Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 31

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Episode 9: Nine Birds (2)

The Mountain Sea Classic one of the three forbidden books that has existed since the time of King Wu of the Xia Dynasty.

Although it is the oldest geography book it contains many strange records.

Gu-yeo (犰狳) is one of the two types of beasts included in the Mountain and Sea Sutra and was so dangerous that it could be described as a ferocious beast.

-square! square! square! square! Sssssssssssss!

The number of various insects that flocked was difficult to count.

Mo Gyeong-un stroked his chin as if he was embarrassed and spoke to Cheong-ryeong.

“Are you saying these bugs are bad?”

-no. There is an imamangryang that gets along well with bugs. No rather than being friendly I should say that it keeps bugs from moving.

“That’s a lot.”

There were so many.

Before I knew it the floor was completely black with insects.

It was so crowded that there was no space for my feet to move so much so that I was reluctant to get off the bed.

People who were not in a good mood might find it embarrassing to even look at it.

Mo Qingyun glanced at Ma Seong who was still leaning against him.


The demon’s wounds were slowly being filled.

Mok Gyeong-un saw this and told Cheongryeong.

“These bugs. “It must have something to do with the demonic horse becoming like that right?”

-Maybe so.

“It looks like the young man isn’t sure either.”

-I don’t know what I don’t know. What happened when I saved the life of a fatal assassin? Be grateful. If it weren’t for this post you sentient beings would have died without moving.

“Reverse murder?”

Reverse killing.

I remember reading it in the Book of Yin-Yang Family.

Being hit by a ghost that is a vengeful spirit is called killing.

It seems that sending the death back to the vengeful spirit or its host with the help of a higher being is called reverse killing.

It’s a kind of revenge.

‘There’s no way an ordinary person would know how to do something like that.’

Here Mok Kyung-un’s thoughts turned very quickly.

Ordinary people would have become rigid or confused due to the swarm of insects but Mok Gyeong-un coolly observed the situation.

‘Bangsa…then you are Mrs. Seok?’

And he pointed out the culprit at once.

In this situation the only person who would call another Bangla and ask for the assassination was Lady Seok the grand dame.

It didn’t seem like he was the type of person to give up easily but it was as expected.

Mok Gyeong-un shook his head.

-What should we do? If you stay like this you will become food for insects.

The young man nodded.

The legs of the wooden bed that the insects were touching were crunching and lowering.

– Crunchy!

The speed was quite fast.

The only places without bugs were on the bed and on the long table with medicinal herbs on it.

No there was one more.


It was a little different from other places.

Usually bugs have a habit of gathering in bright places.

They either approached it without realizing it but were pushed away because it was hot or the surrounding area was widened because it was burning.

“Cheongryeong. “Can you help me?”

-well. Why should this place be like that?


Mo Kyung-yun looked at her raising one of her eyebrows.

Then Cheongryeong made her snort sucked in the gombangdae as much as he could and exhaled.

-You said earlier that you helped out of mercy because you were in a state of trouble but since you’re awake don’t you have the confidence to solve this problem?

Mok Gyeong-un’s appetite whetted his appetite at the young man’s words.

She was the one who stood out at her important moments.

I thought he would be more favorable now that he was answering the questions so well but it seems not to be the case yet.

“It’s almost like a symbiotic relationship. Are you going to do this?”

-I’ll save your life.

“iced coffee.”

It was a very difficult food spirit to deal with.

At that time Cheongryeong smiled and said to Mok Gyeong-un.

-hey. rebirth. Let me make a suggestion.


-okay. Try to overcome this crisis on your own. If you get through this situation on your own I will seriously think about whether or not to help you in the future.

Mok Gyeong-un clicked her tongue at her words.

After all she was her own shikigami so if her life was threatened she had no choice but to help.

But it was ridiculous to suggest something like this.

I don’t know if it was because he was of a higher rank unlike the demon monk but he was really stubborn and had a strong ego.

“I can’t help it. There is no choice but to adjust to the one that is disappointing. “Let’s take the easy way first.”

-Easy way?

In response to Cheongnyeong’s question Mok Gyeong-un raised her voice and shouted.

“Is there anyone?”

Outside the yakdang there are warriors from the outer shrine.

It was easiest to get their help rather than trying to solve it myself.


But no answer was heard.

It is clearly a figure standing in the shadow of the weather strip…


I could see that his head was slightly tilted to the side.

She seemed to have lost her mind.

It looks like he did something to them.

-What did you expect?

“…I see.”

Mok Kyung-yun shrugged her shoulders.

-Jump jump jump!

At that time a shadow approached the door of the medicine hall in front of the weather strip.

Looking at the shape of the shadow it seemed to be a woman but there was a robe on the woman’s right shoulder and a strangely shaped shadow could be seen above it.

It was an unusual shadow with a bird’s beak and a snake’s tail.

-You’re so confident that you came in person.

“Is that it?”

-Whoa. okay. That’s a ball.

That strange shadow on her shoulder was shaped like an old woman.

Cheongryeong who was sucking on the gombangdae and exhaling smoke snorted and muttered that he did not like her.

-Now there’s even a squire who takes that damn bird around as a food spirit.

“I guess he doesn’t like it.”

-I just hate bugs.

Cheongnyeong seemed to really hate bugs so she shuddered for no reason.

It was surprising that she hated bugs.

Could it be that this is the only reason she doesn’t show it off and doesn’t help?

I believe not.

– Crunchy!

Before I knew it nearly half of the beds had collapsed due to bugs.

This was not only true for him but also for the bed where Gochan was placed.

In response Mok Gyeong-un bit the back of his hand near his wrist.


-What are you doing?

“I guess it’s a temporary measure.”

-Temporary solution?


As blood flowed from the bitten wrist Mo Qingyun scattered it everywhere.


Then a strange scene occurred.

When Mokgyeongun’s blood touched the insects they started making strange noises and began to fight immediately dodging around the spots where the blood was splattered.

Cheongryeong looked at this and asked in puzzlement.

-Why are they doing that?

“I ate a lot of poisonous plants since I was young so my blood is toxic.”

-Blood is toxic?

Hearing these words Cheongryeong looked at him as if he was shocked.

Having toxins in your blood was almost like being a poisonous person.

The more you know about this guy the more bizarre he is.


Mok Gyeong-un continued to splatter blood from the bottom of the bed to the surrounding area.

He saw the bugs freak out and avoid blood which gave him an idea of ​​how toxic it was.

Before I knew it the insects could no longer come near Mokgyeongun.

On the other hand the bed where Go Chan was lying was dangerous.

– Crunchy!

Mok Kyung-un tried to keep them away as much as possible by spraying blood but since it wasn’t around the bugs were rushing in through the blind spot.

In response Mok Gyeong-un threw the wooden needle from the bed to the guard Gochan.



Gochan who had been hit on the head with a wooden needle woke up in shock.

When Gochan woke up he looked around without thinking and got scared.

“What is this?”

Huge number of bugs.

The bugs were covering the floor around them and even crawling up onto the bed.

Surprised Gochan picked up the blanket and shook off the bugs.

Mok Gyeong-un spoke to Go Chan.

“I keep catching bugs because it’s dangerous.”

“The late Confucius? “What is this…”

“I don’t know either. “But I would advise you not to come down under the bed.”

‘I’m going crazy.’

Go Chan was truly embarrassed by this situation.

However for now we had to keep the bugs in check by shaking them off as Mok Gyeong-un said.

That was when they were struggling with the bugs.


The door to the pharmacy opened and someone came inside.

Gochan seeing this shouted in surprise.

“There you are! “It’s dangerous so don’t come in!”

What came inside was a woman with one white eye.

She was Bangsak (朔).

“Danger… Huh?”

Gochan’s eyes widened.

As soon as Sak took a step the bugs were splitting to the left and right making a path.

Of course that was because her food spirit was controlling these bugs.


As she came inside her eyes of different colors appeared.

She tried to scare it by slowly applying pressure I don’t know what she did but the bugs were not getting to it.

What did you do?

As she looked puzzled Mok Gyeong-un spoke to her.

“Are you a Bangsa?”

Sak frowned at this question.

Looking at that 17-year-old boy standing on the bed it didn’t look like he was being possessed by a monster.

If it were possessed by a green spirit level vengeful spirit there was no way it would look like that.

‘Is that it?’

Sak’s eyes turned to the large demonic horse sitting against the wall behind Mokgyeongun.

There was nothing visible in her black eyes.

She is seen in a bag another pupil.

This is a ghost.


Her white eyes narrowed.

Looking through her white eyes she was able to guess the level of a ghost or vengeful spirit to some extent.

However if you look at that injured spirit no matter how you look at it it is at the imperial level.

‘Is that possible?’

The Imperial level was unable to repel the assassination.

This means that it was not the Hwangnyeong but a man named Mok Gyeong-un who is presumed to be the host but no matter how you look at it he was not a person skilled in witchcraft.

Then who is responsible for the assassination…

-You seem young but you seem to have quite a bit of skill.

A voice ringing in my ears.

At this Sak turned her head to her side.

– Thick!

Blood-colored something visible in the blurry border caused blood to burst out in Sak’s white eyes.


Surprised by the intense pain she closed her white eyes tightly.

What just happened?

The white eye which can see the world behind the scenes could not contain its existence.

No she is not White Eyes but rather she is not able to accept the existence that is being seen through her White Eyes.

It was that moment.


Suddenly Gu Yeo who had been quiet on her shoulder started screaming.

“Sigh! subsidence…..”


Sak finally couldn’t stand the tearing scream and covered her ears.

She looked at her Gu Ye with puzzled eyes.

She saw Gu Yeo staring at something with her wary eyes but she was so terrified that she couldn’t control herself.

‘Guyeo is this scared? What on earth…’



With Gu Yeo’s screams the bugs on the floor leaped onto her harness.

The appearance of order disappeared.

Insects with wings flew up and rushed towards Mokgyeongun and Gochan like crazy.

“Go Confucius!”

Gochan was embarrassed and didn’t know what to do.

At that time Mo Kyung-un stretched out his hand toward the nearest lantern.

Then she chanted the Gugyeol in her head and performed the Chak (着) ceremony.

‘A breathtaking distance.’

If you concentrate within a distance of 1 you can deliberately pull a fallen object.

The location of the lantern was right on the edge.


The lamp stand shook.

Then it was soon sucked into Mok Gyeong-un’s hands.


Go Chan’s eyes widened when he saw this.

It was so surprising that Mokgyeongun who had not even formed a Danjeon yet showed such miracles.

But that was only for a moment.


Mok Gyeong-un jumped over to Go-chan’s bed at once.

Then he waved the lantern at the flying insects without hesitation.

-Howling! Good luck!

The insects that were running wild in the lamp also scattered here and there probably because it was hot.

However as if influenced by Guyeo’s continued screaming he frantically tried to find an opening and fly in.

“Gochan escort dagger!”



Hearing Mo Gyeong-un’s shout Go Chan rummaged around his waist.

However the dagger that he always carried for treatment was placed on top of the jacket under the bed.

In response Gochan bent down his body and stretched out his hand underneath his stool.

– Crunchy!


Insects coming from the floor were clinging to the hem of the clothes and the dagger.

After hesitating for a moment Gochan held on to the dagger.

Thanks to this the bugs that stuck to Gochan started biting Gochan’s hands.

You might wonder how much it hurts to be bitten by bugs but the situation changes when dozens of bugs stick together and bite you.


Gochan waved his hand holding the dagger and raised it.

Mok Gyeong-un swung the lantern with his hand.


The insects that were still attached to the lamp flew away in a panic.

“Here we are!”

At this moment Gochan handed over the dagger.

Mok Gyeong-un who received the dagger gave the lantern and said.

“Keep swinging.”

“Yes yes!”

Gochan swung the lantern at the flying insects.

In that moment Mok Gyeong-un drew out his dagger and



He drew a dagger towards his forehead.

It wasn’t deep but the cut was enough to cause blood to ooze out.

‘What is this?’

Go Chan could not hide his embarrassment.

Why does he suddenly cut himself?

But it wasn’t one.

Mok Gyeong-un created his wounds by cutting himself here and there with a dagger.

-Wow! Okay!

“Confucius what are you doing!”

Despite his cries Mok Gyeong-un did not stop hurting him.

‘…Have you gone crazy?’

Even Bangsang Sak who was trying to somehow control Gu Yeo was momentarily distracted by Mo Gyeong-un’s actions.

What does it mean to suddenly harm yourself?

It was a moment of absurdity.

The corners of her mouth were raised with a grin as she looked at her her neck covered in blood from cuts here and there on her body.

– Creepy!

The sight was so creepy that Sak frowned.

During his years as a radiologist how many times had he seen scarier things than this?

But it felt completely different from that.

It was that moment.


Mok Gyeong-un kicked off her feet and ran towards where she was.

‘what are you doing?’

This was truly suicidal.

Insects are running wild and running towards that place hurting themselves and jumping in.

Are you crazy because you want to die?

I was just thinking that.


-Papa pa pa pa paak!

At that moment an unbelievable scene occurred.

The bugs that touched Mok Gyeong-un started a fight and fell to the floor.

Most of the nearby bugs also avoided Mok Gyeong-un somehow as if they were trying not to touch him.

As a result a path was created by itself.

‘Why the bugs?’

She couldn’t understand it at all.

It was strange that if you cut someone like that they would attack you even more because of the unique smell of blood.

But there was no time to be surprised now.

The neck tillage was right in front of her nose.

“Sigh! Stop it!”

Sak shouted and jumped behind her trying to pull the amulet out of her arms.

Then her neck Kyungyun threw the dagger she was holding at her.


She was startled and tried to turn her body to avoid it.

At that time Gu Yeo who was out of control due to her fear seemed to have sensed her crisis and flew up from above her striking her dagger with her claws.

-Park! Cheer up!

Then she let out a scream that tore through her eardrums at the enemy threatening her master.


With a roar the bugs shook and swirled from the floor.

Something big is about to happen.

It was right then.



Gu Yeo who was screaming her screams leaned in front of her and was soon sucked into Gyeong-un’s hand.

It was a ceremony of wearing clothes.


Gu Yeo was held by her neck and was screaming in pain.

“Whew. “It’s quiet now.”

She looked at Gu Ye who was holding Neck Cultivation with a satisfied look on her face.

Sak’s eyes widened when he saw that.

‘…That doesn’t make sense.’

How can she catch her Imae Mangryang with her bare hands when she isn’t even her own shikigami?



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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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