Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 258

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Missionary Walter (2)

Pajijik… … !!

Even the figure of Darby sitting on Lennok’s shoulder and burning an electric light.

“Shall we move for a moment?”


At that moment, the backyard of the dormitory exploded and the ground collapsed.

A figure of a boy rose as if it were bouncing through the randomly driven dust.

The boy, who had rotated several times in the air and settled naturally by the dormitory window, stared down at his body.

One arm, which had been intact just a moment ago, was missing, and blood was leaking from the shoulder.

“I want this.”

The boy smiled bitterly and touched his shoulder.

Kudo deuk!!

In an instant, the flesh on his shoulder, which had stopped the bleeding, was pushed out of his body and created a new arm.

Should I say it was fortunate that Lennok was the only one who witnessed the grotesque scene?

“Why did you leave the noise in the middle of the school, and the conversation was already over?”

There is no sign of life in the boy’s eyes as he gazes through the dormitory window.

While Lanfei was drawing a legal circle for the ceremony, Priscilla quickly evacuated the other students by selling the names of the Faculty of Necromantics faculty.

Priscilla’s words, which she said would help somehow, were exactly right.

Even in the midst of this chaos, she quickly figured out what she could do and moved in the line of clearing the obstacles rather than helping.


The boy jumped off the spot and landed on the roof of the dormitory building in an instant.

He silently looked around at the surroundings with a youthful face and gave a satisfied smile.

“It’s a beautiful place, this city.”


“It is astonishing that a civilization of this magnitude could be built without great faith.”

The boy looked excited, as if he had been out for a long time.

“That is why human beings are worthy of salvation and deserve His grace. I have never doubted the direction of the Church.”

The boy bowed respectfully at Lennok, who looked up at him from the ground.

“Bishop Walter Martinez. Although it is lacking, it is fulfilling its missionary duty to spread the grace of the church. What is the name of the drunkard?”

Lennok looked up at the boy with clear eyes and said.


“Milla…do you mean? very feminine… … .”


At that moment, Mila appeared from behind and slammed the boy’s head into the roof with a stunning drop kick.

The boy’s head was shattered on the roof of the dormitory, spattering blood.


It doesn’t stop once.

Mila, who had blown her whole body and hit the boy’s head, got up and kicked the boy’s body as if it were bouncing, and she slashed the boy’s neck with the dagger she took out from her bosom.

He probably couldn’t even properly hear who the opponent was, but there was not even a hint of hesitation in his hand.

The sound of skin being ripped apart by a large number of sharp blades.

But the boy’s head was never cut.


The boy, who blocked the dagger with both palms as a shield, grabbed the dagger and began to hold on.

“Cool… … !!”

The boy smiled and said with a bloody, crushed face.

“Tell me a little…Hear me!!!”


As the boy kicked Mila, a circular shockwave exploded and her body shook.

However, Mila gnawed her teeth and endured it on the spot while coughing up a dry cough.

The moment the boy’s face faintly frowned at the strength beyond imagination, Mila laughed.

“Search pseudo.”


I put down the dagger and turned my body around on the spot. Without hesitation, he dug the boy’s temple with his index finger.

Mila’s index finger, covered with magical power, dug into the boy’s head and blood flowed out from his eyes, nose and mouth.

Woo support!!

Lenok, who had been watching the scene clearly through his senses, shook his head.

It’s the first time I’ve ever seen Mila, who always sticks to her cunning fighting style, run so fiercely.

Mila didn’t say anything about it, but it’s not hard to guess the reason for the miasma.

It’s probably the heart of a blood relative who doesn’t want any trouble to happen to his younger brother’s school.

I’d like to catch him alive if possible, but… … Lennok didn’t bother to dissuade her.

Unfortunately, in this world where magic and spells live and breathe, there aren’t many things where the rule of winning first will work.

Even more so if the other party showed up at this place with a technique beyond common sense.

Unsurprisingly, the boy grabbed Mila’s forearm and jumped to her feet, even with her brain mash.


“I’m sorry about this. A bowl is a bowl, so it takes some time to melt the formula.”

A thick magic power emanated from the body of the boy who smiled and stood up.

“Shall we go again?”


Soon after, a translucent bear figure appeared from behind him.

The boy who disappeared on the spot kicked Mila without hesitation.


Mila, who had fallen from the roof, let out a harsh moan as she landed around the collapsed ground.


It seems that he managed to catch it somehow by overlapping his forearms, but he couldn’t stand up easily because the impact was great.

No, considering the amount of shock just now, it was rather surprising that his arm hadn’t been broken.

It’s probably because she used her presumed psychic powers to somehow smooth out the shock.

Lennok sighed and took something from his pocket and threw it at Mila.


“Take it.”

“eww…. My head is so dizzy… … . what? Where did you get this from?”

What Lennok gave me was a shotgun I had bought from Gun & Barrel and had been using ever since.

Lennok, who acquired a new rechargeable shotgun through Mouser, no longer needs it, but for Mila, who left her equipment behind, there couldn’t be a more welcome gift than this.

“It is an item carried for self-defense.”

“Should I really call this a coincidence…It’s very similar to the equipment I use at work.”


Mila didn’t seem very interested in why the assistant professor at the Magic University was carrying a shotgun for self-defense.

Rather, he finished loading skillfully with one hand on the spot and then held out his hand to Lennok with an impudent face.

“magazine. are there more? Give me everything.”


As Van, he would not grant all of these requests, but there is a limit to the power of magic that can be used as Evan.

There was a high possibility that if he used magic blindly like Ban did, it would become annoying to follow up after the work was over.

Now, Aris, who will cover Lennok’s faults, is also away. Even if dealing with an official of the Guido Church was considered bad, he had to take care of himself.

When Lennok pulled out a few more shotgun magazines from within his arms and handed them over, Mila nodded in satisfaction.

She asked, looking up at the boy from above, Walter, who smiled and looked down this way.

“How does an Elementalist feel in battle? Can you tell me roughly?”

“I know how to do everything except for putting my body on behalf of the avant-garde.”


For the first time at those words, Mila turned to Lennok and smiled.

“That’s as bad as saying that where I work.”


Instead of replying, Lennok gave a silent chin to Darby, who was sitting on his shoulder.

Darby waggled his tail in a gesture that he didn’t like it, but when Lennok frowned slightly, he calmly climbed on top of Mila’s head.

“Wow! Wait, what is this?!”

The moment when Mila, startled by the materialized brain spirit’s touch, jumps up and down.

paper weave… … !!

The electric shock emanating from Darby’s body penetrates the top of Mila’s head without hesitation.

“Aggg! …eww?”

Realizing that even though Mila was frightened by the thrilling sensation on the tip of her tongue, Mila groped her whole body with surprised eyes, realizing that a powerful vitality had been circulating throughout her body for a moment, and her senses had become sensitive.

Lennok, who was watching him from behind with his arms crossed, smiled and replied.

“I hope this answers you.”

It is a magic that can be used through Dabi by appropriately applying the augmented magic [Yeoroesin(余雷身)], but it is not strange that Mila sees it as a buff caused by the spirit.

A satisfied smile slowly spread across her bewildered face.

“Oh, it wasn’t empty talk, was it?”

It doesn’t just end with making the senses sensitive.

By artificially manipulating the body’s biocurrent, it assists muscle movements, raises reflexes to the limit, and even assists the flow of mana appropriately.

Magic that can make the speed from 0 to 1 insanely fast, even if it can’t make it from 0 to 1.

Mila, who had a faint electric current flashing through her body, turned around.

“I’ll see how far I can help….!!”

Mila immediately charged the shotgun as she ran across the smashed ground.

Immediately flipped halfway around and leaped into the air, pointing the muzzle down and firing.


At that moment, a huge shockwave was fired from the muzzle of the shotgun, pushing Mila’s body up dozens of meters in an instant.

Darby said, lying flat on her back, holding Mila’s hair, which was shooting like an arrow, with her front paws.

[Contact after 1.7 seconds. There are three avoidance routes. Would you like to access the cyber spirit custom-made combat algorithm?]

“Speak in an easy-to-understand manner…sun!”

In the blink of an eye, Millie ran up to Walter’s eyes, twisted her body, and kicked the boy in the jaw.

Walter raised both hands to catch her Somersault kick.


Although he succeeded in absorbing the shock, the boy’s body fell from the roof of the dormitory without getting rid of all the recoil.

Landing with a light roll to the side, Walter jumped up and was launched forward.

Walter’s body, which was all over the place, was suddenly not stained with a single drop of blood.

“The magic power of necromancers is roughly like this. It’s not very suitable for ignorant people like me, but… … I roughly understood it.”

The bear’s shape behind Walter’s back changes to that of a deer, and the boy’s body accelerates.

In an instant, Walter slapped Mila on her limbs and slapped her on the back, and a choked cough escaped Mila’s mouth.


The moment Walter tried to get closer to Mila.


Lennok, with Darby at the forefront, scattered lightning in all directions and quickly created a barrier of lightning around Mila.


On the surface, it looked like a normal lightning spell, but Walter hastily penetrated the flow of lightning and stepped back instead of suffocating Mila.

There was no doubt that he was wary of Lennok’s ability to destroy the scales of Amrita, a rift movement technique created through the law circle, at once.

Lennok sensed Walter’s reluctance in an instant from that trivial gesture, and without hesitation, wielded the electric shock.

Dozens of bolts of lightning sprang from Darby in all directions, spinning colorfully, enveloping Walter in an instant.



It’s not all about simply rotating in a circle.

It analyzes Walter’s breathing and the position of the player’s outstretched hands and feet, sets a pattern, and stabs the most difficult square to counterattack accordingly.

At the sight of creating an elaborate encirclement of lightning around a single person, not only Walter but also Mila cast their eyes on the ground with a slightly surprised expression.


[Hack complete. Full speed ahead!]

A jeep appeared from the side with a rough engine sound and crashed into Walter.



Exquisite timing that is difficult to react to even after recognizing it. A tremendous amount of shock that even Walter could not easily receive.

Hack a car parked in a nearby research building and aim for Walter, who is caught in the net of lightning and unable to move.

It didn’t end once, but the cars poured down one after another hit Walter, and the impact knocked down the nearby street lights and crushed the boy.

Koo Goo Goo Goo!!

A materialized attack that does not end with simply pouring electric shocks, but utilizes the brain spirit to the limit.

Mila burst into a cheerful laugh at the feast of intense interference ability that instantly turns a street into a mess.

“Crazy bastards!! What are you guys doing!”

[It’s a spirit.]

“A wasteful talent was rotting, so I’ll have to ask the leader… … !!!”

Mila also immediately charged Walter, who was tumbling out of the ruins, accelerating through the shotgun’s shockwave.

In an instant, the two faced each other again among the wreckage of scrap metal from the collapsed car and streetlight.


He didn’t use shooting assist magic like Lennok did, and the speed at which he changed magazines was unusual.

The combat method of freely changing the direction of attack and acceleration while repeating shooting and reloading five times in an instant with unfamiliar equipment is a sensuous move that thoroughly relies on Mila’s sense.

However, the shrewd life contained in it was the kind that even Walter could never ignore.

Darby also continuously emits electric shocks and electrocuts nearby rebars and metals, disturbing Walter.

In an instant, the smile vanished from Walter’s cornered face, replaced by intense concentration.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa…!!”


After catching his breath and instantly raising his mana, what appeared behind the boy was a monster with a completely different look from the animals he had seen so far.

A bizarre figure floating in the air with three eyes and dizzy tentacles, it had a sense of intimidation that made you feel terrifying even though it was simply the shape of your will.

At that moment, the boy’s body collapses on the spot and passes smoothly like a liquid through the wreckage of scrap metal that glows with lightning.

In an instant, Walter, who had rebuilt his body behind Mila’s back, stretched out his hand without hesitation.


Wedge liquid!!

Although the implementation was different, Lennok had seen a combat method similar to that somewhere.

Didn’t Beck Clinton, who was a warrior of the cigar bang gang, also amplify his fighting ability by overlaying an image similar to that on himself?

Perhaps that in itself is not the necromancy ceremony that Ranpei was learning.

However, there was no doubt that Walter had altered the magic formula in such a way that he could use Lanpei’s magical power and use it in battle in his own way.

“This pseudo bastard has strange skills…!!”

The way Mila dealt with this was simple.


He held the shotgun under his arm in reverse and fired backwards.


In an instant, through the wreckage of scrap metal, Walter’s body soared into the air.

I didn’t stop there and fired the shotgun in the reverse direction to catch up with the boy floating in the air.

Mila flew up into the sky using a shotgun and her psychic powers, such as using a shock wave, and dug into the boy’s arms without hesitation.

She whispered to the boy who looked up at Mila with a blank expression.

“If you can’t die even if it goes through the head, there’s nothing you can do about it.”


Bend flexibly in the air and kicked the boy in the jaw, Mila thrust the muzzle of her shotgun into the boy’s mouth without hesitation.

“I’ll smash your entire head.”

keying… … !!

The waves that spread through the barrel of the shotgun are seen as they are in front of the barrel and compressed.

When the gunfire was heard, Walter’s head exploded as if out of frame.


Genius Magician Who Takes Medicine Chapter 264

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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