Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 168

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< Episode 49 Variable (3) >

There was a person standing on the roof of a high tower making a sign with one hand and concentrating.

He was none other than Cho Tae-cheong who visited Japan.

Feeling the strong spiritual power again he spread a barrier in all directions and tried to determine his location.

‘What a clever guy.’

Jo Tae-cheong clicked his tongue.

If the rank is higher than Cheongryeong level they do not hide themselves.

This was because it had reached a level where even the martial arts masters and Lee Mae-mang-ryang could not be easily suppressed.

But this vengeful spirit knows how to hide itself.

He even shifted his position in that brief moment when he became aware of his presence.

‘It’s fast enough that Tohru can’t catch it.’


It was a beast-class imaemangryang that Jo Tae-cheong treated as a food spirit.

This mound called the red castle of Kunlun Mountain is faster than a blooded horse running at top speed but it cannot catch this vengeful spirit.

Jo Tae-cheong’s facial muscles twitched while he was concentrating and changed into a different expression.

“The path is very intentional.”

Jo Tae-cheong’s expression who spoke in a hoarse voice returned to its original state.

Jo Tae-cheong in his original state spoke as if he were having a conversation.

“I know.”

This clever thing is luring them into pursuit.

Otherwise there was no way he would reveal his energy on such a regular basis on purpose.

Because of this Jo Tae-cheong was confident.

“You’re trying to hide something.”

If you intentionally lure someone it is clearly to hide something.

Be it a colleague or something else.

But there was something this ghost did not know.

“It’s nice to have brains but is it really one?”

* * *

The blue spirit holding the gombangdae was moving quickly and constantly changing its position.

He intentionally exposed his energy so that the radiation bastard could detect him.

Of course it was to keep him away from Mo Kyung-un.


As a spirit she can fly in the sky so it is difficult to perfectly follow her movements unless she reaches the pinnacle of perfection or is an expert in the flower world.

But something about her continued to follow her.

‘That’s annoying.’

Cheongnyeong clicked her tongue.

It seemed like it was probably the food spirit of the radiation bastard that sensed him.

The magical energy emanating from the food spirit was not normal.

If her rank had not been raised to that of a male spirit she was strong enough to have been caught up.

I guess maybe


It seemed like the status of this person was like that of a beast.

At first glance I almost caught up with it but looking at its bizarre horns and sheep-like appearance I think it was probably the red castle mound of Kunlun Mountain.

He is not an ordinary person to treat someone of this high rank as a food spirit.

However his status has now reached that of a male spirit.

It’s enough to shake off…


In an instant Cheongnyeong’s eyes became sharp.

It was because she sensed a shadow casting over her.

The shadow was flapping huge wings.


Cheongnyeong looked at her back and was dumbfounded.

This was not Yosu Toru.

She knew this well having the upper body of a giant bird and the lower body of a wasp.


Heumwon (欽原).

Like Turu this was also a monster that lived on Mount Kunlun.


This was completely unexpected.

I thought it was annoying just to deal with the imaemangyang which is the size of a beast but now I’m dealing with not one but two beasts.

This was already a monster of the highest rank among radiants.

‘It’s beyond annoying…’

At that moment a huge bird with the lower body of a wasp fired sharp thorns at Cheongnyeong.

– Push shoo shoo shoo!



Cheongnyeong quickly dodged it and turned her direction.

But at that moment something was rushing towards me recklessly.

It was Toru another monster.

In front is the mound and behind it is Heumwon.

‘This is really embarrassing.’

It was truly a situation of dilemma with two monsters at the level of the beast blocking the way forward.

* * *


Wi So-yeon who let out a sigh gasped and wrapped her legs around Mo Gyeong-un’s waist.

In the first place Mok Gyeong-un had no desire for this kind of relationship.

This relationship which had begun as her own with a purpose to make her her own was bringing about its own interests.

‘Is this called pleasure?’

It was a strange feeling that I felt for the first time but it wasn’t bad.

She thought it was just something that any species did for the sake of reproduction but she became interested in Soyeon Wi who was drenched in sweat and hugging her and screaming.

Even when she did this she was so embarrassed that she didn’t know what to do.

But at some point she couldn’t hide her excitement and she was craving him.



Every time Mo Qingyun moved his waist Wei Xiaoyeon screamed.

This sound was strangely stimulating.

I tried to finish it after getting her to give in but this stimulus had already been causing her stomach to swell five times without stopping.


Mok Gyeong-un pushing So-yeon on top of her against her wall grabbed her thighs and lifted her up holding her on top of her.


The heavy breathing of So-yeon Wi who had completely become a woman and the gaze watching her neck tighten were nothing short of strange.

Looking at her face like this Mo Gyeong-un felt strange.


This was because Soyeon above seemed to overlap with her young soul.

She recognized the two as completely different beings nothing more nothing less but as she became aware of her sense of pleasure in this act and was stimulated by her her youthful spirit seemed to overlap once in a while.

‘That’s strange.’

I don’t know why it’s like this.

What is more stimulating when you think of Cheongnyeong through Wisoyeon?

In response her neck tillage pushed her even more roughly.


Wei Xiaoyeon’s slender waist shook violently.

So-yeon who was out of breath as she cried hugged Gyeong-un’s neck and whispered in her sexy voice.

“More… more!”

She continued that she wanted to become one with the neck cultivator.

This pleasure was both stimulating and extremely addictive.

* * *


Wi So-yeon soaked with sweat lay in the arms of her neck Kyung-un and let out a rough breath.

This is her first time meeting a man and she understands why Ki Ok-ryeon and others around her made such a fuss.

It was a pleasure that was truly difficult to escape.

She glanced at the face of Mok Gyeong-un where So-yeon was lying.

Her face was flushed but unlike herself she didn’t look the least bit tired.


It really looked like a beast.

It was so reckless that it was difficult to handle at first.

They say that no matter how much martial arts training you have and how much training you have you will get tired a few times and need time to recover but this guy has none of that.

[Can we do more?]

It was hard to tell how many times he said that.

Wei Shao-yeon who was staring at Mo Qingyun asked with embarrassment.

“Are you… really this your first time?”

“I would have said so.”

“But why like this….”

Her lips trembled as if the last words were not leaving her mouth and she buried her head further into the arms of Kyung-woon’s neck.

It was actually pointless to ask this question.

She was certain that she was the first woman because she felt that the guy who was rough at first was becoming more and more delicate.


It was a really strange feeling.

Once she became one with this guy she felt strangely more drawn to it.

Should I say that her desire to rely has become stronger?

Is this who she is as a woman?

‘It’s strange. really….’

She had never felt anything like this even when she thought she might die at any moment due to the curse of the Thousand-Syllable Mac.

In the face of her death there was no one she could rely on.

But now I felt like life or death wouldn’t be so bad if I was with this man.

Can emotions sway even reason like this?

But Mok Kyung-un suddenly raised his upper body and said.

“I guess I should go first.”

“You’re going?”


“There’s a little more…”



Wei Xiaoyun who was trying to catch Mu Qingyun soon stopped it.

This man is getting better but he felt like he would look light if he showed those emotions here.

[It is said that when men are convinced that they have entered their net their attitude changes drastically. So if you find a guy you like just keep this in mind.]


[Push and pull.]

[Push and pull?]

[You shouldn’t appear too light to a man.]

This is what Ki Ok-ryeon always said to herself.

There needs to be just the right amount of pushing and pulling so that the man can’t help but feel impatient.

However Ki Ok-ryeon herself could not follow the advice she had given when she was in front of the great ruler Woo Ho-rang.

“Do you have any clothes to wear?”

Then her neck tiller asked her.

She responded by shaking her head.

“It’s not here. “If you want any clothes that women wear I’ll lend you mine.”

“…Is it by any chance?”


In response to Mok Gyeong-un’s question So-yeon above turned her head.

You have to stick to push and pull but it’s getting harder and harder to do that with this man.

Rather I want to play pranks.

After you give your body does your heart go to its original place?

“Hmm. “If there’s men’s clothing you might want to wear it’s in the guest room of the building next door.”

“thank you.”

“The way you talk… you can relax when it’s just the two of you.”

Wei So-yeon said twisting her hair as if she was embarrassed for no reason.

For this man he felt like calling his name would be fine.

Mok Kyung-un smiled and said.

“That seems difficult.”


“I’m still comfortable with this way of speaking.”

“That’s comfortable?”

“yes. “If there comes a time when it is convenient to do so later we will do so.”

Wei So-yeon did not hide her surprise at Mo Kyung-un’s words.

We can take it easy when it’s just the two of us but why do we do that?

Is it really possible to draw a line?

She was about to get a little upset when Mokyungwoon wrapped his arms around her pulled her to him and made her rest on his shoulder.

“Now that you are my woman I can expect a lot of help from you in the future right?”

Wei So-yeon’s face turned red as she heard Mo Kyung-un’s whispered words.

This man is playing with his own mind.

What is it that makes me feel excited even though I know that?

‘no. You have to push and pull.’

Wei So-yeon shook her head and slightly pushed Mok Kyung-un away and said calmly.

“Thanks to you I saved her life so of course I will help. But after seeing what you do I will decide whether or not I will actively help.”

Mok Gyeong-un sighed and laughed at her words.

And then she quietly told her what she was thinking.

Hearing this one of Wei Xiaoyeon’s eyebrows rose upward.

“Are you… really asking me to do that?”

“yes. “I hope so.”


Wei So-yeon’s expression turned disapproving at Mo Kyung-un’s words.

It’s not difficult to listen but I can’t decide if this is right.

Wei Soyeon asked this.

“…Even if my subordinates say so will they really want to accept the second execution?”

“Don’t worry about that.”

“Don’t worry?”

“yes. “That’s a problem I have to solve now.”


Wei So-yeon frowned at Mo Kyung-un’s words.

The momentum is really fast but is this possible?

* * *

As the day went by it became dark outside.

Mo Kyung-un who came out of the manor where Wei So-yeon lived opened the pockets on his waist and looked.

The eyeball of Prince Na Yulyang who was inside was safe.

On the way the Jinshin energy of the transylvanic vein went out of control and I threw this and the extra wooden dolls including the hem of the clothes far away because I was afraid they would freeze but they were finer than I expected.

‘Then shall we go?’

Mok Gyeong-un launched a light attack and launched a new weapon.

Mok Gyeong-un who was walking along the main street for about 50 minutes came across an eerie-looking shrine building located in the eastern corner of the inner city.

It was a fairly large building and the energy of the lost youth could be felt there.

As I entered there was an altar and I saw a scroll on the wall that was torn to shreds and a portrait that looked fine next to it.


Surprisingly the figure depicted in the portrait


It was a portrait of a young man.

However in this portrait Cheongnyeong’s attire was different from usual.

She was wearing a red gown like a bride would wear and she was also wearing makeup.

Mok Kyung-un was puzzled by this.

Why is this portrait hanging on the altar of a shrine like this?

And why is the scroll next to it which appears to be another portrait torn to pieces so that its shape is unrecognizable?

Then I heard a voice.

-What are you staring at so intently? rebirth.


I saw a young spirit sitting and leaning on one side of the altar.

Her face which was exhaling smoke while holding a stick in its mouth looked emaciated for some unknown reason.

Although it is said that her spiritual power has been condensed and her energy is not visible she looks quite exhausted.

Mok Gyeong-un asked this.

“What happened?”

-Something more annoying than I thought happened.

“Is it a bother?”


“…Does it have something to do with the fact that you disappeared without being possessed?”

In response to Mo Kyung-un’s question Cheongryeong sighed and said.

-Well it happened because of that so it’s not unrelated. However it seems that there is something above the level of a footnote within me.

“Of course it’s radiation….”

-I guess so. But he’s not an ordinary guy.

In response to her warning Mok Kyung-un stroked his chin and said

“Seeing Cheongryeong speak to this level I guess she is really strong.”

-Handles two beast-level food spirits.


Mok Kyung-un did not hide his surprise at these words.

If we were to call it a Yosu level she was an Imae Mangryang of a fairly high rank equivalent to the third grade.

However I heard that it is difficult for even the swordsmen to handle monsters or monsters but if they can handle it with just two shikigami it is true that their main force is not an ordinary swordsman.

“Did you fight?”

-Do you think it would have ended if we had fought?

“I guess so.”

If there were two beasts it would be difficult for the Blue Spirit to deal with them without properly opening up her spiritual power.

She desperately escaped using only minimal strength.

After playing hide and seek for almost an hour and a half she was able to avoid them.

Cheongnyeong clicked her tongue and said.

-Anyway why are you so late? What’s so difficult about a guy who doesn’t take that long to acquire morale?…

“Because possession didn’t work I had to find another way.”

-what? Ah….yeah. It was like that.

While she was preoccupied with escaping the radiation and the two imaemangyangs she suddenly remembered the reason why the possession failed.

I couldn’t figure out what that strange phenomenon was.

The body of the living woman she was trying to suck into was so strange.

“Why didn’t you get possessed? “No it didn’t work?”

Cheongryeong answered Mok Gyeong-un’s question as if he was embarrassed.

-I don’t know. This seat too.

“You don’t know?”

-She felt like something would happen if she possessed the body of that living woman who looked just like her.

“Something happens?”

-It’s hard to explain to you. The woman’s body was strongly pulling my spirit body and this was the first time such a phenomenon had ever happened to me.

“…The physical body pulled the spiritual body?”



Mok Kyung-un frowned at her words.

Although she had some knowledge as an emancipator she herself had never heard of the phenomenon that the blue spirit spoke of.

It seemed like I needed to look into Bangsang Cho Ui-gong and the various books on martial arts he had.

Then the young man spoke.

-You’re in trouble. Because possession failed.

“no. “That’s not it.”

-No? However we have to control that sentient woman as planned….

“I think I can control it.”

-huh? What do you mean?

Even though it was the reward for saving his life from the rampage of the Transylvania it could have been difficult to control because he was a disciple of Huaiju and a candidate for successor.

Her neck tiller spoke casually to her puzzled look.

“I couldn’t make her my subordinate so I made her my girl.”

-what? your girl?

What does this mean?

I don’t know how he made her his woman… Wait…

-You really?

“yes. “I had a relationship.”


Cheongryeong’s expression immediately hardened at Mo Kyung-un’s straightforward expression.

She thought that this bastard was a bastard who had no interest in such relationships between men and women but she didn’t expect such words to come out.

Even though she died and became her vengeful spirit she was embarrassed for some reason.

But at that moment she imagined it without realizing it. Cheongryeong’s face turned red and her expression became distorted.

‘…Wait a minute you look just like that middle-aged woman.’

< Episode 49 Variable (3) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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