Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 243

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Chapter 243. Those who leave and those who remain (1)

“If I use this railroad pass that I was promised…Can a ghost wandering without a place to go be reincarnated?”


Lloyd’s unexpected question.

In front of that question, the King of Hell frowned.

asked the ruler of hell.

“of course. can reincarnate It is a license that was created to give you the right to do so in the first place. But why are you asking that?”

“actually…There is one guy I want to help.”

“He’s a guy who wants to help. Is he the one I thought of?”

“Are you guessing?”

“of course.”

The King of Hell laughed.

“Isn’t it to help the ghost of Lloyd Frontera, who was possessed by Kim Soo-ho and wandered around hell? Was my guess wrong?”

“No, that’s right.”

Lloyd readily admitted.

It was something I had to ask for permission anyway.

It wasn’t really something to hide in the first place.

his words continued.

“You guessed right. I would like to concede to him the railroad pass that the Lord of Hell will bestow upon you.”



“There must be a reason. The ticket I give you is not a light gift. In any case, it is a great privilege to avoid the punishment of hell. Even if you commit hundreds of heinous crimes that will never be forgiven, you can escape the punishment of hell and be reincarnated. I bet you don’t know its value either.”

“Yes, I know.”

“But why would you give up such a huge privilege to that specter? Why?”

“The reason is….”

Lloyd took a moment to catch his breath.

I looked into my own heart.

In fact, I myself couldn’t figure out why.

It was just a decision I made on a whim and a little impulsively.

So even though I thought about it and looked back at my heart, I couldn’t find a new reason.

Lloyd said frankly.

“I do not know.”

“what? You don’t know why?”


When I answer, I smile without even realizing it.

Just because I really don’t know why.

But, having made this decision, I feel at ease.

I even thought that I might be crazy.

So I inadvertently laughed and threw it away.

“I really don’t know. I just thought I’d do it. That’s all. Oh sure, it’s worth it. look. Aren’t there tears in the corners of your eyes here?”

“Hmm. Really.”

“yes. It’s really worth it. Why do I want to come here? But it’s even more strange because I don’t feel like changing this decision.”

“Kim Soo-ho. He was more stupid than he looked.”

“yes. It seems so. But now I’m dumbfounded, so I’m relieved.”

“is it.”


It was really strange.

It’s just a huge concession.

Oddly enough, I felt comfortable and relieved.

To be honest, I didn’t think it was too much of a waste.

‘Tsk. Damn Frontera, I’m not doing this because I’m weak because of him. It’s not that I’m sorry for him. He’s doing this because he’s tired of whining. Take responsibility for the fictitious me, ask for help, whining and forcing it, how annoying it is.’

So, at this point, I thought of removing a hump(?).

The cost of removing a pesky hump.

So, this is an investment.

I’m never doing this because I’m a jerk.

He said he did this by looking at the countess and his wife’s face.

He put wild mind control into his own mind.

Seeing Lloyd like that, a bitter smile appeared on the lips of the King of Hell.

Conversely, the eyes softened.

‘Kim Soo-ho.’

he’s an evil guy

But he’s not a bad guy.

It’s just that he has a shrewd mind because he has survived like a tenacious man in a very deprived environment.

‘I’m coveted.’

Usually a bad guy.

But at the crucial moment, he doesn’t even lose his human heart.

Even so, he is a man who takes care of his own interests to the end.

So it was.

The more I looked, the more I coveted.

‘If I ever die and end up in hell, I’d rather keep him next to him and eat him.’

There seemed to be no need to grandiosely hand over his authority.

Wouldn’t it just be enough to give them the freedom to act freely?

Even if you just give that level of authority?

‘Hell knights and Satans here will be cooked enough. Like the way he showed while building the railroad.’

The appearance of Lloyd who ate 30,000 Satan.

It was impressive.

It made me wonder if this is how the grandfather feels when he sees his wonderful grandson Jae-rong.

‘If you die later, I’ll be sure to keep you by my side.’

The King of Hell looked down at Lloyd, contemplating his future Scout (?) plan.

He said.

“Kim Soo-ho. Are you really going to give up your right to reincarnate, your railroad pass, to the ghost of Lloyd Frontera?”

“Yes that’s right. Lord of Hell.”

“good night. Let me uphold your will.”

“thank you.”

“What is gratitude?”

I’m going to keep it by my side anyway, so there won’t be any use for reincarnation rights.

The king of hell hid his true intentions (?) and smiled heartily.

I handed out a piece of paper to the industrial power of the future hell that I had in my heart.

“It is a ticket with my signature on it. If you present this, no one in hell will dare to stand in front of the door of reincarnation.”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Then can the railroad be operated now?”

“Ah, just do the last test drive.”

“It’s a test drive. hurry up to finish. I also want to go back to work for the first time in 670,000 years.”

“All right.”

After completing his business, Lloyd bowed to the King of Hell and withdrew.

As soon as we got out of Hell Castle, the Hell Railway headed to the Hell Castle Station.

There was an early model train made as a test there.

‘Whoa. But it’s better than expected.’

It was a train that had been ordered in the gap between railroad construction.

The structure was very primitive and simple.

In the past, super-large carts that Satans used to transport souls were connected in a row.

Wheels of wagons were modified to fit railroad rails, and frames and tents were put on to block volcanic ash and sparks.

Even the power was manual.

Eight satans in the foremost train pushed the lever vigorously, and the force was transmitted through the pulley to the wheel axle, causing the train to move.

And what if the satans get tired?

The other 8 Satanists who were waiting took turns.

In this way, a total of 24 Satans formed three groups, and it could be said to be an 8-cylinder, or 8-Satan, bionic, eco-friendly propulsion method that gained momentum by sweating alternately.

That was the majesty(?) of the hell train.

In other words, the hell train could be said to be a convoy train with a concept that was faithful to its role of only carrying souls rattling around and moving them to the edge of hell.

“So don’t expect anything like ride comfort.”

– ….

A room converted from a super-large wagon.

Lloyd grinned as he flopped down on the bare floor without even a chair.

I looked at the ghost of Frontera sitting across from me.

He returned to his original size.

He hardly ever opened his mouth.

“what. Are you still mad?”

– ….

“what. why. what. Don’t look at people like that, just talk.”

– ….

Prontera’s ghost was still silent.

However, the gaze looking at this side was very different from before.


because it’s unfair

Because it’s dark and dark.

It wasn’t the old look, desperately clinging to it and venting its anger.

Lloyd’s lips curled up slightly.

“I’m grateful to you, but are you embarrassed because you were angry with me earlier?”

– ….

“Look how hot it is.”

– …Oh Mr. really.

“If you are grateful, say it in words. Don’t curse.”

– Aren’t you grateful?


– of course. what are you thankful for to scare people

“under. You must have been surprised.”

-What would you be surprised? I did something I never thought of….

“Do you want to impress people?”

– Impressive.

“His personality is also really disgusting.”

– So you’re skinny?

“No, I am relieved. I feel like I won’t be able to see you anymore.”

– I agree with that, you bastard.

“So good?”

– of course.

Prontera’s ghost laughed.

Lloyd drew the same smile.

In the meantime, the Hell Train started its first test run that will go down in the history of Hell.

rattle! rattle! Kuduk! rattle!

The carriage shook tremendously.

The vibration rose to the point where my butt throbbed along with the sound of a booming sound.

But Lloyd wasn’t too uncomfortable.

Because it was not a strange sensation.

‘Well, this is similar to the land truck I used to ride in the military.’

A hard sensation that rattled the pelvis all over.

To the unrelenting roaring noise.

It could be said that it was a nostalgic(?) ride that reminded me of land and air trucks that everyone in the military would have ridden often while being treated as baggage.

Lloyd looked at the specter of Frontera with a relaxed smile.

“Hey, tell me if you think you’ll get motion sickness.”

– why?

“I’ll pull up the tent. Stick your head out and vomit outside.”

– …Should I kick him out of the tent?

“Have you already forgotten that you were robbed in reverse while running in like that?”

-It’s not forgotten.

“Then let’s go quietly to reincarnation. Anyway, how does it feel to be the historic first passenger on this train?

– So much.

The ghost of Prontera scratched its chin.

– I want to have a drink after a long time.


– uh.

“Have you not had a drink in a while?”

– of course. So how do you drink like this?

“What are you doing?”

I laughed because I thought I was asking a stupid question.

The ghost of Prontera also laughed.

– Then let me ask you something.


– Are you from another world?

“uh. Did you know?”

– of course. I’ve been clinging to you for almost a year to get my body back, but I can’t possibly know that.

“I see what I heard.”

– Do you have no regrets in the world you left behind?


– It’s a heartless bastard. Don’t you miss the family who would have stayed there?

“uh. Both my parents are dead.”

– …Originally, even if the family is far apart, it is the same as being together as long as you have it in your heart. Be strong, baby.

“What is he saying now.”

– Got it. What about our parents? How are you today?

“of course. You are perfectly clear.”

– really?


Lloyd looked at the ghost of Prontera.

He looked at her carefully and spoke with an honest heart.

“Come to think of it, it’s a bit late news. They are no longer the Baron of the Prontera family.”

– what? What do you mean?

“Because I became a count.”

– Woah.

“Isn’t it surprising? I am amazed too. Anyway, the Count has been looking for a hobby again lately.”

– A piece of wood?

“uh. The study is already full of newly carved pieces.”

– Mom, no, mother’s flower garden?

“It’s still there. Oh, he doubled it. Thanks to that, I’m a little worried about the count’s back and knees.

– Why are the old man’s waist and knees?

“You’ve also opened your eyes to helping with the flower garden these days. I’m not used to it, but I kept squatting and working, so I said it hurts.

– Tsk. you’re still clueless

“Aren’t you asking about Julien?”

– it’s okay. He’s so smart that he knows how to live well.

“That is correct. I got married recently.”

– …Cool look!


– really?


– Who are you married to?

“With the daughter of the sultan of the eastern sultanate. He’s an advanced sword expert, so he’s really good at fighting. It would be worth watching if a couple fight breaks out.”

– Julien is right. I’m going to die.


– ….

Lloyd and the ghost of Prontera.

The two expressed their condolences to Julien for a while, imagining the fight between his younger brother and his wife that hadn’t happened yet.

As if he had promised, he let out a choking laugh at the same time.

“So what do you want to be reincarnated as?”

– me?


– I don’t know. Because it’s so sudden. Well, if I had to give an example….

“What if?

– whale.


– Yeah whale.

Prontera’s ghost nodded.

– I’ve been here too long in this corner of hell. It’s really fucking hot here. So I want to take a dip in the cool water.

“Then, even if it’s not a whale, there are also sardines. Do you have anchovies?”

– …It’ll be eaten soon, you bastard.

“Oh, I see.”

– of course. Anyway, I want to live a little freely like that. So I kind of hate being born as a human. I think it will be frustrating.

“I won’t be able to drink my favorite drink if I’m born as a whale.”

– Mr. Ah. really. Be prepared if I reincarnate as a dragon.

“Well, anyway, by the time I grow into an adult dragon, I’ll be old and dead for a long time, right?”

– ….


– Ugh. This baby real.

“Really what.”

– Thank you for helping me as promised, bastard.

“Are you saying that now?”

– So what?

laughed again

In a train that rattles badly.

Leaving behind the scenery of a piece of hell passing by slowly.

Like that, Lloyd laughed along with the ghost of Prontera.

And on the other hand I felt it.

One part of my heart felt lighter.

One of the weights in his heart that he had been carrying without even realizing it was disappearing like snow melting.

It was a guilty pleasure.

It was unintentional, but the original sin of pushing out the real thing.

The guilt of continuing to hide it and pretending to be real.

Feeling guilty for hiding the truth from the count couple.

Even the feeling of being a cuckoo chick all of a sudden.

“…So I’ll take good care of you two. sorry.”

-I’m a baby.

“And I’ll be sure to reveal it with my mouth later. It’s about you and me.”

-I know it’s a baby.

“Huh, I’m sorry. I suddenly felt a little weird.”

– Baby. If you’re sorry, make people cry or not.

Lloyd laughed bitterly.

Frontera laughed and wiped away her tears.

Still, the train rumbled slowly, pushing the scenery back.

And on the train next door, Xaviel Asrahan, a knight of the Frontera family, was listening in silence to the conversation between the two Lloyds.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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