I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution Chapter 3

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Civil War Period – Marquis de Lafayette (2)

A quiet village surrounded by green forests.

The village looked peaceful and beautiful, with warm sunlight shining down and creating a picturesque landscape.

No, it should have been that way.

When about a hundred soldiers led by knights suddenly appeared, the village instantly turned into chaos.

There were vigilantes of their own in the village, but the vigilantes, who only had a few shabby spears, lost their will to fight as soon as they saw a knight on an imposing war horse and soldiers several times their size, and could not fight properly.

“Run! “Run away!”

“Please save me!”

Soldiers rushed into the village, screaming savagely, into the village, which was in chaos, with those desperately trying to evacuate their families and those who could not escape and were seeking mercy.

“This is the order of His Excellency, the noble Count Mirbeau! “I will commandeer your grain and money!”

“If you are caught hiding, I will kill your entire family!”

In the village that was in shambles, an elderly-looking village chief rushed out in a huff, approached the knight, and bowed down.

“Please, please have mercy on me – oh my!”

However, before the village chief could approach the knight, he was kicked by a soldier and fell to the floor.

“How dare you pretend to know who this person is!”

“A billion won!”

The two knights leading the troops chatted among themselves, looking indifferently at the sight of the old man lying on the ground being trampled by the soldiers.

“You’re lucky, Lord Kazel. “It seems like no one has touched this village yet.”

“Hahaha, I’m sure His Excellency the Count will be pleased, Sir Huey.”

The knights of the Kingdom of Francia, the so-called country of honorable knights, were rejoicing in anticipation of the fruits of their plunder.

Unfortunately for the village chief, who was trying to avoid plunder by offering sacrifices, they had no intention of showing mercy or compromising from the beginning.

The Count of Mirbeau, whom they serve, is the 2nd Prince, and this village belongs to the territory of the Marquis de Lafayette, the 1st Prince.

So it doesn’t matter to them how many villagers die or how desperate they are.

No, rather, the more desolate the enemy lord’s territory is, the better.

The tragedy of a village full of screams is nothing more than a daily scene that they have already become accustomed to.

Major cities and castles have strong defenses and try to protect their opponents, but it is difficult to pay attention to small villages in the territory.

The royal family and nobles, who were short of funds due to the long civil war, naturally preferred to make up for it by plundering the other party’s villages rather than going through the trouble of protecting even these small villages.

So, the 1st prince faction is plundering the territory of the 2nd prince faction, and the 2nd prince faction is plundering the territory of the 1st prince faction, and they are doing this throughout the kingdom.

The knights who were leisurely watching the village being plundered could not even imagine that there would be troops secretly hiding in the forest and watching them.

“Those ruthless people…”

I quietly raised my hand to calm the indignant Gaston.

It wasn’t completely on time.

Still, since they only called up the cavalry and rushed straight away, this was probably the best they could do.

Both sides have two knights, but the enemy has about 100 men. Although we call ourselves cavalry, we only have 10 men.

I glanced at the troopers who had very anxious faces and gave instructions to Gaston.

“cell. Follow my signal and lead your cavalry to attack the enemy troops.”

“Do you have a medical history?”

“Okay, troops. These guys have no boundaries or anything because they are looting. If Gyeong takes the lead and charges in, he will be able to crush it all at once.”

“But there are two knights…”

“I’ll take care of that.”

Gaston looked confused, but I quickly added before he could protest.

“Our troops are much smaller because we only brought cavalry. “If I told them to charge in this situation, would they do it?”

“…I understand, Marquis So.”

After seeing Gaston, who finally understood what I said, step back and give instructions to the cavalry, I took out the bow I had on my back and shot an arrow at the string.

Once you inject magic into a sword, you only need to maintain it, but if you inject magic into an arrow, you have to inject it every time you fire it.

It is common for knights to protect themselves with magical power during battle, so most knights think of bows as weapons only used by private soldiers… but

no knight protects himself by wasting mana when he is not in battle.

I injected magical energy into the arrow, feeling my arm becoming stiff due to the taut string.

Not imagining that they would be ambushed, they aimed their aim at one of the knights who was admiring the village being plundered.

When I glance out of the corner of my eye, I see Gaston and the cavalrymen looking at me, ready to run out of the forest.

Soon, an arrow containing magical energy was seen flying in a curved line,

piercing the knight’s armor and sinking deeply into his back.

It seemed quite comical to see the knight next to him startled and the knight with the arrow stuck fluttering about like a prey hit by an arrow and then falling off his horse.

“Hit it.”

“Start the assault!”


Gaston took the lead, and behind him the cavalrymen rode out of the forest.

I quickly put a new arrow on the protest.

“It’s a fucking raid!”

“Holy shit! Gather, rally! right now!”

Everyone was confused by the surprise attack, but a soldier was seen shouting loudly and trying to control the situation.

That guy must be a sergeant?

“Don’t back down, you idiots! Get in line! “Off the window!”

Victory was decided when the sergeant, who was trying to respond somehow, fell after being hit by an arrow in the chest.

In the distance, the unlucky soldier in the front was kicked by a charging warhorse and flew into the air, screaming, while the soldier behind him, who panicked and tried to throw out his spear, was cut in two by Gaston’s sword.

I also rode my horse and ran out of the forest.

When my fellow knight fell off his horse and saw cavalry suddenly emerge from the forest and attack the troops, the enemy knight was confused and looked in my direction.

The coat of arms of the Marquis de Lafayette is proudly engraved on my chest.

The Marquis de Lafayette, the ‘blue knight’ who is said to be the strongest in the kingdom, is famous for his unique blue armor and has no way of using a bow, so he must have known as soon as he saw me that I was a minor marquis.

The enemy soldiers, who were attacked by knights and cavalry without even forming a formation, were already in confusion.

If I were to lose my fellow knights and troops during a mission to pillage a small village, and then return home, that knight’s lord would attack me…

As expected, the knight drew his sword and started charging towards me, and I fired another arrow in protest. I walked.

A sneer suddenly spread across my lips.

It would be burdensome to charge at the knights and cavalry who were already fighting through the troops in confusion, but they would think that if they captured the minor marquis, who was alone like a coward, it would be enough for him to return home with the loss of at least some of his troops.

A knight is a group of people who try to shake off obscurity by charging bravely and cutting down their enemies. Using an inefficient and cowardly bow means that you are not confident in your own bravery.

Because that is the general perception.

I pulled out the arrow, hung it on the string, and sent it flying again.


Even though he was a rotten knight, the opponent cut off the magic-infused arrow with his sword and charged furiously.

“I am Peter de Casel, knight of the noble Count Mirabeau! “I challenge you to an honorable duel!”

Oh be scared.

As soon as I turn my horse’s head and lead the horse in the opposite direction, the other person chases after me, screaming loudly.

“Shame on you that the knight turns his back and runs away!”

Very exciting….

“Ha! Hey! under!”

As he deliberately drove his horse moderately, the knight named Kazel quickly caught up with him, driving his horse fiercely.

A little bit more.

“Die, Little Marquis!”

As soon as I saw the sword raised high by the knight following me shining bluishly, I pulled out the dagger from my belt and threw it away.

“Hee hee hee-!”


The horse with the dagger stuck in its leg struggled and fell, and the knight who fell from the horse rolled on the ground for a long time.

The level of knights in the rear is obvious. It is impossible to protect the horse while concentrating magical energy for attack.

I stopped my horse, jumped down, writhed in pain, and belatedly brought my sword to the back of the knight’s neck as he crawled on the floor to grab his sword.

The driver looked up at me with trembling eyes and shouted as if it were unfair.

“What a mean act this is in an honorable duel!”

I really don’t know. The corners of the mouth naturally twitch.

“Did I accept the duel?”

The knight’s face soon became red with tears in his eyes.

“Damn it! If I fought fair and square, I won! “You won with dirty tricks and don’t even know the honor of a knight!”

Oh noisy.

When I got tired of hitting him on the head with my hilt, the knight couldn’t even scream and rolled his eyes.

“A guy who only loots will have his knight’s honor frozen to death.”

The battle was almost over as they placed the unconscious knight, known as Kazel or Kozel, on their horse and headed toward the village.



As Gaston swung his great sword with a shout, soldiers were seen floating in the air and flying away.

“Ha surrender, surrender!”

“Please just save me!”

With that, the few remaining enemy soldiers dropped their weapons and declared surrender.

“What is the damage to Sir Gaston?”

“One person has minor injuries. “There is nothing else, Marquis.”

I chuckled at Gaston’s report.

What is this….

There are almost 100 of them, and there are only 10 on our side.

Even though you were ambushed by cavalry while plundering, you defeated it brilliantly.

“Good job, Sir Gaston.”

Gaston bowed his head to me sternly.

He must have taken the lead and destroyed the enemy soldiers, but it doesn’t seem like it would be very difficult.

“The Marquis is also great.”

At first, Gaston was hit by an arrow and fell from his horse, and then the trapped knight and I got on the horse…

Maybe it was Kozel?

Anyway, Gaston looked at the two stunned knights and bowed his head to me.

I must have been skeptical at first, so I wonder if I gained some trust through this.

“I’ll take care of it and go back. “I have to collect the ransom.”


As I stepped into the village, I saw an unfiltered sight full of corpses of villagers and enemies.

Although they ran as fast as they could with only their knights and cavalry, the damage was still considerable.

As I clenched my tongue at the horrors, residents who had been hiding in their homes and trembling while the battle was going on, or who had run away and returned, came and knelt in front of me.

“This is Pierre de Lafayette, the Young Marquis. “Are you the village chief?”

When I asked the man who was lying down in front of me, he bowed his head and answered.

“It is an honor to meet you, Marquis. He is the village chief’s son. I’m sorry, but the village chief…”

“…I understand without you having to say it.”

“How can I repay the grace of these lowly people for saving me?…”

The man who bowed down to me expressed his gratitude, but seemed full of sadness and concern.

Perhaps the residents of the enemy territory I plundered also had faces like this.

A sigh came out of my mouth.

“What is your name?”

“This is John Miller, Marquis.”

“Yes Miller. From now on, you are the village chief. This village is tax-free until winter. “We will dispatch an investigator, so report the damage to them and we will help you at least enough to get through this winter.”

Not only the village chief’s son Miller, who suddenly became the village chief, but all the gathered residents looked surprised and bowed their heads.

In this damned kingdom that has been in a civil war for several years, it is common for small villages to be squeezed out without paying attention to whether they are looted or not.

“Thank you, thank you, Marquis So!”

“God bless you, the merciful Marquis!”

I raised my hand at them and smiled as mercifully as possible.

If it were like before, I would have been infinitely prouder.

But now I know that although there may be a little hope on their faces, frustration and sadness still remain.

This kind of mercy shown by the acting lord is nothing more than a trivial thing.

While I’m protecting one village, 10 villages in the kingdom will be burning, so that alone doesn’t change anything.

I turned my head and looked at the knight and prisoners that Gaston was taking care of.

It was called the County of Mirbeau.

The Count himself is fighting as part of the Second Prince faction on the northern main front.

So, they must have come to pay for military expenses because Count Bonamana told them to do so.

However, let alone the income, the knights and troops have all been destroyed, so they are in a position to pay ransom, so I don’t know who is managing the county now, but it will be a mess.

“Then let’s try fishing.”


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I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

내 혁명에 단두대는 필요없다
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
As a noble of a corrupt kingdom, I died after failing to quell the Revolution. When I opened my eyes, I returned to the time before the Revolution erupted. Now, to survive, I must join the Revolution


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