The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life Chapter 451

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Chapter 451 Conquering the Demon Realm (6)


It was a destructive energy.

At this moment when he faced Roman Dmitri head-on, memories of the past replayed in Belzert’s mind.

The day Shefir died.

Belzert was lost in thought.

‘This is truly the power of a mere human being. Something went wrong. The people I know can never escape the limits of their birth. However, this attack that wiped out Sefir in one blow is a destructive force that far transcends the human limits we have been observing.’

beyond common sense

It was a destructive power that even Belzart had to be wary of, and from then on, curiosity about Roman Dmitri arose.

An existence that appears like a comet and destroys the grand plan of the demon realm.

In order to prepare for the variable called Gra, it was necessary to visit the place where Sefir died and find out what had happened.

The method was simple.

If you read the memory of the earth, you can vividly confirm a series of situations as if you were seeing them right in front of you.


It didn’t.

Because pride wouldn’t allow it.

To be precise, he was barely able to show other beings that he was wary of humans.


It’s a predator’s world.

Even the monsters at the lowest level consider themselves predators, so how would they react if they confirmed their wary of humans? everyone will laugh

Even though they were tied to the same corps commander, it was clear that Fivir and Babel would also criticize them for dropping the corps commander’s status to the ground.

It was a way of thinking that was logically incomprehensible.

It was natural to prepare for the danger, but Belzart had no intention of taking the blame just because of a human being.

I turned my head.

turned away

Because it’s human anyway.

No matter how strong it is, the fact that it’s just that, I just skipped over the problem.

And now.

Belzert sincerely regretted it.

If I had known that Roman Dmitri would conquer the continent in such a short time, if I had known that he was a warlike being enough to cross over to the demon realm, if I had known that he was a monster that even commanders like Babel and Fivir could not handle. I would have prepared for his existence unconditionally.

If it was a problem that could threaten his life, apart from hurting his pride, he would not have cared about the eyes of the people around him.

regretted it belatedly.

Aura erupted explosively.

The destructive power from Roman Dmitri made Belzert think that he might be attacked at this rate.

‘I’ll do my best for this blow.’

Increased the circle’s mana.

Increased mana even more.

Judging that even that was not enough, he even recovered the mana used for revival. The monsters that had crossed the river of death collapsed.

I knew how dangerous this decision was, but I thought that if I didn’t destroy Roman Dmitri with a single blow, I might die like this.

mere human.

I sincerely acknowledged it.

If the blow with all one’s strength does not work, Roman Dmitri will be the kind of monster that can never be defeated no matter how hard he tries and can take over the place of the demon king.



Magic power exploded.

Death’s destructive power.

It was believed that the moment it came into contact with the opponent’s aura, it would tear the aura and swallow the life force intact.

And saw.



Quarreung quarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

huge crash.

In the midst of that, a ray of light penetrated his magical power.

‘On that day, I should have prepared for that blow.’

like that.

Puff puff puff puff puff.

Belzert’s consciousness was swept away by a magical storm.

* * *


got down on his knees

Belzert let out a heavy breath.


The voice didn’t come out right.

When he looked down with trembling eyes, his breastbones were all shattered, exposing the contents inside.

It was difficult to find the shape of the circle surrounding the heart.

Being torn to pieces meant dying, so Belzart swallowed the disgusting energy and raised his head.

No, I had to force myself to do it.



It felt like a rough hand.

It was Roman Dmitry.

At the cold gaze looking down at him, an empty smile came out for a moment.

‘I can’t believe I’m defeated.’

Just a blow.

It was overwhelming.

Belzert prepared a trumpet with the thought of preparing for the demon king, but it was mercilessly broken against a human.

It was a defeat that was planned from the beginning.

If Roman Dmitri was a being comparable to the Demon King, his stepping into the realm of the Demon World could not be seen as human arrogance.


Except for the demon king, no one will be able to handle this existence.

said Roman Dmitry.

“It must be difficult for you to understand. Why are humans who were only prey still here?”

Belzert was strong.

Unlike Sefir, who was killed in one blow, Belzert did not die even after facing the herbivore used in the second half of the heavenly realm head-on.

To be sure, there was no human being who could handle him.

But that didn’t mean that those words meant that he would be a match for Roman Dmitri.

Strength is relative.

Roman Dmitri destroyed Belzert and delivered a message to the demon king who would be beyond here from now on.

“The reason is clear. You dared to invade my territory. The land I rule and I have touched my people. I want to pay a certain price for those who have invaded my territory, not to take revenge on the history of this world.”


gave strength to the hand.

Belzert struggled in pain from the strong pressure, but his wide-eyed eyes did not take his eyes off him.

It was disconcerting.

He could never have imagined that he would be hit back like this just because he invaded human territory.

This is the magic world.

A world that even God could not conquer.

Roman Dmitri tilted Belzert’s head and thrust his sword into his throat.

“This is just the beginning. wait. All beings in the demon realm will definitely pay the price.”


Quadd deuk.

cut off the neck

Belzert struggled, but he couldn’t stop the pain from breaking through his skin and bones, which were harder than steel.

Roman Dmitry’s execution was short-lived.

The monsters did not dare to approach the ruined land, and in a situation where everyone could see, Roman Dmitri ended the life of the commander of the 1st corps.


The soulless body fell to the floor.

When I turned my gaze and looked around, I could still see the number of monsters that filled my vision.

It was an endless fight.

It took a little more blood and death to bring down the being that was watching him from beyond.

“If you don’t show up until the end, I’ll go there.”

took a step

To the space full of monsters.

Roman Dmitry did not hesitate to reveal himself.

* * *


They are like beasts.

Although they are beings unable to make rational judgments, they instinctively feared the deaths of Fivir and Belzert.

Roman Dmitri was someone who should never be antagonized.

If they had the option of fleeing, they would have fled without hesitation, even in the presence of millions of their kin.


Not now.

The Demon King’s orders are absolute.

Following his will, they rushed towards Roman Dmitri like crazy even though they knew they would die.



It was spectacular.

one human being.

millions of monsters.

intertwined with each other

It was a bloody battle full of blood and death, and Roman Dmitri seemed to have no physical consumption at all even when facing the corps commanders.

I didn’t know how many hours had already passed.

The world dyed in purple made me forget the concept of time, and the corpses piled up like a mountain did not look back and only moved forward.

The Demon King’s intentions were visible.

He willingly drove all the beings of the underworld to limb in order to test the human named Roman Dmitri.

‘You also long for me to be strong.’

set of circumstances.

Roman Dmitri felt his blood boil.

It was a contradictory feeling.

The appearance of being excited about dealing with a strong being while looking forward to not sacrificing people.

In a previous life, Roman Dmitry suffered from thirst.

He conquered Murim before reaching the level of heaven, and even though he became stronger day by day, there was no opponent to confirm his strength.

A great thirst arose. He had always hoped for an opponent who would make his blood run hot, but the level of those who dared to say that he would mix a sword with the Heavenly Demon was pitiful.

Rather than not fighting, Baek Jung-hyeok made a procedure to pass through various barriers in order to challenge himself.

As a result.

no one challenged him

Far from dealing with Baek Joong-hyeok, even the beings that were put up as gateways were unable to defeat them, and all of them were decapitated.

It was a boring life.

Longing could not boil over, so it returned to a sense of skepticism about life.

But now.

I felt a sense of kinship with the Demon King.

The demon king acted as if he wanted his existence to be strong rather than paying attention to the war itself between the demon world and the earth world.

He was a being who could win even if he faced the entire Demon Realm alone.

Belzert Fivir Babel. In the process of dealing with the commander of the 3rd Corps, who represents the Demon Realm, Roman Dmitri knew that they were feeling a great fear of the Demon King.

I was curious.

how strong he will be

Maybe it was an opponent who couldn’t guarantee a match even if he did his best.

As Belzert endured this herbivore in the second half, Roman Dmitri could not hide his expectations for the Demon King.

I will gladly take his test.


He hoped that what he felt was true.

May the devil be strong.

To be the kind of opponent that you can do your best.

Roman Dmitry, engulfed in intense longing, confronted the relentlessly charging enemies without avoiding them.

* * *

Latecomers around that time.

It was a considerable force.

A considerable number of monsters remained in the place where Roman Dmitri passed, and the Continental Allied Forces had to risk their lives just to deal with the remnants.

There was no end.

I was able to relax for the first day or two, but when I started to forget the concept of time, I physically hit my limit.

It was the same even now.

The battle was fought as usual, and when the people drenched in blood passed the hangobi, Chris pulled the sword out of the monster’s body and shouted.

“From now on, I will take a break here. Everyone take their places and watch the surroundings according to the order of alert.”

“All right.”

It was a random movement.

Even if you catch roughly a week, the soldiers of the Continental Alliance must be accompanied by a rest in a situation where it is enough.

Of course, I couldn’t get enough rest.

It was enough to relieve muscle fatigue by closing my eyes for a while, and I preserved my stamina by filling my stomach with simple food such as beef jerky prepared in advance.

this magic trip.

I had no choice but to minimize the amount of troops.

They prepared as simple food as possible, and through the wizards’ subspace magic, they stocked up on enough food to last for a month.

It was the period set by Roman Dmitry. If the match was not seen within a month, there was a high probability that the trip to the magistrate would fail.

The break was short.

The break ended without knowing how it passed, and when he regained consciousness, he was dealing with monsters.



Blood spattered.

Isabel slaughtered several monsters at once, then manifested the power of divine power and breathed blessings into the surroundings.


A halo arose.

Isabel, who had followed the late corps, displaying an activity worthy of the title of a saint, felt her reverence for Roman Dmitri grow as the battle continued.

The second group made a really great forced march.

Except for a brief break, everyone followed Roman Dmitri with their eyes on.


I still haven’t caught up with him.

It should be normal to see Roman Dmitri by now, but at the place where the second team always arrives, there are bodies presumed to have been killed by Roman Dmitri.

I couldn’t help but admire.

I had already acknowledged Roman Dmitri’s skills, but I didn’t know that he would show such overwhelming speed even though he could handle so many monsters alone.

And that wasn’t all.

‘Were Dmitri’s soldiers this strong?’

It was a memory gap.

Still, the Dmitri Isabel remembered had a certain amount of appearance, but in that short time, he showed a remarkable development.

Even the common soldiers, let alone strongmen like Chris and Kevin, showed no fear in the bloody melee.

I could see why people followed Dmitri’s decision. With these beings, there was nothing to be afraid of.




The monsters were slaughtered.

He swung his sword incessantly.

I was no longer alone.

I no longer had to carry all the burdens.

Since he was now only a member of the Continental Alliance, he didn’t have to go all out to achieve more.

I focused only on the situation in front of me. He forgot everything and slaughtered his enemies indiscriminately.

Time passed.

I didn’t know how long it had been.

Her hair was completely stained with blood, and now she was so slain that she could smell the smell of blood every time she exhaled.

All of the Continental Allies were the same.

The time in the Demon Realm was so tense that there was no time to even bury the bodies of the comrades who died beside him.

if it was outside.

Day and night would have changed countless times.

As the battle continued, Isabel heard a screaming voice in her ears.

“Hey there! Look over there!”

I knew it intuitively.

that you have reached your destination.

As she raised her head and looked in the direction the sound had spoken, Isabel felt a shudder run through her body.

far away

The Demon King was seen.

It was only a vague shape, but it was definitely the Demon Castle.

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The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life

The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life

Heavenly Demon Wants to Live Quietly
Score 7
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Cheonma’s story who wants to live peacefully and quietly in his newly acquired life.


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