Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 150

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Chapter 150. Construction Guidelines (2)

“A long time ago, when I was building a stone ice storage in the Orc village. Do you remember the warlock the two of us killed then?”

Lloyd’s question came flying.

Xaviel nodded.

“Yes I remember.”

“Do you remember bringing back the magic materials the black magician had saved?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Some of the things I got there were strange. this. By injecting mana, you can create illusions in the air?”

Above the tunnel, Lloyd reached out.

I saw the round medal held in his hand.

“Then, did you draw this cube of light drawn in the ground using that medallion?”

“uh. I wondered what it would be like to draw the blueprints in the ground like this for construction in the future. Let the workers work comfortably.”

“This is a curious feature.”

“yes? I’m curious too. There are even more interesting features. Would you like to dig it up with a shovel somewhere? Just one shovel.”


“uh. anywhere.”


Xaviel stared blankly at Lloyd.

I glanced at the medal he was showing me.

Could know.

It is true that the medal is a magic item.

But the blue lines and planes of light carved into the ground.

Lloyd-sama is lying that he drew this with that medallion.


Should I pretend not to know this time?

After thinking for a while, Xaviel picked up a shovel.

Following Lloyd’s words, he dug out a part of the wall inside the cube tunnel.

A large scratch was engraved on one side of the cube that had been made straight along the lines and planes of light.

Then a change occurred.


With a sharp sound, the color of that side changed to red.

Lloyd’s whirling words continued.

“Did you see it? If there is a difference between the design and the actual construction, the workers are notified immediately.”


“The workers can know right away on site that errors have occurred in the construction.”

“Sounds like the end of the slow work.”

“Instead, don’t they give you a lot of welfare?”

Lloyd had a malicious smile on his face.

Guideline option obtained by increasing the design skill level.

I wanted to see how it would actually work.

But have you tested it in real life?

It was really great.

‘This is a 3D version of the floor plan that I designed at all, and it is displayed intact in the ground. A version that informs even construction errors in real time.’

No matter how hard you design.

No matter how much effort and meticulousness you do.

When the workers at the site open the door, the construction will go out.

It was a fairly common occurrence at the site to ignore design details or to proceed with construction, just because it was annoying.

This is because the field work is, after all, a human job.

‘But that is prevented. It’s because the error in the construction is clearly visible in the color.’

In addition, it was possible to arbitrarily designate the reference point error rate at which the guideline turns red.

In other words, if you have this option, you don’t have to worry about precise construction.

This is especially true for constructions that require precision, such as the grand sewer this time.

‘Besides, it seems that the lie about what it’s like is a magic item.’

Fortunately, it seems that Xaviel’s suspicions were also avoided.

So that’s it.

Now was the time to start the construction of the large sewage system.

The beginning of construction went smoothly.

“Now, I believe everyone knows what to do first.”

Near the village in the center of the territory selected as the first excavation site.

There, on the scene, Lord Bavaria’s solemn speech began.

“We undertook various projects under the guidance of Lloyd Frontera. He made numerous ondol rooms, made the Marez wetlands into fertile farmland, and laid a water supply system from the lofty lake in the Eastern Mountains to the manor.”

Projects he and the Corps of Engineers have participated in so far.

A warm pride was evident on Lord Bayern’s face as he mentioned the achievement.

“Is that all? Now, according to Lloyd’s design, a large collective housing facility called an apartment is being built, and during the winter, the slopes of the Eastern Mountains were dug out and maintained, numerous retaining walls were built, and fertile farmland was created. And now! We lifted the shovel to set up a new achievement that will surpass all those projects.”

Pride appeared on the faces of the Corps of Engineers listening to the speech.

Small embroidery on the chest of each work clothes. Each of the embroideries marked the work the crew had done.

It was a medal for each member of the Corps of Engineers and a mark proving their skillful career.

“Yes. Today we will build a new history. According to Lloyd Frontera’s design, for the future of Yeongji, each of us stakes our honor, and today we shout. Safety first!”

“Safety first! Whoa!”

The construction began with a strong chant.

The Corps of Engineers became the main axis.

Numerous refugee territories volunteered for Lloyd.

A small number of experienced engineers led the field, and a large number of refugees and local residents served as a hand.

In addition, Lloyd’s newly acquired design option construction guidelines made convenient and precise construction possible.

“Podo-dong! Podong-!”

Ho ba ba ba ba bat!

Every time Podongi twitched his huge bottom, the ground dug up.

That’s 4 meters in width and height.

A pit 5 meters deep was formed.

A commotion broke out between the engineering corps and the workers who were watching.

“What the hell is that in the ground over there? I think I can see a blue light.”

An elderly refugee muttered.

The sapper soldier next to him grinned.

“Oh that one? These are the guidelines that Lloyd-sama carved into the ground.”



“What is that?”

“They say that line tells you exactly where to dig and where not to dig in the ground.”

“Is that possible?”

“It must be because it is possible that we can see it like that. I’m not sure about the principle either. In any case, he said that it would be okay to dig the ground and construct while strictly following the sign.”

“Heh heh, this is true. It’s just amazing.”

Corps of Engineers briefed on guidelines ahead of work.

The workers who were amazed after hearing the explanation from the soldiers.

With everyone’s eyes gathered, the construction guidelines were revealed more clearly.

However, the appearance was a little different from everyone’s expectations.

It was not simply a rough drawing of lines and planes in the ground. It wasn’t just a brief indication of the extent to which the ground was to be dug up.

A line that outlines the area to be dug up.

The location and extent of the bricks to be stacked inside it.

Up to the layout and depth thickness of the foundation to be laid under it.

It was a sight as if the 3D blueprint itself was drawn with blue lines and planes and clearly embedded into the ground as a three-dimensional hologram.

“Isn’t that a lot more detailed than I thought?”

Faced with details beyond imagination, the workers stuck out their tongues.

So everyone was put to work.

He straightened the shaft that Podongi had dug out.

The central village of the manor.

All kinds of filth and manure that the people who live there will emit.

It was a large sewer well that would take it and dump it.

‘Well, it would be better if each household could directly dispose of sewage or sewage like a modern sewage system.’

The technology is too weak for that.

There is not enough time, money, or manpower.

A bitter smile appeared on Lloyd’s lips as he watched the construction in progress.

Honestly, I wanted to make a sewage system as modern as Korea’s if possible.

The water used in the house goes straight into the sewer, and the water from the toilet goes down cleanly as it is. I wanted to make it possible for everyone to treat the sewage without much effort or attention.

‘But that’s impossible here.’

Building a modern sewage system requires connecting sewer pipes to all residential facilities.

But what about now?

If the winter cold comes right away, the prona river will be frozen. Large-scale epidemics are expected to be caused by the freezing river water and the accumulation of manure.

Before that, the sewage work must be completed.

Therefore, there was no time to make and connect sewage pipes to each household. It would take at least several years to build such a compact system.

So it was.

‘It’s just making a large sewage well in each village area.’

Waste and manure from each household.

Just take them out and dump them down the sewer.

All that is done is to let the discarded sewage flow through the sewage pipe connected to the sewer.

That was the core of the grand sewer system Lloyd was planning to build.

‘That takes less effort and time.’

For now, I’m looking at cost-effectiveness as much as possible.

Carrying that motto to his heart, Lloyd led and supervised construction.

Dig a shaft that will become a sewer well.

Laying the foundation for the shaft bottom.

It is finished with granite bricks and cement to prevent sewage and manure from seeping into the basement.

A sewage pipe was connected there to drain the sewage.

The ground was dug long in a regular path at a depth of 5 meters.

Sand and crushed stone were laid thickly on the bottom.

A flat granite plate was laid on top of it.

This was to prevent the leaching of contaminated sewage.

Cement was applied over the granite slabs and granite bricks were interlocked.

The bottom section of the sewer pipe was made in the shape of an inverted egg.

The inverted egg-shaped section, which becomes narrower as it goes down, would speed up the flow of sewage and help the flow smoothly.

The width and height of such a sewer pipe are exactly 2 meters.

On one side of it, a 60cm-wide walking path was set aside for people to walk on.

The area where the sewage pipes were completed was finished with granite bricks, waterproofed, and covered with earth.

I also forgot to make manholes at regular intervals.

It was a spiral stairway for people to safely descend for repairs in case of clogged sewage pipes or sewage leaching.

It resembled the ‘Cholera Canal’, a sewage system in Vienna, Austria.

As such, the sewage well of the village centered on the territory.

The sewage that leads from the sewer.

It took a full 20 days to make that first section.

The work did not end there.

‘of course. This is just the beginning. Only one village built a manure collection facility. The main sewer I’ll be making from now on is real.’

Each village and apartment complex.

The filth and manure that will collect through their sewers and sewers.

The construction of the main sewer that will flow it all the way to the outside of the territory has also begun.

It was an ‘extra large (XL) version’ of the previously created sewer, Cholera Canal.

For this construction, even a special bibeong was mobilized.

“Beep! Bibung-!”

thump thump!

Biveongi, who had come down from the mountain after a long time, was excited.

I peeked at the bell on Lloyd’s shoulder from a distance.

Just like that, with the excitement of first love.

With cheeks stained red before I knew it.

With 3,000 tons of pure power, the forefoot moved with all its might.


Kwaaang-! Kwak!

As if a super-large excavator was moving, the ground was dug up in an instant.

A long pit was formed, 20 meters deep and wide.

As in the previous sewage pipe construction, the Corps of Engineers and workers were put in.

A 10-meter-wide walkway and 3-meter-high 8-meter super-large main sewer have been dredged.

One such main sewer oriented north.

little by little every day.

The spring rain has stopped.

sprouts are sprouting

The frog cries vigorously.

The rose has opened its first bud.

As such, after three months of time, the main sewer finally crossed the northern territory of the manor.

“Now, you have to be careful here. everyone will remember Which way did the group of Mastodons that attacked our territory during the last Monster Domino Incident get swept away?”


The Corps of Engineers answered Lloyd’s question.

At that time, the act of sweeping the mastodon group to the north by sweeping it away with the river was still vivid in everyone’s memory.

“okay. I’m glad you remember. As we all know, mastodons are strong animals. You won’t die by being washed away by the river. Of course, almost everyone would have survived even if they were washed up near here and would have made this area their new habitat. In other words, now we’re in Mastodon’s realm, and we’re going to do some construction.”

Lloyd’s request to everyone continued.

“So everyone should be careful. Of course, since Bibeongi is here, I wouldn’t think that a mastodon would approach it easily, but there is such a thing as an emergency. Even if everyone is taking a break, never stay far away from the site, and if there is an unavoidable need to move far, make sure to form a group of ten or more people. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand!”

After giving the warning, work resumed immediately.

But it was a strange thing.

As such, the thrifty attention was put to shame, and the mastodon did not show a peep even after ten days had passed since it crossed the northern border and continued construction.

‘Whoa, be ashamed. Did I just give a speech?’

Lloyd laughed.

The Mastodons may have run away farther than expected and settled down.

Or maybe it’s because he’s afraid of Bibeong’s presence and doesn’t approach him at all.

‘If that’s the case, what’s good about us.’

The less involved with dangerous monsters, the better.

This is especially true in the current situation of noisy construction.

But it was around the time Lloyd was so relieved.

“Beep? Scrub!”

Bibeongi, who was digging the ground at the site, shouted loudly.

However, the meaning of the call was a little strange.

The guy said, ‘Here! Something came out!’ was shouting

‘hmm? Something comes out?’

what is it

After getting out of his thoughts, Lloyd went to the scene.

He cast his gaze at the spot the beep pointed at.

The land that was being dug up.

under the pile of dirt there.

At first glance, I saw a familiar silhouette.

“A mastodon?”

It was a corpse.

The dead mastodon was buried in the ground about 7 meters deep.

However, the body did not rot badly.

It meant that he hadn’t been dead for a long time.

‘what. But buried at a depth of seven meters?’

Could it be that a landslide occurred and buried it?

no it couldn’t be

‘This place is flat.’

Then, did another mastodon thriftily bury the dead comrade?

‘No, not even that.’

Mastodons are simple monsters.

There is no such thing as intelligence enough to have burial customs.

But something even more strange was revealed.

“Smile? Beep?”

The bitch, who had tilted his head, moved his front paws.

The discovered mastodon’s side was carefully dug up.

Then another mastodon’s corpse was revealed.

It didn’t end there.


Everywhere Bibeongi dug up, there were mastodon corpses. ten? twenty? No, I saw more than a hundred.

“Byeom! Beep?”

“Um, I’m watching too. It looks smart that they are buried in a straight line, as if someone carefully buried them. what the hell is this….”

what is it

I didn’t understand.

I read the contents of the novel Iron Blooded Knight.

However, in that novel, there was no mention of a mastodon corpse buried like this. However, an example similar to this is in the episode of Namaran’s barrier where Xaviel mastered blasting….

It was then.

Puchwi profit!

Numerous corpses of mastodons exposed from the ground.

Suddenly, a grotesque and ominous sound began to be heard from among the pile of corpses.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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