Novel Debut or Die Chapter 410

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If you can’t debut, you’ll get sick to death Episode 410

The contest program < True Match >, which Wishes will appear in this time, will reduce the amount of talk, but it doesn’t show a long narrative of preparing for the stage.

This is in order to keep the concept of a talented match that ‘everything is said on stage’.

So, on the contrary, he was more than happy with Ryu Gun-woo.

‘If the preparation process is shown too much, the impact will be lost.’

It’s because they are all career workers, so they will come out with a skillful drawing that is not like a newcomer.

I don’t want a character like that.

‘I have to give it a taste that betrays expectations.’

Thanks to this, Wishz received the editing that a typical ‘big hit newcomer with one song’ deserves, with almost no preparation.

[< What is the fifth team? >]

[The idol you want~ Hello. This is Wishes.]

A cool look. And it’s about the amount of introducing the currently popular song ‘Timer’ as if it were an advertisement.

Originally, I would have received more. Because each and every one of them is a crazy monster rookie who is hot.

However, the rest of the early portion is taken by the team whose position and image are upwardly compatible.

It’s barreu tea holic.

[Ah~ welcome!]

[< Here comes the national idol! >]

Because it is a group with a high public awareness and a lot of hit songs, viewers’ reactions are focused on that side, whether good or bad.

However, a few people who like to show off their sharp analysis have left comments.

– It seems to overlap a bit.

-This is a public relations failure

. The two of them have very similar


Listing those facts alone, Wishz was a latecomer to the T-Holic line.

Besides, even the subject of this episode 101 performance is not helping the Wishes.

[Topic: Beginners]

[Theme for singers who have challenged themselves in < Jinsung Match >, which marks the first episode beyond 100 episodes] Beginnings for


In addition, I couldn’t help but feel bored when I recalled the 100th episode special like a festival with fancy stage settings and famous songs by famous composers.

The last word before the stage, when leader Shin Jae-hyun gave the requested ‘word of resolution’, people were confused.

[Thankfully, we made our name known through various individual activities, but in fact, the essence is that we are people who do group performances.] [

I want to show you.]

-That’s like a death flag

-Someone would think that variety shows only came out for about 5 years.

-You must have done a lot with the timer, didn’t you?

When viewers react in a somewhat elated way to the remarks of a promising rookie who already has a hit song.

A fan who was leaving a cheering message could not stand it and knocked on the keyboard.

-LOL Everyone doesn’t know that. I’m from the Wishz survival program

. -The group contest itself is the kids’ first intention


[Live broadcast]

Real-time transmission appears in the top corner, and the moment the texture of the screen changes, the camera moves to illuminate the stage.

Opening stage ready.

A huge cursive font floats brightly on the electronic signboard at the top.


Yellow lights like sunlight fall on the stage.

The stage set in front of the billboard like the blue sky is a wonderful entrance to the school built with bricks.

And performers appear between the panel structures.

The members of Wishz are wearing neat private school uniforms.

Gathering along the movement line, they form a formation, and blonde-haired Chae-yul laughs in the center.

[Shall we turn on the timer and go to the past]

It was the appearance of a song everyone knows.

The stage with a brass accompaniment by changing the movement and singing method in a somewhat musical way is somewhat retro and pleasant.

An overwhelming and enjoyable feeling.

In addition, for each part, he mixed the characters he had built up in variety shows in a slightly humorous way.

Liu Cheng-wu wears glasses and reads a book. A cast iron that does the magic of lighting newspapers on fire. Cha Yoo-jin winks as she ends her rap with ‘yes’.

Mix buzzwords or reproduce situations.

And Ryu Gun-woo, who was holding the campaign sign as if protesting, hugged the sign tightly and laughed and sang the chorus.

[When I was running, I

still remember

the meteor that fell on us today]

The members waving their hands and dancing.

All those moments… It was very natural and gave a pleasant feeling of support. From the successful arrangement to the relaxed appearance of the members who don’t even look nervous.


-You’re good, the pure function of an idol~~ It feels like you’re being supported^^ -I

think I got some tickets .

The vocals are also flawless.

The moment I thought it was worth going over without cursing.

-uh? Where is

Kim Rae-bin?

There is a human figure climbing up the railing behind the stage setting.

The belatedly following camera illuminates a hand raised on the school clock… Kim Rae-bin with white hair.

The moment when the eyes looking downwards met the camera.


The camera work moves backwards.

The blue sky of the electronic display board wriggles, and a new sound comes in after biting the bell.

Forged recorder.

And the tempo of the accompaniment changes.


While Kim Rae-bin comes down the railing one step at a time, the remaining seven gather and perform a choreography.

The choreography looks a bit like a dance break interlude, but it’s off-beat and somewhat slow, giving you a bit of a strange feeling.

And when Kim Rae-bin came down and joined, the sound of the bell and the original accompaniment had already died down.

in white noise.

Kim Rae-bin, who walked to the center and stood there, nodded.

And a low voice that sounds hoarse.

[Move the timer]

[Listen to my wish]

The song unfolds again as the unfamiliar rap catches on to the melody that doesn’t fit.

A strong riff melody. [


a spell you’ll never forget, teach me

about your world]

The display board turns dark after the time dyed red before you know it, and the crescent moon rises.

night time.


The moment the letters at the top change, the real choreography begins.

And every time a member comes out looking for their part in ‘Timer’.

[Turn on the timer]

[Stay here, I don’t change]


A new melody in a minor key that bites the melody of the timer.

Classical arrangements are pushed out and modern MIDI notes naturally take their place.

Viewers were perplexed because they could not know this much.

-What song is this

? -Isn’t “Timer” your debut song?


There are all of their debut songs that have kicked off the popularity of domestic music sources that are perfect for the taste of KPOP fandom.

[I won’t get tired of memorizing it forever,

so hold on to me and

leave me here]


The story of a ghost story that is forever trapped in a school at night eats away at the timer.

like a catch

Every time Timer’s riff melody comes out, Wish’s beat presses down as if tearing it apart.

And the choreography changes as if blocking it.

[The picture sparkles]

[The sound of the prey’s breath on the night of hunting,

I’m the one who grants wishes]

As if pushing back and blocking Jin Chae-yul’s movement in the timer refrain, Cha Yoo-jin catches the dance center with her eyes shining.

In the timer part, the members who intentionally had fewer parts come to the fore.

The beat gradually gets faster and more intense, and the movements of the choreography become more violent, as if the movement lines are pushing them roughly.

night of the hunt.

A gloomy high-pitched sound roars.


The dark and intense voice that supports it

[Make me enhanced

Make me better


The moment the outstretched hand and stop motion are captured.

the song is over

Inyoung lowered her raised hand into the air and came forward from the middle.




now grant my wish]

Dress neatly.

After arranging the fabric with his fingers, Shin Jae-hyeon turns around with a smile, and the line of movement hardens into a pyramid shape.

However, his rear row, turned back, is still looking ahead. and open your mouth


A cappella that sounds like a booing.

The bell rings at the red midnight school.


The upper body shakes according to the rhythm.


The lights are off.

[…] …g]

The opening stage ended with only the ringing of the remaining bells on the dark stage.

Soon, the MC’s comment through the VCR sounds for the next stage… .


-What song is this now?? Someone please answer

– It was thrilling

– What did I just see


-? I went to the bathroom, but why is the atmosphere like


Wishes vomited their flagship to finish the final score from the bottom to 2nd place.

* * *

Before work, I stopped by the bathroom and turned my smartphone screen in the hallway on my way back.

The story of this group pops up every time you turn the page.

The main keyword is embarrassing.

-Is Wishz’s original stage like this?

The stage of ‘Timer’, which aimed at the sound source, was deliberately designed to be easy to follow and easy to see.

It means that it was not the main thing that made people stunned by the insanely high difficulty level, or the strong momentum that opened their mouths and the feeling of attracting attention to the point of embarrassment.

A stage that just makes you feel good.

That’s why the public recognized Wishz’s organs and routes as ‘public-friendly tea holic lines’.

But I realized it through this stage.

the aspirations of this group.

-They were really sidelined in entertainment.

Surprisingly, it’s the truth. I nodded while looking at the best comment.

-Isn’t it a scam? Doing this live >?? Hahahahaha -Wow,

how did you get the timing right? You do everything well wow crazy live…

-I didn’t expect it to be this far with minor sensibility But it’s charming Was your debut like this?

In the midst of such a reaction from the entertainment community that was interested in idols, general viewers added more.

It’s so good that it’s a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of

Besides, this is no ordinary program.

– It was a cool stage. Maybe it’s because they’re young, so they know how to take on challenges. I’ve seen geniuses.

-I never thought the opening would be like this~~ It was cool!

– You must have had a hard time because of a ruthless company that only released entertainment shows with these skills. I can sing and dance well.

A long standing contest program.

Viewers who have already become deceased were hoping for a more intense and stimulating contest stage.

This must have been a good stimulus to the eyes of these people who watched more than 100 episodes and saw most of them as clichés.

both stagely and narratively.

‘It’s because a good guy is a good guy.’

Thanks to that, it’s good to see that the majority of people have changed their attitude.


I nodded and turned off the internet. I thought that if I spread the article all the way tomorrow, I would be able to upload the group image without any problems.

Now go in, stretch your feet, and sleep for more than six hours in a long time….

“Hey there.”


When I turn my head, I see a familiar face… .


this bastard… who was it

‘Ah, that’s T-holic.’

However, the cause of the withdrawal is unknown.

I’m sorry, but in reality it’s been a while since you left. I should have had something to see.

I bowed my head like a fresh newcomer and greeted him. The guy nodded.

“I saw the stage well. I prepared very hard, but it deserves second place!”

“thank you.”

I politely grabbed the hand that he extended. Then, a look somewhere between ignorance and borderline passes in his eyes.

“I think it would be cool to release the next comeback song with that kind of stage feeling. Wishz seemed to do that the best.”

Fucking popularity?

Well, this guy probably doesn’t know that the rookie doesn’t have the authority to decide that.

He must have wandered around our waiting room on purpose to be treated like a big senior because he was just feeling dirty.


Are you a guy who knows how to cheat?

how about it anyway He’ll be retired in a few years anyway.

I smiled inwardly and nodded my head.

“Oh, thank you.”

“is it so. okay. I hope we can see your face again in our next variety show.”

“Ah yes.”

Still, I have to kill it a bit.

The door to my waiting room is right in front of me, but I’m not in a good mood because I can’t get off work. Would you mind shutting your mouth and going out?

But suddenly the door opens.


And then a man dressed in plain clothes comes out.


“hello. Seniors.”

“Oh Jaehyun. Welcome. okay.”

He’s the leader and he seems to know more about it than the other guys.

‘Should I skip it and go in?’

I rarely looked at the walking guy happily.

Those who quit T-Holic muttered.

“You always have a good attitude. Uh, if you want to go on for a long time, you have to keep doing that.”

“I will always respect you.”

“Yes, yes.”

Meaning and confidence that you will never leave this position. and pride.

‘Maybe it’s a little bitter.’

It was the moment I opened my mouth.

First, the old man slowly opened his mouth.

“Still, it can’t be in its prime forever. Both groups and people.”


Shin Jae-hyeon immediately smiled and looked at the T-Holic guy.

It means you won’t outlast me.

‘…That guy.’

it was mac

But he… I didn’t expect to see him say such a thing openly.

-It’s the heyday because the heyday is over.

I remembered what I said to him earlier.

And the resigned person’s face gradually turned red and began to look straight.

“You now….”

“Oh my brother, you’re here!”

At that moment, a bright voice interrupted again.

The guy who rushed in from across the corner was another member of T-Holic.

“The manager hyung found it. Oh Wishz.”

The youngest of T-Holic, the owner of “Party in me,” which I did during my first evaluation of < Azusa >, squinted his eyes.

“I saw the stage very well. Let’s compete with each other in good faith so that we can be seen on the broadcasting station for a long time!”

“no. We dare not compete… .”

“You are even humble.”

No, if you go back to reality, it means that you can’t compete because of the generation gap. At that point, it’s an old man attack.

Anyway, he seemed to be laughing a little bit, but he quickly corrected his expression.

“Thank you~ Come on bro let’s go!”

The youngest member of T-Holic disappeared with the guy who was about to leave.


I looked at Cheongnyeo. He shrugged and smiled thinly.

“Hmm, how do you feel about being quoted?”

“I just need to know.”


I left the laughing guy behind and opened the door to the waiting room.

So, all the conditions are met.

Now comes the target season.

* * *

“Hello viewers~”

Sejin Lee of the group Zyrop, who held the microphone from the MC side of the awards ceremony, greeted with a smile.

Received great acclaim for his dyed black hair, he stood here this year thanks to solid group activities and outstanding individual performances.

Of course, one of the reasons was that he was one of the few qualified people who could well watch the live broadcast society, but there are circumstances that the company does not know.

‘…I think it will work out.’

Lee Se-jin is here for an unexpected situation.

for planning and operations.

‘Ah, I try everything like this.’

He secretly swallowed his saliva in nervousness, but smiled casually and raised his head.

“< Lemon Music Awards > curtain rises!”

The year-end awards ceremony has begun.

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Debut or Die

Debut or Die

Debut or Die, I'll Die If I Fail to Debut, If I Fail to Debut, I’ll Get a Killer Disease
Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Artist: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
A student who was preparing the Civil Service examination for 4th year, suddenly he found himself in an unfamiliar body 3 years ago. As well as a status window displaying a threat in front of his eyes! [Outbreak!] [Status Abnormality: ‘Debut or Death’ Occurs!] A diary about the transformation of the main character, who was suddenly challenged to be an idol even though he has never been in the industry before due to sudden threat of death. ※Speciality: He used to take and sell idol’s data.


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