Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 432

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< Episode 112: Situation (4) >

“Total military force! Total military force!”

Jeongjeongmaeng’s guest house.

Zhuge Daoyang the first military officer in charge of the Military and Intelligence Department of the Justice League opened his eyes and came to his senses.

When he opened his eyes what he saw was Jeong Hyeon-moon the leader of the Justice Alliance covered in wounds who was trying to stop the bleeding from his severed leg.

“Falcon leader….”

“Are you okay? Are you out of your mind?”

“It’s okay…it’s okay. How… How… Ugh.”

Zhuge Taoyang massaged the back of his aching head.

His head must have been broken and blood was felt on his hands.

As he was touching it Zhuge Daoyang remembered what had happened.


[Vice-Vice-lord? What is this?]

[well. What is he doing?]

It was a VIP house that served envoys from the royal palace.

The moment the door closed the vice-leader Manji District Prosecutor Su-hyeon suddenly cut off the envoy’s head.

Then not only did he overpower the man who was right next to him with overwhelming inaction in an instant he cut off his leg and struck him in the back of the head.

Thanks to that he was losing his mind.

Yang Jegaldo recalling his memory spoke in an exasperated voice.

“Vice leader! “The vice-lord sent a messenger…”

“Take it easy. He tried to hurry as much as possible but it took time to subdue him and he lost a lot of blood. “I need to do some luck now.”

Hearing these words from Lord Zheng Xuanwen Zhuge Daoyang also realized that his condition was not that good.

He was obviously dizzy and had difficulty breathing as he was bleeding profusely.

However right now the situation where his vice-lord suddenly killed the Shinigami was bigger than his own condition.

“Lord. Now is not the time to worry about me. The vice-lord…”

“I know. “After moving you to a safe place we will go straight to the conference hall.”

“You can call someone and do it. This situation could not have been better…”

“It could cause a conflict between the imperial palace and the main alliance. “It seems that the vice-lord or rather Sang-wi-hyeon was aiming for that.”

The leader Jeong Hyeon-moon also seemed to have predicted this to some extent.

At this Zhuge Daoyang spoke with a serious look on his face.

“How on earth could the vice-lord do something like this….”

No matter how much I thought about it I couldn’t understand it.

Vice leader Gwawi-hyeon was a thief and hero who had run the Justice Alliance for a long time.

It was difficult for Zhuge Daoyang to understand that he and not someone else had done this.

Then leader Jeong Hyeon-moon showed him something soaked in blood.


Zhuge Daoyang’s eyes widened.

As expected it was a wooden tablet used by members of the Heaven and Earth Association.

This card was made to be easily broken so that it could be destroyed at any time. I learned about it while capturing Cheonjihoe members who had infiltrated the Justice League.

“…Before Wi Tak-hyeon died he put this in his mouth chewed it and tried to swallow it.”

“If you do this the vice-major is…”

“It seems like it had something to do with the Cheonjihoe.”

“Haa… How can this happen… The vice-lord is a member of the Heaven and Earth Council…”

“We will have to investigate further but for now it is very likely that the vice-lord was instigated by the Heaven and Earth Council.”

Zhuge Daoyang’s complexion darkened at the words of Lord Zheng Xuanwen.

Even among the high-ranking officials of the Meng there have occasionally been cases of people who were connected to the Cheonjihoe but this was very shocking.

The fact that the vice-leader of the Justice League was none other than the Ganja of the Heaven and Earth Association…

‘for a moment.’

Zhuge Daoyang who was unable to understand it suddenly remembered that his vice-leader Wei Wei-Hyeon had been particularly opposed to clashing with the Heaven and Earth Association every time a point of contact arose.

It was he who took a hard line against the Four Leagues but took the lead in making peace with the Cheonjihoe.

At the time it was thought that it was simply because the vice leader Suyanghyeon lost his bloodline in the war with the Four Alliance Alliance and had a greater resentment towards them.

By highlighting this it became difficult to assert that he was not closely related to the Cheonjihoe.

To this Zhuge Daoyang spoke.

“Lord. “Even if we’re not sure if we have physical evidence there’s nothing we can do for now.”

“You’re saying there’s nothing you can do?”

“…It is not a situation where we can determine for sure whether or not the vice-lord has contact with the Heaven and Earth Association.”

“What does that mean?”

“The way to avoid conflict with the imperial palace right now is to send the vice-lord’s supply and demand and his cards to the imperial palace and prove that this situation was caused by a rift between the members of the Cheonjihoe.”

“…Rather than revealing the truth you’re trying to put out a fire with a dead vice-leader?”

“That is not enough. The imperial family will not relent from this alone. At the very least if we want to express our sincerity we must be prepared to clash with the Heaven and Earth Association.”

“With the Heaven and Earth Association?”


“However if we collide with the Cheonjihoe now it won’t end as a small conflict.”

The leader Jeong Hyeon-moon was worried.

If they clashed with someone else under the pretext of trying to cause a war with the imperial palace by planting the vice-lord as Ganja war was inevitable.

In response to his concerns Zhuge Taoyang the commander-in-chief shook his head and said that there was nothing he could do.

“Conflicting with the imperial palace negates everything that Meng has built up to this point including the friendly peace with the government officials.”

“…Are you saying that’s the only way to stop this? “If we clash with the Cheonjihoe the Four Leagues may also move and it could turn into a civil war.”

“The only way is to first persuade the imperial palace with the body of the vice-lord. “If that doesn’t relieve your anger you have no choice.”

Hearing his words leader Jeong Hyeon-moon closed his eyes and let out a groan.

In the end it was time to choose between the imperial palace or the Heaven and Earth Association.

How did things come to this?

He was silent for a moment lost in thought then opened his eyes and stood up.

“I understand. You are right. If the imperial palace and the main alliance collide the ones who will benefit the most will be the groups outside Sima Ma such as the Heavenly Earth Association and the Four Leagues Alliance. “It has to be stopped.”

“you’re right. What they are aiming for is the profits of fishermen. That’s the only thing that needs to be stopped. Lord hurry up.”

“First of all you…”

“Please call someone. “I will take care of this place so the leader must hold a meeting as soon as possible to resolve the situation.”

“Are you sure you’ll be okay?”

“it’s okay. Please go quickly.”

“…I understand. “If you do that I’ll send someone so you have your luck.”

“All right.”

Just like that leader Jeong Hyeon-moon stopped as he was about to leave the VIP hall.

Then he pulled out a sword with a colorful pattern engraved on the floor.


“It’s a ghost sword Hojak sword. “Now it is a sword that has lost its owner.”


Zhuge Daoyang sighed as if he was sorry.

Meanwhile Lord Jeong Hyeon-moon said as he put the Hojak sword into its sheath.

“I need to retrieve this sword first. “If I just leave it here it will cause trouble.”

“That’s right. But… are you okay?”

“What do you mean?”

“…A sword.”

Jegal Doyang was suddenly surprised to see the leader Jeong Hyeon-mun casually holding the magic sword.

It was a magical sword that would cost a great deal if it was held by someone other than its owner.

Then leader Jeong Hyeon-moon shrugged his shoulders and answered.

“I am suppressing my sword spirit with true energy. “Don’t worry.”

At these words Zhuge Tao nodded his head.

An ordinary swordsman might not know it but leader Jeong Hyeon-moon was a member of the Seven Heavens the pinnacle of the current martial arts world and an unrivaled master called the Great Master.

He thought that if he had the true energy of his heart he would be able to suppress even the magical sword.

“Then I guess I’ll hurry up and go.”

“That’s right.”

Just like that leader Jeong Hyeon-moon left the VIP hall.

When he left Commander Zhuge Daoyang tried to correct his posture to pray for fortune.

In his eyes he saw the body of his vice-majority chief Manji District Prosecutor Sowi-hyeon who had passed away.

He must have fought so hard that his body was covered in blood.

His jaw was pulled out and one of his eyes was damaged because the lord took away the tile he was trying to chew and swallow.

‘Did you gouge out your eyes?’

Miss Zhuge Dao frowned at him.

The leader Jeong Hyeon-moon was a person who advocated integrity to the extent that he was called a righteous swordsman.

He who never crosses the line even to his enemies and has never shown excessive handholding even gouged out the eyeballs of a colleague who shared righteousness with him not long ago.

Was he that angry at the sense of betrayal?

For something like that… there’s something about his hand that doesn’t seem like him.

* * *

A cliff with no end in sight as if looking down into a distant abyss.

There was a large middle-aged man lying comfortably on top of the cliff supporting his head with one arm.

Although she was covering it with clothes the middle-aged woman’s entire body was full of muscle.

A middle-aged man who had been sleeping with his eyes closed opened his closed eyes with a faint tremor.


A middle-aged man opened his eyes and slowly moved his head to look at the bottom of the cliff.

A cliff filled with only darkness.

A blue light flickered in a place where nothing was visible.



At that moment the cliff he was lying on began to shake as if there had been an earthquake.

The ground was trembling so he might have woken up anxious but the man just stared at the cliff without moving an inch.

But from within that cliff a blue light radiated even stronger.

at that moment


The ground began to shake in a way that was incomparable to the tremor just moments ago.

In response the middle-aged man who was looking down at him motionlessly pushed off the floor with one hand and stood up then moved his steps and approached the place where something was piled on one side.

There were about twenty sharp wooden pillars piled up and each one had something like a scripture engraved in red letters.


A middle-aged man placed his hand on one such wooden beam.

Since the tree was literally a log it seemed difficult to lift even with four or five adults.


The middle-aged man’s fingers distorted the wooden pole and then lifted it up.

It was an incredibly amazing sight.

The middle-aged man holding on to a wooden pole soon walked up the trembling cliff and looked down.



As he took a deep breath the middle-aged man’s body immediately turned red and soon something like steam began to rise from his whole body.

The middle-aged man exhaled and inhaled again and this time his skin turned from red to black.

Then the middle-aged man


He threw a wooden pillar with a red scripture engraved on it towards the bottom of the cliff.

The moment the man threw it strong waves arose wherever the wooden pillar passed as if it were penetrating layers of air.

-phut! phut! phut!

The middle-aged man looked at the wooden pillars that were gradually becoming dots.

Eventually the wooden pillar became invisible to the eye.

at that moment


A red flash spread out from below along with a roar.

he with him


Tremendous wind pressure surged upward and an ear-piercing roar was heard from below the cliff.

The middle-aged man’s eyes narrowed as he looked at this and his gaze also became sharper.

‘You’re getting stronger.’

It was becoming increasingly difficult to suppress.

There was not much left of the blue tree with the red scripture engraved on it but the power of that trapped being was growing stronger.

I thought about waking up once in a decade but this is already the second time in a month.

The cycle is getting faster.

‘Is it since then?’

The middle-aged man thought of the sinister Three-Eyed Man who was the first person other than his family to break into this place.

This has been happening since he came here.

It wasn’t a very good thing.

Maybe it could lead to the worst situation.

Then I heard someone running hurriedly.

He was a young man as big as a middle-aged man and he was none other than the monster Yu Mu-jin who competed with Mok Gyeong-un in Sacheondanga.


Seeing him like that the middle-aged man called father Yu Mu-jeok frowned and said

“Didn’t I tell you to be quiet until I completely dispel that strange energy in your heart?”

“But right now at the entrance of the valley….”

“Why are you doing that?”

“I think you should go.”

In response Yu Mu-jeong and his son Yu Mu-jin rushed towards the mouth of the valley.

As Yu Mu-jeok arrived at the entrance his expression hardened.

As expected at the entrance to the valley which could not be entered due to the encampment law an innumerable number of strange beings or phantom demons were encamped.

At this Yu Mujin spoke in a serious voice.

“What the hell is going on?”

A phenomenon that had never happened since their family protected this place was happening.

< Episode 112: Situation (4) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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