Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 190

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< Episode 54: Peak (4) >

A hundred years ago.

A past that I can’t even remember clearly anymore.

she asked looking at the back of a man holding her test paper in her training room.

[What are you doing?]

A sword was floating in front of the man.

She tried to handle the floating sword more naturally by moving it like this.

However soon the sword floating in the air escaped Jinki’s control and flew away landing on one side of the training ground.


[It’s difficult as expected.]

[Of course it’s difficult. The moment the connection to the true energy that has left the body is broken even just a little the void will be released.]

[Yes that’s why it’s difficult. But what would happen if you could handle that magic more smoothly and use the sword like a living horse?]

[Using the sword like a horse? Is that really possible?]

It is the internal energy of Danjeon that embodies the true energy in the body.

Neigong strengthens the body with energy but the moment it leaves the body the energy naturally dissipates.

Therefore in order to be able to maintain the true energy that was sent out of the body it was necessary to have a vast and deep inner energy and the awareness to concentrate it without scattering it.

The man who backed away from the young man’s words spoke.

[okay. It might not be possible. However the great sword masters who were famous in the Gumurim said that it was possible.]

[Gu Moorim…]

Gu Murim.

I heard that there was a time in the past when martial arts was in full bloom unlike now when the overall level of martial arts has declined.

And if you look at the oral traditions and records from that time there were a lot of secrets that were almost absurd.

One of them seemed to be what the man was talking about.

She said shaking her head.

[Even as I get older no one will be as obsessed with Gumurim as you are.]

[It’s not obsession I just want to recreate the glory of Gu Wulin again.]

[Yes yes I guess so. So in Gumurim what does it mean to handle a sword as if you were using a horse with real energy?]


* * *

A sword that is pulled out of its scabbard and flies by itself when stopped in front of Meng Muyak the son of Buhoeju.

Although it was inside a wooden doll Cheongryeong could intuitively know when he saw it.

‘Fighting swordsmanship!’

It was a sword technique.

Was this actually possible?

Horrified to see her teeth she shouted as if to warn her neck cultivator.

-It’s a sword technique!

‘Fighting swordsmanship?’

Mok Gyeong-un who was alert to her cries quickly turned his weapon to the side and dodged the onslaught of swords.



He thought he had dodged the sword but it turned as if someone was swinging the sword and tried to cut off Mo Kyung-un’s head.

In response Mok Gyeong-un pulled out his evil sword without even thinking about it.



The moment the swords collided Shinhyeong was pushed back nearly five steps.

Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes lit up at the powerful sword strike that exceeded expectations.

Who would have thought that a sword that changed direction in the middle of the sword even though no one was holding it directly would have this level of charm?

But it didn’t end here.


The sword suddenly pierced between the eyes of Mo Gyeong-un who had been pushed away.

Mo Gyeong-un who saw this hurriedly raised his sword upward.


However Mok Gyeong-un’s sword which he struck upward bounced downward instead.


The power in the sword did not decrease at all.

In fact it has become bigger than before.

Mo Kyung-un’s eyes became sharp.

Since it is the main building where the main house is located the attack power is adjusted to the level of extreme extreme just in case but it seems that it will be difficult to stop it with this.

-Do not fight avoid!

Cheongnyeong shouted hurriedly.

In response to her cries Mok Gyeong-un hurriedly used the Gyeongshin Technique.

The Gyeongsin method that was practiced was the Ghost Eumyeongbo (鬼陰影步) learned from the head of the Amjong clan.


Guieum Yeongbo who valued change had the movements of his feet as flexible as a reed.

As he dodged the sword Mo Qingyun asked with a full voice.

-What the hell is this? Jingi handles the sword like a living swordsman.

-It is a sword technique.

-Fighting swordsmanship?

-It is a method of wielding a sword with energy.

-Using a sword? Is it possible to handle it this elaborately?

-This is my first time seeing this in real life… Be careful!


As soon as the young man’s warning ended the sword grazed the chest of Mok Gyeong-un who was performing his steps.

Mok Gyeong-un who narrowly avoided it focused his energy on Yongcheonhyeol and kicked the floor.


In an instant Mok Gyeong-un who had spread the distance back by more than six paces fired a sharp energy at the sword that was about to turn.


Expectations that fly by one after another.

The sharp energy seemed to block the sword for a moment.

-Chop! Chop!

However the true energy contained in the sword technique was so strong that the spirit and spirit were divided.

To stop that it seemed that just predicting would be useless.

at least


At that moment something flew out like lightning and struck the sword away.

He was none other than Nyeop Chun the third guard of the main building.

The sword that was moving and running wild on its own was thrown to the floor by a sword filled with blue-colored power.


‘You’re weaker than strong.’

The energy contained in the sword was stronger than expected.

“Whoa hey are you okay?”

Nie Chun waved his left hand and asked Mo Kyung-un.

He was the one who intervened because he thought he couldn’t just stand by like this.

Mok Gyeong-un was about to say thank you for his help but soon shouted.

“Help…look behind me!”


As soon as Mo Kyung-un’s words left his mouth Nie Chun instinctively sensed a sharp energy and opened his sword.

‘The first martial arts method is the herbivorous member border (回圓蝶警)!’

Nie Chun swung his sword and spun his body like a top.

Then a whirlwind of river energy was struck by the blue light wagang on board the Gwangmu Island.

-That guy is no ordinary guy either.

An exclamation flowed from the young man’s mouth.

The Taoist technique used by Nie Chun was so excellent that it could easily be called a super-rising Taoist technique.

No matter how good the sword technique was it seemed difficult to pierce that sword.



The sword soared upward.

Then he unfolded his sword and stabbed Nyeopchun from above while he was spinning.


Nie Chun’s eyes widened.

As if the eye of a typhoon was calm the only gap in the member’s border was right above where the herbivorous meal was unfolding and it was pierced through at once.

Seopchun seemed to think that this would not work so he changed Chosik’s trajectory and made a change.

‘The eighth martial arts method herbal eating is in full bloom!’

-Choo! Chop!

The sword of Gwangmudo fluttering like a butterfly created numerous afterimages and instantly trapped the sword that was stabbing at the top of Seopchun’s head.


The sword trapped in the blade of the martial arts sword bounced around and lost its power.

Mokgyeongun who saw this had a strange look in his eyes.

Looking at the dazzling net created by Docho I could see how excellent Nyeopchun’s fighting sense was.

He was completely blocking the true energy from flowing to the sword.

‘Did you hang up?’

I won’t be able to do anything with that sword anymore.

Nyeopchun who like Mokgyeongun was holding his sword in a sword was also convinced.



Mo Qingyun frowned.

Although the true energy was cut off the magic power of the Three Eyes was opened with the right pupil to find out who used the sword technique and how.

‘What the hell is this……’

It was completely different from what I expected.

I thought there would be traces of the true energy connecting the swords.

But there was no trace of Jinki.

-Why are you doing that?

-There is no trace of true energy being connected to the sword.


If true energy was connected to the sword traces of it should have remained in these eyes.

But nothing was seen.

Thanks to this there was no way to know who was controlling the sword.

Does that mean the sword really moved on its own?

While I was wondering Cheongnyeong stuck out his tongue and let out an exclamation.

-The sword is one body. The sword itself was used as a medium of energy.

-What do you mean?

– Rather than sending true energy to the sword and connecting it the sword itself gathers energy and uses it. That is why you can use your sword freely like this. under!

She truly admired this.

I even had doubts about whether swordsmanship was actually possible.

But now she could see the answer.

And thanks to him she found out.

-Rebirth. This isn’t a technique that can be done by just climbing over a wall.


-This is only possible when you reach a point where you can assimilate yourself with the energy around you. At the very least it can be done only after reaching the peak of harmony… or overcoming the wall of the wall.

-That means…

-okay. There is only one person here and now capable of this level of magic.

-…It’s a hoeju.

Mok Gyeong-un sent her whole message in a confident voice.

A person who has reached a realm where even Mo Kyung-un who has overcome the wall cannot determine the truth of energy even with eyes open to the magical power of the Three Eyes.

He was only Huaiju the pinnacle of the Heaven and Earth Council and a member of the Six Heavens.

The young man spoke in a rather serious voice.

-There is a mountain beyond the mountain.

She guessed that she might have reached a state of enlightenment beyond the wall.

However now that she knew this clearly she felt that the path to revenge was still far away.

Perhaps Mok Gyeong-un also felt the same way.

At that time Mo Gyeong-un’s shoulders trembled slightly.

‘this guy?’

Have you really tasted the wall?

I think this is my first time seeing this guy react like this.

When Cheongryeong saw him like that he internally understood.

‘It is natural to feel awe or fear when encountering a being with endless capabilities. After all you sentient beings are humans…’



Cheongnyeong could not hide her curiosity.

That was because the corner of Mok Gyeong-un’s mouth could be seen twitching as his shoulders rose even more.

‘Is this guy really smiling?’

Didn’t he feel afraid because he was blocked by a wall?

Are you laughing in this situation?

He wondered if he had seen something wrong but the corners of Mo Kyung-un’s mouth were slightly raised.

-Are you really smiling?

-ah? Did I laugh?

-what? Did you not even know what kind of expression you were making right now?

-Ahh. He almost made a mistake.

-mistake? Why on earth were you laughing?

-Just like that.


-Yes I think there is room to delve deeper into martial arts than I thought.

Cheongnyeong was secretly surprised by Mok Gyeong-un’s answer.

To this sentient being martial arts was just a tool for revenge.

However after facing a more advanced form of martial arts he was not blocked but rather showed interest.


Does this guy know?

He said how much his way of thinking had changed.

However there was no need to say this.

This was because it was going in a very good direction.

It was at that very moment.



Nyeopchun convinced that he had completely cut off the sword’s energy by unleashing a series of swords tried to stop it but at that moment the sword came back to life and pierced his shoulder.

He had no time to escape.



The sword that was about to stab him in the shoulder suddenly lost its strength and fell to the floor.


What kind of English is this?

Could it be that the person who moved the sword released the connected magic?

Seopchun who was puzzled opened the distance by throwing the new weapon backwards.

Then he looked towards the entrance to the training ground.

He thought that the person who moved the sword with true energy might be there.

But there was no one at the entrance.

‘Who the hell is it?’

In my senses I couldn’t feel any energy around me.

But that was right then.


Before I knew it there was a person standing in the middle of the gym with his back turned and his face wrapped in a bandage-like cloth.

The moment Nie Chun saw him her eyes widened and then

-Park! thud!

He got down on one knee clasped his hands together bowed his head and shouted.

“Nup Chun the third guard of the main building knows the Lord of the Great Heaven and Earth Council!”


As soon as he finished speaking Meng Muyak was also startled and got down on one knee and showed respect like Nie Chun.

“I know how to drink fish!”

‘Hoeju? ‘This person?’

Mo Kyung-un’s right eyelid was faintly trembling.

Will this be visible to everyone here?

The energy stored within his body was so intense and electric that no energy he had ever seen could compete with it.

I even wondered what would happen the moment it exploded.

Is this the pinnacle of the Heaven and Earth Meeting?

It was a car that surprised me.


Nie Chun the third guard of the main building hurriedly called Mo Gyeong-un.

It was out of order for me to stand still like that when there was no one else but the Lord of the Lord in front of me.

Mok Gyeong-un followed them knelt down on one knee and performed calligraphy.

Nie Chun looked at this and breathed a sigh of relief.

at that time

-Jump jump jump!

He heard footsteps and saw a bridge right in front of him.

Nie Chun lowered his head even more with a nervous look on his face.

Then a voice came.

“Cluck cluck. “What happened?”


Seopchun’s eyes trembled at the sound of his voice.

By any chance did they say that the miracle of the sword moving on its own just now was something Hoeju was testing them for?

I wondered why I was called here but I didn’t know it would be like this.


‘As expected the test was correct.’

Nyeopchun opened his mouth in an excited voice as if it were an honor.

“It’s a mediocre skill. Just do your best…”

“no. “Not you.”


Seopchun was taken aback by this and slightly raised his head.

However Hoe-ju’s gaze whose face was covered with bandages was directed towards Mok Gyeong-un.

And that too with a look that seemed quite interesting.

‘Why on earth?’

Is Hoeju reacting like this?

While I was puzzled Hoeju opened his mouth again.

“How did you disperse the true energy contained in the sword?”


< Episode 54: Peak (4) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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