Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 209

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< Episode 58: Business (5) >

Namryeong (藍靈).

In the Mountain and Sea Classic it is said that the root of the grudge is an unforgettable wail and that it is an old vengeful spirit whose existence lasts for more than three hundred years.

From the moment it reaches Namryeong it is said to be extremely dangerous beyond the spiritual realm and comparable in status to a high-ranking demonic beast or demonic beast.

It is said that it is close to impossible to control it because it is a moving disaster itself.


The pouring rain is stained with blood filling the world with blood.

The seething blood along with the foul smell of blood brought an eerie fear to everyone here.

The same was true for the so-called masters Nyeopchun and Mongwuyak.

They were left speechless by the reality unfolding before their eyes.

Is this an illusion? Is it real?

Even though it was an illusion all five senses were telling me it was true.


-with a splash.

“Oh girl!”

Even these people would be so surprised but there was no way that Woohyang an ordinary human being and the wife of the manor owner could bear to see this.

Even her man who was hastily helping her as she fell had a look of fright on her face.

She couldn’t even look up not knowing where to place her eyes.

‘What on earth is this?’

Jaejeong Jeong an apostate monk had spiritual powers that opened his eyes allowing him to see dead people and strange creatures with his own eyes.

Even for him this is his first time seeing such a sight.

The fact that everywhere was stained with blood was not just an illusion but the spiritual power of that vengeful spirit seemed to have taken control of the space itself.

‘It’s hard to dismiss this as a simple vengeful spirit…’

Just looking at the power that encompasses the entire space it has crossed the line of being dangerous.

At that moment without even realizing it I almost said the word Amitabha Buddha for the first time since my abdication.


The young spirit who fully emerged from the pool of blood on the floor removed the gombangdae from his mouth and exhaled thick smoke.

Then she raised the corner of her mouth and said.

-It’s refreshing.

She appeared after a long time with all her spiritual power revealed.

Within the Heaven and Earth Association he suppressed his spiritual power as much as possible and hid himself but here there was no reason to do so.

So she felt like she had been freed from all shackles.

Her neck Kyung-un smiled and said to her like this.

“Is it okay if I leave it to the young spirit?”

-Isn’t that why you called her here? Hehehe.

Cheongnyeong smiled leisurely and looked at the vengeful spirit that resided in the manor owner who was standing in front of the main temple whose lights had already been extinguished by her blood.

When her vengeful spirit made eye contact with hers she flinched involuntarily.

The difference in status between the two ghosts was so obvious.

One was a Namryeong-level spirit with a grudge that lasted over 300 years and the other was a Blue Spirit-level vengeance with a grudge that lasted over a hundred years.

‘How does this exist?’

Inwardly I found it absurd that the spirit of Cheongnyeong-level vengeance that resided in the owner of the manor was absurd.

He was completely unaware that such a being had entered his realm.

It was a truly embarrassing situation.

The Blue Spirit-level spirit opened his mouth with difficulty.

-How could a being like you come down to a place like this along with mere humans?

-That’s none of your concern.


At Cheongryeong’s words the spirit of Cheongryeong’s level could not easily show his emotions.

This was because the difference in rank was clear and he was aware that if he treated it hastily it could lead to trouble.

-with a splash!

At that time the vengeful spirit possessing Bangsang Lee Mun-hae knelt down on the floor covered in blood and spoke.

“You are a high-ranking vengeful spirit. “Even though we remain in this world with a grudge we do not invade each other’s territory and resentment.”


“This place has been Hayoon’s domain for over a hundred years. Please respect this person’s resentment…”

-The adults are talking but the child is interrupting.


With those words Cheongnyeong lightly waved her hand.

At that moment hands made of blood emerged from the blood pooled on the floor.

-Papa papapak!

Then blood-stained hands immediately grabbed the arms and legs of the vengeful spirit possessed by Lee Mun-hae.

“Oh how!”

-Get out of here baby.

The young lady pretended to clasp his hand.


“Oh no!”

The vengeful spirit that resided in Lee Mun-hae who was being held by his blood-stained hands was sucked into the blood on the floor.

Not even a sound could be heard as if it were an ocean of immeasurable depth.


In an instant the expression of the spirit of Cheongryeong-level or Hayun who resided in the body of the owner of the manor who saw the being inflicted on the main spirit-level being hardened.

As for vengeful spirits the older they are the more mutual respect they develop.

As the status increases reason and ego become clearer than being swayed by resentment and instinct.

This was especially true for high-ranking vengeful souls who had reached the realm of Immaimangryang.

However the being in front of me who had reached the male spirit level was not like that.

Rather it had entered his territory and was openly showing hostility.

-A high-ranking vengeful spirit. You and I have never lost ground so why did you come into my territory and show hostility like this?

-enemy? Do you see this as hostility?

-If you are not hostile how can you get involved in this? This happened as a result of the karma of the Wu family.

-I guess so. Is it possible for a being like you to move for no reason?

Hayun was an old vengeful spirit of high rank reaching the rank of Cheongryeong.

It would be quite unusual for such a being to try to destroy a family with a curse even though it is not directly tied to a grudge.

However if they take all that into account they should step down.

That’s why

-But this side also has its own reasons.


-okay. For the sake of your reputation as the owner of this area I will encourage you. End it at this level. Come out of that person’s body right away.

Hearing Cheongryeong’s words that seemed to show him mercy Hayun’s eyes turned cold.

After all this was his territory.

Many vengeful spirits in this area were angry because of what the Uga clan had done and the culmination of their anger was him.

However they couldn’t help but feel angry when they tried to get involved in their sorrow.

-A high-ranking vengeful spirit.


-Can you give up what you have because you are oppressed by someone?

Han (恨).

That was the reason why vengeful spirits existed.

Telling a vengeful spirit who is trying to relieve resentment to give it up was not much different from telling him to erase the reason for his own existence.

Hearing Hayun’s words Cheongnyeong let out a light breath.

Vengeful spirits of low rank sometimes give up their will because they are oppressed by power but those with a deep resentment that reaches the level of Cheongryeong are definitely different.

No matter how much he knew about the power gap he did not give in easily.

This was even more so because it was a vengeful spirit that was indigenous and had its own territory in the form of Jibagryeong.

-There’s nothing I can do. Then we have no choice but to force them into submission.

Hearing Cheongnyeong’s words Hayun the vengeful soul glared and said.

-I admit that you are higher and stronger than me. However this entire area is mine and our territory. Even if it were you do you think that area created with spiritual power would reach me?

The words were almost over.

-Krrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmm possible!

The rain became heavier along with the sound of thunder.

Lightning flashed from all over the blood-soaked area.

Then the space trembled and shook as if something had cracked.

“What is it?”

Cheongnyeong answered Mok Gyeong-un’s question casually.

-It is an invasion of territory.

“Territory invasion?”

-A vengeful spirit of the level of a green spirit or higher can create its own territory with spiritual power even if it leaves the area where its resentment resides.

“Ah…the area of ​​refuge.”

I knew this.

The realm of refuge was created by the strong thoughts of a high-ranking vengeful spirit.

-This is the territory of a grudge-filled bastard. It collided with my area of ​​refuge and began to invade it.

If Cheongryeong created his own territory with his spiritual power then the vengeful spirit Hayun’s entire area where his resentment not his spiritual power resided was his own territory.

The unique area is where the vengeful spirit’s resentment resides so its spiritual power is maximized.

That is why the vengeful spirit Hayun called the entire area his territory.



The cries of countless ghosts could be heard from all directions.

When I looked around I saw that so many vengeful spirits had gathered around this area that it was difficult to count them.

Although it is said to be of low rank this number was greater than the cliffs of Sihyeolgok.

How many people died here?

‘Urajil. ‘This is too much.’

Jae-jae-jeong an apostate monk who can directly see the vengeful spirits stuck out his tongue.

Everywhere was so full of vengeful spirits that it was hard to tell if this was really a place where humans lived or if it was hell.

The situation became more serious.

Can he really solve this?

It was a car I was puzzled about.

-A high-ranking vengeful spirit. I will return exactly what you said earlier. If you get out of this area right away nothing will happen.

-You feel quite triumphant huh?

-I am recommending this out of respect for you. Now step away. The Wu family must receive the karma they have committed.


There was thunder and lightning everywhere and the blood-stained surroundings shook.

The vengeful spirits that filled the surrounding area were also ready to invade this area at any moment.

At that time the young man raised the corner of his mouth.

Then he said with a sneer.

-Do you think this is all the territory of this throne is for you?

-This entire area is my territory. No matter how much you increase your spiritual power in the end…

That was before the words were even finished.

At that moment the black clouds that had darkened the sky turned blood red.

Then the blood rain that had stopped around the parish building quickly spread throughout the village and over 200 nearby areas turned blood-red.

‘What the hell is this…’

Vengeful spirit Hayun could not hide her embarrassment.

This area was a place where the resentment of himself and countless vengeful spirits resided.

He completely ignored this unique territory and covered the entire area with his own territory.

It didn’t end here.

Cheongryeong lifted up the bear he was holding.



The blood-red rain that had been pounding down suddenly stopped.

This sight of blood-colored droplets suspended in the air was truly bizarre.

At that time Cheongnyeong smiled and waved the gombangdae.

at that moment


Aren’t the blood drops that stopped rising back up?

The blood-red raindrops that shot up like that flew wildly towards the vengeful spirits that were surrounding the entire manor.

-Papa pap pap pap pap!

As a result the spirit bodies of the vengeful spirits that had gathered were torn apart.

It was unable to withstand the overwhelming spiritual power.

The vengeful spirits unable to withstand the drops of blood spreading in all directions eventually dispersed.


At this sight Vengeance Hayun’s face was distorted to the point of misery.

‘…..A level where even the unique area can be ignored?’

This was so overwhelming.

No matter how much it reached the level of a male spirit this was beyond imagination.

Cheongryeong said to the embarrassed Vengeance Hayun with her sneer.

-What should I do? Now this whole area is my domain.


Hayun the vengeful soul could not say anything at her sarcastic words.

That’s how big the gap between them was.

At that time Mok Kyung-un spoke.

“We don’t have time so let’s finish now.”

-That’s right.

Vengeful spirit Hayun turned her gaze to Mok Gyeong-un with trembling eyes.

What on earth is that person?

How can such a high-ranking vengeful spirit follow the orders of a mere human being?

It was something I couldn’t understand.

< Episode 58: Business (5) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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