Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 186

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Chapter 186. Coveted Talent (1)

“Lloyd Frontera, son of Arcos Frontera, sees the great and mighty Sultan.”

black marble floor.

Pillars clad in gold.

A soaring ceiling, unfathomable in height.

Lloyd’s voice spread through such a vast space.

Stepping on the polished marble, I passed between the pillars and knelt down and bowed my head towards the lofty throne on the top of the sixteen steps.

However, Sultan ‘Samarkan Al Ahinsad’ did not respond to Lloyd’s greetings.

He just looked down at Lloyd with deep sunken eyes.

‘Are you the author?’

Sultan Samarkan’s eyes became a little complicated.

Lloyd Frontera.

I heard a lot about the author.

no i knew a lot

It had to be.

Operation Monster Domino, executed under his direction.

It was because Lloyd was the best emerging noble in the Magentano Kingdom that the operation resulted in.

‘I thought I could make Magentano’s eastern borders crippled for at least several decades.’


Even though dozens of estates were swept away.

Only one of the smallest estates held out until the end.

All invading monsters were blocked and repulsed.

And that wasn’t all.

It accepted tens of thousands of refugees who were swept away by monster dominoes and lost their homes.

With full-fledged support from the Magentano royal family, it emerged as the center of reconstruction.

Sultan Samarkan knew the secret.

‘It is clear that the author was at the center of all the twists and turns.’

Lloyd Frontera.

because of the author.

The author stopped the monster domino.

Showing strange talents, he established the territory as the center of reconstruction.

And that wasn’t all.

‘They even launched a counterattack on our western border.’

A wrinkle formed between Sultan Samarkan’s brow.

I still couldn’t forget that report.

Some of the monsters sent to Magentano returned here.

The border guards took a pretty heavy hit.

But even that was said to be the work of that Lloyd Frontera.

‘Sometimes, not often, I wondered. I have always been curious as I have heard numerous related reports. How brilliant are you? Maybe it has an exaggerated reputation. But seeing it now…He’s much more brazen than I imagined.’

I remembered what happened earlier.

A high-ranking official from the Imperial Household Department hurriedly posted a report.

‘I never thought I would dare to commit such bold extravagance and waste using the Padashar bestowed by Jim.’

I couldn’t imagine.

Is this shameless?

Or is it a big liver?

If not, is it an outright protest?

He was bestowed with Padashar, which symbolizes the full favor of the Sultan.

Originally, it was really embarrassing and should be used with caution.

Or, it is reasonable and common sense to be ashamed of the fact that you received the favor of the head of an enemy country.

‘But what the hell is the author thinking, so he dared to act like that? Besides, how could he be so calm after being called here?’

The Sultan felt odd.

It’s been a while since I’ve been observing Lloyd like that.

Finally his mouth opened.

“Lloyd Frontera.”

“Yes, did you call?”

“Is it good?”


“I mean, did you feel good about using Padashar so freely?”

“Of course it comes. I really, really, truly love you.”

“…Was that enough?”

“Long live the Sultan!”


Lloyd knelt down and shouted out loudly.

Sultan Samarkan kept his mouth shut.

I thought the author would be a bit ashamed.

I didn’t know that I would show off a lot of joy because I was blessed by the ruler of the enemy country.

“Amazing. Aren’t you afraid of being suspected by King Magentano?”

“What do you mean by doubt?”

“The suspicion that you are recklessly using my favor to betray your country. You accepted the favor of the head of the enemy without any refusal or hesitation. No, on the contrary, he showed no hesitation in enjoying it and being thankful. Are you still not worried?”

“yes. I will not be there.”


“Because His Highness, the King of Magentano, has spent more money on me.”


“I am sorry to tell you these words, but the amount you gave this time is still quite insufficient. But do not be afraid of the great and mighty Sultan. I will never forget my gratitude for the rest of my life, just for the grace of the Sultan that has been bestowed upon me so far.”

“under. Truly shameless.”

The Sultan stopped laughing.

I wondered what all these guys were.

But oddly enough, I didn’t hate it very much.

The reason was simple.

The sultan was the one who lived at the center of the court.

That’s why I’ve been through sly flattery and servile pretense all my life.

Numerous servants tried to please him every moment.

Trying to hear more of it somehow.

To receive even a little grace.

Like a swarm of flies gathered in the sweet water of power.

There was always pretense and flattery.

But what did Lloyd just say?

It was not flattery.

Sultan Samarkan could see right through that.

‘He is indeed a shameless and eccentric man. A person who dares to say such words in front of my luggage without any pretense, with all my heart.’

Lloyd didn’t feel any pretense.

the words he just uttered.

Everyone was sincere.

So it felt very strange.

“What if Jim gave you more gold and silver treasures? Are you willing to change the flag?”

Like poking at an exciting new toy.

Or, like trying to touch a puppies you have never seen before with a branch.

The Sultan twisted one lip and asked.

I was waiting for an answer to come.

Indeed, Lloyd did not disappoint his expectations (?).

“I would like to ask first if the small man dares to ask the great and almighty sultan if he would like to have a man who changes the flag so easily under his command.”


“Honestly, I like gold and silver treasures. Not just good, but very good. It is true that if you guarantee endless wealth and glory, your heart will be shaken. However, the small person is also unaware of the fact that if he flatly replied that he would change the flag, he would lose the Sultan’s trust.”

“Hmm. I want to change the flag, but if I do, I’ll lose Jim’s trust?”

“It is. Therefore, I believe that the flag of temptation that the great and almighty Sultan is waving now is something that a small man will never have in his lifetime.”

“…Tsk. He is a wicked man.”

Sultan laughed interestingly.

Lloyd Frontera.

To be honest, he was a coveted talent.

He was the one who interfered with his plans.

It means you have that much ability.

In addition, he was also a talent that the King of Magentano cherished.

But what if you embrace the author at this point?

I thought it would help forever.

‘But at the same time, if you change the flag for a few coins…It will be just as disappointing.’

Even if such a person has the ability, he cannot be trusted and used.

So I tried to float it once.

That young friend seemed to have already noticed the intentions of this side.

‘It’s bound to make me want more.’


more greedy

But greed ends here.

Now is the time to slowly bring out the main thesis that called the author.

“If you do, I will ask for a burden. Perhaps you wanted to meet Jim?”

“It is.”

“Did you use Padashar to your heart’s content?”

“As expected.”

Lloyd nodded.

It was true.

It was a deliberate money grab.

It was also a piece of money with a clear purpose.

A situation where the special envoy was openly ignored.

It was because it was considered the most efficient way to attract the Sultan’s attention in that situation.

‘So I wrote it to my heart’s content. Oh, but it was much better than I thought. After all, people should make friends well.’

Lloyd recalled the past few days.

Money made for a purpose according to a plan.

Still, it was genuinely enjoyable.

It was the first time in my life that I had spent so much money.

I also learned the lesson that this is how people make money.

‘That’s why people say you should have good friends. If you see people who brag about having a lot of money, brag about their money, and try to buy friendship with money, you really should be friends with them for the rest of your life.’

A friend like that will always help.

If possible, you should protect the relationship with all your heart and soul.

For example, the Sultan in front of me is like that.

Lloyd took that lesson to heart and carefully opened his mouth.

“I am proud to say this, but it was to beg the great and almighty Sultan to come and sit down at the negotiating table with the envoys.”

“What about Jim? Do you want me to negotiate with the special envoy?”

“It is.”


“Because war will be a misfortune for all.”

Lloyd’s voice rang out loudly.

The Sultan curled up one lip.

“I don’t think so.”


“Why is war a misfortune? You just have to win.”

“Does that mean you are confident of victory in the war against Magentano?”

“It’s not like that.”

The Sultan’s smile deepened.

“Where is the promised victory in the world? Jim isn’t stupid enough to be sure of that. I’m just convinced that the war with the Magentanos will never hurt me.”

“no way….”

“It is a good expression. Have you already guessed Jim’s intentions?”

“Are you trying to turn the clutter inside out?”

“also. Jim didn’t look at the wrong person.”


Lloyd shut his mouth.

Turning the clutter inside out.

Overcome political conflicts with the presence of foreign enemies.

It was a classic method used by many rulers even in the actual history of the Earth.

his head spun around.

‘Is there some kind of conflict domestically? They must be trying to cover it up or release it through the war with Magentano. Then what is the conflict? Think. remember Cheer up, memory!’

I diligently followed the contents of the novel Iron Blooded Knight.

I rummaged through all the drawers in my memory.

hold on for a while

Finally something caught my eye.


Was it the time when Xaviel was crossing the Sultanate in the novel Iron Blooded Knight?

There was an episode of passing through an area suffering from a long drought.

I can’t live because of the drought.

I think everyone will die at this rate.

Even so, the sultan doesn’t pay any attention.

It is only buried in the wealth and glory of the capital Ahinsha.

That’s why you’re planning a rebellion.

Bring down the sultan and open a new era.

Did the locals who were overcome by evil cry out?

Did even the powerful nobles of the region respond to the call?

‘Eventually, a massive rebellion broke out. A civil war has been going on for several years.’

At the end of that civil war, the sultan is defeated.

The spire of the court of Ahinsha surrounded by layers.

He jumps from the top and ends his life.

That was the content from the novel Iron Blooded Knight.

‘In other words, if I leave that sultan as it is, the position will be in jeopardy.’

Of course, it may be different from the novel.

Like the Namaran incident, the timing and scale of the incident are likely to change.

But judging by how the Sultan looks now?

‘There is a possibility that the rebellion itself will happen. That’s why the Sultan doesn’t mind going to war with Magentano. Through that war, I am trying to divert my eyes and calm dissatisfaction. At the heart of that dissatisfaction is a long drought.’

The puzzle finally came together in my head.

The sultan wages war.

conscript the local generals.

The old and weak members of the family left behind are powerless to revolt.

They just hope that their sons, husbands and fathers who were conscripted and taken to the battlefield are safe.

Besides, the special situation of being at war helps the Sultan.

The people will not be able to express any dissatisfaction.

What if you carelessly express your dissatisfaction?

It is perfect for framing a false accusation of liaising with a warring enemy country.

In addition, the anxiety that if the country is shaken by civil war, the situation on the battlefield will be unfavorable and the family taken to the battlefield will be in danger also puts a brake on the expression of dissatisfaction of the people.

‘That’s how you control the people. It’s forcibly inducing internal gathering.’

Lloyd nodded his head inwardly as he drew up his own scenario.

What intentions does the Sultan have?

What situation is the Sultan in.


What kind of rice cake could he present to the Sultan?

“However, I dare to tell you that the drought is not an issue that can be easily covered up by war.”


This is the first word that came out.

At those words, the Sultan’s eyebrows twitched.

Lloyd, who had already calculated the angle of the conversation, continued.

“I am very sorry that I have to tell you these words, but I cannot bear to bear the sight of the great and almighty Sultan, who has bestowed grace on you.”

“…That Jim will be in trouble?”

“It is.”


“yes. I’m sorry to tell you….”

“Except for rhetoric.”

Is this why the keyword drought was pointed out in one shot?

At some point, the sultan was getting serious.

He wasn’t smiling like before.

It’s not bad.

It’s because the plate for proper negotiations has been set up.

Lloyd said so intuitively.

“Since the great and almighty Sultan has commanded so, I will tell you directly. As far as I know, I have heard that the Sultanate’s Kandahar region is suffering from a long drought. Are you okay?”


“If the son-in-law solves the chronic drought in the Kandahar region, will the great and all-powerful Sultan be able to negotiate with the Magentano special envoy as the son-in-law wishes?”


The sultan’s beard twitched.

“A drought? you can solve it?”

“It is.”

“Can you solve the drought that even the oasis dries up in the middle of the desert? You?”

“As expected.”


“I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you that far until the great and almighty Sultan accepts the terms of the small seal.”


the sultan asked.

Lloyd finally raised his head.

Towards the Sultan, he very politely spoke earnestly with his eyes filled with a vague feeling that he had to answer like this without any choice so as not to offend the wealthy customer as much as possible.

“Because it is a trade secret.”

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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