Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 474

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< Episode 122 One (1) >


Moving black flames.

The moment it spread from the forehead to the entire body Mu Qingyun’s pupils shook at such a speed that it was difficult to perceive.

From the moment the spark ignites a vast amount of memories come flooding into my head.

The memories that flowed in just for a moment have already easily surpassed the years that Mok Kyung-un has lived.

It was a birth process.

Even the image forming in darkness and chaos remains in my memory.

‘Stop… stop.’

Mo Gyeong-un sent the doctor with difficulty.

The vast amount of memories coming in was not just memories that came to mind.

Even the strange sensations that existed in the midst of chaos were vividly conveyed.

That’s why Mok Gyeong-un felt pain as if his brain was going to explode just from being flooded with memories.

‘Stop… Stop.’

-Hold on even if it hurts. This is exactly why he waited until he had his rank.

The devil king’s words rang in my ears.

Even though his head felt like it was going to explode from the vast amount of memories flooding in Mok Gyeong-un was able to understand what he said.

If his mind had not been properly awakened through enlightenment these memories might have caused him to lose the ability to think and go crazy in an instant.

But it was still dangerous.

The vast memories flooding in were gradually blurring the thoughts of Mok Gyeong-un who lived only eighteen years.

If things continued like this it was obvious that he would be eaten.

Could it be that he is passing on his memories in order to encroach on himself like this?


The voice rang again in the ears of Mo Kyung-un who was suffering.

-Even if you are reborn as a human your potential is infinite. Didn’t they say that the years we’ve lived are meaningless? It’s me.


Despite these words Mo Kyung-un’s eyes gradually became blurry.

It was gradually being eroded into memory.

Then he spoke in a black flame meaningful voice.

-Are you going to give in here and lose something precious to yourself?


It was that moment.

Gradually Mo Kyung-un’s trembling pupils stopped and an intense glow came out of his eyes.

Seeing this the black flames burned even more brightly and flickered.

At the same time memories that had only been flowing into Mok Gyeong-un’s mind began to appear clearly.

Red sky and three moons.

A strange world with no clouds and everything colored brown.

This was not this world.

In this strange world countless beings looked up to him and looked at him across the vast land.

And countless memories flashed by all of them stained with blood and death.

Even though it lasts tens hundreds or thousands of years the destruction and death of the fathers continues endlessly.

How many people died in it?

Beings with pure white wings died by his hands countless times and he was afraid and cursed at every moment.

My memories were filled with nothing but blood and endless war for a long time and I gradually felt the emptiness and exhaustion of everything.

Then the door opened and a beautiful moonlit world unfolded.

The moment I saw that place myself and everyone in my memory came alive and new vitality surged.

[There is no longer any need to feel regretful about the world that is constantly bleeding and falling apart.]

Let’s make this beautiful place our new home.

If he takes care of this place a little there is no need to fight with them.

In the process of getting to know this place with such ideals I realized that they too were just as interested in this place as I was.

So I quickly realized that I couldn’t approach it.

Fortunately in this world there was night and day and when it was day it was difficult for the clan to endure and when it was night it was also difficult for them to endure.

It seemed difficult to make this place a new home without getting rid of daylight.

What should I do?

As he was standing on the mountain peak looking down at this place and thinking about it an unforgettable being appeared in his memory.

[Is it female?]

[Yes I think so. la….]

[It’s done. Kill it and throw it away.]

[I accept orders.]

They were insignificant human beings native to this place.

Perhaps because she was a female she was quite beautiful but it had no meaning to her.


[female? You talk so shit. Fuck you male bastard.]


He was shocked by the profanity he had heard for the first time in his life.

The beings of this world regarded themselves as gods all the ten thousand demons looked up to them and even those who were hostile to them feared them and regarded them as objects of fear so no one could say anything.

But how could an insignificant person say something like that to himself?

[How dare you!]

Taura who was assisting her became very angry and tried to kill the woman.

His interest in her was not easily quenched so he prevented him from killing her.

[Leave it alone.]


[I told them to leave me alone.]

At that time Counselor Taura looked like he couldn’t understand.

This may have been a natural reaction because he considered human beings to be no better than livestock or insects.

This was the moment that shattered their previous fate and changed their fate.

But I had no regrets at that time.

Because the more he met her the more he realized that this decision of his was not wrong.

She said she was just like me and we fell even deeper into each other.

Even though we had to meet briefly because we couldn’t be away for a long time due to the war with them it was enough.

However she is just a human.

It was so sad to see her live such a short life.


[Someone said that. Because it’s shorter it shines even more. We can live like that too.]

[Because it’s short it shines even more….]

How wise.

It may only be a moment but as she said everything sparkles beautifully.

I even thought that perhaps my destiny was not destruction and destruction but that I was born for these moments.

What if I too had been born human just like her?

Then we will be able to walk along with her life.

Then one day it happened.

[What’s going on?]

[I apologize. Their leader is personally leading a large army and is now invading the main city.]


He is the head of those who call themselves the Heavenly Clan or the God Clan.

We fought a war with them for a long time.

The war had become so long that it felt like inertia but their leader himself came to his parents’ home?

‘I might have to end it.’

They are also targeting this beautiful world.

Perhaps for her sake it was necessary to put an end to her war.

Eventually he went back and fought an all-out war against them.

The war in which even the heads of the two major clans participated was so intense that its scale was incomparable to any previous war.

And as their powers became equal the war and confrontation became longer and longer.

-Thump thump thump!

Then my core began to shake and I was overcome by a strange strange feeling of anxiety.

Was that anxiety correct?

The family member who had inspected the place quickly reported to him.

[O king. It seems like they were involved there.]


The King of Demons finally opened the door and headed there feeling doubtful.

He was the one who had connected the door to the shrine in Wolmaek just in case.


The first thing that caught his eye as he passed the door was her figure wearing a red pretty bridal gown and a gold crown.

A sincere exclamation flowed out.

He was momentarily mesmerized by the beauty but soon felt ominous energy coming from somewhere and without even a moment to think he ran away.

And there he saw a very shocking sight.

It was a gruesome sight: someone had ripped out her heart and crushed it.


At that moment he lost his mind for the first time.

Regardless of his identity or whatever his mind was already filled with murderous intent.

– Quad deuk!

“Kwaaaaaaaaaa! Who who…”

“I’ll kill you.”


Not only did she twist the arms of the guy who ripped out her heart and rip it out she grabbed his legs and threw them in all directions until his anger went away.


The ceiling of Daejeon collapsed and the man’s heart was ripped out and crushed his face reduced to a pulp.

And as if he wasn’t enough they ripped off his head before he died.

After killing her bastard in an instant he hurriedly ran over and hugged her.

Her body temperature was rapidly cooling as her heart had been pulled out.


Are you going to hide like this?

You said you would come back but are you going here without waiting?

Then she opened her eyes with difficulty.

Was it a fleeting miracle?


He sobbed as he saw her open her eyes.

Her heart was so heartbroken that she couldn’t bear it.


A bloody teardrop ran down my cheek.

She placed her hand on his cheek and muttered with difficulty.

-When I see you again I want to be your bride.

So do I.

Only you are my bride.

He said holding her hand as her strength gradually weakened.

[It was beautiful…. It was so beautiful that it looked like a red peony.]

A smile appeared on her lips at his words and then her eyelids closed.


He sobbed and roared at the sight of her dying in his arms.

It was so painful to think that the only love that had come to me for so many years to lose my life in vain like this was so heartbreaking.

As I was suffering so much the sky darkened the space began to tremble and soon a huge door opened.

I saw a red sky and hundreds of beings flapping their white wings.

He looked up.


Were you involved in this?

Is this really what you wanted to do?


He held out his hand to the figure of a being that had white wings that were more splendid and gigantic than the others visible in the red sky and that radiated multi-colored light.


Then the black bracelet wrapped around his wrist soon changed into the shape of a black sword.

[The price… is only death.]


Soon he launched the new model towards the red sky.

* * *

It was a fight that lasted dozens of days.

The result was almost like a two-party plan.

Most of the clans who followed him came to fight for a long time but the result was so fierce that almost no one survived.

‘I should have killed him.’

It’s unfortunate that we couldn’t kill him but we succeeded in inflicting a fatal wound that was enough to detonate a nuclear weapon.

Of course we had to make a lot of sacrifices.

It was when I returned to the castle after being injured.

Since the war against them was not over yet all the Sioux tribes had gone to the battlefield and only some counselors were guarding the place.

It was while I was recovering from my injury.

[No. He is still recovering his body.]

[Get out of the way. If you don’t want to die.]


[I have something I urgently need to tell him.]

The voice heard outside was Taura an aide.

He desperately tried to stop him on the outside but he was no match for his strong opponent.

Taura killed them all and forced open the throne room door and entered.

[I’m sure they told me not to let anyone in.]

[That’s right. But there is no chance other than this time.]

At this time the murderous intent in his voice and eyes became clear.

At that time the guy put something down and it started to glow creating a door to a space that shuddered.


[What are we doing now?]

[Finally I would like to find out your intentions.]

[What did you say?]

[Please give me an order right now. Go in here and kill all the bugs in the world.]

What does this suddenly mean in this situation?

If it hadn’t been for the injury he would have punished the bastard but he couldn’t do that now.

[I would have said for sure that I would not rule there.]

[Ha…. The person I know is not like this. Isn’t it only for the sake of the clan? He shows mercy to insects just because of a human woman.]

[Taura. No further rudeness will be tolerated.]

Taura suddenly laughed like crazy at those words.

[Khahahahahaha! It seems to be true that the core was pierced by the divine sword of the Elyos King.]


[I will go there right now and remove everything that has weakened you and put it back to its original state. Please understand my loyalty.]


[I will kill that woman first and send the supply.]

She has already lost her life.

However his sadness and anger had not subsided yet and he could not bear it.

In the end the King of Demons who could not hold back his anger stopped recovering and struck the bastard with a new punishment.


[At best… is this the answer? You have become really weak.]

He was seriously injured and could not use his strength properly.

Taura grabbed his head and chest.

[Do you know what abilities I have?]


[It seems that it will no longer be possible for you weakened to lead our clan. And that weakened mentality.]

[Cluck cluck. It’s crooked. Taura.]



Taura began to absorb his remaining magical energy.


Although he was weakened his strength was not completely exhausted so he was able to resist it but he soon stopped doing so.

What is the point of living like this when she is no longer in the world?

She no longer had any attachments to this world of death and killing.

Taura who had taken a long time to absorb almost all of the demonic energy sarcastically spoke in a confident voice.

[I’m disappointed. The greatest warrior and the embodiment of the black flame does not even resist.]

He said looking haggard after losing his strength to Taura.

[End it with one king.]

[…What are you talking about now?]

[I will allow you to lead the clan so pay no further attention there.]


Taura sneered in disappointment at these words.

Then he immediately lifted his body up.


[What are you trying to do?]

[To the end all you have is that bug-like human woman.]

[It’s not just her. Just like you think….]

[It’s done. I know very well what you think of your clan. If you like that place rot there for the rest of your life.]


Taura whispered to him with a wicked smile.

[ah! You forgot this. Now that I think about it how did they know about her?]

His eyes were shaking like crazy.

[You…. No way…]

[Hehehe. They will find you. Let’s run away and try to save our lives. If you can survive in that condition.]


And just like that he threw him through the door.

The place where the door opened was none other than high above.

If he didn’t know the truth he would have thought it would be better to die like this.

But I couldn’t do that as it is now.

Since his current body could not bear to fall like this he drew out the remaining demonic energy remaining in his body.


His body was engulfed in black flames.

In that state he fell to the ground at an incredible speed.


He protected his body with the magic power of black flames but he could not avoid the gut-wrenching pain.

I saw someone in his eyes as if he was about to collapse.

There he saw an old man bowing down with tears in his eyes.

Is he a man who worships himself?


The flame disappeared due to loss of energy and he collapsed.

The old man ran to him supported him and checked his pulse.

[God incarnate. I am your servant. Please help me save you.]

[Do as you wish.]

Identifying himself as Jang Mun-no a protector of Baehwagyo he overthrew the King of Demons and headed to a large village where he could supply medicinal herbs.

The village they headed to was Yongmun Guangdong Province.

Jang Mun-no who sat him down for a moment at the entrance to a deserted alley said.

[I’m going to retrieve the medicine so please wait here for a moment. I will be back soon.]

[…Do it.]

After Jang Mun-no went like that the Demon King who was sitting against the wall touched his center.

It was no exaggeration to say that he was virtually on the verge of death as not only had his core been pierced but all his energy had been taken away.

Will it disappear like this?


It is truly heartbreaking.

Should I have gone overboard and killed him with Dong-gwi Jin-jin’s resolve?

He just seems to resent that he didn’t choose his clan and has no regrets about life so giving up has become a huge defeat.

With all his strength taken away he had no hope of surviving.

But that was right then.


I could feel their energy somewhere.

It was clearly the energy of the Elyos.

Are they looking for them like Taura said?


They were coming.

Even though he lost most of his demon energy he seemed to recognize it right away because he had the ability to sense the energy and core unique to the demon clan.


He moved his body while holding his chest.

He couldn’t die like this just yet.


He climbed up onto the roof and flew the new model in the opposite direction to avoid the approaching energies.

– Throbbing!

However because his core was pierced before he lost most of his energy he was unable to move his body freely.

As he was climbing over the roof he was unable to overcome the excruciating pain and fell.



Coincidentally the place where he fell was none other than a carriage.

A woman who crashed through her carriage and fell into it was seen lying unconscious and her baby wrapped in her own body.

[wah wah!]

A crying baby.

It’s really small because it hasn’t been long since it was born.

After looking at this for a long time his eyes became bitter.

If she were alive would they have had a baby like that?

However looking at it now was just a vain regret.

Since she is not human anyway she cannot give birth to a baby…


human being….

He wanted to become human because she wanted to walk the same life as her.

I had longed for it so desperately in my head but I had given up because I couldn’t do it while leaving behind the clan I was leading.

But now there was no reason to give up.

He looked at the baby for a long time and then put his hand on the baby.


The energy that was believed to be them was getting closer and closer.

Anyway if we give up nuclear weapons and become human we will be able to avoid their eyes.

However if he exhausted all his remaining strength and became human his consciousness and ego might disappear like this.

That’s how weak he was.

He had no more options.


If I were to become a human being like her it might be a brighter ending in its own way.

The Demon King petted the baby and soon muttered softly.

[Sowol… I miss you.]


Soon his body was engulfed in black flames and his figure slowly began to shrink.

And in the flames there was another baby who looked exactly the same as the crying baby.

< Episode 122 One (1) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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