Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 485

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< Episode 125: Six Demons (3) >

“There are not three but four six demons so this seems like more than a contract.”

The performance in the footnotes of the Six-Fanged God and Song Zhongpao showed her dissatisfaction as she looked at the back of the woman with her nine golden tails fluttering.

Master Myeongryul another member of the six directions who was next to him was equally taken aback by his words.

‘The King of Hundred Faces? ‘What on earth is going on?’

The King of White Faces the golden-haired nine-tailed fox.

In some ways he is said to be even worse than the Great Power King the oldest of the six demons and known as the strongest.

Its existence is ominous and malicious and it leads everything to destruction.


Master Myeongryul broke into a cold sweat.

Due to his young spirit’s anger he met death by having his jaw torn off and both of his arms cut off.

However thanks to the art of divorce (移魂) activated by Heavenly Luck he was able to save his life by moving into the body that the spirit had prepared.

[it’s okay! Hahahahaha!]

The risk of divorce was high because it was close to being unfinished.

Since the magic can only be activated when the caster dies who would choose death rashly?

But the trick was successful.

At first he tried to hide like this.

If everyone thought he was dead anyway there was no reason for him to show up.

But here a problem arose.

He thought he had completely lifted the ban on wooden tablets and the ban had even affected his soul.

As a result he was unable to see ahead even though he had divorced himself.

‘Was it because of him?’

When the reason for his inability to see became clear he became very angry and despaired.

He thought that if he succeeded in getting a divorce one day he would be able to see again and completely escape from that guy but all that came to nothing.

‘If you don’t kill him you can never escape this bondage.’

That is why he came to Hundred Thousand Mountains which would be the beginning of the great disaster and the final battle site.

But the catastrophe exceeded all his expectations.

Four of the Six Demons who are said to be enough to destroy a nation have gathered here.

This was not a country but rather the center of a natural disaster that could dry up the seeds of the Central Plains.

“Regardless of the contract four demons gathered together. Does it look like there’s a hole to escape to? Not a footnote.”

“joy! “It looks like you have to pay a big price for just one technique.”

With those words Bang Shin-an performance took out amulets in his left hand and began making hand signs with his right hand.

“At least that one is the easiest.”

An Gong-yeon’s eyes turned to the golden-maned King Sata who was the smallest of the six demons.

* * *


King Uma the King of Power let out a roar of anger as if he was enraged by the power of the White-Faced King Golden-Fleeted Nine-Tailed Fox which extinguished the roaring wind that he blew away in an instant.

The golden-haired nine-tailed fox snorted at the loud roar that shook the heavens and earth.

“It’s still the same. “It’s noisy.”

At the same time the golden-haired nine-tailed fox slowly flew to Mo Kyung-un’s side its nine tails fluttering.

The golden-haired nine-tailed fox was inwardly surprised as he looked at Mo Gyeong-un.

Although she was in the imperial palace she could sense the awakening of the six demons through the energy of heaven and earth shaking with waves of magical power.

That is why she predicted that the continent would soon be stained with blood.

‘The three of the six demons gathered in one place so I thought they were going to do something amazing and you were here.’

She made her own jewelry imbued with her own magical powers and gave it to her Mok Gyeong-un.

Thanks to this I was able to determine Mokgyeongun’s location at any time no matter where he was.

But she was surprised.

When we first met her in the imperial palace her neck cultivation power was only at an interesting level.

Although he was quite strong he couldn’t become more than a human.

But things changed completely in just a few months.

“What happened between you?”

The golden-haired nine-tailed fox smiled brightly and came up next to Mok Gyeong-un and asked.

When she asked that question she opened her mouth not looking at her but keeping her eyes straight ahead.

“What are you here for?”

When she first appeared she was a Mok Gyeong-un who had a mind of her own.

However after seeing her block the roar of King Uma of Great Power she was able to be sure that it had nothing to do with her wooden tablet.

The golden-haired nine-tailed fox answered Mo Kyung-un’s question by licking her upper lip with her tongue.

“Do you know what the funniest thing in the world is? I got to see a fight with Bulkyung. And there is nothing more interesting than a world that has been turned into a sea of ​​blood due to the aftermath of the massacre.”

“That’s a lame reason. “If that’s the case step away.”

“…Your mood has changed a bit.”

Not only the strength but something is different from before.

Even back then she was not only not yielding even when oppressed by overwhelming force but she was also intrigued by the inherent ferocity within it.

But now I don’t feel the imperfection or ferocity of that time.

Rather it became relaxed and completely flawless.

‘That’s fun.’

I knew that humans’ potential to accept all energies was greater than that of Imaemangyang.

However there are limits to one’s innate capacity so the end of growth is set.

That’s why she thought that no human would ultimately be able to reach the stronghold of the imamangryangs.


“I guess the prophecy wasn’t wrong. Or were my eyes correct?”

“Stop going. Leisurely like this with you…”


Before Mo Kyung-un could finish speaking she hugged his arm and rubbed her cheek.

“Hmm. I’m so sad. Cheonma. “I only came forward out of fear that you would be in danger.”


“okay. “No matter how strong it becomes it’s still outside the standard.”

The eyes of the golden-haired nine-tailed fox turned to King Uma the king of great power with red eyes who was standing tall and glaring at them like the great devil of hell.

Even though she was a six-demon she did not fully acknowledge it.

A long time ago there were only three monsters of a level that could compete with the ancient ancestors.

One of them went out of his way and disappeared from this world but the only monster that can compete with him is that demon king.


The golden-haired nine-tailed fox placed its fingertips on Mokyungwoon’s cheek and whispered.

“I will do whatever it takes to prevent this for the man who will turn into a bastard. Instead if we survive here let’s continue the hot night from last time.”

“I would have said I wasn’t interested.”

“I’m very interested. “To your body and your rapidly increased strength.”

The gold-haired nine-tailed fox’s golden eyes were sparkling with her winning spirit.

Mo Kyung-un realized that she was not just making fun of him.

She wanted to check her own strength.


At that time King Uma of Great Power let out a roar and then stepped forward with his feet.

-Quaaaaaaaaa! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!

The earth splits and flames rise.

Seeing this the golden-haired nine-tailed fox raised the corner of her mouth slyly.

“You seem very angry. But what should I do? I don’t like people taking aim at what’s mine. King of power.”


As soon as the words were finished her body rose upward and immediately began to emit a dazzling golden glow.

The golden brilliance gradually grew larger and took the shape of a beast.

It was a golden fox with nine tails.

When the true body of the White-faced King the golden-furred nine-tailed fox was revealed an ominous and terrifying magical power spread out in all directions and the occultists could not hide their bewilderment.

“What on earth is that a golden-haired nine-tailed fox?”

“Calm down death. The golden-haired nine-tailed fox was just having a conversation with Mr. Wood Gongja. “I don’t know what it is but I feel like I’m an ally here.”

Yeo Su-rin’s words made her feel disgusted with her execution.

“Say what makes sense. Among the six demons it is a great monster that has destroyed numerous countries since the ancient times. “How can that be for humans…”

-bang! bang! bang!

That was before the words were even finished.

The gigantic nine-tailed fox rushed forward and directly collided with the Great Power King which was bigger than the mountain peak it was walking towards.


In the aftermath tremendous wind pressure blew in all directions.

It didn’t end there.

The nine tails of the golden haired nine-tailed fox moved to tie the arms and legs of King Uma the Great Power King and tried to push him back.



King Uma was a six-horse that was said to be the strongest in terms of strength.

Even though his arms and legs were tied the muscles of his entire body bulged as if he was laughing and he tried to forcibly tear off his nine tails.


But did you even predict this?


The golden-haired nine-tailed fox stood up straight and grabbed the Ox Demon King’s chin and upper mouth and forcefully opened it.


From its mouth a golden ray containing tremendous magical power was emitted.

Did you get hit by the rays penetrating into your body?



The earth shook huge debris and dust rose upward and the Demon King’s body was pushed back.

The crew’s eyes widened at the sight.

Are they really saying that the White-Faced King Golden Haired Nine-Tailed Fox is on their side?

Yeosu Lin’s brother-in-law swallowed her dry saliva.

These six demons are so close to natural disasters that they can destroy and deform the earth just by colliding with them.

However if one of them was their ally they could say that the situation was not that bad.

“Then let’s do it too. “Your role is important.”

“of course. So you brought this even at the risk of excommunication.”

Yeo Su-rin held up the golden wheel she was holding.

It was the Daebopgu Cheonhwanmanyeok Golden Wheel of the Bangsin Jeokmi Route a footnote of Haeseongak.

Although it is now called the Great Dharma Instrument the instructors of Haeseon Pavilion knew that it was called a divine instrument or a treasure in the ancient times of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.



Yeosu-rin looked at the other two six demons King Sata and King Baekbung Demon and then looked at King Baekbung Demon.

It was a monster of disaster that wiped out all the Master’s long-time friends the head monk of Daeomsa Temple Daeomsa Temple’s chief priest Gakwon Daesa and all the monks of the esoteric Daeomsa Temple.


She placed the large brush she was holding between the gold wheels of her Dafa Gu Cheon Hwan Man Station and rotated it.


At first it was spinning due to her power but soon it started spinning quickly on its own.

Her furiously spinning golden wheel suddenly began to grow huge as she memorized her technique.

As the golden ring grew bigger the White Bung Demon King who must have been paying attention to it spread his wings wide and flapped them.


Heavy frost and snow swirled and a violent wind arose.

That’s not enough

-Wow! Wow!



It seemed as if the weak-maintained warriors were captured by the magic power of the Demon King the veins on their entire bodies bulged and their heads exploded one after another.

-Quad! Quack!

“I am using my power to use this method. “Unfold the Heavenly Horse Power Law!”


At the cry of execution the guards signed the prisoner.

Then radiance flowed from their bodies and their whole bodies sparkled.

At the same time something crackled as if hitting the light and sparked blue flames.

Although they were able to prevent the rampage caused by the magical power it was difficult to block the cold wind of the White Bung Demon King blowing with their power.


Something appeared and created tremendous winds blocking the chilling wind.

“Huh? “What about you?”

“I don’t know what they’re trying to do but they’re radiators right? “Our clan will protect you.”

They were members of the Yu family including Yu Mujin.

The muscles of the entire body were swollen to their maximum the skin of the Yuga family was black and steam was emanating from their entire body.

Even though he was not a martial artist the warriors could not help but be amazed by his incredible natural strength.

“Now is your chance! Surin!”

-Good! Good! Good!

At the shout of death Yeo Su-rin put her hands together and made the seal of the inner lion.

And then he launched a huge golden wheel that rotated furiously towards the White Bung Demon King.


The Baekbung Demon King who read the huge positive energy contained in the flying golden ring flapped his wings and tried to fly upward.

-Flutter! Flap!

But at that moment the golden ring was divided into one hundred and eight pieces.

Along with that the hundred and eight wheels tried to trap the Baekbung Demon King like brave warriors in battle.

However the Baekbung Demon King instantly released a tremendous amount of cold and froze the dragons.

-Blah blah blah!

At that moment the fighters all made their hands in unison.

Soldiers! Fight! Heat! Jin!

He was a prisoner of the old rehabilitation law.

About 800 people practiced a technique called Four Peaks Chain Art.


Thousands of pillars crashed down on the head of the Baekbung Demon King.

-thud! thud! thud! Kukukukuk!

As the pillars crashed down the White Bung Demon King flew out his small wings and tried to destroy them all with force.

At that time Yeosu-rin’s brother-in-law memorized the magic spell while holding the splendid Buddhist instrument worn on both arms.


Then through the dark clouds the Heavenly King’s Gate with a large evil face fell from the sky crushing the flapping wings of the Demon King.



At the same time the hundred and eight frozen wheels came back to life emitting intense light.

The hundred and eight rings that survived formed a formation once again and completely blocked the area around the Demon King.

The Baekbung Demon King who had been pressed down by the Heavenly King’s Gate raised his head and opened his mouth spewing out a chilling energy.


However the energy of that cold energy was sucked into the center of the rotating wheel.


It jumped out onto another wheel and hit the back of the White Bung Demon King.


The White Bung Demon King who had been hit by his own attack seemed to be enraged and unleashed tremendous magical power causing the wheels surrounding him to shake and try to be pushed away.

‘I don’t have enough energy.’

Yeo Su-rin was constantly reciting her techniques and blood was streaming down from her eyes and nose.

Then Yu Mu-jin and the Yuga family appeared from above the White Bung Demon King clasped their hands together spun around and rushed at the White Bung Demon King’s head.


Thanks to this the head of the Baekbung Demon King fell down and hit the floor.

While they are fighting like this

King Sata one of the remaining six demons was also in conflict with two demonic spirits and about 10000 masters of the Four Alliance Alliance.


As a woman floated up into the sky and raised her sword upward a thunderstorm struck her from above the dark cloud-covered sky and her entire body was enveloped by lightning.


She was none other than Jin Ye-rin a descendant of the greatest sword in the world.

< Episode 125: Six Demons (3) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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