Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 379

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< Episode 99: That Day (5) >

[You brought all this on yourself.]


Ryu Sowol her breathing becoming heavy glared at her Cheonmae’s next head Bi-heon who was sitting on the throne of her daughter-in-law as if he were killing her.

How can this happen?

In her arms was her father Liu Kang who had died with only his head left behind and the bodies around her cut into pieces and chunks of meat were all people from her family.

A very… very gruesome sight.

And yet again tragedy unfolded before her eyes.


Her long-time companion was torn in half and died.

Her clear white eyes turned red and thick bloody tears flowed down her cheeks.

She was suffering from so much sadness and anger that she couldn’t even breathe and she kept cracking and coughing and Bi-heon’s face was filled with smiles as he watched her.

[Protect Hoeju!]


Her escorts protecting Liu Xiaoyue surrounded her their eyes full of fear.

I knew how monstrous the opponents were because I saw Hwa-yeon the guard leader and master of transcendental skill die by being cut in half with a single sword but they were guards.

I had to protect Hoeju somehow.

Lim Yu-seon Hwa-yeon’s adjutant spoke to Ryu So-wol.

[Hoeju… Hoeju come to your senses. Now is not the time to be sad.]


[Slowly…take your breath slowly. Hyperventilation and heart demons may lead to fire-entry demons.]

Despite her remonstrances Ryu Sowol’s breathing did not easily return.

Even though she wasn’t she had been heartbroken for nearly three months.

In the midst of all this she saw all of her precious people meet a gruesome end before her eyes and there was no way the shock would go away easily.

Then I heard the sound of clapping hands.

-Clap clap clap clap!

The person who clapped his hands was none other than Bi-heon the culprit of this disaster.

Bi-heon said while looking at Ryu So-yue who was croaking among them and unable to control his breathing.

[It’s a better face than I expected. I guess this guy isn’t that good.]

‘This guy?’

Lim Yoo-seon frowned at her.

There was no one visible around Biheon.

But what are you talking about?

I was puzzled but then Bi-heon spoke with a cold face.

[Stop talking. It is none of your business to interfere.]



She thought something was strange.

Strangely enough every time she opens her mouth it seems like a different person is speaking as is her speaking style.

She found this strange.

[I hope you guys will all leave soon.]


Big Heon sitting on his throne suddenly snapped his fingers at one of the guards.

at that moment



One of the guards had a hole in his face.


It was the moment when one of the same guards was trying to hold on to the guard who was about to fall due to a hole in his face.


The sound of something bouncing was heard again.

At the same time another guard’s face was completely pierced.

As two guards were killed in an instant due to the tremendous use of the supernatural power of the body the panicked guards immediately tried to untie the guard.

At this Adjutant Lim Yu-seon shouted.

[You have to maintain your stance….]


At that moment Lim Yu-seon noticed something flying right in front of her.

But it was already too late for him to dodge.

He died with his face pierced like that but he did it.


At that moment someone pushed her and she was barely able to avoid Bi-heon’s bullet.

Her her and her minja are none other than

[Sashimi sashimi?]

It was Ryu So-wol who had not been able to breathe properly just a moment ago.

Her breathing was still rough but her breathing had calmed down to some extent. She stood up from her seat her face horrified with tears of blood and took the head of her father Liu Kang who was in her arms. I handed it over to Yoo Seon.


[…I accept your command.]

Guard adjutant Lim Yu-seon received Liu Kang’s head.

Then Ryu So-wol stepped on the bloody floor of the main hall and walked towards the throne.

-Jump! Damn it!

Her previously white clothes were suddenly stained red by her blood.

Bi-heon who was watching Ryu So-wol like that while sitting on her throne rested her chin and opened her mouth as if regretful.

[You’re stronger than I thought. I thought she didn’t have the qualities to be a leader.]

[shut up.]


Liu Sowol pulled out her sword from the sheath at her waist.

Although the special sword made by the craftsman of Yeonggeom Lodge was not yet completed the sword given to her by her father was also a treasured sword.

She said as Liu Xiaoyue who drew her sword only looked at Bian Heon.

[Go outside. And gather the leaders of the sects including the ley lines.]

Lim Yu-seon responded vigorously to Hoeju Ryu So-wol’s command.


This tragic situation was so heartbreaking but the only person who could prevent it and resolve it was Liu Shaoyue the head of the Heavenly Earth Moon Society and the greatest expert.

He was so shocked that he went into a state of shock and wondered what would happen if he couldn’t come to his senses but it was a good thing.


‘Will the ley line and each sect respond to the call?’

Most of those who died here appeared to be members of Wolmaek and its related sects.

That said the possibility that Ji-maek and other sects sympathized with Cheon-maek or adhered to him could not be ruled out.

Although it was difficult they had no choice.

Whether it was porridge or rice I had to call them first.



Ryu So-wol’s piercing voice rang in the ears of Lim Yu-seon the deputy guard and the guards who were rushing out of Daejeon.

So they hurriedly tried to stop.


Someone appeared as if he had been waiting and swung a sword stained with strong energy.

Although the sword was extremely simple its power and range were amazing.


In an instant the waist of the guards including Lieutenant Lim Yu-seon was torn apart and their upper bodies were separated from their lower bodies.

-thud! thud! thud!


Ryu So-wol screamed at the sight.

Once again his people lost their lives in front of him.

In the meantime Lim Yu-seon tried to protect the head of Liu Kang the head of the Wolmaek family by lifting it up which he was somehow holding even though his body was cut in half.


[Oops… Sashimi… Sashimi… I’m sorry…]

Im Yu-seon who saved his father Liu Kang’s head from being damaged died.

At the same time Liu Soyue who was heading towards his throne turned and fired a new weapon at the being who had cut them down.


The sound of swords clashing with swords rang out in the air.

Two swords colored with strength and strength collided and blue flames flew in all directions.

Liu Xiaoyue shouted looking at the opponent in front of him in a voice full of lamentation.

[Yang In-cheol!]

The person in front of her was the head of the ley line.

Yang In-cheol the head of the ley line opened his mouth with a somewhat bitter expression.

[…That’s how it happened. No matter how much I try to admit it I can’t leave the first position of leading an episode to you a mere girl.]

[Only….Only for that reason….]

[It’s nothing else. No matter how high your rank did you think it would make sense for a woman like you to have a position like the patriarch who has to lead these numerous sects?]

…You said you stuck with me because you couldn’t admit that you were a girl?

Just for that reason?

Liu Xiaoyue’s eyes became cold.



Due to her rising power the new form of Yang In-cheol the head of the ley line began to be pushed back.

She had reached the pinnacle of excellence and had been working on honing her skills for a much longer period of time than she had so he was confident that she would never be pushed back at least in terms of her skills.

However the gap between those who crossed her wall and her ultimate peak was stark.

[Rain… help Bong Heon…]


Before he could finish his words Ryu So-wol’s sword cut off the head of the head of the family Yang In-cheol.

Yang In-cheol’s head rolled on the floor without even being able to shed a word.


The blood gushing from his severed neck drenched her face.

Either way Ryu So-wol trampled on Yang In-cheol’s head.


Then with heavy breathing she turned her head and glared at Big Heon on her throne.

Now I no longer even wonder what kind of thoughts he had when he did this.

All he wanted to do was tear off all his limbs and kill him.


Ryu Sowol kicked her floor and launched her new form towards her throne.

If she wanted to shake herself into a trance and sit on the throne then tell her it was a mistake.

Even if he cannot overcome the shock and falls into a state of despair he will definitely kill you.

As much as you…


At that moment her new model bounced backwards.

After more than five shots bounced off her she stopped planting her sword on the floor.


She immediately looked at Biheon with startled eyes.

Biheon who was still sitting on the throne had already pulled out the sword that had been stuck on the floor.

He blocked his own sword like that?

She was so furious that she had no choice but to kill him but she was able to calm her excitement with this one touch.

‘…How is your air power like this?’

The air power was different from just three months ago.

She had become so strong that it was no exaggeration to say that she had almost doubled in strength so she couldn’t help but wonder.

What on earth did she do?

While I was wondering Bi-bihun opened his mouth.

[Why are you surprised?]

[…What did you do?]

She raised questions about her work which had changed so much in just three months.

Then Bi-heon answered in a dry voice.

[I told you. You brought it all on yourself.]

[Stop that bullshit. No matter how much you practice it is impossible to increase your attack power this much in three months…]

-With tea!


For a moment she was speechless.

That was because of the accessories attached to the sword.

It was a jade bead ornament with a colorful pattern that he had previously taken away as a bet.

Why on earth are you wearing that on your sword?

no way….

[iced coffee. this? This guy…. Uhm. I guess he wants to talk to me directly.]

[What are you saying now….]

Bi-heon who was smiling at that time suddenly changed to a cold face and said.

[Why did you do that?]

[…What are you talking about?]

[Are you doing that to shake me up?]

[Why are you shaking?]

[You… I only looked at you. But why…is that so? Did you insult me?]

[You Bi-heon for humiliating me….]

[bloke! That guy! Gnoooooom!]

At that moment Bi-bi-heon jumped up from his throne and shouted blood standing on his neck and forehead.

Seeing his crazy appearance Ryu Sowol forgot her anger and her face distorted.

Why has it changed like this?

Is he really the cheerful and playful man she knew?

[…Why did you become like this?]

[You didn’t answer what I said in the end. Does that mean I don’t even care?]

[I’m not paying attention…]

[Are you saying this is the man you chose?]

[what? You… right now… no way…]

[It was beautiful. I really wanted that beautiful image to be by my side but why was it like that… Huu… Huu…]

Ryu Sowol bit his lip hard as he saw Bong Heon controlling his breathing with anger.

She was the one who wondered why he was doing this.

But this tragedy was just caused by a lack of confidence?

So you took away everything I hold dear?

[At best… from me because you didn’t have…]

[you! you! It’s mine! Ryu So-wol!]


With that shout a tremendous force arose and the entire Daejeon shook as if there had been an earthquake.


This sent a shiver down her spine for an instant.

This was because she even felt fear from his appearance consumed by madness.

She loved a man herself and she still missed him so she knew very well how addictive and painful this feeling was.

But this side of him was closer to obsession than love.

That said


When Biheon pulled his hand somewhere something flew out and landed in his hand.

It’s none other than


Liu Xiaoyue’s eyes trembled violently.

What landed in his hand was the head of Bihyeongmyeong the head of the Heavenly Vessel with a round wound on his forehead and his head cut off.

When she saw this she couldn’t help but be shocked.

The moment she saw her severed head her father Liu Kang came to mind and she even started to vomit.


To her suffering Bighun said with his maniacal smile.

[How can I let you go through the pain you are going through alone? Even though I was nothing but an empty shell it was so painful after cutting off my father’s head with my own hands.]

[…Crazy guy.]

This guy is truly crazy.

At first I thought my obsession had gone too far because I liked myself so much.

No I thought that was the cause.

However when he saw that he had cut off his father’s head to make him suffer the same way it was thought that he was beyond madness.

[You… I think you should just die.]

She gritted her teeth as she held her sword tightly with both hands.

Even the slightest bit of sympathy disappeared.

If someone was this crazy and possessed by madness the only solution was to kill them somehow.

She said to her as her father’s head fell to the floor and held out his hand as if to invite him to come over.

[Come with me. Now that we are the same we can understand each other.]

[Don’t be damned. I will never understand you.]

[…Please don’t make me make that choice.]

[shut up!]


Hated to even mix her words with him anymore she mustered up all her momentum and launched her new type.

However at the point when her attack power rapidly increased the outcome of the confrontation may have already been decided.


Unlike her who was completely devastated Bi-heon had leisure.

She even sat on the throne of the Great Hall and looked at herself with arrogant eyes.


Liu Soyue stuck her sword in the ground like a staff and shouted panting.

[What the hell… What the hell… Argh!]

I wanted to kill him so badly but I couldn’t.

It bothered her so much.

I wanted to kill him but he was playing with himself.

Then Biheon sitting on the throne spoke.

[It’s your last chance. Come join me.]

Ryu So-wol responded to that suggestion with just one word.


Soon Sowol grabbed her sword tightly.

He then tore off her clothes wrapped them around her wrists and hurled her sword at Big Heon who was sitting on her throne.

But it was that moment.


In the blink of an eye Bigeon Heon who was on the throne appeared in front of her and placed his hand on her chest.


Her red pupils wavered.

Numerous beings passed by in the shaking pupils.

The faces of his long-dead mother brother Ryu Hoon and his father Ryu Kang… and the people of Wolmaek.

Finally only one person’s face came to mind.

It was that man.

I missed you so much… I missed you so much…


I saw something in her eyes that were consumed by more sadness than death.

It was a heart that was pounding and beating.

Who would have thought that they would live to see this?

To her who couldn’t say anything Biheon said with tears in his eyes and bloodshot eyes.

[The person you should embrace in this heart is me.]

[ha ha ha….]

[don’t worry. One way or another we will be together forever. Sowol.]


As soon as those words were finished her eyes showed the sight of her heart being crushed by the man’s hands.

My heart which had been pounding and beating as if I was still alive was no longer beating.

Dying like this…


It was that moment.

A tremendous roar erupted and the ceiling of Daejeon collapsed.

The whole place became dark for an instant filled with dust blocking her vision and she fell forward as if falling over her head and closed her eyes.


Am I going to die like this?

Then someone’s scream which she guessed was Biheon’s voice was heard in her ears.

[Woo Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

She screamed several times and then someone hugged her.

At this she opened her eyes with difficulty.

She was truly amazing.

It was as if he was already dead because his heart had been ripped out. Was it a flashback?

I saw something that I really wanted to see.

It was a man.


He… I saw him sobbing and looking at me with very sad eyes.

Are you sad about my death?

I wanted to say something but my voice didn’t come out.

-I wanted to be your… bride…

Sowol closed his mouth with difficulty.

And she used her fingertips to wipe away the tears that were streaming down his cheeks.

She wanted to comfort him when he was sad.

Even if it’s the last time.

The man said holding her hand tightly.

[It was beautiful…. It was so beautiful that it looked like a red peony.]

Ah…you saw it.

I saw it.

Soon she could not overcome her eyelids that became heavy.

Through his slowly closing eyes I saw him roaring with sadness.

< Episode 99: That Day (5) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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