Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 18

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Episode 6: Filled with evil (1)

A demonic monk bowing politely with fear and reverence.

When he a vengeful spirit and a strange creature showed such an unexpected appearance Mok Gyeong-un looked at the book in the wooden box with puzzled eyes.

A strange book made from human skin.

Why does the demonic monk react this way when he sees the book surrounded by prayer beads?

Mo Kyung-un unconsciously placed his hand on the book in the wooden box.

And the moment his fingertips touch

– Excited!


Mo Gyeong-un’s eyes narrowed.


In a moment.

In a split second I felt a heartbeat.

It was as vivid as a beating heart.

However paradoxically this throbbing was not caused by being alive.

Rather it was closer to death.

– Excited! Exciting!

The throbbing seems to be getting stronger.


Mok Gyeong-un who was staring at the book soon closed the lid of the wooden box.

A strong attraction arose.

I wanted to take off the prayer beads and see what was inside but it seemed difficult right now.

The reason why the devil appeared was because someone broke into Yakdong.


He licked his upper lip with his tongue as if he was regretting the neck tillage.

Then he turned his gaze upward.

* * *

-fault! fault!

There was a black masked person moving through the tiles of the building.

The masked man became even more scared when he discovered the guard Gochan who was guarding the pavilion of the only road leading to the medicine hall.


A strange look appeared in the masked man’s eyes.

As expected Mok Gyeong-un had two bodyguards.

It was safe to say that one of them was no longer Mo Gyeong-un’s person so it was no exaggeration to say that in reality he was now only one bodyguard.

‘But why aren’t you staying by my side?’

Normally an escort guards the owner’s immediate side.

But he is away from the pharmacy and guarding the street?

‘It’s one of the two.’

The first is that the owner who guards it is sensitive and does not allow it to be around.

However this doesn’t seem to be the case.

It made no sense to protect the owner whose thigh was pierced from a distance.

If so it is the second one the latter.


‘Are you looking out?’

After receiving orders from the owner he was to watch the surroundings to see if anyone else was coming.

Otherwise there was no way we would be apart like this.

The masked man stroked his chin.

‘In the late morning hours he was watching without sleeping…’

This turned out to be more interesting than I thought.

His name is Jo Il-sang.

He was one of the three bodyguards of the second Confucius Mok Eun-pyeong.

[I’ll have to check just in case. I don’t know if it’s a desperate measure or not.]

The name he received from Mok Eun-pyeong was one.

The question was whether Mo Gyeong-un had really lost his martial arts skills.

If he didn’t lose it would mean that Gam Howie had falsely asked to accept it and if he really couldn’t use martial arts his request to accept it would have been true.

[Should I just check?]

[Then it wouldn’t be fun. If he really lost his martial arts ability scare him appropriately. I’m telling you don’t show off for no reason.]

[Hehehe. All right.]

Of the three escorts he came like this.

Jo Il-sang’s inaction could be said to be the difference between a second-class warrior and a first-class expert.

He stepped forward because he was one step above Gochan.

-Sigh! fault!

Jo Il-sang avoided Go-chan’s gaze and moved in a different direction and climbed over the wall.

Jo Il-sang climbed over the wall climbed to the ceiling of the medicine hall and crawled into the gap between the roof tiles.

‘What exactly was the injured guy doing that set up a net?’

Because the injury was a lie?

Or is it because the information about him losing martial arts is false?

Whatever it is it must be because there is something.

‘Let’s see what you’re hiding.’

Jo Il-sang went through a gap in the tiles and infiltrated the pharmacy.

One of his eyebrows rose upward as he quietly hung from the ceiling and looked down even holding his breath.


I saw something different from what I expected.

In Jo Il-sang’s disappointed eyes he saw Mok Gyeong-un who was reading a book with only his upper body up in bed with a lamp turned on.

‘You’re just reading a book?’

Jo Il-sang looked around with suspicion.

However there was no one inside the pharmacy other than Mok Gyeong-un.


He didn’t come in through the door and Go Chan his only bodyguard was watching from outside so there was no way he would have noticed.

I wondered if someone had reported it but it didn’t seem like that.


‘Is there a secret in that book?’

That possibility could not be ruled out.

In any case you have to check whether there is martial arts or not so you have to make contact.

Jo Il-sang carefully killed any signs of presence and moved the ceiling in the direction of Mok Gyeong-un’s bed.

And then


He jumped down.

At the same time Jo Il-sang snatched the book Mok Gyeong-un was looking at like lightning.


Jo Il-sang who snatched the book naturally thought that Mok Gyeong-un would be surprised or counterattack.

However contrary to expectations Mok Gyeong-un did not fight back and did not appear surprised.

Rather he was just looking at himself without thinking.



As Mok Gyeong-un was about to say something Jo Il-sang aimed a dagger at his neck and whispered.

“If you don’t want to die be quiet.”


Mo Kyung-yun closed his mouth.

I could say things were going well but Jo Il-sang didn’t feel that way.

‘This guy…’

Suddenly someone wearing a mask appears snatches the book and points a dagger at his neck threatening him.

Normally anyone would be embarrassed.

No I had to show fear or nervousness.

However Mok Gyeong-un was looking at him with an expressionless face without much emotional change as if it was everyday life.

‘Just look at this guy’s reaction…’

He seems like a guy who knew in advance that he was coming.

But that couldn’t have been possible.

In order to appear this casual one must at least have great inaction to the point of protecting one’s own life.


Jo Il-sang’s eyes narrowed.

When I thought about it regardless of the presence or absence of martial arts when a person is startled their body moves in some way conditionally and reflexively.

But Mo Qingyun didn’t move at all.

‘Is it false information that this guy lost his martial arts skills?’


Jo Il-sang turned his eyes and looked at the book he had taken away.

However Jo Il-sang’s eyes shook like crazy when he saw the title of the book.


That’s right

[Yeonmokseonggeomgyeol (然木成劍訣)]

It was.

There was no way among the people at the Yeonmok Sword Master who did not know the name of this sword technique.

This is a sword technique that symbolizes Yeonmok Geomjang.

The reason was that this sword technique was a martial art that contained upward techniques that only the leader of the Yeonmok Sword Master could learn.


Surprised Jo Il-sang’s next move was something he had not planned.

Jo Il-sang grabbed Mok Gyeong-un’s shoulders using Geumna-su’s technique and pulled him down by squeezing him.

At the same time he struck the acupuncture point on the back of his head with the hand holding the dagger.


Mok Gyeong-un who was struck by this lowered his head.

Jo Il-sil quickly let out a rough breath as his heart pounded loudly.


For a moment I was so surprised by the level of Yeonmokseonggeomgyeol that I hit him on the back of his head and knocked him out.

‘Was this the reason the net was set up?’

Jo Il-sil brought his hand to the acupuncture point of Mok Gyeong-un who had fainted.

He had just forgotten that he had to check whether Mok Gyeong-un had lost his martial arts skills or not.


Jo Il-sil placed his hand on his acupuncture point and sent energy flowing into his body.


He didn’t need to check at length.

If there was even a little bit of inner strength as soon as another person’s true energy entered a rebound force would occur or a rejection reaction would occur in some way.

But Mok Gyeong-un had nothing like that.

– Squeeze!

Jo Il-sang pressed Mok Gyeong-un’s stomach on the Danjeon side.

‘does not exist.’

There really was no power outage.

The corners of Jo Il-sang’s mouth rose.

The second Confucius Mok Eun-pyeong’s instructions to scare Mok Gyeong-un after examining his martial arts status has already disappeared from my mind.

Jo Il-sil opened the pages of his non-level book Yeonmok Seonggeom Resolution and looked through it.


After flipping through a few pages Jo Il-sang’s lips twitched.

He almost laughed without realizing it.

He wondered if it was a fake but it was definitely the real Softwood Holy Sword Resolve Sword Choshik.

From the beginning the inspections were unusual.

‘Let’s calm down.’

I never dreamed that Mo Kyung-un would have this in his hands.

The vassals were also very concerned about this situation because the lord’s official seal which was important in the succession of the family and the secret letter of Yeonmokseonggeomgyeol a military official exclusively for the lord were missing.

However the Yeonmokseong Sword was placed in his hand.

‘it’s okay.’

It was truly fortunate that Yeonmokseong Geomgyeol came in.

If his lord Mok Eun-pyeong learned the Yeonmokseong Sword a martial art exclusively for Jangju even if Jangju died like this the next Jangju would belong to his lord.

‘It’s an advantageous position.’

No matter how much the lord during his lifetime cared for his youngest son Mo Yu-cheon even if he had the eldest son Mo Yong-ho since he was a member of the martial arts family the vassals would ultimately have no choice but to support their lord.

It was a moment when I was so happy.


At that moment I felt a chill so strong that my whole body felt like I was shivering.

And then something pressed down on his shoulder.

‘What is this?’

Surprised Jo Il-sang hurriedly tried to increase his strength.

It was that moment.



Someone hit his danjeon area with a fist.

It was Mok Gyeong-un whom he believed had knocked him unconscious.

‘What kind of power?’

This is the power of a guy with no inner strength?

It was at least second-rate.

– Parr!

In a situation where Jo Il-sang was caught off guard and was hit by a power cut before he could even increase his strength his body became stiff albeit for a brief moment.

But that brief gap had a very negative effect on him.


-Tutuk! Tootuk!

My veins bristled.

A strange sensation creeping through his crushed shoulders.

This sensation made him so painful and tormented that he shuddered.

Jo Il-sang gritted his teeth and tried to push away this strange sensation.



Without missing that moment Mok Gyeong-un slashed his chin with his fist and simultaneously swung his fist into his abdomen.

– Puff puff puff!

Normally this method would not have worked on Jo Il-sang who is about to become a first-class player.

However he let down his guard a little because he had obtained a non-emergency certificate.

And in a situation where his whole body was feeling chills and his shoulders were weighing down no matter how hard it was he couldn’t withstand the punches that were persistently targeting only the area around his Danjeon.

“Off! “This bastard…”

“It’s sturdy. then.”


Mok Gyeong-un grabbed the back of his head with both hands and pulled him up putting his face up on his knees.


“Turn it off!”

There was the sound of his nose and teeth breaking.

Nevertheless Mok Gyeong-un continued to hit Jo Il-sang’s face with his fist as he stumbled backwards.


Even though the blood was soaking his fists he didn’t stop lifting his neck.

‘So…so terrible…’

Jo Il-sil lost his consciousness so quickly.

* * *

How long has it been?

Jo Il-sil regained his consciousness and opened his eyes with difficulty.

When he opened his eyes he felt like his head was going to explode.

‘What on earth…what?’

When I just woke up I couldn’t really remember what happened.

Then he suddenly remembered.

This is Mok Gyeong-un who was frantically hitting himself in the face with an expressionless face.


I was completely caught off guard.

Or should I say that I was careless?

The first blow was said to have been caused by a carelessness after confirming that the guy had no power but it wasn’t anything after that.

‘What about that feeling?’

He couldn’t forget the feeling that sent shivers down his spine.

Because of that sensation his body became stiff and he tried to resist it with his internal energy but Mok Kyung-un hit his dantian and yo-hyeol with a lot of force and he lost consciousness.

In fact it wouldn’t have been surprising if he had died.

‘…What on earth is it?’

Jo Il-sang was puzzled.

He clearly confirmed that Mok Gyeong-un had no inner strength.

However with a blow of that magnitude it was no exaggeration to say that he had almost equal strength to himself.



But for now that wasn’t important.

Jo Il-sil struggled to open his blood-covered eyes and looked around him.


Jo Il-sang who was looking around frowned.

This was not a pharmacy.

Now that I think about it I felt a strangely cool and humid feeling and it was like a cave.

-Snap! Pop!


Jo Il-sang noticed drops of blood floating in the air whether it was sweat flowing from his body.

I wondered what the phenomenon was but it was

‘Could it be…am I hanging upside down right now?’

Now I think I know why my face felt like it was going to explode.

I thought it might have been because of the pain from being hit so hard in the face but it was more a result of blood rushing while hanging upside down.


Jo Il-sang’s breathing became rough.

I don’t know where I am but I feel uneasy about something.

It seemed like he needed to get out quickly.


Jo Il-sil concentrated on his breathing and tried to draw out the energy of his Danjeon.


‘What is it?’

But there was no strength in his entire body.

He wanted to concentrate but it felt like he had lost all sensation in every part of his body except his face.

“Why is this like this?”

A voice came out of his embarrassed mouth.


As I was doing that I heard someone pretending to be popular.

“It looks like you’re awake.”

I looked towards the place where the sound came from and saw Mok Kyung-un walking upside down on the ceiling.

Of course it was only visible that way because the field of view was turned upside down.

Jo Il-sang embarrassed by the paralyzed feeling in his entire body shouted.

“What on earth did you do?”

At his question the corners of Mo Kyung-un’s mouth went up as if they were about to tear apart.

“well. “What did you do?”

– Creepy!

Unlike the smile the hideous evil itself lurks in the eyes.

Jo Il-sang felt eerie for the first time in his life.



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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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