Boundless Necromancer Chapter 504

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Episode 504. Reprise Match (2)


The higher-ranking gods who had always shown their elation as if they did not consider the Iron Blood Lord or the White Crane Swordsman as equal opponents kept their mouths shut.

Before we knew it the faces of the higher-ranking gods darkened and each began to feel tense or anxious and eventually their eyes were filled with doubt.

‘I guess so.’

It was worth it.

The Lord of Iron Blood and the White Crane Swordsman thanks to the concept of divinity given by this side have reached the end of the upper divinity and have become apostle divinity…

As a higher-level deity he cannot use divine supernormal abilities and to top it off he does not know how to apply divinity and soul status to attack or defense.

‘In reality not only the Lord of Iron Blood but even the White Crane Swordsman failed to show any prowess as a high-ranking god.’

in other words-.

Regardless of whether they are the Iron Blood Lord or the White Crane Swordsman they are no different from mortals who have not yet achieved the hierarchy of divinity.

Isn’t that why they knew that so they continued to look down on the Lord of Iron Blood and the White Crane Swordsman and rushed at them?

However to put it the other way it means that the White Crane Swordsman who is no different from a mortal succeeded in killing a being with a level of power that is not low among high-ranking gods with one blow.

Moreover it was not because of luck that Baekhakgeomseon attacked by surprise and achieved a miraculous victory.

‘In the first place they probably didn’t know that the God of Water and the Sea who is regarded as the strongest among high-ranking gods would destroy the divine armor made with sincerity like that.’

The armor of divinity is the power gained by understanding and assimilating divinity more deeply by embodying the divinity itself of the higher divinity.

A mortal cannot generally inflict any damage just by being equipped with divine armor and its value as a defensive weapon does not fade even if it is attacked by a being with a divine hierarchy.

The God of Water and the Sea created the divine armor by partially utilizing not only the divine armor but also the soul armor so he was able to withstand to some extent even serious attacks from higher-level gods of the same rank.

In that case the White Crane Swordsman shattered even the divine armor that the God of the Sea of ​​Waters truly created with a single blow.

That too very neatly.

‘That’s fun.’

As I watched the higher-ranking gods suddenly become ridiculously serious I once again recalled the power used by Baekhakgeomseon.

‘I think I know roughly.’


The law of awareness <Adaptation> obtained along with it has quite interesting unique abilities as roughly explained by Baekhakgeomseon in advance.

Just by activating the law of precognition <Adaptation> you can adapt to external damage and have a strong resistance to the same attack or even become immune to it…

In a way I feel like it could be said to be a secret technique that is comparable to the divinity the concept that forms the basis of divinity possessed by the three ancient deities.

After barely swallowing the laugh that naturally escaped my lips I kept my cool and continued my short analysis.

‘…From the moment the Law of Presence <Adaptation> is activated an unidentified gray veil with the function of adapting to damage is granted to the user.’


I was wondering if there was a hidden condition for using the law of precognition <Adaptation> that requires it to touch the ‘gray curtain’ rather than the caster himself in order to ‘adapt to damage’.

In the worst case if the main function responsible for ‘adaptation to damage’ in the law of advance <Adaptation> was given to the ‘Gray Curtain’ a considerable amount of destruction could occur.

‘No… it’s not really like that is it? The gray curtain granted with the activation of the law of prescience <Adaptation> does not seem to have any major function other than visual elements.’


I don’t know whether to say it’s fortunate or natural…

In this view ‘adaptation to damage’ seemed to be done based on the caster Baekhakgeomseon rather than ‘Gray Curtain’.

So what is the gray veil that is given to the white crane sword when the law of perception <adaptation> is activated?

‘I’m still not sure because I’ve only seen the law of precognition <adaptation> adapt to damage once but isn’t that gray curtain a factor that determines the type or progress of adaptation to damage?’

The answer to that was not that difficult to come up with.

The inherent ability of ‘adaptation to damage’ possessed by the law of precognition can be broadly classified into two types.

The first is ‘damage reduction’ for the same attack by gaining ‘resistance’ or ‘immunity’ and the second is ‘response ability’ for attacks that cannot be dealt with with the caster’s abilities.

I guess.

The gray curtain given to the caster of the Law of Perception <Adaptation> is supposed to allow the user to visually determine the ‘type of damage adaptation’ and ‘progress of damage adaptation’.

There are three grounds for such a conclusion.


‘If the law of perception <Adaptation> is activated using the caster himself as the reference point rather than the gray curtain then the gray curtain itself is not the main function.’

This was the result of my own careful examination as it possesses divinity and soul status comparable to those of the three ancient deities.

It has been confirmed that the gray curtain does not have much organic interaction with its actual main function.

It was a certainty not a guess.


‘Considering based on the first evidence the law of linearity <adaptation> is that there is a separate reason why the gray curtain changes to white when there is no additional function other than visual elements.’

It was also important to connect the reason for the existence of visual functions with intuitiveness.

The moment when the gray curtain changed to white and began to shine as a certain amount of time passed after the Baekhakgeomseon was hit by the God of the Sea wearing divine armor.

With that change the White Crane Sword unlike before rushed forward boldly and casually destroyed the divine armor worn by the God of the Sea of ​​Water.

Assuming that ‘grey’ means that adaptation to the damage has not been achieved it is clear that ‘white’ means that adaptation to the damage has been achieved and was successful.

The ‘progress’ of adaptation to damage is determined by gradually changing from gray to a different color and the ‘output’ of adaptation to damage is determined by the color completely changing from gray to a different color and shining.

Up to this point it was a guess that we thought had no chance of being wrong.


‘The third reason is somewhat less rational than the previous two reasons but the change in color of the gray curtain is highly likely to mean not only the progress or success of adaptation to damage but also the type of adaptation to damage.’

However unlike the first and second evidence I am not sure that the third evidence is correct.

If we further infer from the second evidence that came up based on the first evidence the change in color of the gray curtain would be used to determine ‘progress’ or ‘result’.

The former’s inference is the same: the gray curtain in <Adaptation> visually displays the ‘progress’ of adaptation to the damage through color changes.

However I just thought that the ‘result’ of the latter inference might also indicate the ‘type’ of damage adaptation according to the change in color of the gray curtain.

‘Unlike the first and second reasons the third inference lacks rationality so it wouldn’t be particularly strange if it were right or wrong.’


It didn’t matter.

There are still four of the high-ranking gods remaining and although the Lord of Iron Blood and the White Crane Swordsman look a bit exhausted they do not appear to be on the verge of death.

As time goes by wouldn’t it be possible to check whether the guesses and conclusions are correct or incorrect?

Just like before I leaned my back against the wall of the stone room and quietly watched the two managers and the higher-ranking gods fight to the death.



The divine abilities continued to pour out without stopping covering the interior of the stone chamber.

With the death of the God of Water and Sea the number of enemies was supposed to decrease but perhaps it was because of this that the higher-ranking gods fought more actively.

Currently all of the high-ranking gods are launching a merciless onslaught as if they have abandoned any thought of hiding or saving the deadly card that serves as their foundation.

However apart from that the joint effort of the higher-ranking gods showed solidarity that was close to the worst as if it were a dissonance like noise pollution.

[The god of the basin grits his teeth and shows impatience and anger towards other higher-ranking gods.]

[ Pfft! this! They look like two-headed things!! Shouldn’t I have told you to start with that white-haired woman who killed the God of Flood? How many times am I going to tell you to leave the silver-haired girl behind her aside? ]

[The God of Fine Arts barely suppresses his murderous intent and speaks with anger and annoyance.]

[ under. bouncer…!! How dare you know who you are giving orders to?…!! First of all the most important thing is to kill the silver-haired woman and eliminate the sacred realm! ]

[The God of Refining grits his teeth as he realizes that the enemy’s movements have reached a level where he cannot follow them with his eyes.]

[ Dammit! That’s impossible!! That white-haired girl who killed the god of floods is more powerful than you can imagine…!! Isn’t it now impossible to even follow movement with your eyes?! ]

As they cannot agree on a single opinion and cooperate clumsily the effectiveness of the battle becomes lower than if they were fighting alone.

‘This is outrageous.’

I smiled and watched the ragtag group of high-ranking gods join forces.

When the God of Water and Sea was alive he worked with the God of the Watershed to hinder the movement of a large area…

Now as the basin god alone had to restrict the enemy’s movements the higher-ranking gods with low reaction speeds were barely able to land effective hits.

Not only that the god of the basin is also in a cold sweat as if he is having a hard time restraining the movements of the white crane sword ship.

However among the four higher-ranking gods the God behind him was showing off his skills by competing directly with the White Crane Swordsman.

Kaga River-!


Has that side also decided that it can no longer withstand the overwhelming technology honed by Baekhakgeomseon?

The god behind him tried mixing moves with the White Crane Swordsman a few times then gave up close combat and chose to hide in space.

[The god behind him realizes that his opponent has a technological advantage over him and adjusts his strategy.]

[ …Tch. He seems like a beast. Okay I’m giving up on fighting with you. Instead I will definitely kill you. ]


[Divinity <side> is used.]

[By consuming divine power it becomes possible to separate the surrounding space into the front and back and enter a space on the other side that is different from the existing space.]

[Depending on whether you enter the front or back of the space you gain the absolute non-interference state ‘fluidization’ and the absolute stealth state ‘invisibility’.]

In an instant the god behind him disappeared beyond the gap in space and succeeded in completely hiding his presence.

Well I feel like I vaguely know where they are hiding…

Unlike me Baekhakgeomseon seemed very embarrassed and couldn’t even guess where he was hiding.

At the same time Baekhakgeomseon once again had to face a defensive structure no different from before.

Kaaaang-! Sigh-! Faba Park-!

[The god behind the scenes laughs confidently and attacks excitedly.]

[ …Kyahaha!! Good good! If I had known this would happen I would have done this a long time ago!! I feel good!! ]

Is that why?

Baekhakgeomseon kept his lips tightly closed and concentrated on blocking each attack from behind out of sight and then focused on countering.

As a result the movements of the White Crane Sword Ship became somewhat sluggish and even the God of Painting and the God of Refining joined in and began to slowly accumulate damage.

The Lord of Iron Blood also had to grit her teeth and launch a counterattack to ease the burden on the White Crane Swordsman but her pure skill itself was evaluated calmly and was two levels below that of the White Crane Swordsman.

At this point rather than swinging the sword directly it would be better for the Lord of Iron Blood to support her by using powers or skills to form an ice zone around her and tie her opponent’s feet.

[The Lord of Iron Blood Canary Rugfeld frowns her eyes and scatters frost-colored energy from her grasp.]

[ under…! Damn it! Okay go wild and run wild! If only you could do that! ]

In fact the Lord of Iron Blood also realized this fact took a step back and spread her frost energy around her blocking the movement of her higher-ranking gods.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah!

[ Ugh! ]

[ Pfft. Does this mean that even if you don’t know how to use divine supernormal abilities you can at least use authority? You’re struggling. ]

[ Tsk! Even so you know she’s just a leftover talent right? No matter how much time you wait nothing will change! ]

It was able to slow down the attack speed of the god of art and the god of smelting but it did not work on the god of the other side.

‘Are you using the inability to interfere properly by activating Divine <Side Side> to avoid being hit by attacks?’

It was natural.

A state in which one-sided damage can be inflicted thanks to the ‘corporealization’ and ‘invisibility’ obtained by activating the sacred <other side>.

The god behind him steadily piled up damage paying no heed to the White Crane Swordsman’s counter or the Iron Blood Lord’s ice-based attack.

[The god behind the scenes exudes murderous intent with a premonition of victory.]

[ Kick! It’s slow! Are you tired? I knew it! Hot! Kill me─── ]



The moment when the god behind him activates his divine <other side> and reaches out with his hand sharply raised as if he wants to end the situation.


It was then.

Suddenly the gray curtain surrounding the White Crane Swordsman’s body changed from gray to black completely shining similarly to before.

It was a visual sign that the law of prescience <adaptation> had succeeded in ‘adapting to damage.’

In other words from the moment it popped out of the air after using ‘Invisibility’ by activating the Divine <Side Side> the God behind the scenes using ‘Substantiation’ became unable to transmit counters at unexpected times.

The effect of the cause was clear.

When White Crane Swordsman used a sword strike as a counter to the God behind him the God behind him was split in half and thrown backwards spattering his blood.



Seeing this Baekhak Geomseon took a deep breath barely raised the corner of his trembling mouth and spoke as if warning his dumbfounded superiors.

[Baek Seol-hwa the white crane swordsman tries to hide her tired look and smiles.]

[ …so. What does that mean? Even if I’m exhausted it’s enough to kill you. ]


There was no one here who didn’t know that it was just a bluff.

Before I knew it only about 20% of the sacred power in White Crane Swordsman’s body remained.

I only finished adapting to damage twice by activating the law of precognition <Adaptation> but that much sacred power was consumed in an instant.


[Baek Seol-hwa the white crane swordsman glows coolly with her eyes.]

[ …is it so. If you’re confident come in. However the price will be well paid. You’d better be prepared for that. ]

It was an unconvincing warning.

No matter where you look it seems clear that the White Crane Swordsman is greatly exhausted from the fierce battle and the Iron Blood Lord behind him is also on the defensive.

Moreover unlike when the god of floods was killed in the case of the god behind the scenes he was only mortally wounded and did not die.

If so wouldn’t it be obvious?

[ …Everyone knows right? Don’t be fooled. It’s just a bluff. That white-haired girl is exhausted and doesn’t have the strength to fight anymore. ]

[ under. I know. For a guy who couldn’t even handle the concept of divinity he had to endure for a long time. ]

[Huh oh oh oh oh! Don’t waste your time! Hurry up and kill them both! Conclusion is the priority…!! ]

The winners and losers had already been decided.

The higher-ranking gods now three in number were not deceived by the seemingly pretentious warning.

Well I had to hesitate as if I was a little scared but it was clear that they would soon finish the job.

The Lord of Iron Blood was also quite tired and needless to say the White Crane Swordsman was pushed to its limit.

‘…Actually I wanted to finish it only if one of the Iron Blood Lord or the White Crane Swordsman was literally on the verge of death.’

But now it’s not even something to worry about.

‘…Now there’s no need to even go that far.’

It’s no different….



Baekhakgeomseon succeeded in responding to the divinity <Transcendence> and now unconsciously began to deal with the status of divinity and soul in order to activate the supernormal abilities of the divinity.

Not only that the Iron-Blooded Lord standing behind her is also showing signs of using the sacred <Death> in murderous intent and anger albeit belatedly with his teeth clenched.

As a higher deity they have been able to deal with the concept of divinity which is the basis of deity and now the two managers have reached the stage where they know how to clearly apply the status of divinity and soul.

‘…In addition I was lucky enough to see that all the inferences about the law of precognition <adaptation> were correct with no errors so I guess it was a good result.’

It’s not even just that.

A situation where I saw with my own eyes that everything I inferred about the law of precognition <adaptation> was correct and not a single thing was wrong.

Now I can say that I have achieved everything I wanted because there is nothing to find out by watching the law of precognition <Adaptation> further.

Doesn’t that mean only one thing?


Achieve your purpose.


Training is over.

“Until there.”

[ …uh? ]

In the blink of an eye I moved next to the basin god the last of the three higher-ranking gods and smiled.

“The training will end here so you both can rest comfortably from now on.”


“training. And grasp. There are two reasons for coming here. “Well it’s faster than expected but I think we can finish here.”

[ …that- ]

“Well I learned all the basics that a high-ranking god should have. “I have confirmed all the laws of pioneering ‘conqueror’ and pioneering ‘adaptors.’”

[ …What does that mean─── ]

“Don’t worry.”

I looked at the two managers with a gentle smile as I watched the watershed god standing next to me meditate.

“From now on I will personally clean up the remaining things.”

Next moment.


As soon as Lee touched the basin god a little hard with his finger his body exploded spectacularly.


And as the basin deity exploded and died and the blood scattered like raindrops fell in all directions the two higher deities also seemed to have finished understanding the situation and became meditative.

“great job.”


“I’m serious. Thanks to your sincere fight I got what I wanted. Thank you for your cooperation. “I’ll give you an example.”

[What is that….]

“It’s simple.”

That means only one thing.

[The God of Transcendence and Death looks at the higher-ranking gods who are alive and smiles excitedly.]

[ ─You’re tired aren’t you? Well then it would be polite for me to at least return the favor… Now I’ll let you rest in peace. forever. ]

This means that now is the time to dispose of these sandbags that have lost their usefulness and value.


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Boundless Necromancer

Boundless Necromancer

BN, TBN, The Boundless Necromancer
Score 7.2
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I never thought I could become a hunter. I never thought I would get the chance. But that wasn’t true. 「 ‘Tower of Trials’ has selected all suitable candidates from Earth. 」 「 Please select your difficulty. 」 「The chosen difficulty will be directly proportional to your rewards. 」 I was given a chance now. A special one at that.


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