Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 342

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Chapter 342. How to open a road in the mountain range (2)

“I will demolish the mountain range by smashing it.”

It was a shameless response.

A more sly smile.

At Lloyd’s answer, Xaviel fell silent.

He stared at Lloyd for a moment.

“…You didn’t eat anything strange this morning.”

“Yeah, I’m normal.”

“You don’t look like you hurt your head.”

“It’s normal.”

“Have you been under a lot of stress lately?”

“It’s normal.”

“Have you ever suffered from menopausal depression?”

“Does it still have a long way to go?”

“If it wasn’t him, he started to lose handfuls of his hair secretly.”



“It’s real.”


“Believe me.”

“Yes, I believe.”



Xaviel nodded.

He responded with his characteristic cold and indifferent tone.

“You have to believe Lloyd-sama when he says that. You don’t eat weird things for breakfast, you don’t get a headache, you don’t get a lot of stress, you don’t suffer from menopausal depression or feel the risk of hair loss.”

“…Other than that, can’t you just believe in what I said earlier?”

“You mean you said you would demolish the mountain range by breaking it down?”


“I believe.”



nodded again.

This time it was real.

“It was always like this. I want to reveal a ridiculous plan, but it always comes true. So I will believe you this time too.”

“Because I look crazy?”

“yes. You look like a madman.”

“…Are you secretly cursing me?”

“It’s a compliment.”

“compliment? that is?”

“yes. It should be the reference point for judging whether I can trust Lloyd-sama in my own way.”

“…It sucks.”

Lloyd ate his sore mouth.

Now that I see it, it seems that Xaviel taught the wrong thing(?).

“Why do you think the more I act like a crazy person, the more you trust me?”

“Haven’t you done that yourself before? I told you to trust Lloyd-nim when he looks like a madman. That’s why. When you said the remark about demolishing the mountain range that you just said, you looked like the craziest guy ever.”

“aha. So, I guess the biggest and most beautiful faith ever soared.”

“Of course not.”


really taught me wrong.

What kind of guy am I seen by that guy?

Once an image is formed, it is seldom changed.

But the problem is that I can’t see the angle to renew that image.

“Well, I’m not saying that the entire mountain range will be demolished or demolished.”

A ruined (?) image of oneself.

Lloyd said, swallowing the bitter smile that bloomed thanks to him.

“As you feared, the mountain slope would be too steep. Because it’s almost a cliff. So I’m going to cut off only a very small part of the mountain range.”

“Enough to lay railroad tracks?”

“yes. If you recklessly cut too hard, the ground may become unstable, so be careful and only to the right amount.”

It was true.

You cannot blindly break down mountain ranges and tear down mountain peaks.

Otherwise, manpower and money will be consumed excessively.

Besides, what if the entire mountain range was demolished?

It may only bring good results to others.

‘It functions as a trade route, but the route must be under the control of the Magentano royal family. So, if you make the road too wide and pleasant, dogs and cattle will use it freely, and the Magentano royal family will benefit less.’

Perhaps the king’s sister would not welcome such a situation.

‘Of course, I thought of another way. Well, something like digging a deep tunnel under the mountain range. Or, along the steep slope of the mountain range, a funicular, that is to say, a cable car or a tooth track is laid.’

However, all of those methods had problems.

First of all, what is a deep tunnel?

It was a very difficult project.

‘We have to investigate the entire ground beneath the mountain range. That alone will take a year. Besides construction? Even with the bells, it would take years to safely construct a tunnel that is tens of kilometers long.’

of time and money effort.

It would have been a bigger project than the stomach.

In short, it was a construction that was not very suitable for the cost-effectiveness.

‘Besides, upon review, the funicular also had problems. Because of the disadvantage that stability is too low.’

funicular railway.

The way it is collectively called an incline or cable car.

It was a way to raise and lower the train with a cable, like pulling a bucket from a well.

‘It’s not that simple. You can make it without touching the terrain too much. That’s a clear advantage. But it’s too dangerous. It is also difficult to manage. What if the cable that pulls up the train has a problem or breaks? That would be a catastrophic win.’

The steep cliffs seen below.

Do you have to pull a train that will be dozens of tons in a place like that?

Then, by chance, the cable might break.

Just imagining it made my shoulders hunch.

‘But what about making a dental trajectory? It’s impossible.’

The tooth track was a technology commonly used for roller coasters that are often seen in amusement parks, often called aft railways.

‘Starting off a roller coaster, riding up an incline to a high place and going up slowly. If you look closely at the bottom of that roller coaster, there are gears. The cog wheel meshes with the cog in the center of the track and pulls the train up the steep slope.’

In a way, it was a perfect track for the Pantara Mountains trade route.

I was able to overcome moderately steep slopes.

Disadvantages include unpleasant vibrations and tremendous noise, but since it is a train used for logistics transportation, it shouldn’t matter.

However, there was a reason why such an aft-type track could not be constructed.

‘Because I don’t know.’

Lloyd let out a deep sigh.

He is just a civil engineer.

I don’t know anything about mechanics.

What kind of sawtooth is used in the aft-type railway and with what kind of principle it supports a heavy train and overcomes a high slope and pulls it up…Didn’t know!

‘…For that sad reason, the aft track is also unacceptable.’

In the end, the most reasonable (?) remaining method was to demolish part of the mountain range.

There were enough circumstances for that to happen.

‘Because Yongyong is there.’

awesome physique.

Strength that surpasses that of a normal dragon and infinite stamina.

On top of that, even the loyalty to follow this side absolutely.

There was literally no such thing as a perfect large-scale excavator.

‘That’s why I have to work!’

Lloyd clenched his fists.

There was no time to rest.

Although living life like this suddenly became a bit sad.

It seemed like the tough sage time would come.

I threw away my thoughts for a moment and immediately got to work.

The first step was, of course, surveying.

‘A sight is not worth a thousand words. Rather than old documents or records, I should see it with my own eyes. survey!’

[Scanning begins.]


While riding on Yongyong’s back.

I surveyed the vast terrain below.

Of course, it was not necessary to measure the entire mountain range.

‘The approximate investigation range is a radius of 50 kilometers from here.’

Lloyd’s gaze, which activated his surveying skill, sharply scanned the Pantara Mountains.

The area he was measuring now was an area skewed slightly to the southeast of the center of the mountain range.

‘This is the best place to break through trade routes. At least this area is close to the existing passage on the eastern side of the mountain range.’

There was no road over the mountains.

Instead, there was an existing road that ran along the eastern side of the mountain range.

However, the area we are looking at now was the area closest to the existing road.

‘That way, when I made a direct trade route to the mountain range, it would be better to connect with the existing road.’

When making something with Jago?

It must be close to the existing facility unconditionally.

that is the absolute truth

It was the same in the case of Korea.

‘It’s a 3-minute walk to the station area, forest area, and Chopumah Mart, so blah blah. Everyone was scrambling to find a house close to the existing infrastructure.’

That’s why house prices soar.

Because it’s actually convenient to live in.

It was the same here.

‘of course. At most, trade routes that directly cross the mountain range have been pierced, but it is difficult if the existing routes are far away. Efficiency is also decreasing.’

Besides, what if trade routes were opened in this area?

It would have two advantages.

‘first. A trade route opens right in the middle between the royal capital Magenta and the trading city of Namaran in the southeast. Both the Royal Capital and Namaran can benefit from the trade route. Cremo Port in the northeast will also benefit indirectly.’

What about the second advantage?

‘I think this side will be easy to tear down the mountain range.’

In fact, this was the biggest reason.

Lloyd’s eyes swept over three or four mountain peaks.

‘At first glance, it looks very steep, but it’s not. Only the top of the peak is steep. The rest of the terrain is rather gentle. The width of the mountain range is relatively thicker than other areas.’

The Pantara Mountains were tall and long, but narrow, so it was a hell of a terrain.

The height is filthy high and the length is so damn long.

The width was also extremely narrow.

So it seemed that the folding screens were lined up.

But what about this area you are looking at right now?

Fortunately, it was a bit wider than the others.

‘The height is similar, but the width is wider means the slope is gentle.’

Of course, it wasn’t to the point of laying the railroad right away.

But it didn’t matter.

‘Just looking at cancer, this is the best place.’

After two days of meticulous surveying.

Lloyd settled down in a cave at the foot of the mountain.

Blowing through your hands with your breath.

Sizzling wild boar slaughter over a campfire.

Giving back and forth with Xaviel, chewing each chunk.

Survey data collected over two days was analyzed in detail.

and designed

‘see. Where and how should I tear down and pave the way?’

As Lloyd struggled, he recalled a similar construction case on Earth.

The role model for this project was the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway.

‘It’s because the situation there is similar to the current situation. That’s the length of the route from New Jalpaiguri to Darjeeling in the Himalayas…Was it 88 kilometers? I guess it was like that. The maximum elevation difference across the entire route was probably about 2260 meters.’

while driving 88 kilometers.

The height difference is 2260 meters.

Even by modern standards, it was an insane route.

However, thinking that it opened in 1881, a spark of hope bloomed magnificently in Lloyd’s heart.

‘The people of the tea house at that time also did it, can’t you say me? Besides, they said they completed the construction in 2 years and 2 months with their daughter. so i can do it Of course, this is a tougher environment, but there are dragon dragons and fantasy species. There are also bone marrows. Xaviel is there too.’

So no problem.

Let’s trust everyone and move forward boldly.

Thinking so, I made a plan to demolish the mountain range (?).

The plan went smoothly.

Running it wasn’t too difficult.

It was thanks to the ‘construction guidelines’ option of his design skill.

Ding dong.

[Design skill only option ④: Construction guidelines are activated.]

[The blueprint of the design result is displayed on the actual terrain in the form of a simple guideline. This guideline will be clearly visible not only to the designer himself but also to the workers on site, and it will inform the workers in real time whether the actual construction is faithfully following the design. (Construction guidelines are linked with option ② < Display floor plan (3D) >.)]

Lloyd opened the design data.

Mountain range demolition designed in detail over several days.

A model that has been simulated several times just in case.

The data was retrieved as is.

applied to reality.


The feeling of a little mana draining out.

At the same time, lines that glowed blue with fluorescent light began to be drawn all over the mountain range.

It was a sign made as an option in the construction guidelines.

‘There’s a gorge between a peak that looks like a cone and a peak that looks like a beer bottle.’


between two tall peaks.

I drew a line along the canyon located in the gap.

Various signs were engraved on the gorge, which was at least gentle from the beginning.

cut the crown

sometimes fill in

Don’t let the avalanche run down the gorge.

From the direction of forces given to the terrain to the overall balance of the composition of the strata.

The guidelines were meticulously calculated and devised.

Next it was Yongyong’s turn.

“You know Yongyong, right?”


“uh? know? really?”


Yongyongyi nodded his huge head.

He vigorously showed his hand gestures.

pout! Puggudak! Beep!

“…Hmm, just like that bling bling shining blue line, you just have to dig, cut, and fill the gorge. um right and?”

Beep! Pugidak! Podak!

“Don’t throw away the rocks and soil that come out from digging, but pile them up in a designated place…good. Are there any more precautions?”

Spoogodak! Creeping! Beep!

“When moving in the field, gently fold the wings and attach them to the body, and do not move the tail recklessly and do not wag the tail while turning the body around. yes. That’s it. You remember well.”

squeaking! Beep!

Yongyong performed a hula dance of joy at the long-awaited praise.

Lloyd was satisfied.

And I looked back at Xaviel.

He said it casually, as if it were so natural.

“Now then, from now on you will have to take responsibility for this place.”


“You’re going to take some responsibility here.”

“…What do you mean by that?”

Xaviel tilted her head.

Lloyd laughed shamelessly.

“I have somewhere to go for a while. In the meantime, I think you should stay here and supervise Yongyong’s mountain range demolition.”

“You mean I’m overseeing this place?”

“uh. not difficult Do you have construction guidelines? Can I just dig it up, cut it, and fill it up?”


“You’re not wrong about that, but you just have to look. Then, if you see a place that is a little less cut or less filled, point it out or shovel it yourself and reinforce it. Understand?”

“All right…But then, where is Lloyd-sama going?”

“Me? Royal Road, Namaran, and Cremo.”

“What are you doing there?”

“What happened?”

The cheeky smile on Lloyd’s lips grew wider.

Like a person who goes looking for his things.

Like someone trying to withdraw money from their bank account.

Wearing a triple-layer titanium embossed iron plate all over her face, she said with a sense of satisfaction.

“Your Majesty is going to waste the national treasury.”

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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