

All of the facilities and equipment that exist in the Carlyle Research Center are objects that exist for the development of next-generation power sources and academia that have been painstakingly crafted over a long period of time and with a huge budget that exceeds billions of billions of cells.

Even during the blank period between projects, it is undoubtedly a great privilege to allow such facilities to be used privately.

As such, he has been thoroughly monitoring what Lennok is doing by mobilizing all the staff at the research center, but Lennok goes to work every day in an underground cavity for nearly three days, uses his magic power, and measures the numbers repeatedly.

“Did you say that you were thinking of making a random sample because there was no way to compare with similar magicians since you were dealing with spirit magic? If you see any signs that the work is roughly finished, make sure to send it out right away. Thorough management of major facilities and careful monitoring to make sure they don’t do anything stupid.”

In spite of Bayla’s cold words, Cassia smiled slyly.

“Even if you say that, you seem to be very considerate of convenience, don’t you? Assistant Professor Evan seems to have liked it quite a bit.”

“Whoa…. I just understood why Aris hired him as an assistant professor.”

Although she snorted at Cassia’s words, Bayla did not deny her words at all.

One of the greatest achievements from Aris’ laboratory was the dual compatibility of magical power and power.

After finding out that it was the elementalist who made the greatest contribution to the thesis, which is currently treated as a core empirical theory at the Carlyle Institute, Bayla was also trying to respect Lennok.

“Since the lab is still researching the magic fusion engine, if that guy helps with the work, we might be able to make progress.”

Bayla glanced down at Lennok and turned her head without hesitation.

“I’ll think of this as a paving stone for that time.”

“I wonder if it’s a topic that can only be discussed after Professor Richellen’s sabbatical is over….”

Instead of responding, Vaila immediately led the other attendants and disappeared to another part of the lab.

From her point of view, who commands the entire Carlyle Lab, there is no time to rest even after a project is over.

At the end of the year, as the director of a research institute under the direct control of the city council, he has to simultaneously manage several projects and pay attention to the budget.

In this situation, at least one ability of Bayla, who is serving as a temporary professor at Aris’s personal request, is worth recognizing.

Lennok, who was concentrating on controlling the mana at the bottom of the cavity, noticed Vaila’s fading presence and slightly raised his head.

“Are you gone?”

[I’m gone,]

the fox cub, who was sitting on Lennok’s shoulder and yawned, replied.

The day after I had a talk with Oliveira Lone Maze about the evil eye.

As a condition of winning the bet, Lennok received permission to enter the Carlyle Research Institute and stayed in this joint for three days, conducting personal research.

How did Oliviera respond to Lennok’s last proposal?

Since he understood the meaning to some extent, Lennok could not neglect his studies to re-adjust his hierarchy.

On the contrary, if you can understand and approach exactly what the chairman of the cartel essentially wants, you will be able to achieve Lennok’s purpose in a complete way.

Lennok, who thought for a moment about the magical eye of Chilchaebo shining under the veil, soon brushed off his useless thoughts and asked Darby again.

“Are you properly controlling the data output to the laboratory database?”

[Master, three days have passed. Are you doubting my ability to handle things?]

“Bayla is a person who is as thorough as her ability. Even if you say that, he might come back sometime and try to find out what’s wrong with the lab facilities.”

Lennok looked around slowly and said.

“At least the fact that I’m using the Carlyle Lab’s large-scale, top-secret facility at will is best kept a secret.”

It wasn’t that he was spinning magic alone in an empty hollow.

A gigantic magical particle accelerator that occupied an entire area of several kilometers near the Carlyle Laboratory.

Of all the facilities that exist in the laboratory, he was simply occupying a place to use the most valuable and top-secret facility.

Exploring the inside of the laboratory, finding a compatible position with an accelerator buried hundreds of meters underground, spending a full day out of the three days agreed upon in advance.

At the same time, using Darby’s system hacking ability, it intercepts packets from the infiltration control room network into the closed laboratory’s internal network and inserts dummy data to cause errors in the output system.

Even though it seems to be focused on rotating magical power in a seemingly empty cavity, Lennok’s magical power is rotating along the massive tube of the accelerator buried in the basement of the laboratory.

[It looks like they completely cut off connections to external networks out of concern for security, but there’s no big problem if you break through the firewall from the inside.


Aris, who continued researching Darby’s existence directly with Lennok, is aware that Darby’s abilities are somehow related to the cyber world.

If Bayla knew what powers Lennok’s spirit had, she wouldn’t have let him into the lab at all.

He was able to use the institute’s facilities so easily because he maintained his status as an Elementalist, with only a limited number of things he could do.

“Shall we continue?”

It caught Cassia’s gaze still watching over the camera, but he confirmed how far he could fool her eyes for three days.

All that remains is to directly demonstrate the theories and rules conceived in advance using the powerful performance of the accelerator.

Along with raising the magic power again and drawing a circle of magic power over the air, Lennok’s magic power, which was slowly rotating inside the accelerator, also resonates.

The shape of the magic that twists twice on the palm to maintain a gentle curve is exactly compatible with Lennok’s magic that rotates inside the accelerator.


In line with that, as if Darby had been waiting, he whispered various data to Lennok through his earphones.

[Magic amplification rate 1435%. 276 degrees at idle. Accelerator activated 32%. Collaborative camera screen adjustment 10 seconds rollback completed.]


It’s not difficult because you’re simply drawing a circle of magic.

This is because the circle of magical power that appeared in front of Lennok’s eyes was a simplified diagram of the movement of magical power flowing between the magical particle accelerators of this laboratory.

To put it bluntly, it was the act of channeling and manipulating one’s mana in a radius of thousands of meters centered on Lennok.

Even if Lennok was a powerful Aspect Wizard and a superman on the verge of reaching the pinnacle, the distance was bound to be a burden.

[If the activity rate exceeds 40%, it is difficult to overcome by cheating the output data. You have to be careful with adjustments.]

“I know…!”

It’s only possible because it’s a simple repetitive task of simply sending magic power and rotating it through an accelerator, but if you give even a little variation between these rotations, it will surely collapse.

The farther away from the caster’s body, the more mana consumed and the weaker the control.

Even an Aspect Wizard who has completed the hierarchy and imprinted an image can only control a few hundred meters at most.

That’s why Lennok was deliberately increasing the distance and range of the magic he could control to the limit through the magic particle accelerator that existed in the basement of the laboratory.

This scale, speed, and scope of the area must be enough to meet the conditions Lennok wants.

At the end of the circle of magical power that was spinning in front of Lennok’s eyes, the blue magical light peels off as if discolored, and begins to reveal its inner flesh.

Keyiing… … !

The outer surface of the ring cracked little by little and changed to pure white, and the golden magic light shimmered between them.

The moment he confirmed the omen, Lennok immediately stopped the rotation of his magic power.


Shards of magical power shattered once more and disappeared with a noise like glass breaking.

Even though his face was tired and sweaty, Lennok raised his trembling hand.

“Go right one more time. get ready… … !”


Following the circle of magical power that resurfaced before Lennok’s eyes, the remaining magical power flowing along the accelerator resonated and rotated twice.

Between the laboratory’s particle accelerators, it rotated as if it were swimming in the blink of an eye over a range of several kilometers, slowly raising the schematic scene in a circle.

He shook his head, unable to properly wipe away the sweat pouring down like rain.

With just that movement, Lennok’s body staggered and staggered, and Darby, who was standing on his shoulder, quickly draped his coat sleeves.



A three-day forced march. In the meantime, he scrapes his mana to the floor and does not stop even though he is aware that his mind and body have reached their limits.

Only after recognizing the limits revealed by voluntarily scraping away mana to the end and the size of the bowl can we discuss what’s next.

In the time I have been running without stopping, only the things that I still have not been able to get my hands on are stepped on in my eyes.

Nothing is over yet. Lennok’s answer did not change anything.

The golden kaleidoscope that was reduced to a local scale in front of my eyes and appeared was tantamount to proof of that unshakable conviction.


The scene drawn by the circle of magical power flowing along the accelerator shrunk in front of Lennok’s eyes, revealing at least some fragments of it.

Inside the small golden ring that emerged in this way, a landscape different from the bleak scene of the research center finally begins to be reflected.


A sea of lightning with deep blue thunderclouds.

At the same time as confirming with both eyes the white whale swimming between them.


Exhausted after exhausting all his magic power, Lenok fell to the floor like a puppet with a thread cut off.


As if he had been sprinting for a while, his entire body was drenched in sweat, and his eyes and cheeks were sunken.

It was a level of hard work that went beyond simply testing one’s mental strength and consumed the body’s energy by scraping it to the floor.

Even so, Lennok’s expression had changed to the utmost satisfaction.

“Did you see Darby?”

[yes. It’s really as the master said.]

The Brain Spirit answered with a slight agitation.

[Magic power is being rearranged in a certain direction in an environment that maintains the acceleration of magical particles to the limit. It has been confirmed that this is a pattern that could not be found in the existing database.]

“Only by rotating and altering the magical power on this scale can we recognize the magical array that transcends the hierarchy.”

It was because he was aware that what Lennok had just accomplished was a clue to a new concept that did not simply end with a change in the nature of magical power.

Applying Jindun’s barrier technique, he builds a huge barrier of thousands of meters by magic rotation, and in the center, he beats and drives the image Lennok himself has built up to forcibly pull out the result.

A golden halo made at random using the remaining magic power of the labyrinth.

Through that method, he was adjusting his condition and conditions to reproduce the partial development of the magnetic field.

Lennok murmured, breathing slowly.

“It is sufficient to confirm the expression conditions and arrangement patterns. Now that I know the direction is not wrong, I can complete it as long as I have the right foundation.”

A kaleidoscope that observes the potential of Lennok’s magnetic realm.

It was confirmed that it is possible to partially apply the ability by summoning a part of the area without fully unfolding it.

With that alone, the risk when Lennok deploys the territory will decrease, and the efficiency and power of deployment will increase even more.

Regardless of what was happening on all sides, Lennok was constantly repeating preparations and studies to go higher.

“The foundation of the new magic system will be like this.”

Lennok slowly straightened himself up and stood up, taking out the vibrating mobile phone in his arms.

Panoa Bellucci’s name written on the screen. Lennok murmured after confirming that he had been contacted by Dyke again.

“Now it’s time to deal with the headaches.”

[It’s time to go hunting.]

Darby raised his claws with his tail pricked up.


Lennok grabbed Darby’s tail as it scratched the coat on his shoulders and stretched out his ears.

* * *

Shoot Aaaaa!!

In the middle of a dark night with heavy rain. Even though it’s been a long time since I left work, the lights in the office have no intention of turning off.

Dozens of monitors and observation devices temporarily installed inside the conference hall where people are busy coming and going.

Between those who come and go between them, only businesslike conversations and hardened tension are constantly coming and going.

Panoa looked at the raindrops pouring outside the window and slowly turned her head.

“Reexamine the coordinates check. Camera installation is complete.”

“Recording preparations complete. I have been in contact with the solid. We will start securing the location from now on.”

“As per the scenario built in advance, all security devices were left open. Check rank position. All employees are evacuated.”

“Personnel arrangement in front of the lobby elevator on the 8th floor is complete. 1 solid rod to be supported. Are you really okay?”

The employees in charge of monitoring all turned their heads toward Panoa, who was standing behind them.

His pale complexion, his trembling eyelids, as if his fatigue had not gone away.

However, the bright eyes shining through them make us guess what kind of determination she has made to stand here again.

Panoa calmly accepted the gazes of those employees and nodded.

“This is my own request. The number of people participating in this operation is limited to only one person.”

“No matter how brilliant a mage is, I think we will need a few people to act as a vanguard….”

“If it’s not right, it’s better to find a freelancer and put it in right now….”

“stop. If he really thought he needed a avant-garde, Ban would have said it himself.”

Panoa said in a quiet voice.


“You may think that this time is rather a hindrance. We are ready to grant any reckless request for optimal results.”

“…All right.”

How could she have known that the underground munitions industry, which had begun with her own plan, would return to such a result?

Everyone respected Panoa’s will to return to the company to overcome the immediate situation, leaving behind regrets and regrets.

The employees of Dyke’s Strategy Office did not add further words, but turned their eyes to the dozens of monitors that had been installed in advance.

A scene that illuminates a dark hallway and a messy office as if you had just left work.

The 2nd branch of Dyke, which boasts one of three largest scales in the military industry.

It is the first branch to be established with a huge scale next to the headquarters, and it is also a place in charge of direct management of production plans on site.

If the data and data here are stolen or damaged, the damage would be irreversible.

However, Panoa was clearly aware of this, but entrusted all power to Lennok.

It was because he was convinced that this was not a wrong decision even though Dyke’s armed response team was still maintaining its strength.

[Command room internal maintenance completed. Work on minimizing casualties within a 5km radius of the operation site has been completed.]

Standing at the back of the strategy room with a stiff face, she grabbed the microphone with trembling hands.

[This is an operation prepared to turn the high-ranking officials of the city government into enemies. Keep in mind that no mistake should be made in the procedure.] “


[From the point of view of information notified in advance…. We will begin an operation to secure evidence of the relationship between Achilles and the city government.]

And, as if responding to Panoa’s resolute declaration, in the darkness of the monitor installed at the top.

Lennok, perched on top of a pile of papers, was smoking a cigarette in silence.

Genius Magician Who Takes Medicine Chapter 401

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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