Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 337

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< Episode 90: The main culprit (3) >

‘What about that?’

Dan In-hae the head of the Sacheon Dang family caught the eye.

That’s right the snake-shaped staff held by the man in his mid-thirties was the staff of Guyangso the head of the Guyang family.

He was the only one with a similar name to Poison and he couldn’t help but notice it because he had been in contact with her several times over the years.

But how does that young man become the president of Guyangso?

‘Could it be the lineage of old Ouyang’s family?’

It was a moment of puzzlement.


The masked Marahyun spread the Wind God’s Treasure and spread the distance with ultra-high-speed movement and spoke.

“Are you going to do it?”

“Isn’t the story already over with your master?”

At his words Mara-hyeon lost the energy he had gained and pointed to Dan-in-hae with his palm as if giving in to him.

The person who saw this snorted.

Although he was quite surprised by the tremendous new law it was absurd that he showed an attitude of not giving in to anyone.

“I can’t do this anymore. “It’s quite a mockery of my position….”

“Your opponent is Nobu.”


For a moment Dan In-hae paused.

I didn’t realize it because I was thinking about getting away from that monster at all costs rather than fighting them but this voice was very familiar.

‘no way?’

The person looked at his man’s face.

He is not a face he knows.

That means

“Is that face really made of human skin?”

“I thought you would recognize me just by your voice.”

“Isn’t it Brother Ouyang?”

“It’s been a while. “Dang Je(弟).”

An exclamation flowed from Dan In-hae’s mouth at the name he was called.

I thought it couldn’t be possible but it turned out to be Guyangso the one and only old enemy of the Paldoksa.

I thought that the next time I saw him I would see him with a more old-fashioned look but who would have thought that I would see him with a young face wearing a bast face.

But this wasn’t much of a problem.

than this

“…How can Brother Ouyang be with them?”

“It just so happened to be like that.”

“How did it happen?”

“I see. Anyway didn’t we decide to compete at Baekok’s Ucheon Pavilion some time later?”

“But Brother Ouyang don’t you still have until the due date?”

“Nobu has a problem so it’s going to be difficult until then.”


As soon as those words were finished green poisonous energy flowed from Ouyang Xiao’s whole body.

He was the one who immediately raised himself to the Seven Poisons among the Eight Poisons.

From the beginning we knew each other’s skills better than anyone else so we immediately raised our spirit to close to full power.

Tang In-hae’s complexion darkened at his momentum.

I was still skeptical because of the bast face mask but looking at the momentum it showed it was definitely Guyangso.


A sigh flowed from the mouth of the head of the family Dan In-hae.

Even before Ouyang So appeared there was a sense of inaction so he thought that if he did his best he would be able to shake them off.

But the situation has completely changed.

If that old man who was almost on par with him in terms of venom decided to stop him he wouldn’t be able to escape.



Dan In-hae turned his gaze and looked at Mara Hyeon in the mask.

If the author who climbed over the wall intervenes and makes a surprise attack while you are dancing you will be in trouble.

Gu Yang Shao seemed to have noticed his thoughts and said.

“This will be the last dance in the lives of the head of the party and Nobu. “No one is allowed to interfere.”

“Do whatever you want.”

“All right.”

“Hehehe. “This will be a great spectacle.”

Nie Chun and Meng Wuyue gave a short answer and Apostolic Monk Jae-jeong took his seat as if he was excited.

Mara Hyeon nodded his head with a slightly regretful look in his eyes.

As his inaction increased rapidly due to his enlightenment he also wanted to compete with experts of similar or higher level but he was left with the regret of losing this opportunity.

However even though they expressed their intention not to intervene it was not a good idea to take this seriously.

“Brother Ouyang. They are no different from the enemies of the cattle offering. I can’t easily believe that. And do you think you can focus properly and compete in this situation?”

Tang Inhae the head of the Tang family wanted to avoid this confrontation at all costs.

I was in a situation where I had to avoid the monsters until they finished the fight but if I was still caught here the worst could happen.

“Brother Ouyang. Considering the relationship with the grain offering so far please postpone the wedding ceremony. “I sincerely ask for a grain offering like this.”


Tang In-ae put his hands together and bowed his head even bowing his head in the salute.

Seeing him like that the apostate monk Jae-jeong took a drink from a gourd and laughed.

“Cluck. “I use dragons out of fear of being caught by my master.”


Tang In-hae glared at him fiercely.

Then Ouyang Xiao further increased his venom and energy and spoke.

“Your opponent is Nobu.”

“Brother Ouyang!”

“Look. Party. The only option you have is to compete with Nobu. If you refuse this and try to escape I will have no choice but to keep you here according to my agreement with him even if it is not his duty. “Then let’s get started!”


With those words Gu Yang Shao carried the green miasma onto the board with a frightening force and launched a strike.


Danginhae had no choice but to respond to his attack.

He too radiated purple or indigo blue poison and used his magic to block it.



As the poisonous energy collided with each other the surrounding grass began to melt and the ground turned black due to the aftermath of the energy.

Although they only clashed for a few days the two people who completed the exploration match were able to confirm each other’s changed skills.

‘Old man Ouyang. ‘You’ve become stronger than before.’

‘As expected you’ve become stronger. Now that I’ve almost completed the secret of the eight poisons let’s see the end this time!’

Thus began the life-or-death battle between the two rivals.

* * *


Mujin called his father Mujeok.

In response to his call the invincible opened his mouth without taking his eyes off the dark valley below which seemed like an endless abyss.

[Why are you doing that?]

[How long do we have to stay here?]

[Do you know my friends?]

[I don’t know why our family has to do this.]

[So are you saying we should neglect the work we have inherited from our ancestors and leave this place? Arthur. The moment we leave here the midfield will be devastated.]

[…Of course but this is almost like service.]

[It doesn’t matter whether it’s volunteer work or not. If we can bring peace to many people be satisfied with that.]

[I’m not very satisfied.]

[What if I do that? Are you just going to go?]

[no. That’s not true… It’s just that. Both my grandfather and my father have been spending time here….]

[Then how do you train yourself to do that? Then our family won’t have to stay here like this.]


Mujin secretly looked down into the bottomless pit-like valley.

If that were possible would you be doing this?

The ancestors who can be called the founders had an innate strength that was said to have been born from the gathering of all the energies of heaven and earth so they may have had no rivals but they were not the descendants themselves.

I don’t know if it’s because his blood is getting lighter but he is said to have become much weaker than his predecessor.

[Whoa. I guess I shouldn’t say anything.]

[That guy too.]

Invincible chuckled and laughed.

Then Mujin stood up and said.

[Even if this is the case here how long do we have to follow the party’s back? Even if it is because of the founder’s wife’s request or instructions is there any need for the Tang family to be in danger? There aren’t many people among the martial arts people who can threaten them.]

[Of course it would be rare for something to be that dangerous.]

[Right? Your father thinks so too right?]

[But that is not necessarily the case.]

[That’s not it?]

[Have you already forgotten about the Day of Catastrophe?]

[…They say it wasn’t humans but extraterrestrial beings who went crazy and caused a stir.]

[Yes that’s right. However at that time what your great-great-grandfather was dealing with to protect the Tang family was not an alien being but a deformed human being.]

[deformity? okay.]


Invincible said tapping his forehead with his finger.

[This was also a human with eyes.]

[…Where in the world is there a person with three eyes?]

[Does this sound like a lie? But what? This father also saw the Three-Eyed Man about fifty years ago.]

[You saw it? Where?]



Mujin couldn’t help but be surprised at those words.

This is a hidden forbidden area.

How on earth did ordinary people or even the martial arts warriors get into this place that cannot be seen with the naked eye?

[What happened?]

[What would have happened? This father kicked him out.]


At those words Mujin sighed as if he were bored.

Then yes.

It was hard to imagine that his father who had been able to solve the Qieng Hwan to level 2 which no one in the clan had been able to do for generations was defeated by someone.


[It wasn’t easy to kick them out.]

With those words Invincible lifted his top slightly.

Then a long scar appeared in the middle of his chest.

Seeing this Mujin’s eyes widened and he asked.

[Wasn’t this a wound you got while competing with your great-great-grandfather?]

[no. It’s a wound inflicted by that guy.]

[But why did the scar remain like this?]

Their clan possesses a resilience that is strangely close to regeneration.

It was rare for a wound to occur but if it did it healed quickly leaving almost no scar.

That’s why he always wondered about the scars that remained in his father’s heart.

[I don’t know. It could be because the recovery was slow due to its unusual energy or it could be because the wound was so severe.]


Mujin’s expression hardened at his words.

It was no exaggeration to say that his father was as invincible as his name.

As if it wasn’t enough to leave such scars on my father there was someone who escaped alive.

He is such a great guy.

While he was secretly admiring his father Mujeok gave him some serious advice.

[Do not neglect training. Our clan is becoming weaker and weaker. Even if it is not the Three-Eyed Man there is no guarantee that a new strong person will not appear at any time.]

* * *


‘…The new powerhouse is here.’

Yu Mujin clicked his tongue inwardly.

He was showing his skills to the best of his ability after solving the third stage of the competition and was holding on.

No he didn’t just gather all of his capabilities into one he became even stronger as he unleashed a ferocious black energy all over his body.

It wasn’t just luck that prevented that attack in the first place.



Moreover his speed was one step ahead of him.

Even if he could vaguely determine its location with the naked eye it was difficult to keep up with its ultra-fast movement.

If you thought you had caught it it was scattered because of a different shape.


-Wow! Okay!

-Pot! Chae-ang!

Instead of running Yu Mujin tilted his head to the side to avoid the sword and then struck down a flying sword with his fist.


I was even more distracted because I had to pay attention to the two black swords containing this ferocious energy that kept pouring in.

Then another method was needed.

-Wow! Crack!

The biceps and forearm muscles of Yu Mujin’s right arm stained black swelled significantly.

His muscles only swelled but the energy from all around him began to condense into his fist.


In response Mok Gyeong-un who was looking for an opening by performing a Myeonghyeon Water Walk at ultra-high speed felt ominous and tried to widen the distance.

It was that moment.

Yu Mujin suddenly threw his fist towards the floor.

‘Secret technique the third type destruction of the ground!’


As soon as he put his fist down something amazing happened.

The floor of nearly 30 square meters around the place where Yu Mu-jin hit shook violently as if there had been an earthquake and soon cracked.

-Blah blah blah! Papa pa pa pa pa paak!

All the debris on the floor rose upward.


Mok Gyeong-un said this was absurd.

Who would have imagined that movement would be blocked in such a ridiculous way?

As the entire ground collapsed and debris flew out without even a chance for his feet to move Mok Gyeong-un had no choice but to stop for a moment and block it with his sword.

It was that moment.



Yu Mu-jin appeared in front of Mok Gyeong-un.

At the same time Yu Mujin’s fist flew into Mok Gyeongun’s face.


It was that moment.

Before I knew it Mokgyeongun soared upward kicking away the magic sword that flew close by.

‘Avoid this?’

Since there was no place to step on I didn’t know how to use the sword.

But do you think you will miss it?

This is also possible after unlocking the career change to level 3.


Yu Mujin kicked the air.

Yu Mujin jumped up clasped his hands and spun around rotating his body.

‘Secret technique 5th type spinning dragon!’


As he rotated his body and created a whirlwind a huge windstorm arose.

The force was so strong that the sound of the air being torn apart echoed everywhere.

Mo Qingyun saw Yu Mujin catching up to him in an instant stuck out his tongue and then turned to try to avoid it.



The vortex created by Yu Mu-jin strangely attracted everything around it.

Mokgyeongun’s new model which tried to swerve due to the enormous force of gravity was about to be sucked into the center of the tornado.

‘iced coffee.’

A strange look appeared in Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes.

The reason the pulling force was created seemed to be because the whirlwind was created inside.

The moment you get sucked into it it’s over.

But normally you would be anxious to get out of this.

‘The weakness of rotation is….’


When Mok Gyeong-un stretched out his hand the evil spirit that was flying in the air was sucked in.


As Mo Kyung-un holding the evil sword kicked into the air his speed increased further due to manpower and he flew towards the center of the whirlwind in an instant.

‘I think I’m making a mistake.’

Seeing this Yu Mujin chuckled.

The center of the whirlwind could be a weak point like the eye of a typhoon but at the center of it all was the person with unrivaled strength.

The center was never a weak point.

Rather it could be said that he chose the worst move.

But it was that moment.


The sword and the sword flew in.

The target was not Yu Mujin.

Gyeopsal created a stepping stone for Mok Gyeong-un who flew toward the whirlwind.


Mok Gyeong-un kicked his foot twice towards the sword body of Gyeopsal.

At that moment his new brother split into two.

-Sureuk! Sreuk!

One of the new types divided into two stretched forward while pulling the magic sword.

At that moment the tip of the sword shook and a whirlwind of anticipation arose.

‘Let’s compete with a whirlwind?’

Yu Mujin snorted.

Do you think he could block the vortex of anticipation created by his sword with just his sword?


But there’s something strange about the whirlwind.

Since the directions of these whirlwinds are colliding with each other they must rotate violently in opposite directions…

‘Same direction?’

The whirlpool was rotating in the same direction.

This was not a Chukahhoegeom that rotated to the right but a reverse Chukahhoegeom (逐亞回劍) that rotated to the left.


Thanks to this the two tornadoes cleverly adhered to each other rather than pushing each other away and something unexpected happened.

There was a passageway open in the middle.

Through that passage


A black line appeared.

Yu Mujin saw this and immediately stopped spinning.

‘I knew so.’

I thought that if I created a gap I would use this method of consolidating capabilities in some way.

Otherwise he had no way to inflict a fatal blow on himself.

Yu Mujin’s eyes sparkled.



Yu Mujin clapped his palms together as if clapping his hands.

A metal sound rang out along with him and before he knew it the sword body of the evil sword was being held between his palms.

The capabilities came together and a tremendous amount of power flowed through my hands but since it was the power that unlocked the third stage of the career path it was not a big problem to endure it.

Yu Mujin said with a smile.

“Do you think the same method will continue to work?”


With those words Yu Mujin grabbed his sword with his left hand and tried to swing his fist into Mo Qingyun’s chest.

But before it even reached me


Mu Qingyun’s face turned pale and black blood flowed from his mouth.

It seemed like he had serious internal injuries as his energy was rapidly decreasing.

Finally the game was decided.

‘I used a series of techniques that were hard on my body so it’s natural that I couldn’t endure it…’


It was right then.

Yu Mujin looked down at something sharp piercing his chest.

It was a sword imbued with ferocious black energy.

“This… how?”

I was embarrassed but Mok Gyeong-un raised the corners of his mouth and opened his mouth.

“…It takes quite a bit more time than doing it yourself but it is possible to bring your capabilities together through Igigeogeom lectures. “It’s rewarding to work hard to be the bait.”


Yu Mujin’s expression was distorted by pain.

If he had failed to gather all of his abilities into one sword he could have died but he ended up risking his life as bait just to test it?

< Episode 90: The main culprit (3) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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