Novel Doctor Player [Dr. Player] Chapter 148

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Doctor Player Chapter 148

Raymond shouted.



The soldiers who received Raymond’s order rushed at Berard with a shout that seemed to leave the sky.

It was a shout announcing the end of the war.

[Achievment ‘War Ender’ achieved!]

[Great achievements receive huge bonuses!]

[Bonus level up!]

[Bonus level up!] [Bonus level up!]

[ Bonus level up!

Level up!]

[Bonus level up!]

[Bonus skill points awarded!] [

Reputation rises! ]

[Reputation rises !]

[Reputation rises!]

[Recognize your great achievements in both countries People praise! Bards will sing of your achievements for a long time!]

[Your name will be recorded in history!]

[We salute you again for your great achievements!]

* * *

Capturing Berard like that will stop the war. got off

Soldiers from both countries all cheered with joy, and Raymond also shouted with joy.

‘It’s finally over! Going home now! It’s the end of the disgusting vegetable soup and the end of sleeping on the hard stone floor!’

Raymond put on a determined expression.

When you return to the capital’s mansion, it’s a beef party right away!

‘From now on, I will remove vegetables from my diet. I’ll become a rich lord, so I’ll only eat beef!’

Now that the war is over, only the flower road remains in front of him.

Since the biggest ball was built, the Yolk Territory was taken away.

‘I will receive the most profitable territory in the Lafalde region as a territory.’

And that wasn’t all.

Since he built a high reputation during the war, patients will flock to him like bees.

The sound of money piled up like a mountain already seemed to linger in my ears.

‘Of course I can’t be satisfied here. My goal is to become the best healer on the continent, not just a rich lord.’

Raymond had no intention of stopping just because he had received one egg yolk manor.

The Yolk Mansion was just the beginning of his dream.

‘This is just the beginning. I will become the best healer on the continent and enjoy all the honor and wealth in the world.’

Raymond thought of the best healers on the continent.

Holy King!

The Crimson Saint!

The saint of brilliance!

As transcendence (E×) rank healers, their wealth was not something that a mere lord could dare to follow.

In the case of the King Seong, who is also the monarch of the Seongguk, it is said that he can support the finances of the country only with his personal income, and the Crimson Saint and the Brilliant Saint are also said to enjoy imperial-level wealth.

No, in terms of pure wealth, it is the status of the best healer on the continent that might surpass the emperor of the empire!

Raymond vowed to become just such a healer and enjoy the highest honor and wealth.

‘Just imagining it makes me feel good.’

I laughed out loud and smiled.

Meanwhile, seeing Raymond like that, the disciples nodded.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen Master like that. It sounds like you are very happy that the war is over.”

“Of course it will. You were the one who cared about the soldiers more than anyone else. I will be glad that no one gets hurt anymore.”

“As expected, Master. I feel good too.”

“So do i!”

Hansson Christine Lyndon Elmood also said he felt good.

But then, they caught sight of Raymond posing.

He was clenching his fists as if he was promising something.

‘I’m going to be rich in the future! Let’s eat beef first when we go home! Sirloin first!’

It was a pose with this meaning, but the disciples misunderstood it.

‘It’s a promise to do the best for patients in the future. Master too. Even though the war is over, it doesn’t loosen up at all.’

they regretted greatly.

‘Yes, even if the war is over, it cannot be released. Because we are healers who are responsible for the lives of our patients. sorry master. I will reflect and do my best in the future.’

‘Our journey as healers is just the beginning. Let’s imitate the master and continue our own war.’

That’s how Raymond and his disciples had the same mind.

It’s just the beginning.

* * *

Some time later, a remote castle near the capital of the Kingdom of Drowton.

A monster with a messy face was locked in a deep prison.

It was Archduke Berard!

He was captured in the final battle and was being transported to the capital of Drowton Kingdom.

It was late at night, so he decided to spend a night in this castle near the capital and depart, so he was locked up in the castle’s prison.

“Hehe. big.”

He groaned, not knowing if he was laughing or crying.

It looks like it’s real.

It was only natural that they would now arrive at the capital of the Drowton Kingdom tomorrow.

After suffering all kinds of hardships, the fate of facing a miserable end awaited.

“Two! ×The son of a foot demon. Take the curse.”

The soldiers swear at him as if they were disgusting.

How many people died and how many suffered because of that bastard Berard? can’t count

Everyone hated him and wanted to be judged rightly.

“calm down. We will arrive in the capital tomorrow. Stay safe until then.”

“Okay, watch carefully to make sure you don’t cheat. He’s a demon, so he could do something.”

So the soldiers opened their eyes and watched the Archduke Berard.

The evening hours passed and it became night. Everyone fell into a deep sleep, but the guardsmen did not relax.

‘It’s to protect the devil in the world. Never be vigilant and don’t let him do nonsense… ….’

That was the moment I thought about it.

The soldiers’ eyes slowly closed.

There were more than one soldier on guard, but they all fell asleep!

Then, a figure covered in a black robe appeared in front of Grand Duke Berard.

[It’s a pity.]

Familiar message magic.

Archduke Berard opened his eyes.

It was ‘they’!

The long-awaited ‘them’ has finally appeared!

“Let me save me! please! I’ll give you anything you want!”

I shouted furiously, but there was no answer.


Archduke Berard’s voice trembled.

would have noticed

The purpose of the opponent’s visit.

“Are you going to kill me to silence me?”

In an instant, the lines under the opponent’s face were revealed. It was revealed at first glance under the robe.


Archduke Berard opened his eyes wide.

I had always completely concealed my identity and couldn’t even guess who the other person was, but this time I learned the gender of the other person for the first time.

The opponent was a woman, and it seemed to be a great beauty.

Archduke Berard was in despair.

It was obvious why the opponent didn’t try to thoroughly cover his identity.

‘Cause I’ll kill you anyway

“Please…! help me! please!”

Berard shouted gibberish in terror.

“Didn’t I tell you that you would put me on top? I’ll do any request! please give me one more chance… …!”

However, the other party only responded like this.

[sorry. I can’t listen to that.]

Berard shouted in despair.

“Didn’t we listen to your request and hand over the Rafalde region? Even though you made the Lafalde region into a land of hell, you ignored it! So please me… …!”

when we talked that far.

The other ‘her’ sighed quietly.

[I am also sorry about that part.]


[Soon, a great disaster will unfold in the Lafalde region. I am sorry for making it the land of hell.]

“What what?”

Archduke Berard made an absurd face.

The other person was genuinely apologetic.

[I also had circumstances that could not be helped. I won’t ask you to understand, but… …I’m so sorry I did such a terrible thing. And also.]

‘Her’ fingers moved toward Berard’s face through the window frame.

It was a white, sculpted finger.

[I’m sincerely sorry for not being able to save you.]

And the moment that finger brushed the tip of Berard’s nose.


Berard let out a rough breath.

It was poison!

My heart gradually tightened.

His veins stood on end, and his complexion grew pale.

“Buy and live….”

Berard, who collapsed on the floor, wriggled from the pain in his chest.

‘Please… ….’

Archduke Berard sighed.

I wanted to say something, but no words came out.

But then.

The face of ‘her’ came into Berard’s eyes as he crawled on the floor. It was visible under the robe.

At that moment, Berard felt a shock like being struck by lightning.

‘Who is that woman?’

It was an incredibly familiar face.

‘Don’t be ridiculous. Why is that person… …?’

Archduke Berard made a shocked face.

That’s how shocking the identity of the opponent was!

‘That woman… …The Crusader Federation Empire… ….’

But that’s it.

Archduke Berard couldn’t forget his thoughts any more. His vision faded as if it were immersed in darkness.

* * *

‘She’ who killed Archduke Berard escaped the castle.

‘She’ looked at her hands bitterly and shook her head.

And after arriving at an uninhabited place, he took out a crystal ball for long-distance communication and started a conversation with someone.

A voice came from behind the dark screen, as if covered by a curtain.

Her voice seemed to have been altered, so she couldn’t even guess her age or gender.

– Did you deal with it?

“Yes Maestro.”

‘She’ called the opponent in the unknown crystal ball ‘Maestro’.

Laughter came from the other side of the crystal ball.

-Its usefulness has already ended. Well done. Did you successfully finish your work in Lapalde?

“Yes Maestro. It was handled perfectly.”

The opponent on the other side of the crystal ball let out a pleasant laugh.

-We’ve already got what we want, so our business is over. It’s just that ‘Pandora’s Box’ was left behind in the Lafalde region. Did you say the Borison estate? Where is ‘Pandora’s Box’ located?

“Yes Maestro.”

-I don’t know who will open that ‘Pandora’s Box’. The moment you open it knowing it’s a treasure, the Lafalde region will turn into hell.

She was silent for a while.

“Is it inevitable?”

– What do you mean?

“When the disaster begins, many people will die in the Lafalde region.”

With the cooperation of Archduke Berard, they obtained what they wanted in the Rafalde region.

However, in the process, it left a huge risk factor.

As soon as the ‘Pandora’s box’ they left behind is opened, countless people will die.

However, the opponent in the crystal ball smiled.

-That would be good in its own way. It would be good data to check what kind of disaster occurs after collecting ‘things’.


– Depending on the data results, it could be used as a good method in the future.

She bit her lip hard.

The opponent expressed the death of countless people as data.

It was terrible.

-why? Did the people of the Lafalde region, who are about to come and die, become pitiful, ‘Saint of hypocrisy’?

The other party called her ‘the saint of hypocrisy’.

She made no answer.

-He has hurt so many people for his own greed, and it’s really disgusting.

“that…! Not for my own greed! For the people!”

– You said you couldn’t help it for the people? funny. Can you really say that it was a sacrifice for someone else, not your own greed?


Opponent was cold.

-Your hands are already dirty. You’re just an ugly devil, not a revered saint. Even the notorious ‘Crimson Saint’ of the Free Cities Alliance would be noble compared to you.


– Or would you put everything down and repent for the sins you’ve committed so far? I’ll do it if you want.

she couldn’t answer

you know

That he could not avoid being burned and killed even if only part of his sins were revealed.

-In the end, your heart pretending to be nice is exactly that.

The opponent laughed and laughed.

-Anyway, stop talking nonsense. So, the next plan is Houston Kingdom?

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Doctor Player

Doctor Player

Dr. Player
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Artist: Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Raymond, a lowly illegitimate son. He was born as the son of a noble, but he was nothing but a filthy man in the eyes of many. Even his qualities as a natural healer are the worst of the worse: Grade F. It was an irredeemable talent that was worse than the lowest class, indeed. But one day, a miracle happened to him. [You awakened as a player!] [Occupation: Surgeon] It was the beginning of a great legend.


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