Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 275

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Chapter 275. Special host (1)

“So, you have to do well today. Understand?”


Lloyd looked up at me with a smile.

Lloyd, the most wonderful master in the world.

Lloyd, the incomparable and refreshingly absolute captain of the bone soldiers.

At the owner’s request, the bone dragon Yongyong nodded his big skull.

And I thought.

After all, our master is the best.

I really missed you so much.

‘Creak! Pout!’

Yongyongyi touched the extra-large bow tie around his neck and recalled the days of the past.

It was lonely.

I was bored.

I was really happy when I reunited with Lloyd in Hell.

We were really excited when we rode Hellgate together and returned to the royal capital.

Such joy and cheers were short-lived.

It was because of Lloyd’s request at the time.

‘Yongyong? If you get noticed by people here right now, you’ll get into trouble, so stay hidden. over there once. That’s east.’

…did you say

Afterwards, Lloyd gave the order.

‘If you keep flying to the east, you’ll come across a huge mountain range. That’s the Eastern Mountains. I’m hanging out there for a while. Whenever I meet orcs, I get along well with them. Our Yongyong is not good. If you listen carefully, I’ll introduce you to the older brothers in the bone guard later. Let’s do it.’

…It was an order.

Of course it moved.

It was the order of his master, Lloyd, but there was no reason to go against it.

I flew hard to the Eastern Mountains.

I took a bath in a lake deep in the mountains after a long time.

Then he met the Orc tribe.

The Orc tribe greeted them with a roar.

Thanks to that, Lloyd’s request and order came to mind.

Because I told you to be friendly with orcs.

With the determination to faithfully follow orders, he let out a roar of joy.

Then the Orc warriors got very excited.

It was a truly enthusiastic (?) response.

It was the first time I received such a greeting.

Orcs climbed over his body.

He patted his entire body with various battle axes and spear hammers.

Sometimes ropes were tied around the body and pulled, twisted, and bent.

Coincidentally, the strength of the Orc warriors was also very good.

I was very satisfied.

It was much hotter and cooler than clumsy massage or manual therapy.

It was from then.

Every day on the shores of Lake Kapua in the Eastern Mountains, hanging out with (?) Orc warriors became Bondragon Yongyong’s daily life.

It was an exciting day.

But even so, the emptiness that was stored on one side of the sternum did not go away.

It was because Lloyd wanted to see it.


No matter how much fun you play with the orcs.

Even if you get drunk with a refreshing massage.

An emptiness that can never be filled with such things.

I wanted to spend time with my master.

Frenzied hard.

The construction is also hard.

I also wanted to hear compliments.

But that opportunity seldom came.

Lloyd didn’t call himself.

Even after returning to the estate just below the mountain range!


I was sad.

But I persevered.

Why doesn’t Lloyd call himself?

The reason why I don’t introduce my brothers in bone disease.

Because I knew all the reasons.


It’s because you’re ugly.

Especially because the head is ugly.

That’s why I’m ashamed to show it to others, so I guess it’s like that.

Suddenly, every time I thought of that, my heart shrank, my shoulder blades buckled, and only feelings of envy toward the jonzalers, whose existence in this world itself was a foul, welled up in a sad way.

It was sad.

It was sad.

He was tired of playing with the Orc warriors.

I decided to be crooked.

I stayed all day at the bottom of the lake.

But how long ago was that?

Suddenly, without warning, as if out of nowhere.

A signal from Lloyd!


Did he jump up and jump out of the lake and fly up to the point where he was embarrassed?

Soul connection provided by Undead’s Domination skill.

Was it a welcome flapping of wings toward Lloyd’s location indicated by that connection?

It flew to the royal capital in an instant.

I enjoyed the long-awaited meeting with Lloyd.

And today I was given an unbelievable mission.

“Remember. Who is the main character of today’s banquet?”


“yes. It’s you. The success of today’s banquet will depend on what you do. So you are the main character of the day. So how should you act?”


“okay. I remember it well. Just like the script I recited earlier. When I signal, appear at the designated place in the promised position. As powerful and thrilling as possible. What next?”


“Right. You remember it well. I got along well with the king’s sister. Understand?”


“good. Ayu. you smart guy If you do this job properly, you will be able to confidently appear in front of people from now on. You don’t have to hide anymore. So fighting?”


After finishing the request, Lloyd goes to the banquet hall first.

Towards his back, Yongyong nodded his skull vigorously.

I made up my mind.

You just need to do well today.

Then you can be with Lloyd to your heart’s content.

Recognizing his resolve, Yongyong adjusted his clothes.

Maybe the bow tie wasn’t crooked.

Is there any crease in the super-giant custom tuxedo?

I kept looking and checking and checking again.

It was because I didn’t have one.


What if people are surprised because you are ugly?

Even when Lloyd said that he was fine, he continued to worry.

and after a while

A signal came from Lloyd, who was crossing the banquet hall.



The moment he received Lloyd’s signal, Yongyong flew up.

The giant tuxedo fluttered its tail feathers and soared high into the night sky.

As soon as I flew, I checked the direction and angle of the full moon.

Between the banquet hall and the full moon.

So, when viewed from the banquet hall, the location can cover the full moon.

Thanks to this, it is such a location that your silhouette can be engraved all over the night sky.

flew there quickly.

And roared over the full moon.


Moderately controlled, silent roar.

The shock wave contained in the roar shook the night sky.

It shook everything in the banquet hall several kilometers away.

The musicians’ instruments resonated arbitrarily.

I made the wine in someone’s glass vibrate.

It made the whole body of a foreign diplomat tremble as he laughed at today’s banquet and the Magentano royal family.

“Bo Bone Dragon!”

A tearing scream.

Pointing at the night sky, pouring out fear.

A wave of fear quickly enveloped the banquet hall.

The guests thought.

I mean today.

The last banquet was also ruined by the Bone Dragon’s attack.

To make up for that, even at today’s banquet hosted by the Magentano royal family, a dragon appeared by chance.

But, of course, to attend such a banquet and become a victim.

It was unfair.

I was afraid and scared.

I just thought it was like a nightmare.

Even at the last banquet, the Magentano royal family couldn’t stop the Bone Dragon properly.

Because I only looked helpless.

I thought it would be the same today.

In the meantime, I only heard a hopeless premonition that I would become a victim.

As such, while all the attendees were engulfed in fear.

Finally, the bone dragon landed in the banquet hall.



“Save people!”

A staggering land-shaking landing.

A majestic figure that covers the entire night sky just by standing tall.

Everyone’s heart sank.

A chilling feeling of fear throughout the body.

I’m dead now

I didn’t even think about running away.

My legs are stiff for that.

He didn’t even have the courage to run away.

But that was then.

The moonlight of the full moon brightly illuminated the Bone Dragon.

And everyone had to rub their eyes involuntarily.


Why is that bone dragon wearing a tuxedo?

Besides, what the hell is that bow tie around his neck?

Could it be that it is fashionable these days for dragons to wear uniforms and eat people?

The moment when such a ridiculous imagination occupied a corner of everyone’s cerebral cortex.

Something no one expected happened.

“My Bone Dragon. An absolute destroyer and protector of the Magentano royal family. Also, my faithful servant. Don’t startle everyone.”

King Alicia stepped out.

I walked towards the bone dragon.

With only one sword at the waist.

without even pulling it out.

With a very leisurely and confident gait.

As if walking toward one’s own subjects.

He approached the bone dragon without any hesitation.

At that moment, everyone thought.

Ah, King Alicia is still unmarried.

So there is no heir to hand over the throne.

The genealogy of the Magentano royal family is cut off today.

But it was a strange thing.

Nothing happened.

As everyone predicted, the bone dragon did not trample on the king.

Instead, he bowed his head toward the king.

Polite, extreme, and careful.

Like a faithful puppy entrusting its head to its owner.

He lowered himself and lay face down, resting his chin on the floor and sticking out his forehead toward the king.

And King Alicia drew her sword.

Gently put the sword down towards both temples of the bone dragon and then removed it.

Like pointing out.

Or like touching the shoulder when being appointed as a knight.

“I know your heart too. I know better than anyone that you are trying to reflect on your feelings of guilt and responsibility for the last disturbance. However, I hope that you will make up for your mistakes by defending the royal family rather than suffering from guilt.”


The bone dragon nodded its large skull.

A faint smile formed on King Alicia’s lips.

“If so, can you reassure the guests as a dignified servant of the Magentano royal family and a special host of today’s banquet?”


The bone dragon Yongyong nodded again.

His gaze turned to the attendees.

The attendees who met their eyes flinched.

How the hell is this situation going?

Have you ever wondered if you were having a crazy dream?

With a feeling of struggling in the misunderstood and puzzled stew.

I just swallowed my dry saliva.

And Yongyong stood up.

He took out the object hidden under the tuxedo.

It was a couple of huge signs.

The sign had a large phrase written by Lloyd on it.

[No harm.]


Everyone’s overwhelming silence.

Among them, Yongyongi took out the following signs in turn.

[It doesn’t bite.]


[I don’t even hit him.]


It’s fortunate, though.

But even if you get hit by a sneeze, I think you’ll die of pain.

While everyone was thinking, the last sign was revealed.

[Bondragon Yongyong is your friend♡]


Yes, thank you very much for thinking that way.

Amidst everyone’s devastated silence, Bone Dragon grabbed the signboard.

It fired finger hearts with its two forepaws.

and sat quietly.

Just like a puppy that has just learned the ‘sit’ command.

He sat on the floor with his head upright and quietly kept his seat.

It’s only when you see it.

“…Ah ha ha…ha ha ha?”

“That…uh this…Heh heh heh.”

Silence began to lift among the attendees.

Finally, everyone was able to understand little by little.

That Bone Dragon didn’t attack the banquet hall today.

Just ‘participating’ at the banquet.

Even that was the result of King Alicia’s orders.

So that means….

‘The Magentano royal family really…Did you mean subduing the Bone Dragon? Is that why Bone Dragon became King Alicia’s servant?’

Last Bone Dragon rampage.

At the time, the Magentano royal family couldn’t cope.

He said he was helpless in front of the bone dragon.

everyone was laughing

I even thought of complaining.

Of course, the Magentanos refuted the ridicule.

After a fierce battle, it was said that they had completely subdued the bone dragon.

But nobody believed the claim.

That it would be just a bluff.

It must be a claim to save face for the royal family.

Everyone treated it like bullshit….

‘The claim was true. Indeed, the Magentano royal family…I overpowered Bone Dragon and made him a subject.’

The moment of belated realization.

Everyone’s eyes widened in astonishment.

‘crazy. Did you turn Bone Dragon into a vassal?’

The meaning was clear.

A bone dragon that is stronger than normal dragons.

What if you subdued such a being, tamed it, and made it a subject?

‘There is now no country in Laurasia that can stand alone against Magentano.’

Magentano has become the strongest country in name and reality.

no one could touch it.


The necks of the diplomats from each country were shaking.

Their heads became as complicated as their busy eyes.

Not a single smirk could be found on their faces.

Instead of laughing at them, they should inform their home countries quickly.

In addition, for the time being, there will be no confrontation with Magentano.

I was overcome with anxiety and thought.

I felt overwhelmed and convinced.

Lloyd, who was on one side of the banquet hall, looked around and smiled.

‘Ugh. I can hear everyone’s eyes rolling from here.’

Diplomats from various countries who have been laughing at the Magentano royal family and King Alicia.

Seeing their bewilderment made me smile.

I could also be sure.

Today’s plan is so successful.

So now King Alicia just needs to make a declaration as promised.

If you do, all plans will be completed.

Indeed after a while.

King Alicia looked down at everyone in the banquet hall.

The king of the Magentano family who came to reign as the strongest nation on the Laurasia continent in name and reality.

Alicia Termina Magentano, the indomitable lord.

she officially declared.

“Jim informs everyone through this place.”

Before she knew it, she was pointing at Lloyd.

follow her hand

The eyes of the banquet attendees focused on Lloyd.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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