Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 50

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Episode 14: Heaven and Earth Meeting (1)

What is the talent of radiation?

There will be several requirements.

Among those requirements of course is a sense of spiritual energy.

As a simple example everyone has probably experienced the phenomenon of suddenly getting cold feet or chills at least once.

It may be a natural physical phenomenon but it is the basis of spiritual sensation.

When you come into contact with something spiritual the spirit in your body reacts and affects your five senses.

However it is difficult for ordinary people to notice this.

This was because the boundary between the living and the dead was clear.

This had to be either innate spiritually or developed through training.

However among these requirements for talent there was the greatest talent that only a very few people were born with.

‘You have eyes.’

That is vision.

Unlike other senses eyes can accurately see boundaries.

Those who have the ability to distinguish between these are considered the best.

Jo Bangsa a middle-aged man with an eye patch saw Mok Gyeong-un look at Goe-i accurately before catching the stick he had thrown with a royal guard attached and an incantation.

‘I’m sure.’

This guy has the best qualities as a radiologist.

He was trained under the best teacher and can barely perceive the body with the naked eye. A samurai’s child possesses a talent that even he does not have.

“You… can see the vengeful spirit.”


The surroundings were agitated by his words.

What does it mean to be able to see a ghost?

‘When you say a vengeful spirit isn’t it something like a ghost or a monster?’

The brothers of the Mo family including Zhuang Zhou Mo Yindan frowned and looked at Mo Qingyun.

In fact most of their reactions were similar.

‘It’s becoming a nuisance.’

Mo Kyung-un clicked his tongue inwardly.

He didn’t want to lose his horse so he took a momentary action but it seemed like things went awry.

Should I have just given up even if it was a waste?

But it’s already too late for that.

‘Is it radiation?’

It probably seemed like that.

I had seen some of the magic spells I had memorized earlier in a book about magic that Bangsak Sak left behind.

Typically it was a technique to control a ghost or an imamangryang.

However some of the sayings were different.

That means

‘It’s a different group from that woman named Sak.’

It seemed like he belonged to an organization called Cheonjihoe.

At that time middle-aged Joe Bangsa with an eye patch spoke.

“Since when have you been able to see vengeful spirits?”


“Can’t you see the ghost?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Jo Bangsa a middle-aged man with an eyepatch raised one eyebrow and looked puzzled at Mok Gyeong-un’s vague answer.

Does that kid want to hide his eyes?

But if that was going to be the case he shouldn’t have come forward in the first place.

Joe Bangsa snorted and changed the question.

“That’s interesting. Okay don’t change the question. Why did you stop me from exorcising the vengeful soul?”

“Hmm. “I have no idea what you were talking about earlier.”

Mok Gyeong-un casually played it off.

Then Mr. Cho chuckled and then made his hand sign and said.

“You don’t know? “Then I guess we can order that little thing again.”

-Park! Pop! Pop!

Soldiers! Fight! Heat! Jin!

He was a prisoner of the old rehabilitation law.

‘It’s different.’

Mo Gyeong-un’s eyes narrowed.

I memorized all the books that Bangsa Myoshin Sak and others had.

However this is my first time seeing the hand sign he is displaying.

And just by making a hand sign without saying a word the spiritual energy around him was strangely spreading.


However it was not visible to other people.

It only looked like he was putting his hands together and folding and unfolding his fingers.

At that time Bangsa Cho created a square with the index and middle fingers of both hands and aimed.



Four invisible pillars rose up from the surrounding area.

The pillars exactly surrounded Mogyeongun and Ma Seung and they were gradually becoming thicker.

Joe Bangsa a middle-aged man with an eye patch muttered softly.

“Four Peaks Chain Technique.”

As soon as this happened a face was formed with four thickened pillars.

The demonic monk could not hide his bewilderment as he looked around at the wall that had been made so that he could not escape anywhere.


Jo Bangsa stretched out his palm towards the demon monk.

And he pretended to grab it.


At that moment the slopes of the pillar imprisoning the devil began to compress and slowly shrink.

If this was completely reduced the demonic horse might be squeezed out.

Mo Kyung-un’s eyes became sharp.

He was a man whose level was clearly different from the other practitioners I had seen so far.

This is my first time seeing this type of magic.

‘There’s nothing I can do.’

Since I didn’t know what kind of magic it was there was only one way to destroy it.

It attacks the magician that is the occultist.


“Let’s take it back.”

Mok Gyeong-un held his staff as if he were throwing a javelin and then threw it towards Jo Bangsa who was practicing magic.


If the caster is interrupted or dies along the way most magical spells are solved.

But there was no way the other masked people would just leave this alone.

-Tang Gang!

One of the masked people around Bangsa Cho hurled a new weapon with rapid movements and struck down the flying staff with his sword face.

“Where is this cheeky kid!”

The masked man tried to throw a new weapon at Mok Gyeong-un who was targeting Jo Bangsa.

However this was stopped by Mr. Cho.



“There is no need to come forward.”

“All right.”

The masked man stopped his attack without any response.

It was a group where top and bottom were clear.

Bangsa Jo said to Mokgyeongun.

“It doesn’t seem like you’re being possessed or possessed but if you tell me right now why you’re trying to protect the vengeful spirit I can make you stop drinking for a while.”

‘In the end we will have no choice but to give in.’

The situation was his anyway.

Even if you have eyes they are of no use if you don’t train them.

Looking at that child it appears that he was not particularly trained as a radiologist.

That much could be seen at a glance.

In addition since the Four Blades Chain Art was a very advanced technique that could only be performed at Bangwol level it was difficult to destroy it with any reasonable technique.



Lady Cho’s expression hardened as she looked at Mo Kyung-un.


-Park! Pop! Pop!

That of Mokgyeongun who is holding a hand seal.

It was exactly the same as the seal that Master Cho had made just moments ago without any error.

Soldiers! Fight! Heat! Jin!


He was a prisoner of the old rehabilitation law.

Mr. Cho was dumbfounded by Mok Gyeong-un’s hand-signing.

No matter how you look at this child he was an ordinary person who knew nothing about magic.

But how can you imitate a prisoner so accurately?

‘What a ridiculous kid.’

Are you thinking that you can stop it by following this?

If it were that easy everyone would do it.

‘The art of making a marriage between a beast and a beast without a spell or talisman can only be done if you are Bangwol or higher…’


At that moment Cho Bangsa could not believe his eyes.

Four small pillars were created that are invisible to the ordinary eye.

It was blocky and quite awkward in shape but it was solid.


A small exclamation flowed from Jo Bangsa’s mouth.

It was a state of magic that had been reached after a long period of training.

But if you follow this after seeing it once you’re really going to succeed?

‘…This guy learned magic?’

At that time Mok Gyeong-un muttered.

“Four Peaks Chain Technique.”

Then the sides were connected to the four pillars.

It was a sight I couldn’t believe even when I saw it.

However what was more surprising here was the location where Mok Kyung-un performed the Sabong chain technique.

-Papa pa pa pa paak!

The Sabon chain technique was spread into the Sabon chain where the surface was being compressed along the axis.

As a result the compression of the Sabon Chain Technique collided with another Sabon Chain Technique that was created inside and the contraction stopped.

‘This guy…look.’

It wasn’t enough to just follow the technique he blocked it like this.

It had considerable application power.

At this point I couldn’t help but have doubts.

“Who did you learn martial arts from?”

“Is there any reason to learn something like this?”

It wasn’t a lie.

I didn’t learn it from anyone I just learned it on my own from books on martial arts.


Mo Gyeong-un trembled with both hands holding the hand seal of the Nine Self-Healing Technique.

This was to prevent Jo Bangsa’s four-bond chain technique from decreasing.

I managed to stop it with some improvisation but the difference in focus could not be ignored.

Mr. Cho’s eyes became strange as he looked at this scene.

‘Did you really not learn?’

The ability to apply it and implement it by immediately imitating the beast.

All of this was almost impossible without an outstanding teacher.

Joe Bangsa who was staring at Mok Gyeong-un soon


He said as he untied his hand seal.

“Have it.”

With those words the compressed four-point chain technique disappeared.

Mo Gyeong-un looked at him with puzzled eyes.

Then Mr. Cho burst out laughing.


Why is this happening all of a sudden?

While puzzled Jo Bangsa turned his head and said to Son Yun the king of Mingdo.

“King Myeongdo. “You can kill everyone else but hand this kid over to me.”


Everyone’s eyes widened.

It seems to be an emanation of the Heaven and Earth Association but what does it mean to suddenly pass the Mokgyeongun?

While doing so Son Yun clicked his tongue and said.

“You’re doing something useless again.”

“I would have that much authority.”

Mingdo King Son Yun shrugged his shoulders and gave a positive sign.

Then he raised his stance in a big way and aimed it at the people of Yeonmok Swordsman raising his voice in a murderous voice.

“I was just going to leave if I gave it to them nicely but that’s over now. “You brought this on yourself so you will regret it in the afterlife.”

Son Yun thought so.

There was no need to sort out who took the money.

If everyone was beaten someone would open their mouth.

Anyway the secret service was within the manor.

Son Yun shouted.

“Everything is dead…..”

At that time someone interrupted the conversation and shouted.

“I have a key that was surrounded by prayer beads in a wooden box.”

It was none other than Mok Gyeong-un.


A sigh of relief flowed from the mouth of Jangju Mokindan who was nervous as if he was not going to keep his promise.

I could have overcome this situation if I had just passed the emergency level.

At that time Son Yun the King of Myeongdo approached Mok Gyeong-un with a frightening force and said.

“You have it?”


“If it’s a lie this time too I’ll tear you limb from limb no matter what it is as it was Master Cho’s request.”

“Let’s say it doesn’t exist.”

Son Yun’s eyes caught a glimpse of Mo Gyeong-un showing no fear at all.

But that was only for a moment.

“If you do it give it to me. “No tell me where it is.”

I asked for the location because I thought he might prank me again.


“I think I should first say I’m sorry.”

“Sorry? You guys now…..”

“It seems like you desperately want it but I burned that secret letter.”


Those words actually made the masked people angry.

It was a treasure of the Heaven and Earth Association.

It was even stranger that he wasn’t angry when they said he burned such an emergency document.

However Son Yun gently raised his hand to dissuade them and snorted.

“Ha!… They said it was a prestigious martial arts family but they only brought in fraudsters. Do you think you can burn it with fire?”

What are you talking about?

This time both the masked people and the people at Yeonmok Sword were puzzled.

You don’t believe that the emergency documents were burned?

At that time Son Yun turned to Mok Gyeong-un.


He said with his attitude aimed straight at the neck.

“You don’t know anything. You’ve never even seen a secret letter. “I wasted a lot of time so as promised…”

“Does this sound like a lie?”

Son Yun frowned fearfully and raised his attitude upward.

“Insolent against an old man I just saw…..”

“It’s not just the shell made of bast that doesn’t burn but the inside with the contents written on it burns well.”


At those words Son Yun’s expression which had been full of anger just a moment ago changed.

The fact that the cover was made of human skin was a fact known only to a small number of executives in the Cheonjihoe.

“You guy…”

“ah! For your reference the contents are here.”

Mok Kyung-un tapped his head with his index finger.

Then Son Yun’s expression hardened.


Is this because Mok Gyeong-un burned their treasures and memorized them?

As I was thinking about this Son Yun said as if he couldn’t believe it.

“You… saw that?”



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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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