Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 345

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< Episode 91: Offer (5) >

“Please…keep me close to my granddaughter. “This old man asks me this.”

Seonghwaryeongju rubbed her hands and begged with tears to her apostolic monk Jaejeongjeong who was sitting in her carriage and sipping from a gourd containing her liquor.

She said ‘She’s crying quite a bit.’

Seeing her yearning for her blood relatives like this Jae-Jeong pretended not to be interested and did not even look at her but inside her heart weakened.

She was wild and crazy but what was even stranger was that the old woman did not waver as she cried and cried for her granddaughter.

However the masked Marahyeon calmly stopped this.

“If you don’t want to break it somewhere you’d better not move a single step from there.”

“It’s so tight. Clue.”

Jae-jae-jeong clicked her tongue at this.

Unlike him Mara Hyeon still had her resentment toward the Seonghwa Command Spell.

Therefore she had no reason to be swayed by affection.

“Would there be any problem if I kept her close to me?”

“I just follow orders.”

“Oh my. “You are a loyal subject.”


“Anyway that guy is really weird.”

“What do you mean?”

Mara Hyun looked puzzled and looked at where Jae-Jeong Jeong was nodding her head.

There Yu Mujin was sitting in a comfortable position with her eyes closed.

She didn’t seem particularly lucky but she couldn’t figure out what was strange about her.

But Mara-hyeon who was staring at him had a strange look in his eyes.

That’s because even though my breathing was irregular like the energy of the clouds I could feel a faint gathering of energy.


Just as he guessed every time Yu Mujin took a breath the nature guardians were gathering albeit little by little.

According to the common sense of other martial arts people this was absolutely impossible but for him who inherited the lineage of the Yuga clan it was no different from his constitution.


Yu Mujin who was breathing coughed.

There was blood on the corner of his mouth when he coughed.

Yu Mu-jin who saw this while stealing it with the back of his hand frowned at him.

‘what? ‘Why isn’t it resolved?’

His body was so strong that he could not be injured in most things but even if such a situation occurred he would quickly recover due to the monstrous resilience unique to his clan.

However judging from the tingling he felt his heart had not fully recovered.

I could tell that the cause of this was a strange feeling centered around the wound but strangely enough this was not resolved.

‘It’s strange.’

Normally even if I rested just a little bit the energy that had entered my body would leave my body.

Even the energy flowing out from under the cliff was quickly discharged.

However this weakness still remained continuing to add to the wound and hindering recovery.

‘…Should I go back to the valley?’

It seemed like a problem I couldn’t solve alone.

Yu Mujin sighed and opened his eyes.



Yu Mujin looked toward the Tang family manor with narrowed eyes.

I tried to turn my attention off to focus on recovery but the screams I heard earlier were now spreading like a scream.

What on earth is going on?

‘Didn’t you say that you would definitely establish a relationship with Eun-won?’

But why can I hear the sound of so many people suffering?

Yu Mu-jin who felt uneasy at this sound immediately stood up.

* * *

How did this happen?

The head of the family Dan In-hae could not hide his embarrassment.

He clearly saw with his own eyes that his neck cultivation was not out of range.

I was confident that the final secret technique of the intangible poison attack Poison Won Pageuk would be unavoidable even for the best expert because its range was so wide and the speed at which it spread was so fast.

But why is he okay?


Can you withstand the poison of intangible poison with profound magic?

No matter how expert I was I couldn’t endure to this extent unless I reached the point of becoming a poisonous person.

At that time Mok Kyung-un opened his mouth.

“Is this the intangible poison they used to kill his grandfather?”

Tang Inhae’s eyes narrowed.

It’s bravado.

If he had seen this incredibly powerful intangible poison ball he would have had to move to deal with it quickly but he was not moving even a single step from that spot.

That means he was definitely fighting against an intangible poison.

“You’re bluffing.”


“Do you think you don’t know that I’m barely holding on with my inner strength?”

Maybe now might be the opportunity.

The person pushed off the floor with both hands and tried to throw the new weapon at his neck.

But when I tried to push his hands away

-Tutuk! Tootuk!

My body didn’t listen.

Not only did I not give my best but I also pulled out all my energy and performed a secret attack on my own and perhaps because of the aftereffects the remaining energy could not circulate properly.

‘There’s nothing I can do.’

It didn’t matter.

Even if it wasn’t for him there were plenty of people who could take his place.

This was the base of the Tang family.

In response Dan In-hae shouted at the warriors in the party.

“It’s your chance! Hit him!”



Despite the orders of the head of the family neither the party leaders nor the military people thought of moving.

“What are you doing! He can’t move due to the intangible poison. Hit it now!”


There was no response to his urgings.

Rather the warriors in the party were looking elsewhere with stiff faces.

Dan In-hae found it absurd to see them like that.

Are you planning to miss this golden opportunity?

Why would anyone think of coming forward…

-Clap clap!

At that time Mok Gyeong-un clapped his hands and said with admiration.

“That’s amazing.”


“You sacrificed so many Gasols just to kill that one person. “Are you saying we’re going to burn the grass to get rid of fleas?”


Dan In-hae’s eyes wavered at Mok Gyeong-un’s sarcastic words.

Since he unleashed his secret technique with the sole intention of killing only Mok Gyeong-un he could not see anything else.

But the moment I heard Mok Gyeong-un’s words my surroundings came into view again.

The people of Tangga are melting and dying miserably due to the intangible poison.

The faces and eyes of other party members watching them went beyond confusion and turned into anger.


At some point Dan In-hae became aware of the hateful eyes of the Tang family members focused on him and it became difficult for him to even know where to put his gaze.

‘Why…why are you looking at me like that…’

I understand if you are disappointed because of the victims.

But this was the only way.

This guy killed Jang Mun-no the Haeyeong Yakseon who raised him and will not let anything related to him live.

Therefore it was a valuable sacrifice if the death of some could subdue it.

But why does no one understand me like this?

Why is it something that can be known if you think a little rationally…

“The look of injustice on your face is disgusting. Are you asking for understanding after abandoning and killing Gasol with your own hands?”



Dang In-dong gritted his teeth and turned his head to glare at Mok Gyeong-un.

It’s all because of that guy.

If that guy hadn’t shown up none of this would have happened.

Driven to the brink by the hatred and resentment of the Tang family whom he considered blood relatives and family Tang In-hae turned to the painter Mok Gyeong-un.

“okay. “It all happened because you showed up.”

“Now you’re blaming me.”


Dan In-hae who was shaking with anger eventually gathered his remaining energy.

And he launched his new weapon at Mok Gyeong-un.


“I’m dying!”

How dare a man who can’t even move because he’s enduring intangible poison laugh at the head of the family he saw?

okay. Anyway since it’s like this I’ll take you with me as my last companion.

It doesn’t matter if no one knows.



Dan In-hae’s body which had launched the new weapon stopped in midair.

It felt like someone was holding him.


Dan In-hae’s eyes widened.

How did this happen?

He obviously thought he wouldn’t be able to move because he was struggling with the intangible poison.


At that moment Mok Kyung-un took a step forward.


And then I took another step.

No it doesn’t seem like he keeps walking towards him.

Dan In-hae couldn’t believe it when he saw Mok Gyeong-un walking casually.


“Now I understand.”

“What is that?”

“Ever since I was young my grandfather fed me various herbs and poisonous plants. “At the time I ate it without knowing how to eat it but at some point my blood became extremely poisonous.”

“….The blood….. became extremely poisonous?”

Dan In-hae made an expression of disbelief at those words.

Of course poisonous energy accumulates in some parts of the body of those who practice poisonous energy.

However no matter how long one has practiced poison and one’s talent in it the human body is bound to be the opposite of poison so one had to practice the opposite detox energy as well.

So that you don’t get poisoned and eaten.

“That’s ridiculous. “Blood is toxic…”

[A person whose poison has reached its peak and can control it freely is called a poisoner. But is that really the end? What do you guys think?]

This was a topic that Jeonjeon Dynasty patriarch Hwacheon Doksu (花千毒手) Yeon Jong-jong gave his final teachings a few days before competing with Mandoju Baekyu.

To this question his father the head of the previous generation answered this way.

[Isn’t the true end that is the constitution that embodies all poisons?]

[It is literally a type of constitution that appears once in a thousand years. This is not a level that can be achieved through human effort.]


[Are there any other answers?]


No one could answer his question.

At that time Jang Mun-no came out.

[okay. What do you think?]

[Resistance is something that has to be opposites so if everything that makes up the body gradually adapts and flows closer to poison it can be said to be a true poison.]

[Hoo. Are the things that make up the body closer to poison?]

[For example what if even the blood flowing through your body becomes poison?]

At his words all the members of the head family who were qualified to succeed the Tang family including Tang In-hae laughed at him.

If that were possible who wouldn’t have done it?

The human body could not become poison itself.

Although it may be possible to withstand or adapt to the poison it is impossible to get close to the poison.

I have believed that until now.


“That can’t be possible. How could flowing blood become poison itself? “It can never happen…”


At that moment Mo Kyung-un grabbed his mouth.

Then he spoke in a murderous voice.

“It’s hard to believe so it might be a good idea to experience it once.”



Mok Kyung-yun clenched his fist so hard that it dug into his flesh.

Then thick blood flowed out.

“Whoa…are you talking?”

The blood that flowed out of Dan In-hae’s mouth which Mu Kyung-un grabbed and forcibly opened dripped.

The blood flowing out entered Dan In-hae’s mouth.

I wanted to spit it out but he was holding my mouth so I couldn’t stop it from flowing down my throat.

So the blood goes down the throat and into the esophagus.


The pain of burning my esophagus came.

Dan In-hae’s eyes were shaking like crazy.

‘That’s ridiculous.’

It was truly poisonous.

How did blood become poison itself?

I couldn’t believe it.

But what surprised him even more was

“Knock knock!”

After learning the intangible poison technique he was confident that no poison would work on him.

However the poison that entered my body through my esophagus quickly caused poisoning in my body and I was so in pain that I couldn’t bear it.

But something strange happened here.

-Push! Push!

The veins swelled from Dan In-hae’s face to the skin of his entire body and soon burst.

It didn’t end here.

A strange sound as if a bone was breaking came from inside his body.

-Wow! Crack!


It was so painful that Dan In-hae could not bear it and screamed like crazy.

At this Mo Kyung-un released his grip on his mouth and took three steps back.

It was to check his condition.


Dan In-hae’s body which had fallen to the floor was twisted to a grotesque degree.

Mok Gyeong-un couldn’t help but wonder at that sight.

After learning his Perm Sutra the poison energy in his body became stronger but poisoning did not occur in this way.

However due to the impact his blood vessels were bursting and his bones were even twisting.



Dan In-hae whose bones were twisted and sticking out here and there looked at Mok Gyeong-un.

Those eyes looked like they were begging for help.

Seeing him like this Mo Kyung-un raised the corner of his mouth slyly.

“I thought it was my job to kill him but it seems that wasn’t the case.”


What are you talking about now?

It’s not your fault.

At that moment Dan In-hae suddenly remembered what Jang Mun-no had said.

[Are you not going to tell me where you hid it until the end?]


[Do you think I won’t be able to find it just because you do that?]

[Cluck cough… I say this out of consideration for old times. Don’t touch that child. All the anger… will eventually return to you.]


At that time he dismissed it as a curse from someone who would die soon.

But it wasn’t just a rumor.

The poison contained in this guy’s blood was completely opposite to his own.

Because of that his body was unable to hold on even more.


-Pud! Pop!

His blood vessels burst and his bones were twisted and his neck finally broke and he died.

Mok Gyeong-un who was watching his miserable end with dry eyes looked up at the sky and muttered.

“You had an idea.”

< Episode 91: Offer (5) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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