Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 194

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< Episode 55 Exam (4) >

“He is a dead man who should be dead.”

Hoeju who relaxed his hold and caught his breath at the words of a middle-aged man with a long scar above his left eyebrow looked puzzled and asked back.

“Haa…haa…a dead person who should be dead?”

“That’s literally it.”

Hoeju’s eyes narrowed.

If you think about it backwards the phrase ‘a dead person who should have died’ also means ‘he is alive not dead.’

And if you dig a little deeper it can also be interpreted as ‘I thought you were dead.’


It’s a nickname I’ve never heard of in Moorim.

Who on earth is that humble guy who says things like this?

If he was someone he mentioned directly like this he would not be someone we could just ignore.

Hoeju was lost in thought for a moment before opening his mouth.

“Just ask.”


“Did you kill him yourself?”

“I ruptured the five internal organs and pierced the chest where the heart is with this sword.”

A middle-aged man with scars raised a charred black sword.

Hoeju asked this.

“If that were the case I would have probably died.”

It was rather impossible to stay alive.

The man nodded and answered in agreement.

“Yes you should be dead.”

“…But the reason you’re saying this is because you think that the kid from earlier might be a bastard who died by your hands?”

“The likelihood is significantly low.”

“But why are you doing this?”

“It goes beyond ‘resemblance’ to the point where they look like the same person.”

“They look like the same person?”

Hoeju frowned at those words.

Then soon

“no way….”

“I’ll tell you in advance it’s completely different from ‘that’.”



“Is that really possible?”

“That’s why I’m also concerned.”

Be concerned.

In the end it was said that even the slightest possibility could not be ruled out.

Hoeju looked at the man coughed and asked.

“Cluck cluck. “Why did you kill that humble guy?”

“We were digging into ‘our’ footprints.”


Hoeju’s eyes became strange at the middle-aged man’s answer.

It was some kind of nursery rhyme.

What does ‘we’ mean that he reacts this way?

Soon Hoeju opened his mouth.

“They were digging for footprints. Then the story is different. “Left guard.”


“Make sure to find out the truth about the death of that bastard.”

So far there was no connection other than the resemblance.

Therefore Hoeju needed confirmation.

The middle-aged man responded by putting his hands together and making a bow.

“All right. What would you do if there was even a chance that you were being condescending? It’s better to deal with it right away even if it’s for the sake of later…”


Hoeju took a moment to catch his breath and spoke in a lifeless voice.



“If so wait until the mission is completed.”


The man who understood Hoeju’s intention to use it to the end grinned and answered.

“I will do as you command.”

* * *

Mu Gyeong-un a member of the Five Tigers and Nie Chun the head of the Main Building’s Third Guards and another member of the Five Tigers and the son of Vice Huaiju stood side by side.

Vice President Mong Seocheon who was standing in front of them with his back to them opened his mouth.

“There is a delay and there is not much time so I will explain the mission now.”


This is a truly annoying situation.

If it is a confidential mission that is summoned directly by the head of the group and explained by the vice-chairman it is definitely not an ordinary mission that can be taken lightly.

Mok Gyeong-un glanced at Hwan Ya-seon the head of the Amjong who was standing at the entrance a long way behind the Mongseocheon of Buhoeju.

Looking at the fact that even the person in charge of information and confidentiality kept his distance it could be guessed that this mission was not discussed at all with the head of the cancer clan.

That means

‘…This means that the cancer leader cannot be trusted in this mission.’

Mok Gyeong-un was able to guess this with only fragmentary information.

Then Vice President Mong Seocheon began to explain.

“I will first talk about the goal of this mission. The goal is to seize a person detained in a certain location and bring him to the main body.”

At those words Zhou Nie-chun head of the main building’s third guard lightly raised his hand and said.

“Is the person who needs to be taken away from this meeting?”

To that question Vice Lord Mong Seocheon looked at Nie Chun and quickly answered.

“no. first….”

“If not are you an enemy?”

In response to Nie Chun’s question again Vice President frowned and answered in a somewhat weighty voice.

“Whether the person taking over is an enemy or an ally is not something you are interested in. “The only thing you have to do is to bring that person here to the Cheonjihoe inner headquarters by any means possible for the sake of the mission.”


What kind of person is it that allows him to have limited information about the person he needs to steal?

Nie Chun said in a somewhat puzzled tone.

“That’s true but I’m asking how you can steal people not even objects with such limited information.”

At his words Mok Gyeong-un also nodded his head.

Nie Chun’s question was valid.

At this Vice President Ju Mong Seocheon shook his head and answered the question.

“Information about the person to be kidnapped will be known once they leave this association and arrive at the place where they are being detained.”

‘When I arrive at the location?’

Hearing these words Mok Kyung-un realized.

I don’t know who they were supposed to steal but it seemed like information about the person they were going to steal should not be leaked to the society before they left the society for their mission.

From this two things can be guessed.

one is

‘Is this person capable of forming negative public opinion?’

Looking at Hoeju’s personality he had a temperamental side but since he was quite authoritarian before that he seemed to have a tendency to push forward with what he wanted to do.

If such a leader kept confidential the information about the person he or she wanted to bring in there was a high probability that the executives or members of the Cheonjihoe would view it negatively.


‘Let’s go….’

Revealing it only after reaching the location of the target to be captured means preparing for it to become known to those inside.

This may require complete secrecy for the mission to succeed but in other words it means that there may be people inside the castle.

‘…The fact that the mission was not even discussed with the head of the cancer clan may have meant that the Ganja was judged to be among the key executives.’

The corner of Mok Gyeong-un’s mouth twitched as the accident reached this point.

All of this is just speculation but if even some of it turns out to be true it could have a real impact on this massive organization.

At that time the vice president spoke.

“Do you have any more questions?”

“doesn’t exist.”


Upon further questioning Nie Chun realized that the information about the mission was limited and he lowered his raised hand as if he had nothing more to say.

Then Vice President Mong Seocheon crossed his arms and said.

“This mission will naturally become known later but until then it requires secrecy. So don’t have any big doubts. Do you understand?”


Everyone answered at the same time.

Then Vice President Mong Seocheon continued speaking.

“The personnel deployed for the mission are divided into advance and follow-up teams. “The advance party has already departed so you will hear more details from them when they arrive.”

‘Advance team?’

It seemed like there were more people to cooperate with.

I don’t know what kind of mission it was but Mok Kyung-woon thought it would be better if the mission was something that could be completed as quickly as possible rather than something difficult.

Of course it was not possible to measure the angle with only this fragmentary information.

“The first gathering place where the advance team is waiting is Annak Henan Province.”


At those words the eyes of the three people including Mok Gyeong-un became strange.

That’s because Annak Henan Province was located right near Gaebong the capital and location of the imperial palace.

The first gathering place to join the advance team and listen to information is Annak…

‘…It’s the capital.’

All three could guess the true staging area of ​​the mission.

* * *

After a brief explanation of the mission Hwan Ya-seon the leader of the Amjong clan who had been waiting for Mo Gyeong-un before departure called him with a wave of his hand.

As they distanced themselves from others the two began talking.


“What a coincidence.”


“Have you heard where the mission will take place?”

“They didn’t tell me. They only told me about the first gathering.”

“Really? If you say so…”

“It seemed clear that the capital was being opened.”

Hearing Mo Gyeong-un’s words Hwan Ya-seon the head of the Amjong clan smiled.

It’s not because he’s a student but after all this guy is smart.

“Oh hoho. That’s right. It’s Gaebong. To be exact it’s Gaebong’s Imperial Palace.”


Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes lit up at the mention of the imperial palace.

I did it because it was a mission in the capital but I didn’t know it would actually be the imperial palace.

“There are eyes watching so don’t show it.”

“All right.”

“Since we don’t have time let me tell you about the main servants in the imperial palace.”

“thank you.”

In fact this was the biggest reason why Hwan Ya-seon the leader of the Am clan and his disciple Mok Gyeong-un were selected for this mission.

This was because if Amjong’s successor Mok Gyeong-un was directly involved in the mission Amjong’s officials in the imperial palace would risk their lives and cooperate even more.

It was in a similar context that Mong Muyak the son of Vice Lord Mong Seocheon was deployed.

Since the officials under Huaiju’s direct control managed by Meng Xuetian were also in the imperial palace they would obediently cooperate with Meng Wuyue.

“There is… Keep it in your mind. “You can do it right?”

“all right.”

“And take this.”

The head of the clan handed over a jade tablet with a tiger engraved on it to Mok Gyeong-un.


“If they have this card and the password you gave them they will cooperate obediently.”


Mok Gyeong-un accepted the jade tablet.

But I felt something different in the palm of my hand that held the jade tablet.



It looked like a ring worn on a finger.

It seemed as if it had been deliberately hidden from view under the jade pavilion.

Lord Hwan Ya-seon spoke in a whisperier voice than before.

“It’s an increase in church membership. “Keep it.”

“Why this?”

“From now on I will give orders as a senior member of our school not as a member of the church.”


‘As a senior church member?’

Mo Gyeong-un’s eyes narrowed.

Is this mission also connected to Baehwagyo?

While I was wondering Hwan Ya-seon the head of the Amjong clan whispered quietly.

“The person you are trying to steal in this mission is our church’s Holy Spirit Lord.”


Holy Fire Spirit?

I had heard about this from Hwan Ya-seon.

There were two highest positions in Baehwagyo one of which was the head of the cult and the second was the Seonghwaryeongju who communicated with the sacred fire and was in charge of ritual ceremonies.

However I heard from Hwan Ya-seon that the leader of Baehwagyo had lost his life and the leader of Seonghwaryeong was missing.

Mo Kyung-un asked quietly.

“Why are you looking for him?”

I didn’t understand.

Didn’t they say that Bae Hwa-gyo left government affairs and was ostracized by the martial arts people?

But why is the head of the Heaven and Earth Council trying to seize Baehwagyo’s Holy Spirit Spell?

Hwan Ya-seon answered this question from Mok Gyeong-un.

“…I can’t talk about the details right now. However the success or failure of this matter depends only on you.”

“What is your mission?”

“If you succeed in stealing the confidential mission given by the Lord of the Society… take away the Holy Fire Spirit Pillar before returning to the Society.”


At those words Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes became strange.

Pretending to be a member of the church he crossed paths with Baehwagyo and guessed that conflicting issues might arise at some point but he had no idea it would come this way.

‘Ahh….. It’s become annoying.’

He could become a traitor to the Council of Heaven and Earth if he were to steal the stolen Holy Fire Guardian Spirit Pillar in a situation where he still didn’t know whether he would succeed or not.

No he becomes a traitor at the point where he is already trying to steal it.

However if you ignore the orders of the head of the royal family you may end up in a difficult situation.

It was truly a dilemma where it was difficult to choose anything.

‘What should I do?’

Whatever it was it seemed like the moment had come when a choice had to be made.

* * *

When Mok Gyeong-un was talking to Hwan Ya-seon the head of the Amjong clan. The deputy governor Mong Seocheon was also giving secret orders to his son Mong Mucheon in addition to information about the Ganja.

“Monitor Mokgyeongun.”

“Do you mean Mokgyeongun?”

“Okay watch his every move.”

“Father what?”

“Uh-huh! “Who told you to call me that in a public place?”

In response to the scolding from his father Mong Seocheon Mong Wuyak bowed his head and responded.

“…I apologize Vice President. But how can you give such an order?”

“I’m trying to confirm his loyalty.”



Even if he swore an oath of loyalty at Sihyeolgok his roots are political factions.

It was too early for him to fully trust this man who had only sworn his oath of loyalty for fifteen days as a member of the Heaven and Earth Council.

“What if…there is any doubt?”

At those words Vice-Minister Mong Seocheon took out what looked like a small red gourd from his chest.

He then passed it on to his son Mong Muyak.

“Take this.”

“How can this be?”

“okay. If this guy is in contact with political faction members or looks suspicious use this. “He knows how to write right?”


How could you not know?

I saw the tremendous effect of this with my own eyes.

However I had some doubts about whether this would work well for that monster-like guy who endured even the deepest horrors of Hoeju without even groaning.

* * *

While Mu Qingyun and Meng Wuyue were receiving secret orders from Lord Yan and Lord Vice respectively Nie Chun the third guard of the main building who was waiting alone shrugged his shoulders and muttered with a sigh.

“People who don’t have the stomach for this are left with cold food.”

Nie Chun’s position was different from that of the other Five Tigers.

His family who came from a medium-sized shaman family and joined the Cheonjihoe twenty years ago not at the time of its founding had no influence on the association.

Therefore it was like a card that could be used and discarded at any time.

As for this confidential mission unlike those who had strong executive guardians such as Vice President or Amjongju he did not have any allies to protect him just in case.

That means that if an emergency were to arise he could have been asked to sacrifice himself.


It is a truly depressing and boring life.

Nie Chun who was lost in thought secretly glanced at Mo Qingyun.

I met him for the first time today but he is not an ordinary guy.

Should I say it is extraordinary?

Not many people felt this way.

He said ‘He was like an archduke.’

Grand Duke Na Yulyang.

He was completely different from other disciples of Hoiju.

Is he the one who walks the path of defeat?

It felt like this.

But interestingly even Mok Gyeong-un who is only seventeen years old strangely exudes such feelings.

He never seems like a guy who would put himself under anyone.


Come to think of it he promised that if he successfully completed this mission he would be chosen by Lord Hoe as his fourth disciple.

This also means that he also has the qualifications to become a successor.

Although the support base is weak.

Nie Chun who was staring at Mo Kyung-yun faintly raised the corners of his mouth.

‘You only live once anyway. ‘Would you like to gamble sometime?’

< Episode 55 Exam (4) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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