Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 140

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Chapter 140. Second ending spoiler (1)


Lloyd opened his eyes wide involuntarily.

No, I tried my best to make it bigger.

But the eyes don’t move on their own.

No, the whole body was the same.

Suddenly, my whole body felt very heavy.

I was short of breath.

At the same time, hot, dry heat was felt all over the body.

It was with severe dizziness.

‘Am I lying down?’

My vision is somehow more blurry than usual.

I tried to look at the situation around me with that kind of perspective.

It was then.

“Haviel. I guess I…It seems to have ended here.”

His own mouth opened arbitrarily.

To be precise, my future self said that.

With a tired, rested voice.

Breathing heavily, barely.

‘What is this. What kind of situation is it?’

My heart sank.

It was something unusual.

In addition, the visibly rapid breathing, the heat throughout the body, and the helpless body condition were definitely not normal.

‘I think I’m sick.’

It seemed like that when I saw it with my eyes and senses.

‘The place where I lie down is indoors. Judging from the faintly visible ceiling, is it a bedroom? It’s not flashy, but it seems to be moderately tidy.’

It is laid in such a place.

Suffering from a high fever, he is breathing heavily in bed.

He stutters as if he is struggling.

‘That’s it. It’s a situation where you die after leaving a will after struggling with illness.’

It was from the moment I realized that.

Lloyd sighed and sighed in relief.

‘It’s definitely the prettiest and most benign ending. It’s a little uncomfortable seeing the way I’m going to die, though.’

I thought there was no need to make a fuss about it.

Ending spoiler.

This skill is a skill that previews the ending of the current scenario.

However, if you think about it, all life ends in death.

Because no one lives forever

Of course, you won’t be an exception.

‘But if you see him die as a soldier, it must mean that he will live well sucking honey for a few decades before leaving as an old body.’

The thought made me even more relieved.

Now he felt a little more at ease and looked at the situation.

‘Let’s see what kind of disease he dies from. Then you might be able to prevent disease. If you’re lucky, you might be able to add a few more years to your honey-sucking life.’

This is why I like ending spoilers.

A program like the secret of a living × soldier that plays on TV?

This is much better than that.

Because you can see how you die.

Because it can realize perfect personalized disease prevention.

As such, it was a time when Lloyd was concentrating on the situation and continuing his observations.

“No, Lloyd. Give me a little bit of strength.”

Beyond the blurry vision, someone poked his head out.

Judging from the direction and angle, it seemed to be the person who nursed in the chair next to the bed.

‘A familiar voice. It’s Xaviel.’

I set my eyes on it.

However, the focus was a bit blurry.

Xaviel’s unique egg-shaped face and silver hair look hazy like a mosaic screen with a lot of blur processing.

‘omg. Look how handsome he is though. Didn’t your jawline collapse at that age?’

Perfect egg-shaped face.

When I saw that, I got grumpy.

At that moment, Xaviel’s words mixed with sighs were heard.

“already…You cannot leave like this.”

There was a lot of sadness.

Nervousness was also evident.

I could feel him grabbing my hand.

The guy’s hands were trembling slightly.

‘boy. But they’re sad because it’s time for me to die.’

I wonder if I’ve been with him until I’m old.

It was around the time that I suddenly came up with such an idea.

“Cheer up a little. please.”

Xaviel said as if pleading.

And gave strength to the hand that held it.

At the same time, warm and clear energy flowed from his hands.

it was mana

‘first aid?’

That thought seemed right.

The mana injected by Xaviel flowed through his hands, through his forearms, and into his chest.

I gradually increased the range around my chest.

He drove away the turbid energy that was afflicted by the disease.

At the same time, the heart was repeatedly pressed.

I finally found out.

‘You’re doing a heart massage.’

A situation where you feel as if your breath will stop at any moment.

Xaviel was trying hard to prolong this side’s life somehow.

I felt that urgency, and one side of my chest grieved.

“Mr Lloyd. Hold on a little bit. The doctor will come soon.”

“No no. Whoa…I think it’s too late.”

“But Lloyd-sama….”

Aside from the frowning feelings on the other side, her future self was comforting Xaviel.

After struggling to catch his breath for a moment, he slowly opened his mouth.

Lloyd felt it intuitively.

‘From now on, the words I bring out will be a will.’

Despite Xaviel’s heart massage, my heart ached so much.

Even breathing itself was painful.

I felt a sudden drop in energy.

There are only a few seconds left.

A few words of advice from now on.

After leaving it, you will definitely run out of breath.

Lloyd was nervous.

‘Let’s listen to what they say.’

The lips of the future self swaying and moving.

A last will made with the movement of the tongue and the air.

I concentrated all my consciousness to hear it properly.

“Last year….”

The first word I uttered with difficulty.

“I didn’t send it like that….”


last year?

What happened?

“Increase clearing…I thought everything was fine. I was complacent. I hope such a strong wind…. I wasn’t prepared for the pandemic…. So, this must be the punishment you receive in return….”

“Lord Lloyd….”

“The refugees who survived the severe cold safely…me too…Hopefully on a spring day like this….”

“Hehe, Lord Lloyd….”

“sorry…. Even you…leave.”


The strength went out of his hands.

I let go of Xaviel’s hand that I was holding.

A hand landed on the bedspread.

At that moment, breathing stopped.


exhaled last breath.

Feeling like floating.

Is this the last step leading to death?

Or is it the last consideration right before death?

For an instant, my vision, which had been blurry for a moment, became a little clearer.

Thanks to this, I could clearly see Xaviel’s face protecting me at the moment of death.

But that face.

It was not an old man’s.


Lloyd, who was experiencing the moment of death, hesitated.


If I could, I would rub my eyes roughly.

No, even if you don’t do that, you can see clearly for a while.

Xaviel’s face holding back tears while looking this way.

not old


It’s not just young, it’s almost the same as what we see these days.

The moment I realized that, my heart sank.

‘for a moment. What is this.’

Could it be that because he’s a sword master, he hasn’t aged alone?

no it can’t be

‘They said that no matter how good a sword master you are, aging can’t be stopped. Xaviel in the novel was no exception to that.’

So what if you get old and get sick and die?

Xaviel should have aged similarly.

That’s natural.

‘But I’m not old. it’s a young look It means….’

The point of view of the ending you are currently peeking at.

A scene of death experienced beforehand.

It means that this moment is not a distant future.

‘Are you saying that people don’t die of old age?’

His gaze moved hastily.

I wanted to check a little more.

At the end of that urgency, she found her hands holding Xaviel’s.

that hand.

I was emaciated.

But no wrinkles.

There are no age spots characteristic of the elderly.

The back of his hand, though emaciated, has the smooth skin of a young person.

That was his own hand to greet death.

Confirmation was there.


My eyes were stained with a flash of light.

I closed my eyes at the sudden glare.



Before I knew it, I was sitting on a chair in the bedroom.

This was the seat I was sitting in before I wrote the ending spoiler.

But Lloyd didn’t even care about that fact.

He involuntarily leaned forward.

put your elbow on your knee.

He put his hands together and covered his mouth.


Unbeknownst to me, my neck was shaking a lot.

The pupils were shaking much louder.

‘Such a crazy God. What did I just see?’

thud! cooong! thud!

My heart was beating wildly and rapidly.

The fingertips covering her mouth trembled.

‘I thought it was just a scene of dying of old age.’

It wasn’t.

It wasn’t a distant future.

Xaviel’s vividly youthful appearance.

The back of his smooth hand that he was holding.

There was no sign of aging or long years to be found anywhere.

‘crazy. Such crazy.’

instinctive fear.

Relief that it was good to check the ending.

I got goosebumps at the whirlpool of two conflicting emotions.

‘Whoa. Let’s calm down.’

He took a deep breath.

Because I’m not dying right now.

Because I saw the rough situation beforehand.

It would be a situation that could be prevented.

Thinking so, I tried to clear my confused mind.

The racing heart and the rapid breathing soon subsided to some extent.

“Whoa. I will turn.”

Shake your head.

I smile.

I have regained my composure.

Then, the ending scene I had just glimpsed came to mind step by step.

Some of the information obtained in the process of peeping can also be calmly reviewed.

‘Let’s start by tidying up. i’m dead The cause is a soldier. It wasn’t a distant future.’

How many years later?

Or maybe a few months later.

Calmly looked back at the will.

Thanks to this, it was possible to infer the time of death.

‘It’s next spring. Are you sure.’

There were several clues that served as the basis for speculation.

‘Last year, after increasing the land, you said you were complacent. And you mentioned strong winds. So, the increase in the land cleared this year becomes last year’s work at that point. That must mean that the coming winter is going to be very cold.’

It seemed like that.

‘The last word there is more certain. On a spring day like this, I said too.’

When I looked it up, the outline was roughly drawn.

The retaining wall construction and land clearing work have been completed.

In the winter of that year, there was an unprecedented cold.

Then, on a spring day, he gets sick and dies.

‘But the problem is that the disease is an infectious disease.’

I’m sure I heard you say that in a will.

They said they weren’t prepared for the pandemic.

It’s like being punished for it.

‘There’s an epidemic in the manor. A lot of refugees die, and in the meantime, I get sick and die.’

And after that?

What will become of Xaviel?

Of course, there was no way to know until then.

‘Maybe you can make my grave and leave the manor to start an adventure. Just like in the very beginning of the novel Sangvis Knight.’

If you look at it that way, in the end, Xaviel will go round and round and take steps similar to those in the novel.

Lloyd wrinkled his nose at the irony.

‘Well, I don’t have to worry about that.’

That didn’t matter now.

An epidemic that is expected to occur next spring.

Preventing it was a priority.

‘Whoa. The increase of the clearing land was also a great success, and now I want to breathe a little more.’

We are in a position to risk our lives to stop the epidemic.

It was from then.

Lloyd pondered over and over again.

I struggled to guess the path of the epidemic through some clues obtained through the ending spoiler.

But there was a problem.

‘The information is too limited.’

What kind of infectious disease will it cause?

What is the path of the epidemic?

There was nowhere to guess.

so it was difficult

‘Because there are a lot of refugees? It could be. But what if that guess is wrong? What if an infectious disease breaks out in an unexpected place for another reason, even though I’ve tried my best to prevent it?’

In the end, you get to see the ending you just saw.

He couldn’t even suck honey and became a soldier at a young age.

It’s like becoming an unfair mess.

‘That’s not allowed. A vague and indistinct response would be neither porridge nor rice.’



to be straight

It was a time when such detailed preparations and responses were needed.

To do so, it was necessary to clearly identify the cause and transmission route of the planned epidemic.

So I wanted to write an ending spoiler again.

I wanted to observe the circumstances of the death in a little more detail and get clues.

But it was impossible.

‘Ending spoiler 3rd running cost is 80 CP. This is no joke.’

The second round was 40.

It seemed that the cost doubled with every round.

However, the remaining CP was only 60.

I had to write an ending spoiler so I couldn’t write it.

‘Whoa. then what the heck Why did such an epidemic spread?’

Lloyd groaned in thought.

I spent half a day in my room like that.

It was late in the evening.

Xaviel came.

“I came to pick you up because you didn’t come even when it was time.”


“Lullaby service time.”


Oh. I forgot.

I have to sing him a lullaby at this time every day.

I lost my mind because I was locked in my thoughts all day today.

Lloyd let out a wry smile.

“Tsk. Maybe that’s why you cried? Are you afraid you won’t be able to hear the lullaby?”

“…What do you mean you cried?”

“Yes, you. in the ending.”

“It’s an ending.”

“There is such a thing.”

Lloyd shrugged and stood up.

I had been immersed in my thoughts all afternoon, and my backbone was sore.

My head was too heavy.

While I was going to put Xaviel to sleep, I wondered if I should take a walk and get some fresh air.

‘Then maybe a new idea or clue might come to mind.’

I went out with Xaviel.

I walked towards the boy’s dorm without saying a word.

It was in the middle of it.

“By the way.”

Xaviel, who was following behind, spoke as if he remembered something.

“There is something I forgot to report during the day.”

“report? What.”

“The manure from the refugee camp.”

“uh. Why?”

“The pit we dug last time is full.”



“Hmm. Because there are so many of them.”

Lloyd shook his head.

It was a refugee camp where tens of thousands of people gathered.

The amount of excreted manure was no joke as much as they ate so much.

So, I ordered it not to be thrown away anywhere.

A large pit was dug to gather only there.

But it’s already full.

Lloyd felt his headache hurt.

‘I still have a headache because of the contagious disease. Would you rather drastically reduce your food ration? Is it cheaper then? Still, that’s not much. Dig more pits? Write. It feels like there is no limit to something, so that’s a bit.’

Tens of thousands of manure.

The quantity was greater than expected.

Even after collecting them separately and using them as fertilizer, there was too much left over for a long time.

‘Certainly there is a limit to burying in the ground. So should I just dump it into the prona river? After all, there is no neighboring territory in the north, which is downstream. It’s just a no-man’s land. Maybe that’s the cleanest and easiest way…uh?’

It was in the middle of my thoughts.

Something dimly flashed into my mind.

Lloyd stopped involuntarily.

My brain became very busy.


comes to mind

piece by piece.


connected and aligned.

connected as one silhouette.

‘Epidemic…excretions…river…severe cold…spring time…An epidemic like that.’

The cause of the outbreak of the infectious disease that I was worried about earlier.

The manure problem I just heard from Xaviel.

Two puzzles connected into one.

In an instant, the clue to the answer was revealed.

That’s the clue Lloyd came up with.

It was a page from an actual event in Earth’s history.

“Winter of 1830. Austria Vienna. unprecedented rainfall. The Danube Freezing Avalanche and…cholera.”

Lloyd clenched his fists.

Finally, the cause of the predestined plague was found.

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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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