Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 394

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Chapter 394. Conquest of Hell (1)

This is Hell beyond the Hell Gate.

A hardcore world full of soot and fine dust.

With a wide open gate in front of it.

About 6500 Satans were flirting.

“Kuh, living and living and trying to invade the human world. Are you really excited?”

“Invasion is bullshit. Just go and clean it up, you naive bastard.”


“Am I wrong? That’s right, clean up. It was the vanguard Hell Knights who properly invaded the human world. After they trample on and burn the entire human world, aren’t we cleaning up?”

“hey. Is that an invasion?”

“Ah, then do you think so? Even so, the Frontera territory or something must have already turned to ashes. If I go over that gate now, will there be even one chicken left for you to kill?”

“…Oh Mr.”

“Then just relax, you idiot. Don’t talk to me.”



“It’s your first time going, so you want to play around a bit.”

“…tsk. That’s me too.”



Among the many Satans in Hell, the strongest Satans were selected after being screened and screened.

Each of them was comparable to that of a high-ranking sword expert.

Their chatter continued.

“But how long do we have to wait? If you keep doing this, like you said, there won’t be a single chicken left.”

“That’s it, I don’t know. Anyway, won’t we move only when the king of hell opens his eyes?”

“Well, that is what it is. So, when will the king of hell open his eyes?”

“Maybe soon?”



One satan nodded and said.

“To settle in the body of a lich as an incarnation, 100 days in the human world? No, was it 200 days? Anyway, I heard you need that much time.”

“So today is the day it ends?”

“uh. maybe?”

“Tsk. Still, the king of hell is really great. Looking at all the work he did while he closed his eyes to settle down as an incarnation.”

“So you are not the king of hell? Of course, you haven’t been able to look down at the ground for a while.”

“What is it?”

The two satans shook their heads.

Certainly, the King of Hell was really great.

Therefore, today’s invasion will not fail.

No, it doesn’t matter if the king of hell doesn’t step out.

Because the Frontera territory must have already become a mess.

no matter what resistance

no matter how prepared you are.

Because I couldn’t have stopped 500 Hell Knights.

‘of course. If Hell Knight reaches 500…Even if I gather all the elite troops in the human world, I won’t be able to deal with them?’

The two Satans thought.

And I hoped with the same heart.

Hurry up, may the king of hell open his eyes.

Go through that gate quickly and invade the human world.

I hope you have a beautiful and rewarding day soaking your whole body with human blood.

It was in the middle of it.


From somewhere in the ranks of the Satanists, a strange sound erupted.

Unknowingly, Satan exclaimed and raised his hand.

He pointed to Hellgate.

and shouted

“Someone comes out!”

Someone from Hellgate?

From the human world over there?

At the unexpected cry, all 6,500 Satanists raised their heads.

I looked up at the open Hellgate above Hell.

On the one hand, everyone had similar thoughts.

Someone coming out of Hellgate right now.

I really hope it’s Hell Knight.

Because they have command.

Now, the Prontera estate is roughly organized.

I thought of you guys in particular, so I left a little bit to break and kill.

So, everyone, come up to Hellgate and cross over to the human world.

‘Please give me an order like that!’

Everyone longed for unity.

Swallowing dry saliva with a thirst for slaughter.

He stared at Hellgate with destructive longing.

Before long, someone really came out of Hellgate.

and said hello to everyone.


It was Lloyd.

He looked down at Satan and recalled a refreshing smile.

“hey. Are you guys dating me?”


Satan’s eyes widened.

That human who rides a giant cricket and spins around.

He was a clear man in most of Satan’s memories.

‘Lloyd Frontera?’

‘When I was working on the Hell Railway before…He’s a human we used to pamper.’

‘I still remember you. Overtime work all night. Damn it.’

‘My mom told me not to hang out with him because he’s more evil than Satan.’

‘But why is that person here?’

It was absurd.

It was absurd.

Apparently, 500 Hell Knights invaded Frontera territory.

How did that human who was supposed to be in that territory come over Hellgate in such a perfect state?

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t understand this situation.

“Ho maybe! Are you here to surrender!”

A certain Satan cried out and asked.

The smile on Lloyd’s lips turned into a strange one.

“What is surrender? Did you come in?”



The moment Lloyd shouts instead of answering.

Huge bones protruded through the Hell Gate in succession.

The creak! Crack! Tagged!

It was a bone separated into pieces like Lego blocks.

Hundreds of such pieces came across Hellgate.

I thought they had all crossed over, but they started to assemble (?) in the sky.

In no time, I took my form.

It was the image in Satan’s memory.

“It’s a bone dragon!”

The bone dragon that appeared once when Lloyd defeated the lava giant.

He was appearing again in the skies above Hell.

He touched the Hellgate with both hands.

I put my head to the gate.

and…It served as a big and strong foothold for the human races pouring through Hell Gate!

“Kwuik! The air here is strange!”

“My nose and throat are sore!”

“Looking at your face makes my eyes sting!”

“Still, we invade! Kkuik!”

“Still, we will conquer us! Kkuik!”

“Still, we fight! Quake!”

“Invasion! Conquest! Conquest! Kkuik!”

A mass of muscle that would never be pushed by Satan.

Orc warriors poured out of Hellgate.

They rushed out and stepped on Yongyong’s skull.

I rode my neck and spine like stairs and ran down.

Only then did the Satanists suddenly come to their senses.

“Stop it! Stop it!”

“Take care of the bone dragon first!”


Realizing the situation, the Satanists let out a roar.

rushed in unison.

The goal was Yongyong.

First of all, I have to destroy that Bone Dragon.

That way, it would be difficult for the humans to come down here from Hellgate.

Everyone thought so, and flames spewed from their mouths.


The flames of hell that 6,000 Satans spewed out all at once!

The blazing cursed fire intensively supported Yongyong’s one leg.

So what is Yongyong?

Beep! Beep!

…liked it

Every time I come here, it’s nice that it’s hot.

After all, the bones are said to taste best when they are cooked hot.

I’m begging you, can you help me with the other leg?

He even glanced back at Satan with a look of subtle request.

At that gaze, the sense of crisis of the satans rose sharply.

“Break it!”

Tsusha shak! Chi Kang!

The Satanists stretched out their hands as if shaking them off.

The bones in his forearm stretched and protruded through his palm.

Its tip changed into the shape of each hideous weapon.

His face was also distorted and transformed into a more ferocious figure.


The elite Satanists charged.

But they couldn’t hit Yongyong.

It was because the advance party of Orc warriors who had descended to the ground before they knew it was blocking their path.

“Those guys! He’s as big as us!”

“Those guys! He has as much muscle as we do!”

“I want to fight!”

“I want to go out with you!”

“…There is a traitor here!”

Orc warriors roared like beasts against Satan.

He charged forward, wielding a battle ax hammer and an iron pillar.


The elite Satan and the vanguard of the Orcs collided.

Muscles and tendons dance.

Screaming ferociously with fangs.

swinging a fist

biting off


stepped on

Of course, it was the Orcs who were being pushed back.

“These guys are not kidding!”

“He hit me!”

“Still, hold on, Kwiik!”

The Orc warriors persevered.

As if fighting an amphibious assault, they tried to secure a bridgehead.

The rest made it easier.

Allied troops came out of Hellgate.

I rode down on Yongyong’s back.

Joined the Orc Warriors.

A total of 30,000 Orcs charged.

10,000 Magentano Kingdom elite soldiers formed a rank and advanced.

On the left wing were 500 cavalry centaurs, 500 elven snipers, and 500 white lancers.

On the right wing, 1200 Sultanate Mamluk cavalry regiments ran.

In the rear row, 36 cannons of the County of Cremo, protected by 700 spearmen of the Countess of Namaran, fired fire.

The main forces of the elite Satanists were gradually being pushed back.

“Kugaaaak! Wait a minute!”

But there is no time stop in war.

The Allied offensive continued without mercy.

The Orc Warriors and the elite army of the kingdom pushed the ranks of the Satanists in a solid formation from the front.

The mobile centaur cavalry, the white spear cavalry, the elf sniper, and the Mamluk cavalry regiment, which had excellent mobility, swung to the left and right and surrounded the rear ranks of the Satanists.

6500 satans were pitifully surrounded.

Cremo’s cannons spewed fire.

The Satanists, who were hit directly by the cannon balls, fainted in one queue and collapsed.

Some Satans became even more savage.

Then, the three orc warriors were caught in the flaming muscles.

Another Satan tried to escape.

However, an arrow from an elven sniper pierced the back of the knee and fell.

The tide turned quickly.

Watching the scene from above, Lloyd clenched his fists.

‘done. It’s all right.’

It was a landslide victory.

In fact, it was also a predicted victory.

‘Because it’s an invasion that started after effectively tying down their main force, the Hell Knights.’

Each one of them was a Hell Knight who was more than a sword master.

What if only one person appears on the ground?

Destroying a country would not have been an issue.

But there were 500 of them.

It was a terrible power just thinking about it.

‘Even in Magentano, which has risen to the hegemony of the continent, the sword master to the king’s sister and Xaviel and me…there are only three other countries? Two should be good. Or one.’

That’s why the Sword Master was a precious existence.

However, 500 guys stronger than him came.

So what about this one?

With only one young dragon and 1,000 mermaid warriors, they were subdued and tied up.

‘Thanks to that, I was able to minimize the damage to the territory.’

As long as you stop the invasion, the damage will only pile up.

It is a situation where Lake Capua has already been lost while carrying out the Seongsu Battle.

The damage wasn’t the only thing.

‘All the water supply has been swept away. The aqueduct was swept away. 1/3 of the landfill in Marez was submerged in water. To restore it all and drain the water…Whoa.’

After completing the calculation, Lloyd wiped away the tears that were about to form in his eyes.

and promised

‘I will never see any damage!’

Water supply and aqueduct Marez clearing.

How much effort did you make?

Thinking of that, Lloyd shouted at the allies.

“Remember! Those satanic bastards! Capture alive is the priority!”

I would rather capture alive than kill.

I will catch them all and lead them to a world of ruthless labor where there is no minimum wage.

Of course to do that?

‘There is still the biggest mountain left. King of Hell.’

You must catch the owner of hell.

Then all this fuss will end.

Engraving his resolve, Lloyd looked around.

There was the hell-knight Sir Geolexius riding a hellish warhorse.

“How is Sir Lexi? Aren’t you feeling weird?”

– How do you feel?

“Don’t you feel skeptical about becoming a traitor or something?”

– Not at all. don’t worry


– Yes sir.

Sir Geolexius nodded heavily.

– You are already my lord. Even if it’s a 5-year contract job.

“Then, from now on, will you be able to carry out the entrusted guide mission without too much trouble?”

– Of course, sir.

“okay. Let’s do well today. I’ll do my best and the next contract will be a full-time job. Understand?”

– All right.

The next contract is a full-time job.

At those words, Sir Geolexius’ ribs trembled.

I was excited.

just over the last 3 months.

It was because he experienced labor welfare (?) for the first time while living in the Frontera estate.

‘It was unfamiliar at first. A small and cozy accommodation just for me. Work only set hours and get off work. Besides, humans aren’t that afraid of me. Yongyong and the seniors of the Golbyeongdae were kind.’

He even got a decent salary!

It was the first favor and benefit he experienced while living as a Hell Knight.

‘If possible…I want to stay like that until every bone breaks and turns to powder.’

To do so, you must have a full-time, non-contractual employment contract.

can do.

will make it

Sir Geolexius made up his mind and clenched his fists.

And he remembered his mission for today.

It was a guide mission.

– there. I can feel the aura of the King of Hell from there.

His hand pointed to the north of Hell.

Lloyd’s eyes flashed.

“That way? distance?”

– It’s quite far. However, if you ride a dragon dragon and fly with full power, you can reach it in 10 minutes.

“That’s enough. Did everyone hear?”

Lloyd looked back.

The core forces of the allies were gathered there.

Xaviel had nothing to say.

The King’s sister is looking forward to the upcoming fight.

Left angel Raphael burning the ring of flame.

Arosh, an orc warrior whose sinews are burning.

The elven archer Muira is calmly checking her bow.

And even Yongyong and Bibeong, who boast the largest size and toughness of allies.

All of them seemed to have a lot of strength thanks to not participating in the battle with the Satanists.

Lloyd asked meaningfully to those who were ready to pour all their stored energy into a single opponent.

“Are you ready to hunt the King of Hell?”

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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