Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 177

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< Episode 51 Three Eyes (4) >

‘What just happened?’

Yeo Su-rin looked at Mo Kyung-un’s face and wondered.

If her own eyes were not wrong she was not very long but the color of Mo Qingyun’s right eye was tinged with silver and it looked like the main force (呪力)? No magical power? She felt an unidentifiable energy.

But that was only for a moment and quickly disappeared.

‘There definitely seems to have been a change in his eyes.’

When it returned to its original state the strange aura disappeared.

How does this come to be?

-Flutter flutter!

A small bird flying around Mokgyeongun.

That one had a smaller shape.

When Mok Gyeong-un told him to hide himself as if he was annoyed it shrunk to the size of a sparrow and started circling around.

It seemed like it might be a magical beast so it seemed difficult to even notice that it was an evil beast unless it was someone who was really strong or extremely sensitive.

‘I really don’t know.’

It seemed that the beast Heumwon had definitely become Mokgyeongun’s food spirit.

But it all started from one thing.


‘Did you really become like this because you ate those eyes?’

This was something that was beyond her understanding.

The eyeball is a deformed foreign body and a parasite in the form of a parasite that takes root in the human body.

Is this possible by eating that kind of food?

[Imaemangryang’s magical power and blood flesh are no different from poison to humans. So make sure not to accidentally put it in your mouth.]

Master said.

But Mok Gyeong-un did something crazy by eating it.

And the food body of the three eyes was converted to that of Mok Gyeong-un.

Something had happened that was completely different from what she knew.

‘How on earth did they do this?’

She was eager to ask questions.

But even if she asked she didn’t think Mok Kyung-un would tell.

As for her magic like the martial arts faction Bangpa if the faction or faction is different she has her own magic and she does not share it with other factions.

In the first place asking was a taboo act.

‘Oh I’m really curious.’

But she was the type of person who once she was curious had to solve it to satisfy her curiosity.

For Yeo Su-rin wood cultivation was a collection of curiosity.

She was to the point where she wanted to dissect her and study her if she really ate her monster and made the kite her own.

As Yeo Su-rin was staring at her neck a good idea occurred to her.

‘okay. Then you just have to keep watching closely.’

There was a very simple answer.

She already knew that there was another Saman besides the Saman that was one with Jo Tae-cheong’s visit to Japan.

In that case she had not yet fulfilled her Master’s command.

She still had a reason to be here.



“I guess…huh?”

Her eyes widened as she tried to talk to Mok Kyung-un.

The reason was none other than the fact that Mok Gyeong-un opened the lid of what appeared to be a coffin placed next to the desk in the guest room and there was a person inside.

“What is that? uh? Wait a minute him? “He is not a living person.”

“that’s right.”

Mok Gyeong-un shook his head.

Inside was something that anyone could think of as a corpse.

The body was none other than In Seo-ok former Wonsalgakju.


Yeo Su-rin said as she saw In Seo-ok moaning.

“Is this really Jiangshi? “Isn’t it a ghost?”

“You have a good eye for attention don’t you?”

A strange look appeared in Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes as he saw Yeo Su-rin immediately recognizing her In Seo-ok’s condition.

Even though this woman was a bit of a jerk she was definitely a capable radiologist.

As well as her knowledge of her magic as well as her main strength.

“no. “Isn’t that poem…a footnote to original death?”

“that’s right. “Do you recognize me?”

“of course. “It took a while to get inside the main church building but the inside of Wonsalgak had been there for three months.”

In the meantime she was the one who had learned the face of Seo-ok a footnote to the original death.

She started disappearing about 15 days ago and I didn’t expect her to look like this.

Yeosu Rin said through her sighs.

“Why did Wonsalgakju become like that? Could it be that she was harmed by the Three Eyes?”

Mok Gyeong-un shook her head at her words.

“That’s not it.”

“No? It’s not the Three Eyes but who on earth is like this? Even though the Wonsal clan went to the sixty-four corners of Bangwon it was just a visit to Japan.”

Excluding the six directions which were the pinnacle Bangil was said to be the best in the field of magic.

I can’t believe that such a talented person who visited Japan would become such a liar.

It couldn’t have been made like this without more than the same radiation.


“I did it.”

“Ah it was done by a woodworker… Yes?”

Yeosu Rin was startled and looked at her Mok Gyeong-un’s face.

Among the Bangil sixty-four corners of Bangwon Inseo-ok was a Wonsalgakju with a very high reputation.

Mok Gyeong-un made him like this?

“Is it true?”

“yes. It’s true. “Could it be fake?”

With those words Mok Kyung-un clicked his tongue and made a hand sign.

-Good! Good!

‘Jae (在)! Jin (陣)!’

He then slammed his palm down on In Seo-ok’s chest.

Then something strange happened.

The prisoner who was restraining In Seo-ok was released and her neck soon became bulging.


What looked like tangled tree trunks suddenly popped out.

Every time it came out In Seo-ok’s entire body trembled violently.

It seemed like the tree trunk had extended throughout the body and secured it so that it could not move.

“Wow…that’s really strong. Reading comprehension.”

Yeosu Lin stuck out her tongue at this sight.

Mok Gyeong-un chuckled and said

“I didn’t do this. “Probably Saman Jo Tae-cheong did it.”

“Three eyes?”

“yes. “In Seo-ok is not supposed to be here.”

He told the deceased Bangwol Jo Ui-gong to handle it as he pleases once he takes the position of Wonsalgakju.

However the fact that he is here means that Sam-an Jo Tae-cheong noticed his presence.

I’m glad it was resolved before it escalated further.

Otherwise things would have gone wrong.

‘And I guess that’s a good thing.’

Even so Mok Gyeong-un was worried about one thing.

When Bangsa Joui-gong died the person who could control Wonsalgak was lost.

However with the presence of In Seo-ok a former nobleman the problem was solved.

If we stop we will be able to fill the empty seats of the deceased Jo Eui-gong and Jo Tae-cheong.



When all the long tree trunks came out In Seo-ok’s body flinched but then she straightened up like a person who had come to her senses.

Then he slightly bowed towards Mok Gyeong-un.

“Hey. You really made this happen. “No really how did you defeat Wonsalgakju?”


“Ahh. Well…are you going to keep answering like that?”


-Crack crack crack!

Yeosu Rin bit her fingernails and glanced at her neck.

She is the most difficult man to deal with out of all the men she has ever met.

I mean it seriously.

She said with a sigh as she bit her fingernails.

“Then won’t you tell me why you made it that way?”

“yes. “I made a deal with you but isn’t our relationship over now?”


“You’re going back now.”


She made a strange expression as she looked at Yeosu Lin’s neck cultivation.

Although we had only met for a short time and our relationship was short-lived I thought we had become close friends because we risked our lives against a common enemy.

But now with these words I realized that Mok Kyung-un didn’t trust me at all.

‘This person…is he very shy?’

Yeosu Rin clicked her tongue with a perverse expression.

Even though it was a bet I was given a disposable Noble Phantasm but I feel regretful.


Now that it’s like this even if it’s Ogi I’ll make sure to treat him gently later on.

Yeosu Rin said setting up an ambition in her heart.

“I’m not going back.”

“You’re not going back?”



“I heard there is another third eye.”


Kyeong-woon’s neck seemed to have missed her and he clicked his tongue inside her.

She thought it was important information so she looked into it but it also gave Yeo Su-rin a reason to remain here.

No it’s not a justification is it a situation where I shouldn’t go yet?

“Ah… Is that so? “But there won’t be any more in the main church so you’ll have to look hard to find it right?”

“yes? “Aren’t you going to find it?”


“yes. When I saw you talking to the third eye earlier weren’t you trying to find another third eye?”

“no. “I just found out that it was there again.”

“no. Then you won’t find it?”


Yeo Su-rin looked troubled by Mok Gyeong-un’s words.

Even though she didn’t know she was trying to observe the neck cultivation under the pretext of finding her three eyes together.

What should I do with this?

Yeosu Rin whose head became complicated soon became a duck’s mouth and said.

“no. “Isn’t that really cruel?”

“What is so shameful?”

“But this is also fate so can you help me? “Because of me you were able to kill the three eyes that were here without difficulty.”

Mok Gyeong-un responded to her words casually.

“Wasn’t it because our goals were aligned? And the person who risked her life was me. I remember that I was ready to run away at any time.”

“That’s exactly what it said. “She would have helped if she had been able.”

“iced coffee. Is that so?”

She said with an expression of resentment as Yeosu Lin stamped her feet.

“It’s real.”

“Yes I guess so.”

Mok Gyeong-un placed his hand on the head of former Wonsalgak In Seo-ok as if he was not interested.

Then she immediately breathed her death energy Sagi (死氣) into Inseo-ok’s head.


The ghost is literally close to the state of a corpse.



Yeo Su-rin’s eyes widened.

She thought that Wonsalgakju In Seo-ok was simply a poet.

However before she knew it the state of Seo-ok a footnote of her original death was changing from being like her corpse to closer to what she looked like when she was alive.

Even the color of her skin changed from purple to flesh-colored.

“New raw sissy?”

A living ghost.

It was a forbidden secret art of six-man strength technique.

This is born when a person who has just died is fed with the blood of their heart which can be said to be their source and the negative energy of those who have recently died is gathered in one place and a magic technique is performed.

It is literally a living corpse ghost.

‘A raw ghost?’

The reason she was surprised was simple.

Raw poems were more difficult to make than regular poems or river poems.

In order to create one living ghost we had to kill nearly thirty people and gather their energy together and the living ghost had too many weaknesses.

If you kill people periodically and do not fill the dead person’s negative energy the body will rot so its effectiveness is greatly reduced.

“Confucius Wood… That’s a golden drink.”

“iced coffee. “It was like that.”

Mo Gyeong-un looked at Yeo Su-rin with cold eyes.

Now that I think about it she was from Haeseongak a member of Bangwon Sixty Four Gangs a proper Buddhist group.

On the other hand Wonsalgak was a group that left Bangwon Sixty Four Gak and joined hands with the martial arts group to practice all kinds of shamanism.

Accordingly Mok Gyeong-un did not attach much importance to gold liquor.

However in reality among monks geumsul was literally a magic that should not be practiced.

‘Is it better to kill him?’

It was a neck tiller that she was just going to send because it was helpful.

But now that I thought it might be a nuisance I was worried about killing it.

Then she said with her beady eyes Yeosu Rin.

“no. “How did you do it?”


“To revitalize a living ghost you need the negative energy of a person who has just died.”


“That’s why it was a banned technique but even without it did you find a way to revitalize yourself?”

Hearing Yeo Su-rin’s words Mok Gyeong-un let out a light breath.

It was because she knew how to create an explanation for herself.

Mok Kyung-un lightly nodded his head.

Seeing this Yeosu Rin approached Mok Gyeong-un with her sparkling eyes and said.

“Where are you really from? “Are you by any chance a disciple of Lord Sun Wenji Yonggak’s master?”

“Handprint Yonggak?”

“uh? no?”


“Then Hawolsu-gak…”

“I’m not going to tell you so stop asking.”

“Huh… can’t you tell me that much?”

“yes. And I have a lot to do here. So let’s tear it apart here. Otherwise you…”

I omitted the afterword that I felt like I should kill him.

She hoped she could understand.

Then she said Yeosu Rin folded her hands together and made a pleading look on her face.

“Confucius Wood. “It’s really really hard for me to find the Three Eyes on my own. Can you help me?”

I guess I didn’t understand what was being said.

Should I just kill him?

There is no need for it anymore.

Mo Kyung-un said with a faint smile.

“I’m busy just with my work.”

“Then I will also help the woodworker.”

At those words Mok Kyung-un raised an eyebrow and asked back.

“You’re helping me?”

“Yes I see that the carpenter hasn’t been here for three months so I don’t think he’s here in Bangsa is that correct?”


“Seeing as you have mastered martial arts doesn’t that mean you are a martial artist?”

As expected even though this woman is a bit shy her hair isn’t bad.

“Right? “Then don’t you need someone to take care of this live ghost?”


Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes narrowed at her words.

She is the person who will take care of your ears during your lifetime….

Although it was certainly self-willed and close to the state of a living person it was still a poetic spirit.

She had to make sure there were no problems along the way.

Yeo Su-lin said with a wide smile as she was sure that Mo Kyung-yun was worried.

“If you need anything I will actively help you beyond this. Wood Confucius also helps me find my three eyes. Then isn’t it a deal?”


“no way. “Don’t act like you’re worried.”

“It doesn’t seem like bad conditions.”


“But it’s because I don’t trust people very well.”

“no. “I keep my promises!”

“Because there are what ifs.”

“Ugh. It’s really too much. We also gave you emergency treasures without saying anything. “Even if you only use it once it’s worth a thousand dollars.”

Mok Gyeong-un sighed and laughed at her words.

She knew as she watched that this woman had no malice.

However Mu Qingyun does not completely trust people.

That’s why she thought she needed a suitable device.

“Are you sure you want to make a deal?”

“I told you. If you help me find the Three Eyes I will help you with your work. “Isn’t that fair?”

“Well I see.”

Yeo Su-rin’s expression brightened at Mok Kyung-woon’s somewhat positive answer.

“So are you accepting it?”

“I would like to but if you accept one condition.”


“yes. As I said before I don’t trust people very well. so….”


Mok Kyung-yun held out her hand.

Then something was sucked into Mok Gyeong-un’s hand from the wrist of the decapitated body that was fixed in front of the desk in the state office.

-Shoot! widely!

“uh? “How did you just do that?”



There is really no case where they are taught properly even once.

Yeosu Rin biting her lip and glancing at the neck soon recognized what was in his hand.

“Wait a minute…isn’t that the chain of magic?”

“You recognize me.”

At this Yeosu Rin spoke with a somewhat stiff expression unlike before.

“You sure you won’t tell me to kick it?”

Mok Kyung-un smiled and answered that question.

“I meant to say tea.”

“no. “It’s used to force the opponent into submission!”

“I don’t mean to make you obey unconditionally but I think you can think of it as a kind of safety device. “I’ll let you go once we’re done with each other’s business.”

“I can’t! “Never!”

Yeo Su-rin shouted with an angry expression on her face.

Anyway this wasn’t it.

The Chain of Jueon was a dangerous Noble Phantasm that could drive the person binding it to death if they wanted to.

But would you fill yourself with something like that?

– Whirik whirik!

Then Mok Gyeong-un twirled Ju-eon’s chain and said

“Then there are only two options.”

“two? One would be to just not make a deal and get ripped off.”

“Yes you know very well.”

“Then what is the other one?”

“It’s a method that has proven to be effective so I guess this isn’t a bad idea. For you too.”

“So what is it?”

“To be my woman.”


Soon Yeo Su-rin’s expression hardened.

For a moment she couldn’t believe her own ears.

< Episode 51 Three Eyes (4) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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