Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 371

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< Episode 98 Sword and Sword (1) >

“Because these swords contain human flesh blood and their resentment.”

“Is that so?”


Hearing Zhou Gu Tianmu’s words Mo Qingyun looked at the magic sword Akjie ​​with interest.

I thought there must be some story to it because I could feel the strong nature of the sword but it contained human flesh and blood.

Does that mean that one life was ultimately sacrificed to manufacture the sword?

‘…Is this all?’

Zhang Zhou Guqianmu frowned at her.

Contrary to the thought that he would be very surprised or skeptical when I told him what was in the magic sword I actually stuck out my tongue at the sight of him showing interest.

He thought he was different from the criminals but this went beyond the level of boldness.

Isn’t the accident itself different?

Then Mok Gyeong-un looked at the sword and asked.

“Is there some special reason for doing that with not one but five swords?”


It’s different.

It’s also very different.

Gu Cheon-mu who was clicking his tongue inwardly soon answered.

“I don’t know exactly why. “The only thing that remains in the family record is that five magical swords were created at someone’s request.”

“You made five sacks at the same time at someone’s request?”


“Hmm. What a unique person. “I can’t believe you asked me to make five such unique swords which are not ordinary swords.”

“…Because of that our ancestors considered it a shame to create the magic sword.”

“Is it because it’s a sword made with someone’s life?”

“It’s just as you said.”

“Then shouldn’t I just refuse?”

“If I had refused the family’s ties would have been severed.”


Mok Kyung-yun nodded his head.

In the end it seems to have been created through threats not someone’s request.

Zhou Gu Tianmu said with a sigh.

“It is truly extraordinary. “Even though I didn’t completely master the sword spirit I didn’t know that it would come to this chapter on the day I completed the sword.”

“What do you mean?”

“Because today my family’s long-cherished wish has come true.”

“Family’s long-cherished wish?”

“The sword made of black iron was created by the hands of Sokha.”

Mok Gyeong-un was puzzled by the subtle excitement contained in his trembling voice and asked while nodding at the magic sword.

“Now that I think about it didn’t you say that the Akgeuk was also made of Gwanya black iron?”

“you’re right.”

“But why is it so elaborate? “Is there a reason you’re talking about it as if it’s something special?”

To this question Gu Cheon-mu the chief lord answered while looking at the sword body of the demon sword.

“Gwanya black iron is not an iron that can be handled using simple methods.”

“That it can’t be handled in a simple way… really?”

[This is because these swords contain human flesh blood and their grudges.]

At that moment Mu Qingyun remembered what Zhang Zhou Gu Tianmu had said earlier.

He also nodded his head as if he agreed with this.

“you’re right. “It is not done to make a magic sword but strangely enough this special iron called Gwanya Black Iron cannot be melted and given shape without human flesh and blood entering it.”

“What a strange season.”

“Beyond being bizarre this iron is truly a monster.”

The fact that only by sacrificing one’s life could one melt and create a form was beyond bizarre it was truly bizarre.

Therefore among the blacksmiths who had been in the business for a long time none of them who knew even a little bit about this black iron had the thought of handling it.

To them this iron was cursed before it was the best iron.

‘iced coffee. Was it something like that?’

Now Mok Gyeong-un seemed to know why he couldn’t contain his excitement when he said that he had made a sword with black iron.

So he asked:

“I understand. “Is it because you succeeded in making a sword without using human flesh and blood which you said was your family’s long-cherished wish?”

At that question Zhang Zhou Guqianmu smiled and nodded his head.

Gu Yaja who was called the best craftsman felt self-reproach and regret while making this sword using someone else’s life.

But what upset him more than that was his shame as a craftsman.

Due to this dark iron of the government that could not be dealt with without sacrificing someone’s life Guyaja suffered until the moment of his death.

This was because the craftsman could not handle iron and succumbed to it.

Thus this became the legacy and long-cherished wish of the Gu family.

“As Duke Zhou said our Gu family has worked hard for generations to wash away the shame of our Gu Yaja ancestors and today we have completed it.”

This was the reason why he stayed away from home for a while and concentrated on his work.

The reason many people refused to make swords was because they would soon be able to solve their karma.

The only thing that is disappointing is

‘If only there had been more than half an hour…’

Not only did I fulfill my long-held wish but I was also able to create the greatest masterpiece.

But unfortunately it did not come true.

If Mok Gyeong-un who became the thief and the mastermind had not appeared the outcome might have been different but if we are to blame it already happened.

In the end it was not destined to be a masterpiece.

‘I don’t know if that feeling will come back but there’s still plenty of time left.’

The family’s long-cherished wish has been fulfilled in his generation so now all he has to do is create the masterpiece of his life.

If so it seemed like there would be no time left in his life.

Then I saw Mok Gyeong-un staring somewhere.

“Joo Gong?”

“I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while now. Is the sword you completed there?”

Mok Kyung-un pointed to that place with his thumb.

Zhou Gu Tianmu couldn’t help but feel puzzled.

That was because there really was a sword where Mok Gyeong-un pointed with his finger.

‘…How did you know?’

This sword did not properly establish its swordsmanship.

This was because my mind was distracted at a moment when I needed to concentrate and my swordsmanship was distorted.

That’s why the sword didn’t show the spirit well.

Moreover because the workshop was overflowing with unfinished swords it was nearly impossible to find them using only the anticipation coming from the sword itself.


However unlike him something different was reflected in Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes.

This was because the surrounding nature keepers could be seen slowly gathering somewhere hidden.

“Is it okay if I take a look?”

“That sword… no. it’s okay.”

If the sword is not properly completed the craftsman destroys it without showing it to anyone.

That was his stubbornness and pride as a craftsman.

However he refused the Duke of Zhou’s name Inii and he felt it was a waste to just destroy the sword that could have been a masterpiece for only his own sake.

“Please take a look.”

It was Mok Gyeong-un who had reached a higher level of swordsmanship than himself.

There was nothing wrong with hearing his opinion.

As Mok Gyeong-un walked towards the place where the most finishing work was being done in the workshop he saw a dark-colored sword.

Because work was being done to establish swordsmanship there were not even swordsmen.



Mok Kyung-un’s eyes trembled as he looked at this.

Gu Tianmu who was behind him couldn’t see this so he opened his mouth half excited and half concerned.

“The reason the sword body is particularly dark is because it is a mixture of many years and seasons. Although there are some disappointments due to the twisted sense of the sword it can be said that this itself is close to a masterpiece. In the eyes of the Duke of Zhou there is nothing lacking…!?”

Gu Cheonmu walked up to the side without speaking.

He felt something strange.


Gu Tianmu couldn’t help but feel puzzled.

That’s because Mok Gyeong-un was staring at the sword with blank eyes as if he were in a trance or a mental state.


I know that the sword is so close to perfection that it can be called a masterpiece.

But is it possible to fall into an image just by looking at the shape of a sword?

Could it be that he saw something he didn’t see?

* * *

In the image.

The place is very different from the places he used to know.

He was swinging something in a strange place where even the color of the sky was different and the world seemed to be collapsing.

It was none other than a sword with a brilliant ink color.

That sword was very similar to the one made by Gu Tianmu Zhuangzhu.

if there is anything else


The sword felt as if it had a will of its own and was extremely ferocious.

And this ferocity seemed strangely familiar.

This was a roaring demonic nature itself.

In the image he was not moving according to his own will and his movements with the sword were very rough and clunky.

However the sword was taking everything he had and pushing it to its peak.

After swinging the sword like that for a while he eventually stopped and soon relaxed the force he was applying to the sword.


The ink-colored sword suddenly split disintegrated and took the form of a ring.

* * *


Mok Kyung-un came out of his mental image and looked at the hilt of the sword without the sword soldier.

I don’t know when I fell in love with this but this sword clearly looked exactly like the one I had seen in my mind.

Mo Qingyun asked Gu Tianmu the chieftain next to him.

“This sword… is it true that the Lord of the Lord came up with it himself and made it?”


At that question Gu Tianmu’s expression hardened for an instant.

Gu Tianmu who was frowning as if he was speechless for a moment spoke in an expression that he could not understand.

“…Can I ask the Duke why you are asking that?”

“I’ve seen a sword before.”

“Are you saying you’ve seen this sword or a sword of this shape?”


At those words Gu Cheonmu’s eyes became even more suspicious.

Mok Gyeong-un who was puzzled by his reaction asked.

“If not it doesn’t matter. “It’s just that I don’t think this is the end of the sword’s final form.”


As soon as Mo Qingyun’s words left his mouth a sigh flowed from the mouth of Zhou Gu Tianmu.

But then Gu Cheon-mu walked up to the ink-colored sword grabbed the handle that had no handle and lifted it up.

“There is no such thing as absolute in this world.”

“What do you mean?”

“I am truly ashamed.”


“I thought that no one would know this since several generations have already passed so I wanted to create this perfect form with the hands of a subordinate but I did not know that the Duke of Zhou would know about it.”

“There was an original sword right?”

“you’re right.”


With his answer Zhou Gu Tianmu put down his sword again and went somewhere.

I took out an old worn-out book from a library bookshelf on one side of the workshop.

Jangju who brought the book looked through it then opened one part and showed it to Mok Gyeong-un.


Mokgyeongun who saw this had a strange look in his eyes.

As expected the book recorded the shape of the sword in detail and even explained that it could be disassembled to form a ring.

“What is this…?”

“This is a record left by Sokha’s great-grandfather.”

“Records left by my great-grandfather? “Then did Zhang Zhou’s great-grandfather make this sword?”

At that question Zhou Guqianmu hesitated for a moment and shook his head.

“no. In a situation like this how could I not report the truth to the Duke of Zhou? This is a record of what Sokha’s great-grandfather saw more than a hundred years ago.”

A hundred years ago?

It’s been longer than I thought.

Mok Gyeong-un couldn’t help but feel puzzled.

What on earth was that image just now?

Usually when he sees an image it can be said to be enlightenment or reading residual thoughts left behind.

However when I saw the newly born sword strangely enough I saw a familiar sight even though it was my first time seeing it.

So does he mean that he saw something from a hundred years ago?

There was something strange about him.

Meanwhile Zhou Gu Tianmu continued speaking.

“It was through a terrible tragedy that Sokha’s great-grandfather came across this sword.”

“A tragedy?”

“yes. As you know our Kuga clan produces swords without a single day off so we rarely leave Geomgok but my great-grandfather decided to personally bring the completed sword to fulfill a request from an outstanding female swordsman with whom he was acquainted. ”

“It seems like we were very close to the point where I personally brought it to you.”

“If you look at the records left behind by my great-grandfather it seems like he was impressed by the female swordsman’s delicate and excellent swordsmanship skills and developed a relationship with her.”

“Hoo is that so?”

“Yes he even commented that the female swordsman’s sword was like looking at the beautiful moon.”

“…A beautiful moon?”

Mo Gyeong-un’s eyes narrowed.

It suddenly occurred to me that there was a sword technique reminiscent of the moon.

Among the sword techniques he knew there were only two that reminded him of the moon.

It was the sword style of the Moonless Sword and the Moon of Cheongryeong.

Then he walked to one side of the workshop and took out one of the wooden boxes piled on top of a shelf.

It too was covered in dust having been neglected for a long time.


After shaking off the dust with his hands Zhang Zhou Guqianmu came carrying a long wooden box and said.

“What is that?”

“It is a sword that lost its owner.”

– Sweet!

When Gu Cheon-mu opened the wooden box a sword appeared along with the scent of dead wood as if it had not been opened for a long time.

It was a pure white sword with a very white sword body.

A small exclamation came from Mok Gyeong-un’s mouth at the sight of it not losing its brilliance even after a hundred years.


At that time the trembling voice of Cheongryeong was heard in his ears.


-Why are you doing that? Ah… Come to think of it a hundred years ago was the time when Cheongnyeong was alive and active right?

In response to that question completely unexpected words came out of Cheongnyeong’s mouth.

-This is… my sword.


< Episode 98 Sword and Sword (1) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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