Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 334

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< Episode 89: Sichuan Wind Clouds (6) >

Compared to ordinary people Mok Gyeong-un had extraordinary memory and embodying abilities.

Therefore he had the ability to remember and imitate everything he saw without making a mistake.

This ability of wood cultivation was further maximized by opening the ear eye and gaining the power of the third eye so that in addition to ordinary movements it was possible to embody expressions made of energy and structure.

Of course that didn’t mean he could steal everything completely.

No matter how much it was it was impossible to embody things that could not be done without the support of special mind-gong such as world-class martial arts that did not achieve salvation only through energy but also into the mind.

One of these types of martial arts was the Chukahhoegeom (逐亞回劍) one of the first sword techniques of Six Thousand Tigers So Yerin.

‘Is it possible to implement it only with congenital diagnostic equipment?’

He had been in trouble due to this herbivore so he found it interesting and looked at it closely.

However it was particularly difficult to implement this sword technique.

It seemed that herbivory could only be fully demonstrated if one had the unique energy of innate energy.

And it seemed like this would continue but things changed.

As he overcame the wall his understanding of energy completely changed and he reached a level where he was able to imitate and embody even the fortune-telling of the natural energy even though it was difficult to achieve perfection.

And this was the result.


Mok Kyung-un took a strong step toward the floor.

Then he pulled the sword body and thrust his sword forward.

At the same time a whirlwind of anticipation came from the tip of the sword and rushed toward Yu Mu-jin’s abdomen with the force of a storm.

[True Chukahhoegeom (逐亞回劍)]

The Jin Chuk-A Hoe Sword which was realized in the hands of Mo Gyeong-un had a certain shape rather than a wide-spreading whirlpool.

It hit Yu Mujin precisely in the abdomen.

-Choo! Chop! Chop!

A whirlwind of anticipation rushed through my abdomen with such force.

Even though the range has decreased the power has actually increased.



One of Mo Gyeong-un’s eyebrows rose upward as he spread out his sword.

As if a sword had been struck against a solid iron wall blue flames erupted from its abdomen and a sound similar to the sound of metal rang out.

‘no way?’

“It’s hard right?”


Mok Gyeong-un was dumbfounded.

Yu Mu-jin’s red-hot abdominal muscles were so strong that it would be no exaggeration to call them Geumgangbulgoe (金剛不壞) and he was not hurt at all by the sword blade.



By moving his steps forward he was canceling out the power of the swordfish.

And that’s not enough


Isn’t Yu Mujin throwing his fist towards the center of the swirling Chukahhoesword?

A tremendous amount of wind pressure was generated from the fist that was thrown and the Geomcho that had been creating a whirlwind of anticipation was completely destroyed.

At that moment Yu Mujin caught the blade of the magic sword Akjeu with his left hand.


‘If you break the blade you will be in a state of enemy attack power so you will be weak right?’

He tightened his grip on Yu Mu-jin and tried to break the sword blade.

It didn’t matter whether it was a treasured sword or something else.

He was confident that he could even break diamonds with just his grip strength.

But at that moment



His hand holding the sword slipped and he lost it.

Yu Mujin couldn’t help but feel puzzled.

He was clearly holding the sword tightly but a strong push forced the sword to slip out of his hand.

This was the Bae (排) form of the Pasapal style (排).


At the moment when he pulled out his sword Mok Gyeong-un fired a bullet into Yu Mu-jin’s chest.

Because he believed in the strength of his muscles Yu Mujin did not avoid him at all.

Rather in sync with the moment his biceps and forearm muscles swelled and his fist swung towards Mok Gyeong-un’s chest.

-Ugh! Paaaaang!

Mok Gyeong-un’s new form which was hit by his fist bounced off like a cannonball.

Nearly twenty pieces bounced around.

Was he defeated by Yu Mujin in a battle of strength?


“Sigh! Cluck cluck!”

Yu Mujin grabbed his abdomen and then he stumbled backwards and fell to one knee.



Yu Mujin’s eyes widened.

The work of cultivating the neck was not something that took a toll on his body.

It was a balgyeong (發勁) that delivers energy to the body and hits the five internal organs.

Of course it wasn’t just a departure.

Mok Gyeong-un who opened the power of the three eyes judged that not only the strength of the muscles but also the body itself had a different resistance from that of ordinary people.

That is why his Balgyeong contained the chill of the extreme yin of a thousand syllables.

Thanks to this the chill that penetrated the body caused the five organs and six parts to become rigid and at the same time the foot muscles suffered a blow causing internal injuries.

“Cluck cluck…..”

Crystal pieces of blood that turned into frost came out of Yu Mujin’s coughing mouth.

Seeing this the corner of Yu Mujin’s mouth twitched.

It was a first time.

I’ve never shed blood in my life.


Yu Mujin strengthened the muscles of his entire body and made his blood circulate more quickly.

Then the steam became thicker the cold flowing from his mouth gradually turned into steam and his body became hot again.


Meanwhile Mok Gyeong-un who had been bounced around like a cannonball was also protecting his body with morale but he ignored it and the huge blow that came through made his heart stop for an instant.

Thanks to that my body became rigid and a handful of blood poured out.

If he hadn’t hit the guy he would have been in trouble if the attack came right away.

‘…It’s strong.’

He was a different kind of strongman from the countless opponents he had encountered so far.

Or should I say that this type of strength is completely new?

Although it had no internal energy the body itself with extremely developed muscles and natural energy was peerless.

That’s how much natural strength you have.

I had no choice but to stick my tongue out.

Then Yu Mu-jin smiled and said to Mok Gyeong-un showing his blood-stained teeth.

“This is my first time. “No one outside the house has ever hurt me not even his father.”

“It looks like you had a comfortable time.”

“Comfortable? well. If our family knew what they were doing they wouldn’t even say that. “It’s almost like serving everyone.”


“There’s nothing to say about that to outsiders and four steps won’t be enough to subdue them. “I’ll do my best now.”

After saying that Yu Mujin immediately tried to place his hand on the golden wreath he was wearing on his right arm.

Geumbithwan’s name is Gyeongkyeonghwan.

It was an object that put pressure on his muscles and strength.

This career wheel has a turning key and consists of a total of 10 stages and as the number decreases the limit on power is lifted.

‘I’ll have to go straight to step three.’

Stage 3 of Kyeong Hwan was the last stage that Yu Moo-jin could solve.

I heard that in the distant past our ancestors known as the founders were able to solve this problem up to level 1 but in later generations no one except our ancestors has reached level 1.

Even my father who was said to have the best body and muscles for generations could only solve step 2.

Of course that alone was a long time coming spanning generations.

In any case Yu Moo-jin who acknowledged that he was against Mok Gyeong-un tried to release as much as possible the limitations on the power he had suppressed through Gyeong-kyung-hwan.

‘I never thought I could solve it to level 3.’

Even if he was not as good as his ancestors or father he was confident that he was the best in just three levels.

[No one will be able to solve it to level 3 unless they are among the best in martial arts.]

That was what his father had said to him.

How long will he be able to endure when he unlocks the third level?



At that moment Mo Kyung-un appeared right in front of him.


Before I could even turn the wheel I was startled by the sight of Mok Gyeong-un suddenly appearing in front of me. Suddenly a sense of ominousness arose that stimulated my five senses differently than before.

In response Yu Mujin kicked his feet and tried to escape from Mo Qingyun’s radius.



At that moment a black line cut through the air and Yu Mujin’s body rose upward.



Yu Mujin’s eyes widened as he floated upward.

He could feel it clearly.

In an instant Mokgyeongun’s power converged into one point and pierced his abdomen which was no different from a diamond that had never been pierced before.

This was Yu Mujin’s first time feeling the pain of something penetrating her body so her expression was distorted.


At that time Mok Gyeong-un who had passed by Yu Mu-jin’s body hit the ground and turned.

He had no intention of ending here.

‘You can’t give yourself a chance to turn around.’

It was Mo Gyeong-un who opened the magical power of the Three Eyes and recognized that the golden ring was suppressing its power.

It was Mok Gyeong-un who had been waiting for that moment because he thought that the pill would somehow release the power he had been suppressing.

‘One more time!’

Now I could have done this single sword that unified my capabilities several more times.

There was no need to save just because it was a draw.

The most rational way to deal with the enemy was to crush them reliably and thoroughly when they showed even the slightest chance.


Mokgyeongun’s new form turned and disappeared creating a black line in the air.

The line continues to where Yu Mu-jin whose body was soaring in the air was shocked and bounced off in the air.

“Cluck cluck.”

Yu Mujin made a painful expression.

When the capabilities were first unified it was too fast to see but I was able to immediately figure out what the second target was.

It was the heart.

Crossing his hands he somehow reduced this unified capacity.

Of course thanks to that I ended up with holes in both my hands.

‘Three steps…’

Although his body was spinning and bouncing around Yu Mujin somehow managed to concentrate his mind and brought his hand to the turn of the career wheel on his right wrist.



Mok Gyeong-un who was striking the air turned and unleashed a single sword with a unified force towards Yu Mu-jin.

The speed was beyond the scope of ultra-high-speed movement so even Yu Moo-jin could barely perceive that it was approaching.

Yu Mu-jin could tell that what this sword was targeting this time was between his eyebrows.


‘Not three times.’

Yumujin gritted his teeth and momentarily turned his head back.


A black line barely passed before his eyes.

At the same time the shock wave from the two powerful sword strikes diminished and his body fell to the floor.

In the midst of falling like that Yu Moo-jin couldn’t take his eyes off Mok Gyeong-un with nervous eyes.

If the sword continued here once more it would no longer be difficult to block.



Mo Gyeong-un’s right hand which had landed on the floor was shaking violently.

‘What’s wrong with doing it in succession?’

Even though it was said that the wall had been overcome the sword with its unified capabilities put a tremendous strain on the entire body just by unfolding it once.

But when I stretched it out three times in a row my whole body felt like my muscles were going to tear.

When he tried to do it four times in a row his heart began to hurt so violently that he had no choice but to stop.


Even though his stomach was pierced and both his hands were pierced it wasn’t the end.


As soon as the pain in his heart subsided even a little Mok Gyeong-un held his sword tightly caught his breath and tried to muster his strength one last time.

It was that moment.


The air felt distorted for an instant and even the surrounding energy became widespread.

Mokgyeongun turned his head with sharp eyes at the strange sensation that even affected his surroundings.

-Wow! Wood clatter!

The muscles of Yu Mujin’s body which had been red and swollen were seen shrinking as if compressed and the skin was turning from red to black.

It seems that in the end it was not possible to stop the piece from loosening its restrictions.

‘…It’s gotten more annoying.’

The nature keeper was affected to the point that the surroundings were shaking.

As a result Yu Mu-jin felt that he had no choice but to take action before he completely changed so he tried to throw a new punishment at him.


At that moment Yu Mujin thrust his fist towards Mo Qingyun.

It looked like a very simple punch but


In the direction where the fist was thrown an enormous wind pressure and a long wave sound followed and everything that existed in the area of ​​about 20 square meters was completely devastated in the shape of a fan.


Yu Mujin let out a rough breath and stuck out his tongue.

It seemed like this was the first time I had ever encountered an opponent who had trouble even turning the knob to release it.

If he had known this would happen he should have done everything he could from the beginning.

If that were the case I wouldn’t have been hurt like this.


Blood slowly trickled down from the punctured fist and abdomen.

Normally my body would recover quickly when I turned off the experience recovery but strangely it became slower.

It feels like the author’s strange energy is interfering with that.

Still I finished it with a volume close to the power of unlocking the three levels so there is no need to go any further.


Yu Mujin’s eyes narrowed.

The dust from the aftermath of Il-gwon had not yet completely cleared but something was visible through it.



The two black gear swords intersected and rotated rapidly creating a thick film of swords around Mokgyeongun.

< Episode 89: Sichuan Wind Clouds (6) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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