Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 20

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Episode 6: Filled with evil (3)

[Fifth Blue Spirit…..Extremely dangerous. A minimum of ten people are required for the command. A vengeful spirit that has existed for over a hundred years. It has a significant impact within a set radius and can even cause auditory hallucinations causing pain.]

It is written in the Book of Yin-Yang Family of Disciple Strategy (諸子略).

And it is described in the second half of this.

The vengeful spirit which has existed for over a hundred years from then on loses its human element and enters the realm of true strangeness.

The true monster is the mysterious Imaemangryang (魑魅魍魎) itself.


Bon (封).

It literally serves to trap something.

Old prayer beads.

A feast of strange scenes unfolds the moment it is compressed and split.


Blood dripped from the ceiling and down the walls of the entire cavity like a waterfall filling the entire area with blood.

The flowing blood quickly filled the floor and made it muddy.

At this the corner of Mo Kyung-un’s mouth caught in his ear.

Expectations were heightened.

‘What a weirdo……’

This was definitely a strange thing.

It is a being that cannot even be compared to a demonic monk.

I had hoped for a green spirit but something more than that appeared unexpectedly.

It was a moment that any radio operator should have been embarrassed by.

-Excited! Exciting!


The sound of my heart pounding could be heard inside the cavity which was gradually filling up with blood.

Then something strange happened.

In the midst of blood flowing everywhere a beating sound came out and a heart soon formed around it.


Blood gathered around the heart.

The blood grew into one organ and then into two or three.

And the bones surrounding the organ instantly covered it and then the muscles attached to the bones.

-Tatak tatak!

Soon pure white skin sprouted on the surface of the muscle.

The whole process was amazing as if I was watching the birth of ‘something’.


The blood gushed backwards turning into a reverse waterfall and covering the being that was developing skin.

And the moment the waterfall of blood is sucked into the ceiling


The being appeared.

Even though she was wearing a crown she was a beautiful person with a white face and long unkempt hair that fell down unkemptly.

The being wearing red underwear and a black outer shell was holding a long bear’s arm in its mouth.

The appearance was more natural than that of the demonic monk.


The being that had sucked in the stick with its red lips exhaled smoke from its mouth.

If you just look at the outside he looks like he’s in his late teens at best but maybe because of the clothes it’s hard to tell if he’s a woman or a man.

Of course Mo Kyung-un didn’t care about that.

“You showed up quite grandly. “Ask who you are…”

That was before the words were even finished.

Before Mok Kyung-un could continue his conversation he was forcibly dragged in front of the being by a strong attraction.


The overflowing blood had already reached his thighs.

A being with a bear in its mouth and emitting smoke pushed her face towards Mok Gyeong-un.

And I looked at Mokgyeongun from top to bottom.

“What are you doing?”


The being that had been staring for a while raised the corner of its mouth.

Then he quickly erased the smile from before looked at him with a straight face and then waved his hand.

at that moment

– Whirring! bang!

Mo Qingyun’s body rose and hit the ceiling of the cavity hard.

Then it fell into a cavity filled with blood.

-with a splash!

Mok Gyeong-un whose whole body was soaked in blood staggered to his feet.


Mok Gyeong-un swept his blood-soaked hair upward.

The being who was looking at this opened its mouth.

-You foolish sentient being. Empty your soul and offer it to the Lord.

A clearly audible voice.

The sound rang out clearly unlike the demonic horse which stopped at just muttering.

No rather it felt like it was echoing from all over the place.

Mok Kyung-un scratched his head and said.

“Ma Seung was like that too but do all vengeful spirits covet other people’s bodies? “Can’t you do anything without someone else’s body?”

-Tsk tsk.

A being that clicks its tongue and snorts.

Let the being lightly hit the bear with blood.


Blood spurted out in many streams and soon grew like a whip binding Mok Gyeong-un’s arms and legs and restraining him.


It gave strength but the restraining force was much stronger.

Mok Gyeong-un licked his lips as if he was in trouble.

I could certainly understand why the Book of the Yin-Yang Gabon said that it was extremely dangerous and that more than ten emissaries were needed.

‘What should I do?’

Although he had read the main book of Onmyangga he did not yet know much about magic.

At that time the being pretended to draw a gombangdae (一) letter towards Mokgyeongun.



Along with the burning pain in my chest my clothes turned red in the shape of the letter 一.

It felt like I had been cut but the pain was significant.

Nevertheless there was no significant change in Mok Kyung-un’s expression.

One of the creature’s eyebrows rose as if it was hoping to scream in pain.

-You are a very patient child.

“Because I’m used to it.”

-Are you familiar with it? So can you endure this?

With those words the being lifted the gombangdae upwards.

That was scary.


The blood that had accumulated to the bottom of the body on the floor of the cavity flowed back and surged upwards.

Then in an instant the communal body was filled with blood.

Mo Gyeong-un’s body floated in a cavity filled with blood.


Mo Qingyun held his breath.

It was as if he had fallen into the water.

The being was watching Mok-gyeong-un like this smiling as if nothing had happened and was amused.

The eerie eye glow reminded me that this being was a ghost.


A being approached Mok Gyeong-un.

Then he grabbed Mok Gyeong-un’s chin who was unable to move and spoke.

-The emotion I feel now is fear…

The existence could not continue talking.

What the being wanted to see was a face suffocated with blood and filled with fear.

If a situation were to arise in which one could not move or even breathe in a confined space anyone could not help but be afraid.

However Mokgyeongun’s eyes were staring at the being without the slightest wavering.

-You…are special. I can’t believe a living human has eyes like this.

The being seemed curious.

At that time Mok Gyeong-un who was holding his breath flicked his tongue.

‘This taste…’

The taste on the tip of my tongue was clearly blood.

The blood filling this cavity is much redder than crushed ripe cornelian cherry.

The squishy feeling is also the stickiness of blood itself.

All five senses tell us that all of this is blood.


‘It’s different. This is nothing but death.’

Mok Kyung-yun snorted his nose.

How many people have you seen blood shed while being called a ghost of humility?

When I touched the blood I felt something alive but now all I see is death.

‘It’s not real.’

Therefore even if you feel it with your five senses everything is a lie.



All the blood in Mok Kyung-un’s eyes disappeared as if it had never been there from the beginning.

This is called Haegam (解感) in Bangsul.

By denying the felt perception itself we escape from all hallucinations that deceive our five senses.

Theories and words are easy.

However this was difficult for even highly trained radiologists to escape.

This is because there is nothing as easy to deceive as the five human senses.


A strange look appeared in the being’s eyes.

As time passed I thought Mok Gyeong-un who could not hold his breath would suffer and appear no different from other sentient beings.

However I became aware of it myself and escaped from the hallucination.

-He’s more interesting than he looks.

The corners of the being’s red mouth rose.

Then he came in front of Mok Gyeong-un and tapped him on the shoulder with a stick.

at that moment


Mok Kyung-un was forced to kneel on one knee on the floor.

It felt like I had just been hit but I could guess how much force was applied just by looking at the way my right knee dug into the floor.

The being sucked in the gombangdae and exhaled smoke towards Mok Gyeong-un and said.

-Rebirth. If you offer the bag yourself I will grant your wish.


-okay. For a guy who hasn’t even signed a contract to have eyes like that he must not have lived an ordinary life. He shall hand over four hundred to the principal. In that case I will split your enemy into five bodies and make his soul disappear.

“…You are full of confidence.”

At Mo Gyeong-un’s words the being let out a roar.



The being just laughed but the entire cavity was shaking.

It was a being on a completely different level from the demonic monk.

It was the Blue Spirit level that went beyond an ordinary vengeful spirit and went beyond the realm of Imaemangyang (魑魅魍魎).

The being that had been laughing for a while smiled sarcastically and said.

-The reason you can get away with saying rude things to the principal is because you want to get rid of that evil. So be thankful when mercy is shown.

“Is this something to be thankful for?”

-You are truly fearless.


The being lifted Mok Gyeong-un’s chin up.

And then he said it as if he were criticizing it.

-At least I like that face. There is nothing wrong with having a beautiful white face.

“You really covet my body.”

-As long as the throne has decided the four bags belong to the throne.

“What if you don’t like it?”

The being laughed at those words.

-It may be a bit unpleasant but I will force you to take it.

“Besides you there’s a monster right up here who tried to do that but failed?”

The being sighed and laughed at Mok Gyeong-un’s words.

-You’re comparing me to such a scoundrel? If you put your mind to it it is not that difficult to destroy your soul and steal your hundred.

“If you’re that confident try taking it away.”

-You’re cocky. If you really want it I’ll take it from you by force.

As soon as he finished speaking the being removed the gombangdae from Mok Gyeong-un’s chin and tried to place it on top of his head.

At that time Mok Gyeong-un who lowered his head lifted his shoulders.

Seeing that the being raised the corner of its mouth and said.

-Are you afraid again?

“no. “I thought of something fun.”

-Something fun?

In response to the puzzled being’s question Mok Gyeong-un grabbed something and lifted it with both hands.

At that moment the eyes of the being who saw this wavered.

This was because the moment Mok Kyung-un caught it he recognized it even without looking.

It was the book made of bast.

The book soaked in the blood of the dead Jo Il-sang seemed to have a shine unlike before.


“I read in the Book of Yin-Yang that the older the monster is the more there is a medium for it to continue and stay. I guess this book is like that right?”

-……You’re doing something foolish.

“Seeing as you have become more cautious in your actions I don’t think it was a foolish thing to do.”

-You’re making me angry.

As soon as the being finished speaking Mok Gyeong-un’s body rose into the air and landed on the ceiling.

-bang! bang!

It didn’t end there.

Mo Kyung-un’s body fell violently to the floor.

As the being flicked his hand it surfaced once again this time slamming its head into the ceiling.


Blood was flowing out from the head that was hit.

As if the being had no intention of stopping here it struck Mok Gyeong-un repeatedly this time against the wall of the cavity.

-Boom boom boom!


Mok Kyung-un hit the wall here and there and fresh blood poured out from his mouth.

After hitting it a few more times Mok Gyeong-un’s half-stretched body floated in the air.

The being stretched out his hand towards Mok Kyung-un and said.

-Put it down right now.

“….cough cough…..just take it away. “Why are you going through all the trouble?”

-Foolish sentient being. I’m giving you a chance.



“….You mean you can’t touch it directly?”


The being did not give any answer to Mok Gyeong-un’s meaningful question.

Mok Gyeong-un was convinced by that appearance.

It seemed that this old vengeful spirit could not directly touch a book made of human skin.

If that were the case he would have taken the book away from the beginning but he tried to make him take it off his hands by inflicting pain on himself.

-You are bringing death upon yourself. Anyway you can’t do anything with it. What does someone who is neither a Taoist nor a Buddhist monk do? good. Just give up your bag. Kill me like this…

The being was about to extend his hand and do something.

Something completely unexpected happened.


At that moment Mok Gyeong-un bit off the cover of the book.


The presence of Cheongryeong who saw this could not hide his embarrassment.

I have met many Buddhist monks and Taoist monks but no one has tried to seal or burn books or do anything like that.

-you! you!

This was because the magical energy of the book was so strong that it could not be damaged by any means.

This was also true for tree cultivation.

While his body was hitting the cavity here and there he tried to tear the book with force but it was no use.

Then he accidentally discovered that only the outer cover of the book was made of bast.


Therefore Mok Gyeong-un’s choice was very simple.


Mokgyeongun tore off only the outer part of the book made of human skin and chewed it in his mouth.


At that moment the presence of the blue spirit twisted its white and beautiful eyebrows and grabbed my heart.



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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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