Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 25

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Episode 7: Ceremony of Clothing (4)

“I was transferred to the second Confucius… but this fake guy didn’t help him with his hands and feet and killed the second Confucius’s guard. “What should I do with this?”


The moment he heard Mo Kyung-un’s words Gam Howie’s expression hardened.

Second the death of Jo Il-sang Mok Eun-pyeong’s bodyguard.

I thought that was the lowest probability.

The inaction of a warrior who was about to become a first-class warrior was not something that could be dealt with simply because of his strength.

‘That doesn’t make sense.’

Gam Howie looked at Mo Kyung-un with shaking eyes.

He couldn’t help but believe it even though it was impossible.

The fact that he changed his rope and the fact that he told the second Confucius Mok Eunpyeong that Mok Gyeong-un had lost his military skills were proof of this in itself.


“yes. “I killed it.”

“How close to first-class…..”

“They killed him by hanging him upside down and cutting his throat.”


“He was desperately pleading for his life. “I guess he didn’t want to die whether he was a master or something.”

Mok Gyeong-un smiles while saying those words.

When Gam Howie made eye contact with him a shiver ran down his spine.

Mok Gyeong-un’s evil eyes seemed to be constricting him.

‘This guy is really…’

It is a murderous ghost.

I was reminded once again that this fake guy was a death row inmate who killed countless people.

He was a murderer who had killed many people but he stopped killing people because he was not happy with it and was tired of it.

But this guy is in a different realm from ordinary people.

He enjoys being close to death.

‘Damn it.’

For a moment Howie Gam’s mind became complicated.

The time given to him by the second Mok Eun-pyeong was two examinations.

He told me to come find his escort Cho Il-sil inside but he was already dead.

In the end his rant even putting his arm on the line became meaningless.

It was the worst situation.

[If you can’t find it you’d better be prepared to sacrifice not only his arm but also his poor life.]

Mok Eun-pyeong’s deadly warning lingered in my mind.

‘I just changed the rope.’

It was disconnected after only a day.

I never thought such a ridiculous situation would happen.

Gam Howie’s mouth was dry.

Then suddenly

‘…Did he kill this guy on purpose?’

When I thought about it it was like that.

Because this guy was a fake he had to be careful in everything he did.

Even if he was a guy who didn’t know where he would end up there was no way a guy as clever as this guy wouldn’t know his situation.

But he killed the guard of the second Confucius.

‘I killed Mok Eun-pyeong’s guard warrior because I abandoned mine and changed lines. under…’

It was truly amazing.

How can you be so clever?

By killing Mok Eun-pyeong’s guard he put himself in a difficult situation.

In this case he could no longer transfer to other Confucius.

Who would believe in themselves?


His fists tightened as he realized the intentions of this clever bastard.

I can’t believe that a murderous bastard with no martial arts skills would push himself like this.

‘Everything I prepared so far is because of this guy…’

It all came to naught.

I was angry.

“You really have a variety of emotional changes don’t you? “I guess he’s angry because his face is red.”

Guard Gam glared at Mo Gyeong-un’s grumpy voice.

I wanted to kill this guy right away.

No will he kill?

Even if the second Confucius Mok Eun-pyeong is going to attempt his life anyway remaining in the Yeonmok Geomjang is virtually meaningless…


At that moment Howie Gam’s eyes turned to his own chest.

On his chest were two sheets of the cover and contents of the Lotus Tree Transformation Mind Method.

The moment he saw the contents of the two pages Howie Gam realized.

That this is the original.

‘Even though that Gochan guy kept his mouth shut until the end he still had this.’

It meant that this guy Mok Gyeong-un had obtained a secret letter.

How on earth did he get the emergency book?

I had my doubts but that wasn’t the important thing.


Guard Gam whispered as he thrust his dagger into Mokyungun’s ribs.

“The rest of the secret documents… you have them right?”

“Is it urgent?”


Howie Gam said hitting his chest.

“This is it. this.”

“iced coffee. “That one?”


“Of course I have it.”

Hearing Mo Kyung-un’s words Gam Howie’s face lit up for a moment.

Even if the sky fell there was a hole to emerge from.

‘That’s it! it’s okay!’

Jangju’s life is in danger today and tomorrow.

Since the succession has not been decided the opinions of the vassals are divided.

In this situation if he had a secret book that only Jangju could learn or had a bloodline that learned the martial arts he could be said to be the closest to a successor.

‘It can replace the price of life.’

Second Mok Eun-pyeong also had no choice but to covet this secret document.

If you have this you will be able to offset the price of the life of Jo Il-sang the dead bodyguard.


Guard Gam said bringing his dagger closer.

“I won’t talk too much. “If you don’t want to die hand over your non-emergency certificate.”

“It looks like you really need an emergency document.”

“I don’t have time to play with words with you.”

“Is this a pretty disappointing situation?”

“You really wanted to die.”

“It can’t be. “I’m just wondering if it’s okay for me to make threats like this when I don’t think I’m in a position to be disappointed.”

Hearing Mo Gyeong-un’s words Gam Howie snorted and said.

“Don’t think of me as Gochan or Jo Il-sang. “It wouldn’t be my job to kill you right here so you can’t even breathe.”

Even though he was retired his main job was his livelihood.

There are dozens if not hundreds of ways to kill.

And he himself was a first-class expert.

The gap between being close to a top-notch expert and a truly top-notch expert was clear.

He could kill someone like Jo Il-sang with just one hand.

“Don’t provoke me anymore.”

“This is scary…..”


Before he could finish speaking the tip of the dagger slightly dug into the flesh between Mo Kyung-un’s ribs.

“I won’t ask any more. If you don’t tell me about the secret letter I’ll completely crush you. “If rain falls between your teeth you will die instantly.”

“…If I die here I will suffer even more losses.”

With those words Mok Gyeong-un gestured to the workers in the pharmacy.

It meant that he could really kill himself while they were watching.

At this Howie Gam let out a light breath.


Then soon


He took his hand away from Mok Gyeong-un and fired the new weapon at the workers in the pharmacy.

The movements were so fast that the guard Gam approached where they were in an instant and with a lightning-like hand gesture stabbed a dagger into their bloodstream.


The workers at the pharmacy were stabbed to death in an instant.

Even though the dagger was stuck almost no blood came out and there was no scream.

As expected from a former assassin he had neat skills.

‘The second Confucius will be able to handle about three workers in the medicine cabinet.’

Although he did not know it he was confident that it would be possible to silence the second Confucius.

That’s why it was a persimmon escort that took risks.

“Are you still sure I can’t kill you?”

Guard Gam said as he approached Mo Kyung-un.

I thought that at this level no matter how much of a guy he was he would be somewhat nervous.



‘Are you laughing?’

Mo Kyung-un laughed.

In an instant three pharmacy workers died.

Are you still laughing when you see that?

“It seems like you really have no grasp of reality. “If you do this you will have to experience the pain yourself before you can open your mouth.”


Guard Gam deployed the Gyeongsinbeop (輕身法) and instantly narrowed the distance.

Then he unfolded Jin Na Su’s technique towards Mok Gyeong-un.

-Papa papapak!

Gam Howie who grabbed his arm and bent it back grabbed one of the fingers of Mok Gyeong-un’s right hand and pointed it at him with his dagger and said

“It seems like you are quite resistant to pain.”

Howie Gam recalled the first time he saw Mo Kyung-un.

He did not utter a single cry even though he was locked inside a cage and hit with rocks by onlookers.

When he saw it he thought it was a poisonous tumor.

“But. Even if you have a poisonous tumor it doesn’t mean there is no pain. “I know how to maximize that pain.”


A dagger dug into his fingers.

Howie Gam said with a wry smile.

“I will cut the flesh of your fingers one by one like cutting fruit. “It’s probably a pain I’ve never experienced before in my life.”

“Is that so?”

“Let’s see how long that margin can be maintained.”

Howie Gam tried to raise the blade of the dagger like that.

At that time Mok Gyeong-un opened his mouth.

“Before we begin I have something to tell you.”

Hearing Mo Gyeong-un’s words the corners of Gam Howie’s mouth slowly rose.

Then yes.

No matter how much of a murderer he was he was only 17 years old.

In this situation no matter how relaxed he was he could not help but fall into fear of the pain to come.


“I was wondering how I could use it but I’m so grateful.”


What kind of bullshit is this?

What do you use it for?


At that moment Howie Gam felt a strange feeling.

The palm that was holding Mo Kyung-un’s fingers felt like something was sticking to it.

I thought maybe it was because I was holding it too tightly so I relaxed a little.


His palms clung to his fingers.

‘What is this….’

Gam Howie who thought something was strange raised his hand and tried to remove his palm.



At that moment I felt the energy I had focused on in his palms quickly draining away.


Howie Gam could not help but be taken aback by the sudden phenomenon.

Because his hand was absorbed his internal energy was rapidly draining away and even the flow of luck was interrupted making it difficult to separate his palm.

A considerable amount of internal energy has already been absorbed.

His left hand and left arm which were holding his fingers were almost weak.

‘Where does this guy get this kind of magic?’

This was not martial arts in the right way.

Absorbing other people’s energy?

I had already lost 10% of my strength but if I continued like this I didn’t know if I could really lose 4 months.

“Let go!”

Howie Gam tried to hit Mokgyeongun’s neck with his fist holding the dagger upside down.

It was to knock him out.

But Mok Gyeong-un twisted his neck and hit him in the shoulder.


However the top-notch expert was top-notch.

A cough of blood spurted from Mok Gyeong-un’s mouth as he was shocked by his fist loaded with internal energy.

Nevertheless Mok Gyeong-un did not let go of his finger.

“Off! this guy!”


Gam Howie got angry and hit Mok Gyeong-un on the neck and back.

Although Mok Gyeong-un was in pain from the powerful fist he did not let go of his hand until the end.

‘This poison!’

In response Guard Gam ended up stabbing Mok Gyeong-un between his ribs.



As the dagger penetrated halfway through his ribs his breathing stopped and he lost consciousness.

The moment the adsorption power disappeared Gam Howie kicked Mok Gyeong-un’s back and widened the distance.



Gam Howie who had retreated about seven steps looked at his palm with a white face.

He could not feel any internal energy in his severely convulsed left hand.

I could just use his luck to circulate it again but this is the first time I’ve felt this strange sensation.

Guard Gam said glaring at Mok Gyeong-un who was staggering.

“What? “What kind of magic did you learn?”


Mok Gyeong-un stumbled clutching the dagger stuck between his ribs and finally managed to straighten up.

“It’s definitely… first-class.”

“Say it. “What was that just now?”

“It would be difficult to deal with this alone.”


Howie Gam gritted his teeth.

Does this arrogant bastard think that he can do anything just because the magic hex worked for a moment?

If that’s the case it’s a mistake.

Gam Howie pulled out his dagger and took a Ki Susik.

There is no more letting down your guard.

‘Let’s see if you can do something like that even with all your arms and legs cut off.’


Guard Gam fired his new weapon at Mok Gyeong-un who was barely able to maintain his stance.

As long as you pay attention to where your palms touch he is quite capable of dealing with you.

-Park! Sigh!

One of the daggers thrown by Howie Gam hit Mok Gyeong-un’s thigh.

At this Mo Gyeong-un stumbled.

Without missing the opportunity Gam Howie took out another dagger hidden in his wrist and attempted to throw it at Mok Gyeong-un’s shoulder.

It was that moment.

“Ma Seung.”

– Creepy!

As soon as he could finish those words Howie felt goosebumps running through his body and something grabbing his wrist from behind.

Embarrassed Gam Howie lowered his arms and flung himself to the side to avoid the strange sensation.

And he looked there.


Howie Gam frowned.

He obviously felt a strange creepy sensation behind him but he couldn’t see anything.

‘What has this guy done?’

What does this strange feeling mean when I can’t see it?

Howie Gam who was embarrassed moved his eyes and looked at Mok Gyeong-un.

“What did you just do?”

“Which one?”

“Don’t act like a fool. “Apparently something was trying to grab my wrist from behind.”

“You certainly have sensitive senses.”

“….As expected you did something.”

“Well not me. “This guy did it.”

“This friend?”

What does this mean?

Is there really a helper?

Mok Gyeong-un said casually to Gam Howie who raised his spirits and rolled his eyes around him.

“Since you’re curious I’ll show you. “Ma Seung.”

That was the moment those words ended.



Howie Gam could not believe his own eyes for a moment.

Right in front of his nose a large monk wearing blood-soaked robes and skull prayer beads appeared like a haze looking down at him with an eerie eye glow.

‘What the hell is this…..’

Unless his eyes were wrong no matter how he looked at it this was not a living human being.

Like a ghost….

It was that moment of embarrassment.


At that moment something passed through the monk and stuck in the center of his chest.

It was a dagger.

“It’s enough now.”


With those words the monk’s body blurred and disappeared and Mok Gyeong-un was seen behind him in a posture of throwing something.


Howie Gam looked down at his chest with the dagger embedded in it.

He was protecting his body with internal energy but was deeply stabbed by the internal energy contained in the dagger.

Howie Gam muttered with an expression of bewilderment.


Mok Kyung-un smiled at him and said

“Both the sword and the sword are yours.”



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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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