Novel The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 28

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Chapter 27. Double Circle (2)

[Call up the skill window.]

Lloyd opened the skill window.

Trapped in the collapsed aisle in front and back.

The remaining oxygen is about 30 minutes at the longest.

Now there was no turning back.

‘I have to do everything I can.’

Lloyd’s eyes moved quickly.

I selected the menu on one side of the skill window that popped up in front of me.

The menu he chose was ‘Talent Skill Flowering’.

[Search for talents that can bloom with skills.]

‘It works too.’

Lloyd clenched his fists.

It reminded me of the first time I got RP from Xaviel and opened the skill window.

He remembered all the contents of the notice that came to his mind at the time.

‘Then there was this message. You can invest the acquired RP to bloom talent skills.’

Clearly it was.

A function that transforms one’s talent or knowledge into a skill.

Thanks to this, he was able to turn his hard-studyed civil engineering knowledge into a skill.

It was surveying and design skills.

And that wasn’t all.

‘I made shoveling a skill as well.’

I often went to the field to do part-time work.

If it was shoveling, I had to make it very boring.

The skill window recognized that shoveling skill as a talent.

‘Then I’ll be able to make the other abilities and talents I have now into skills.’

The skills you need most at this moment.

The ability that you are thinking of.

You will surely be able to bloom with skill.

Like Lloyd’s wish, messages floated before his eyes one after another.

[List of Talent Skills that can currently bloom]

[A talent that absorbs mana is detected.]

[…] …The ability to process the absorbed mana is detected.]

[…] …A talent that amplifies the absorbed mana is detected.]

[Possible to bloom with the ‘Shiny Psychic’ skill by combining them]

[RP required for flowering = 15] ‘

It’s done!’

It was as expected.

It was the most desired result.

Lloyd made a decision without hesitation.

Immediately invested 15 RP.

A welcome message popped up in front of my eyes.

Ding dong.

[The shimmery simbeop skill has bloomed.]

[Skill name: The shady simbeop]

[Level: Single Circle Lv 5]

[Absorbs mana around you. The absorbed mana is processed/amplified into a circle created around the heart to be released. Whenever the number of circles increases, the amplification rate increases significantly.]

[Mana amplification rate: 120%]

[RP required for next level up: 10]

[Currently owned RP: 142]


It was a satisfactory result.

Skill transformation of the dark mind method.

In addition, he even received a higher than expected rating of Single Circle Lv 5.

‘Perhaps it’s thanks to the frequent practice.’

I trained pretty hard.

He competed with Sir Neumann and used it in real combat.

Even after that, whenever I had a chance, I did not stop practicing.

The result was evident.

However, Lloyd had no intention of being satisfied with the end here.

‘If I was going to be satisfied here, I wouldn’t have to make Simbeop a skill while consuming precious RP.’

Just because you made it with a skill didn’t mean that your psyche became stronger right away.

The ability to absorb mana.

processing technology as well.

power to amplify.

It was the same as before blooming with the skill.

But now?

could make a significant difference.

It was thanks to the blooming of the simbeop as a skill.

‘Because I can upgrade powerfully with only RP investment without having to practice and train.’

That was the biggest difference.

Lloyd invested his RP in an astounding method.

[Skill level up!]

[Shady Sim: Single Circle Lv 6]

[Mana amplification rate: 125%]

[RP required for next level up: 15]

[Current RP: 132]

As the skill level increases by one level, the mana amplification rate increases by 5 % went up.

‘good. not bad.’

Lloyd quickly ran the calculations in his head.

It seemed that the RP required for the next level up increased by 5 each time the skill level went up.

If so, what if you invest all the remaining RP now?

‘I’ll be able to pass the single 10 level and raise it to the next level. It’s risky, but it’s possible.’

It was a gamble anyway.

If the required RP increases unexpectedly by 5 or more, it will fail.

But I wouldn’t know until I tried it.

And now was not the time to hesitate.

‘All or nothing!’

The situation of this judge’s board.

Lloyd poured out all his remaining RP.

The astounding simbeol skill has risen steadily.

From level 6 to level 7.

From level 9 to level 10.

Finally, after scraping off the last remaining RP and investing it, the expected message came to mind.

Ding dong!

[Skill level up!]


Lloyd clenched his fists.

As expected, when I leveled up once more at the single level 10, the grade went up.

In the meantime, fortunately, there was no shortage of RP.

He read the guidance message that floated in front of his eyes.

[Shinbeop’s rating has risen to < Double >.]

[Skill options have been opened as the skill grade increases.]

[Shady Simbeop: Double Circle Lv 1]

[Mana Boost: 200%]

[Skill only option ①: Energizer – Utilizes the efficiency of double circle to the extreme. When using the optional function, you will be able to move without getting tired for 10 minutes. (Limited: Can only be used once a day.)]

[Skill only option ②: Potential Explosion – Explodes the circle’s amplification performance to the limit. When using optional features, the mana amplification rate increases by 3x for 20 seconds. However, once the option is used, the user becomes exhausted and cannot use the dark sim method for a day. (Limit: Can only be used once a day.)]

[Required RP for next level up: 100]

[Current RP: 7]

Doo-kung! Doo kung!

It was around the time I finished reading the skill description.

Lloyd’s heart beat loudly twice.

Before long, an unfamiliar yet powerful sensation that I experienced for the first time wrapped around my heart.


The single circle you created earlier.

A new circle was created with an angle exactly perpendicular to the first circle.

From the front, it looked like a heart wrapped in a cross.

The newly created second circle started spinning.



double circle.

The two circles rotated and resonated.

Waves of power never before experienced traveled through the blood vessels and awakened the cells of the whole body.

It was to the extent that I breathed in vain without even realizing it.

A smile crept across Lloyd’s lips.

‘it’s okay.’

It was a hit.

Even after reading the contents of the changed skill, he couldn’t believe it.

However, right after that, when I confirmed my senses with my body like this, I finally felt it properly.

‘This is the power of the double circle.’

It was clear that he had just been exhausted.

But now I don’t feel that fatigue.

No, rather, it felt like a vitality that had never existed before, awakening even the cells in every corner of my body.

I felt a different level of vitality from my whole body compared to when I had only a single circle in the past.

‘It’s good that the shady simbeop bloomed into a skill.’

The skill of the mental method that I was accustomed to.

Lloyd was aiming for two advantages through it.

‘One was rapid growth.’

You can invest RP if you create with a skill.

You can grow it by pouring a large amount of RP into it.

If you do it right, you can achieve months and years of growth in a short period of time.

The number of goals fit exactly as shown in the picture.

‘And options according to grade rise.’

He had already grown his surveying and design skills and experienced a rise in rank.

How much fun did you have with the skill options created at the time?

I thought that perhaps the dark heart could be like that.

if the rating goes up.

If you achieve the stage of double circle.

It was thought that a commensurate compensation might be given as an option.

And that goal also hit the mark.

‘The option is right.’

One could turn a person into a tireless energizer for 10 minutes once a day.

Another was an option that allowed you to generate explosive power for just 20 seconds.

Both were also options that would be extremely helpful in the current situation.

‘Let’s try it.’


Lloyd grabbed the steel shovel.

The reason why I invested the remaining RP in this situation.

‘To break through the blocked passage. like this!’


His shovel cut through the air.

It collapsed and broke through the blocked passage in front.

With a rough and restless momentum, he began digging up the mound.

Quak! Quack! Knock up! Spoon!

A tendon sprouted from Lloyd’s forearm.

‘more! continue!’

It was a shoveling storm.

It was a shovel that far exceeded the power of ordinary people.

The shovel plowed through the mound.

He scraped the stones and dirt furiously.

It was scooped out as it was in a scratched state.

One shovel made a hole the size of a bucket.

Such shoveling continued faster than the spooning of a beggar who had starved for a week.

Puffer Puck! Kwapak! Cougar!

‘I’m not tired! the best!’

Lloyd was already activating the first option energizer.

The content of the option was true.

It wasn’t hard at all even though I was moving without rest.

There was no sweat pouring down like rain, no breathing hard.

Rather, the amplified mana around the heart became surplus due to the influence of the shimmery simbeop on the double circle.

Even the power of the amplified mana was put on the shovel.

The shoveling became more intense.

At the same time, it became more sophisticated.

‘You can’t do it blindly and ignorantly. A secondary collapse may occur in the aisle.’

It had already been shocked by the methane gas explosion and collapsed.

If even the slightest stimulus was applied, it could collapse again.

That’s why Lloyd’s shoveling was rough but careful. Fierce yet cautious. It was quick and gentle at the same time.

It was thanks to the rich experience of shoveling.

‘It was good that I went to the HR office whenever I ran out of money.’

It was a new thought.

Lloyd was often said to be good at shoveling in the field.

It was the same in the military and at the construction site of society.

Among them, the experience of digging tools with a shovel was the most helpful now.

‘That was almost my major.’

Picking up tools with a shovel.

Even the men who left the military in Korea.

Or even those who have rolled on the field.

It was something everyone should have done at least once.

Build up with a mixture of sand and cement powder.

In that state, make a hollow in the middle like a crater.

Pour the right amount of water into it.

Then, break down around the crater (?) with a shovel and quickly mix it with water.

The key point in this process was the flamboyant and sophisticated movement of the shovel, which controls the water contained in the crater to ‘never’ go outside.

And Lloyd had a special talent for making that manshovel tool.

‘I never thought I’d use it now!’

Knock! Kwajajak! Kush!

It was a shovel with a lot of experience.

It moved like a third hand.

In an instant, I could control the intensity to my heart’s content.

Be intense when scratching and digging.

Be precise when scooping and removing.

When flipping and stabbing, be quick and gentle.

All the movements blended and harmonized in real time.

Thanks to this, he excavated at an astonishing speed, with little impact on the ground around him.

This was the case even until the length of the dug hole exceeded 3 meters by 4 meters.

‘So now…please! Show me!’

It seemed like 5 minutes had passed since I triggered the energizer option.

Lloyd bit his lip nervously.

While shoveling like a storm, he was also activating his surveying skills.

I could clearly see 5 meters ahead of the hole I was digging.

But still there was no sign of hope.

5 meters ahead.

Within that range, only a pile of dirt filling the collapsed tunnel was visible.

To make matters worse, the air was slowly getting thicker.

‘I don’t think I can even use a bell like this.’

The space was still too small to make the bubble bigger.

In addition, if it was recklessly enlarged, the remaining oxygen in this place would be consumed in an instant.

Lloyd clenched his teeth.

‘I have to solve it.’

I can’t stop here anyway.

If you stop, even the possibility of finding hope disappears.

His shoveling became more ferocious.

Kwak! Kugak! Coog play! Took!

The tunnel he dug with all his might grew longer.

I reached 6m and 7m.

It was about then.


Something began to appear five meters ahead.

It was an empty space the size of a fist.

‘no way?’

Kwajak! Kuga each!

Shoveling got busier.

Advancement became faster.

Every time I took a step forward, the empty space 5 meters in front of me that I could see in advance with my surveying skill grew.

From the size of a fist to the size of a watermelon.

Watermelon to the size of a drum.

And as much as the size of the passage that was originally drilled.


There was an unburied passage 4.5 meters ahead!


he exclaimed.

“Follow me! If you can’t walk, even crawl!”

My head was already throbbing.

Objects in front of my eyes sometimes overlapped in two.

It was a symptom of hypoxia.

‘I don’t have much time.’

The hazy feeling grew little by little.

At some point, like a film cut, consciousness will disappear.

If you fall like that, you will suffocate and die.

Hypoxia or anoxia was the scary reason.

Lloyd moved the shovel while biting his lip as the hazy feeling grew.

‘A little more. little bit more!’

All you have to do is clear the remaining pile of dirt in front of your eyes by 3 meters.

If not all, just as much as your fist.

You just need to drill that much.

Then there is minimal air flow.

holding onto the hope of surviving.

But that was the moment.

Ding dong.

[The activation of the energizer of the shady sim method has ended.]

10 minutes have already passed.

At the same time, the strength drained from the whole body.

A feeling of fatigue that I hadn’t felt before came all at once.

‘Still, it can’t end here.’

really not long

You just have to go a little further.

Lloyd’s eyes widened in the hazy consciousness suffering from hypoxia.

‘Lump power explosion!’

Ding dong!

[The subliminal power explosion, an option of the Shady Sim method, is activated.]

[Double Circle’s amplification performance is exerted to the limit.] [

The mana amplification rate increases to 3x for 20 seconds.]

[Mana amplification rate: 600%]

Quaaaaaagh! Quack!

Now there was no smooth and sophisticated shoveling.

He swung his shovel like a wild beast with only one desire to live.

I stabbed, stamped, scratched and scooped.

Passages that remain intact beyond the collapsed area.

The distance to it decreased rapidly.

Pop! Pugguk! Kagagak!

2 m 1.5 m 1 m 0.5 m….

It was a powerful advance toward the hope of survival.

And finally, the moment when only 30 cm of the thinnest part of the earthen wall blocking the front remained.

[Shiny Psychic option Potential Explosion activation has ended.]

[You fall into a state of exhaustion as a penalty for activating the option.]

Go crazy!

All strength went out of my body.

Unknowingly, I missed the shovel.

Before I knew it, my leg came loose.

I opened my eyes, but to no avail.


Lloyd reached out.

I tried again to pick up the shovel.

I’m almost there.

It’s really right in front of you

They dug a 12-meter-long tunnel in 10 minutes.

There is only one last step left.

‘But is this the end?’

It was unfair.

I was also sorry.

It was all the more so when he saw Xaviel lying down as if he had already lost consciousness.

‘Did I bring that guy for no reason?’

A dejected laugh came out.

I fell asleep suddenly.

Consciousness rapidly faded.

At some point, I even started to hear nonsense.



But it was a bit strange.

It was somehow too clear to be bullshit.

Lloyd gathered his last strength and raised his head.

At that moment he could see.


A hole the size of a fist was punched through the remaining 30 cm thick wall.

The fist-sized hamster Pudongyi stuck out his round head.


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The Greatest Estate Developer

The Greatest Estate Developer

The greatest architect, The Greatest Estate Developer, The world’s best engineer
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
The only son of a country side baron, who is called tr*sh and hated by his family, subordinates, and every citizen of the fief. One day, he suddenly loses consciousness, and when he opens his eyes… Inside his body was... a Korean civil engineer.


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not work with dark mode