Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 497

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< Episode 127 Final Chapter (3) >


The golden Heavenly King who had lost both his eyes and had all his limbs cut off let out a groan of pain.

Even during the war over a hundred years ago he had never been injured to this extent.

He was so distressed by his humiliation and pain.

‘Damn it.’

He tried to escape from the monster by waiting for his creature Mokgan to catch his attention.

I thought it was possible because my nerves were dispersed but in that split second the guy not only gouged out both my eyes but also stabbed me where the core was with a sword.

-Cluck cough cough….

Perhaps it was to process it quickly so as not to cause trouble.

But there was one thing he didn’t know either.

Because the core was damaged about a hundred years ago its location was moved to a lower position rather than the exact center of the chest just in case.

Thanks to this although the top of the core was blown off complete destruction was avoided.


-Wiggle wiggle!

Recovery was slow due to damage to the core that had not already recovered.

Otherwise I would have quickly restored my arms legs and eyes but now just recovering the body damaged by that bastard is too much.

It’s extremely miserable.

It would have been better if it had come about by competing with him the king of demons but it was a disgrace itself.

This is what happens to a human who is not even from the demon clan.

However now was not the time to dwell on humiliation.

He must somehow restore his body enough to move and return to the Heavenly Realm with his miraculous powers.

-Wiggle wiggle!


But no matter how rationally you try to calm it down it’s still painful.

If I don’t avenge this shame by killing him I don’t think this anger will subside.

It was a time when I was so consumed with anger.



I felt something approaching.

Normally he would have noticed it right away but as he had lost both eyes and had further damage to the core he was only able to realize that something was approaching at a short distance.


Something covered him.

It was something sticky

-What the hell is this…..

-Hehehehe. There is no difference in being the Creator. As his maddening pride crumbles greed overflows even if it is due to anger.


From the message passed down the golden Heavenly King was able to recognize what was covering him.

That is the being called the third eye that he created.

It was a wooden tablet.

-Who dares this insignificant thing…

-You’ve become so weak that you can’t even stop something insignificant from trying to break into you. It’s truly pitiful.

-Off. this guy! Stop…Stop!

-no. Is that possible? I’ve been waiting for this moment. An absolute being that surpasses the Six Demons of Great Power has collapsed. Do you think you will miss it?


Even if his limbs are cut off and his core is damaged he is almost a demi-god.

It is digging into its body to dominate it but it is very resistant.

It certainly seemed like the doctor’s level was too high.


-Ahh. It is no longer an absolute entity. He is a king of the Elyos who are so out of date that he can be defeated by a mere human.


It was a simple provocation but it was effective.

The humiliation was enough to create a gap as his boundless pride was cracked.

-Blah blah blah!

The forehead of the golden Heavenly King who was suffering cracked and veins gradually protruded from that area in a disgusting way forming a round shape.

It was turning into snow.

* * *


The body of King Sata the six demons turned into ashes and dispersed.

Jin Ye-rin’s eyes who had been holding a sword there suddenly returned to their original state.

Along with that she saw the secretary of Cheondun (天遁) Seongmyeongeombeop who was almost burned to the ground before her eyes.

When she came back to her senses she looked at her secretary with reddened eyes and said

“My ancestor…..”

Jin Woon-hwi’s appearance as a secretary was vaguely visible.

Looking at him smiling brightly Jin Ye-rin shed deep tears.

At one time she resented her ancestors but she came to the end and even broke some of the natural rules and she was grateful that they had helped her and her world.


As all of the secretaries of Tian Dun Myeongseong Sword Technique were about to burn up Jin Yun-hui’s image gradually became more and more blurred.

Jin Ye-rin knelt down and bowed to him.

“Jin Ye-rin the last blood descendant of the Jin family would like to express my sincere gratitude…”


-Don’t do that. I am an ugly ancestor who could not protect you from many things. So please live your life from now on.

With those words Jin Woon-hwi bowed lightly towards Wolak Sword Sima Chak who was standing behind Jin Ye-rin.

Sima Chak also slightly nodded his head and saw him off.

I didn’t know much about senjutsu but I realized that if that secretary burned down I would never see him again.

Meanwhile Jin Woon-hwi looked somewhere and felt sad.

-I’m worried.


-I was able to have a human heart but I lost my precious kite. It’s sad and I don’t know where the sadness and anger will go.

In the distance in the direction Jin Woon-hwi was looking was Mok Gyeong-un.

Although he was seeing the world through his secretary he was concerned because he was observing everything around him.

Then Jinwoon-hwi who remembered Mok Gyeong-un’s strength quickly shook his head.

It was only a brief meeting but I thought the man would be able to overcome even that sadness.

It’s a pity that fate is sometimes tragic.

What a loss to a peerless hero.


As the secretary was about to burn to the ground Jin Woon-hwi said goodbye.

-Goodbye then.



As Jin Woon-hwi was disappearing he looked somewhere and hurriedly said something.

-Avoid immediately…


However the secretary was completely burned and Jin Woon-hwi’s image completely disappeared.

I’m afraid to do that


With a deafening roar a huge pillar of light rose up from the ground.

The pillar of light had a dark red glow as if it had been polluted and as it surged the ground shook and the earth broke apart.


“What the hell is this…”

“You must step down.”

Sima Chak hurriedly grabbed Jin Yerin’s hand and launched a new weapon.

Then he looked at the dark red polluted pillar of light and in the middle of it he saw a being soaring flapping its hideous eerie wings.

‘What about that?’

It was the golden King of Heaven whose limbs were cut off by Mo Kyung-un’s hands.

However the appearance of the golden Heavenly King is strange.

The third eye on the forehead as well as the ugly wings resemble those of the Great Power King one of the six demons.

But that wasn’t the important thing.

The energy of the resurrected bastard was covering the entire area as if it was threatening to destroy everything.

The energy was so extreme that even Sima Chak who transcended life and death felt fear in a corner of his heart.

* * *


Yeo Su-rin the head of Haeseon-gak spoke with a sad voice.

She managed to extinguish the Six Demons (Baekbung Demon King) through joint efforts with the Yuga clan and came with her exhausted body to check on the young spirit when called.

As she looked at her youthful spirit along with her execution she could not help but shake her head.

Although it is a high-ranking vengeful spirit it was reasonable for a vengeful spirit or rather a spirit body to disappear when its spiritual power is exhausted.

However the spirit had already used up most of its spiritual power.

I don’t know why but it was good enough that it still maintained its shape.

“…..Save me.”

Mok Gyeong-un spoke to her in a boiling voice.

I could hear her complicated feelings in her voice but she couldn’t help it.

Yeo Su-rin carefully opened her mouth.

“You know Confucius too. already…..”


The neck tillage prevented her from continuing her words.

‘I don’t have time anymore. Confucius. If you don’t quickly become one with your soul before your spiritual body completely disappears not only your body but also your soul will disappear.’

Biting her lip she closed her eyes and stepped back slightly.

The reason she retreated like that was because of Mo Kyung-un’s red eyes.

Seeing Mo Kyung-un like this Cheongryeong’s eyes became strange.

She said ‘Are you crying for me?’

He became human but his emotions were almost non-existent.

He was sad because of himself.

Cheongryeong lifted her hand with difficulty and brought her hand to Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes.


Then a teardrop fell from Mu Qingyun’s eye penetrated her blurred spirit body and wet the ground.

Her heart ached to see this.

She would have become human to know herself in order to be with her….

‘…I wanted to be with you a little longer.’

The sky is so indifferent.

I’ve finally found out who he is but the time given is too short.

It breaks her heart that she was only given time to say goodbye.

I hoped that we would meet again just once and that I could love you again as a human but why is the ending of our story so sad?


At Mok Gyeong-un’s voice which was choked with her sadness she smiled holding back her tears.

It broke her heart and she hated being separated from him but she knew that if she continued to grieve he would suffer for the rest of her life.

Her voice did not come out but the young woman struggled to open her mouth.

‘I’m fine.’

There’s no way it’s going to be okay.

The neck tiller did not leave her lips at those words.

Her heart ached even more as she tried to accept everything and show herself calmness.

“….I wanted to shine even more with you.”

We’re finally together now.

It’s not enough.

Cheongnyeong tried to touch Mo Kyeong-un’s cheek with her hand and pursed her lips.

‘That’s enough.’

Did you say she was a flashlight?

In her mind the memories she had accumulated as Liu Soyue more than a hundred years ago as well as all the things she had met and done with Mo Kyungyun as her original mate Cheongnyeong flashed by.

A red-connected kite.

Maybe it was heaven that brought us together again through fate.

okay. Let’s be thankful instead of resentful.

Let’s be thankful to the heavens for listening to our earnest desire to see him even just for a moment.

The front is gradually turning black.

Cheongnyeong used the last of her strength to grumble at Mok Gyeong-un.

‘i love you.’

My vision goes completely black and I can’t see anything.

Is this a sign of extinction?

Lastly I want to hear his answer.

But her wish was never granted.


Her spiritual body was about to disappear completely.

-Park! Pop! Pop! Pop!

Mok Gyeong-un who was trying to answer the words of her young spirit hurriedly made a hand sign towards her as she was about to disappear and performed a golden jutsu that merged the spirit of her evil spirit.

Then her disappearing spiritual body burned red and was slowly drawn towards Wei Xiaoyeon.


Soon Cheongnyeong’s appearance completely disappeared.


Mo Qingyun knelt helplessly in front of Wei Xiaoyeon.

The fragments of her completely disappeared spirit body were scattering like red ash and it was so heartbreaking.

[….Then what happens when soul and white become one? Is everything about Baek washed away?]

[okay. That is reason.]

She tried to force the ash dust out of her hands but there was nothing left in her palms.

The last image of Cheongnyeong was visible in Mok Gyeong-un’s mind as she closed her eyes.


Then tears flowed endlessly.


-thud! thud! thud!

Mok Kyung-un immediately pounded his chest vigorously.

It hurts so much.

It was the same in her past life and even now when we met again she couldn’t say that.

I really wanted to hear it but I never did.

She must have been the one who was more heartbroken and distressed by this breakup than he was so why couldn’t she have said it sooner?

I regret it so much.


“Confucius Wood…”

Everyone looked at Mo Gyeong-un’s appearance with a sad heart.

The man who had been so emotionless was collapsing with sadness.

It was then.


With a deafening roar a huge pillar of light rose up from the ground.

The pillar of light had a dark red glow as if it had been polluted and as it surged the ground shook and the earth broke apart.


“How can this be?”

“Oh you’re not dead yet?”

Everyone looked at the dark red polluted pillar of light with shocked eyes and in the middle of it they saw the golden Heavenly King flying up flapping his hideous eerie wings.

The resurrected being was giving everyone a feeling of despair as if the sky was collapsing.



‘Heavenly Demon?’

Everyone’s eyes turned to Mok Kyung-un.

The only person who could stop that hopeless being was Mok Gyeong-un.

However he was consumed by sadness and was suffering.

But no one could urge him to come forward.

This was because his sadness was conveyed to everyone as he pounded his chest and shed tears.

Then the voice of the Golden Heavenly King rang out.

-Get up. Our only family rival. Let’s have a final showdown that will decide the fate of the world.


Hearing his words Mok Gyeong-un muttered softly.

My story has already ended in tragedy losing my precious lover.

And at the end even regret remained.

The fate of the world and whatever it was was no longer a matter of concern to him.

Even if this world were to disappear what would it mean without her?


At that time the only remaining ash from Pyeonlin touched Mok Gyeong-un’s cheek.

At this Mokgyeongun’s closed eyes opened.

A piece of a spirit body that I couldn’t touch touched my cheek.

Mo Qingyun looked at Wei Xiaoyeon who looked just like Qingling with his still red eyes.

[Become a great master who encompasses everyone.]

The wind of youth.

Even when she thought there was nothing left her wish remained.


Mok Kyung-un slowly stood up from his seat.

Then he turned his head and looked at the heterogeneous being who had become one with the golden Heavenly King Ani Mokkan in a pillar of light that was spreading tremendous energy in all directions as if an absolute god who transcended good and evil had been born.

Strangely the two beings steeped in madness became stronger as they became one.



Mok Gyeong-un who selected the magic sword calmly and gently continued the sword with the sword.


Then his sword body became stained black with demonic energy.

The corner of the golden Heavenly King’s mouth which had become one with the wooden tablet looking down at the figure went up as if it were about to tear.

The process wasn’t important in the first place.

The one who stands at the end is the true winner.

At that time Mok Gyeong-un took a stance just before slashing his sword at him.


– Creepy!

At that moment the golden face of the Heavenly King became one with the wooden tablet and turned white.

As they became one with each other albeit temporarily their core recovered and they were able to draw out all their divine power but the capacity felt by Mok Gyeong-un now exceeded that.

It was truly a gratuitous capacity.


The two beings who instinctively became one realized.

That thing was already on the verge of deviating from nature.

No matter how much they combined their powers it was not something they could deal with.

Accordingly the golden Heavenly King who had become one with the wooden tablet hurriedly tried to open the door to heaven and that was at that very moment.


In an instant Mu Qingyun arrived in front of him.

-Your guy?

“Cut down everything that exists. “This is the best sword I can wield.”


A black line drew the ground from the sky.

At the same time the space was cut off and a red line appeared from the tip of the golden Heavenly King’s head which became one with the pillar of light and the wooden tablet.


Everyone watching was astonished by the enormous sword that cut down heaven and earth.

Has there ever been a sword more perfect and ideal than this since ancient times?

-Blah blah blah!

As the space was cut and distorted the golden Heavenly King who had become one with the wooden tablet that was about to split in half opened his mouth with his last strength.

-A sword that cuts…everything…that exists…? This is…

“Musang Heavenly Demon Sword.”


As soon as those words were finished the golden body of the Heavenly King which was split in half was twisted and sucked into the cut space and soon disappeared along with blood-red dust.


As if nothing had happened the space that had been split from the sky to the ground was connected and the world became clean again.


Everyone who was anxiously watching this scene shouted with joy.

Finally everything was over.

Despite their shouts of joy Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes were filled with emptiness and sadness.

Even though the world was saved from crisis and all grudges were ended there was nothing left.

Other than that I just listened to her wishes.

In the eyes of Mo Kyung-un he suddenly saw Wei So-yeon on the ground coming to her senses.

Her complexion became brighter than before.

She had an imperfect body because she had no soul but now that her soul had become one it was as if she had undergone a complete reincarnation.

‘iced coffee…’

When she sees her youth and her striking resemblance she feels sad again.

Now we won’t be able to meet again.

Her neck which was staring at her soon came down to the ground and moved in front of her.

After coming to her senses Soyeon opened her mouth in confusion.


Then her neck Kyung-woon approached her and hugged her with a sad smile.


Then she gently stroked her head and said:

“After becoming human I learned what was the most heartbreaking thing.”


She looked confused but Mok Gyeong-un continued what she was saying.

“It is the loss of losing a loved one and the regret of not being able to give that loved one what they wanted.”


“I may no longer remember hear or speak in it but I want to tell you this one last time. “I love you.”


Mok Gyeong-un bit her lip tightly closed her eyes and hugged So-yeon tightly above her.

Her eyes and lips shook as Mok Gyeong-un’s voice and body heat were filled with her earnestness.

I don’t know why but the moment she heard Mok Gyeong-un say that he loved her her heart trembled and her heart ached so much.

But that was right then.


A subtle glow flowed from Mo Kyung-yun’s body and seeped into So-yeon’s stomach.

A voice ringing in her ears.

-So-wol…and…my…beautiful…and sparkling story…then…it ended. Now… it’s the story of the young spirit… and you….

With that numerous memories vividly emerged in her mind.

[….okay. We will do this together. Even if it is only a moment.]

[It was beautiful…so beautiful it looked like a red peony.]

[I’m sorry but I can’t send it. Because Cheongnyeong is already my life.]

[It was all me.]


Soyeon’s eyes turned red and tears flowed down her cheeks.

Her neck was bitterly trying to pull her away as she told her the last words she wanted to say.


Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes shook at the voice that came from So-yeon’s mouth above her.

Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes quickly turned red as she smiled tear-covered smiles as if she had missed her so much.

Something that can never be achieved is achieved through earnestness.

We call that a miracle.

The two people hugged each other without anyone else and immediately kissed.

< Episode 127 Final Chapter (3) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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