Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 63

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< Episode 17 Flag (4) >


Mok Gyeong-un holds the head of a dead boy and performs a ceremony of mourning.

It wasn’t long before he was able to absorb all of the boy’s remaining energy of death.


Mok Kyung-un smiled.

It absorbed the morale of as many as 16 people.

Even though my qi gates were blocked and I couldn’t collect it into my dantian I was filled with energy flowing through the blood vessels of my whole body.

I think I was very lucky.

Eleven people died fighting among themselves in the first place and the remaining five were also quite exhausted.

So I was able to kill it with almost no effort.

“It’s comfortable.”

-They did something foolish.

Cheongryeong also agreed with what Mok Gyeong-un said.

Thanks to the golden seal blocking all the air gates Mok Gyeong-un was in an advantageous situation.

If I had been in a situation where I could use my strength it would have been difficult to kill the boys in this way.

However thanks to this fraud was easily secured.

‘Well if they’re all going to die through competition anyway it’s better to become a fraud among sentient beings.’

In the first place she was a vengeful soul.

Therefore she didn’t feel particularly sorry.

Moreover it was a place where people had to kill each other to get through the gate so there was no point in considering that.

-But I guess that’s the flag.

“I see.”

Mok Gyeong-un put down the head he was holding and approached his flag.

I had no intention of taking the flag yet but since this was the goal of this gateway I couldn’t help but notice it.

-What about the flag? If you don’t want to take it right away break it and throw it away.

“That’s right.”

-Or it might be easier to organize one in advance and carry it around for later.

“That’s not bad either.”

With those words Mok Gyeong-un tried to grab her flagpole and then looked somewhere intently.

Even though internal energy was banned his five senses were much more developed than those of an average person.

-Why are you doing that?

“There’s something written right below the flag near the flagpole.”

-What do you mean?

“Hmm. “Three-type detection Myeong-Woo-Gyeongseon inspection details…”

Cheongnyeong who was listening to the verse read by Mok Gyeong-un immediately recognized what it was.

-That…is a simple method of swordsmanship.

“Sword law? “It seems like that’s what I heard.”

Mok Gyeong-un also agreed because it was a gugyeol that released Chosik’s movements.

“But why is this written here?”

-Read the rest.

“Muju Seongyeol Geomha Ilche ​​Yeongmulgi Tax Exemption….”

Mok Gyeong-un who had been reading all the way said.

“That’s it.”

-what? This is it?

Mok Gyeong-un was surprised to hear Cheongryeong’s questioning voice.

“Is there a problem?”

-It seems like the herbivorous diet stopped midway.

“It got cut off midway?”

-okay. If this is the only herbivorous diet Gokji Shinju Kunryun is in critical condition. There are gaps in the four urinary acupoints.

“So is this an unfinished herbivore?”

-I don’t think so. If you look at the fact that they stick to the basics rather than the upward sword technique and the formulas are arranged so that they do not overlap…

“If you see it?”

-It looks like an herbal meal made for a checkup.

“If it’s a checkup is it like a sword-fighting strategy?”

-okay. However these herbivores alone have obvious weaknesses so having to prepare a checkup will only make it difficult to pass.

“Are you tired? Hot. “That’s a funny expression.”

-I didn’t say it to be fun. Rather I think there must be a reason why I wrote down the unfinished Geomcho here.

Mok Gyeong-un also nodded at Cheongryeong’s opinion.

I thought it might be something like a hidden task at the gateway like the number written on the iron ball.

Mok Gyeong-un who was staring at Cho-sik’s Gu-gyeol said.

“Maybe the flag isn’t everything.”

-Didn’t you say forty?

“Not that but kind.”


“yes. “Maybe there could be a flag with the rest of the herbivores written on it?”

-Hoo. That seems plausible.

This time Cheongryeong agreed with Mo Kyung-un’s words.

He was quite capable of it.

-Mongsaeng If as you said there are two species of herbivores hidden in the flag those who discover them will inevitably try to find another flag rather than defend their own flag.

“I think the same thing.”

Two types of flags.

It didn’t end with finding one flag.

In the end the eight people waiting at the flag location until dawn was the only visible task and the hidden task seemed to be completing the divided swords.

“It’s fun.”

It was inducing a fight in some way.

Those who don’t discover this will just end up like that but those who are even a little more attentive will move to aim for a different flag.

The conclusion was that Mokgyeongun also needed to find a different type of flag.

And of course there had to be seven people with the flag.

-It got a little tricky.

“But now that I know what it’s like I guess I’ll have to select accordingly.”

With those words Mok Gyeong-un broke the stem of the flag with the nine letters written on it with one hand.

-Tang Gang!

As the young man said earlier it was to dispose of the flag.

But the moment he broke his teeth


Mok Kyung-un looked at the flag and frowned.


-Why are you doing that?

“The main force was contained in the pole of the flag.”

-main force?


It is literally the power of witchcraft or magic.

Mokgyeongun had become more sensitive to various types of energy after absorbing fraud through retrograde fortune and learning magic.

But the moment I broke it I felt the main force coming out.

Cheongryeong who could not confirm the main force because he was inside the wooden doll asked.

-Is this really a trap?

“I don’t think so.”

If it had been a trap the main force would have remained intact.

However the moment the flagpole was broken the main force disappeared.


At that time something like a horn echoed throughout the mountain.

Seeing as the sound was consistent it sounded like a signal.


Hearing this Mok Kyung-un muttered as he lightly crushed the broken flagpole with one hand.

“I guess there’s something else besides this.”

* * *

Not far away.

Another battle was about to take place where a flag was planted on the ridge.

The group of eight who discovered it first was trying to defend the flag and the group that appeared late tried to take it from them.

The group of eight people trying to defend the flag here was led by none other than a boy named Yeomga from Jusalgok.



One boy fell backwards after being hit by a cheap kick.

‘Damn it. ‘It’s too strong.’

The boy who fell out was embarrassed as he failed.

Since internal skills were banned he thought that even if he was from Jusalgok he would be able to deal with them on equal terms to some extent.

But the basics themselves were different.

The power of his kicks was unusual as he must have continued to practice his external skills.

‘It’s not a jusal song for nothing.’

This made me wonder if I had chosen the wrong partner.

I checked to see if the other guys were okay.



Unfortunately there wasn’t much of a difference.

Anyone can see that they are being pushed out.

In the first place only the top players were gathered in the battle for the iron ball so even without internal skills the basic skills themselves were different.

I wasn’t a match for him in the first place.

Jusalgok’s Yeomga also provoked by gesturing with his hands as if he was aware of the difference in level.

“hey. “If you’re at your best show some grit.”

‘Damn it!’

I was angry but there was nothing I could do.




One of the boys had his neck broken by a boy from Cheap Joe.

Not long after the attack two people lost their lives.

If they suffer any more the group will be destroyed.

The head boy decided that it was impossible and shouted.

“Let’s jump!”

The other boys who were struggling to recapture the flag seemed to agree with the boy’s cries and tried to run away without even looking back.

Jusalgok’s Yeomga smiled and muttered.

“They said someone sent it to me.”

You are free to attack but do you think they will let you go easily?

Shouldn’t we kill all of these guys and do something to them so that other guys won’t have any fear of targeting their flag?

“Get everything…”




For a moment Jusalgok’s Yeomga closed his mouth.

What was that just now?

One boy who was trying to run away as quickly as possible toward the opposite bush suddenly saw a black shadow pass by and disappeared with a scream.

There was silence for a moment.

From the boys who tried to chase with high morale to the boys who tried to run away they looked at the place where the shadow had passed with bewildered eyes.

-Ugh! Ugh!

The bushes shook and the sound of something chewing could be heard.

It sounded terrible.

“What is it?”

“What about that just now?”

The boys took a step back without realizing the sound they didn’t want to hear.

Then a sound came from the shaking bushes.



At first glance it sounded like a pig crying.

However the strange eye light that could be seen little by little through the bushes was enough to make people scared.

The bushes shook as the boys who were trying to run away took a step back.

Then something soon appeared there.


When the boys saw this their expressions hardened.


The thing with its hook-shaped front paws out was not human.

It felt like I was seeing a wolf but it was different.

It looked to be about twice the size of an ordinary wolf but its frontal fur was red and its eyes were as black as those of a mouse.

‘What is this?’

‘wolf? ‘Is there a wolf like this?’

‘It’s so…big.’


When the beast that made the sound of a pig opened its teeth the sharp teeth filling its entire mouth were revealed.


The boy shouted swallowing dry saliva out of nervousness.

“Run away!”

As soon as the shouting ended the boys turned to the right.



The red-haired wolf beast quickly caught up with the boy who was furthest behind.



He bit the calf in his mouth.

Then he struck the boy with great force.

-thud! thud!


I only hit him a couple of times but the boy lost consciousness either dead or fainting.

A tattered calf that was almost cut off by sharp teeth.

A wolf-shaped beast approached the boy’s head and took it in one bite.

-Ugh! Ugh!


The boys guarding the flag turned pale at the sight.

What was even more strange was that I didn’t feel fear when a beast was chewing on a person’s head right in front of my eyes.

This was also true for the cheap price of Jusalgok.


Why is it that such a bizarre being appears when inner strength is banned?

It seemed like it wasn’t an ordinary beast.

If you were naked and couldn’t use internal energy even dealing with a regular wolf was difficult.

Even more so if it were a beast of that size it would be beyond its burden.

I didn’t know if I would have to risk my life.

‘Should I avoid it?’

It seemed like it was not the time to defend the flag.

However it was absurd to give up the flag I had earned so much because of such a villain.

It was right then.


The beast that crushed and swallowed the boy’s head looked towards them this time.

Then as if he had decided on a goal he scraped his hind feet on the floor and tried to throw his body forward.

At this Jusalgok’s Yeomga tried to shout.




At that moment the charging beast had only walked about five steps away when it suddenly saw something screamed and took a panicked step backwards.

Then he huffed snorted and turned.


That direction was toward a group of boys who had run away after aiming for their flag.

said a boy who was scared and tried to run away.

“What is it? Why is it like that all of a sudden?”

At this Jusalgok’s Yeomga muttered nervously.

“Fuck. “How do I know that?”

He also couldn’t figure out why the beast suddenly looked like that.

His face looked as if he was surprised by something.

So he turned his head towards the direction he had seen and it was


* * *

“omg! omg!”


Three boys were running like crazy.

There was no set direction so I just ran in the direction I could see.

The boys were so scared that their hearts felt like they were going to explode.

‘shit! shit! shit!’

While running away another person was hit.

Since internal attack was prohibited and light attack was not possible their running speed was only slightly faster than that of average adult men.

But that evil beast wasn’t like that.

It seemed almost faster than a horse could run.

‘Aren’t we all going to die like this?’

While doing so the running boy caught sight of a person standing opposite him.

He was startled for a moment and turned around but was relieved when he saw that they were all people.

‘what? ‘Who is it?’

The moment I saw him I recognized him at a glance.

He was the first to pass through the cruel hands of the battle for the iron ball.

In any other situation he would have ignored or avoided the guy because he was creepy but the boy shouted out of fear.

“Hey! “Help me!”

Obviously he also saved Joe.

If they all helped me I didn’t know how I could deal with this evil beast.

But why is there so much blood on his clothes and on his hands?


Moreover they were smiling from ear to ear as they looked at themselves running away.

< Episode 17 Flag (4) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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