Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 147

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< Episode 42: Poisonous Man (3) >

-Snap! Pop!

Thick drops of blood dripping from Mo Qingyun’s palm.

Baek Saha the island poison king who was staring at this with disbelief opened his mouth.

“Sweetheart. “Do you know what you just said?”


“The fact that your blood is poison means that you have reached a level that even Nobu could not reach. Do you think that makes sense?”

Only 17 years old.

He is still too old to be called a young man.

Are you saying that he has reached a level that even he who has practiced poison all his life could not reach?

It was something I could never admit.

Mok Kyung-un smiled and said to him.

“Do you think it would be that difficult for someone who is said to be the greatest poisoner to just drink his own blood? “Seeing how you deny it every word.”

“What? “Who is this guy now?”

“If you do it let’s taste it. “It’s not that difficult.”

Hearing Mo Gyeong-un’s words Baek Sa-ha the King of Island Poisons narrowed his eyes.

If the guy’s blood was truly poisonous he could only say it was truly shocking.

Baek Saha hesitated for a moment and then stretched out his hand.

He then grabbed Mok Gyeong-un’s wrist and pulled it causing the blood flowing from his palm to drip into his mouth.


Mo Gyeong-un’s blood wets his tongue.

The moment this touched his tongue the eyes of Baek Sa-ha the island poison king widened.


He was a man who had lived with poison his whole life.

The moment he tasted his blood he instinctively realized it.


It had to be poison.

A complex taste that spreads with a burning sensation the moment it touches the tongue.

This taste of being one and yet able to feel numerous changes was a type of poison he had never experienced before.

‘What the hell is this…’

It was no exaggeration to say that Baek Sa-ha’s ability to detect poison was at the highest level.

But he couldn’t tell what kind of poison it was.

This is proof that the words were not formed through poisoning but that the blood itself became poisonous.


An exclamation flowed from Baek Sa-ha’s mouth.

Even he who preserved the poison in his body with the Permanent Sutra could not have poisoned his blood itself.

However Mo Gyeong-un’s blood was truly poisonous.

That means


Mok Gyeong-un had truly reached the point of becoming a poisonous person.

Baek Sa-ha stared at Mo Kyung-un’s face with shocked eyes.

What on earth is this guy?

How did such a brat reach a level of mastery that even he who had been practicing for decades could not achieve?

Because it was beyond the realm of understanding I was filled with questions.

Baek Sa-ha who had been speechless for a long time finally opened his lips.

“How…how did you reach the level of a German?”

“What on earth does it mean to be German?”

“…What is a German?”


Mok Gyeong-un’s question made me feel a pain in the back of my head.

This guy had no idea what level he had reached.

He was beyond absurd.

“Are you trying to have fun with the old man?”

“I’m not joking I’m just asking because I really don’t know.”


“Is it because my blood is poison?”

To Mok Gyeong-un’s question Baek Sa-ha clicked his tongue and answered.

“okay. People themselves are poisonous. “That is the state of being a German.”

“iced coffee. Is that so?”

Mok Gyeong-un’s attitude of answering as if it was no big deal made Baeksaha feel embarrassed and jealous.

How could a kid like this achieve so easily what he himself couldn’t achieve even though he worked hard?

‘It’s so vain.’

I can’t believe that a kid who can’t learn poison or even use poison properly has reached the level of a poisoner.

It felt like all my efforts so far were in vain.

It literally feels like I found a pearl necklace hanging around a pig’s neck.

“…good. Don’t change the question. How did the blood become poisonous? “You will know the answer to this yourself.”

“what. “That’s right.”

“If you do it teach me.”

“Do you mean how?”


Hearing his answer Mok Kyung-un scratched his head and let out a groan of worry.


“Do you not want to teach me?”

“From what I heard it sounds like you really want it.”

“Is it all you want? “This is Nobu’s long-cherished wish.”

“Is that so?”

“okay. So tell me what you know. “If you do that I will teach you proper poison techniques so that you can utilize that poison.”

“The conditions are not bad.”

“under! Not bad conditions? You bastard. “If you learn the poison technique from Nobu you will be called the best among the late exponents.”

“Is it that much?”

“That’s right.”

This is a tree cultivation practice that has already reached the level of mastery.

He had enough qualifications to climb up to the 8th floor of the Pamadok Sutra if he were to teach.

But then something completely unexpected came out of Mok Kyung-un’s mouth.

“Can we change the conditions a little bit?”


“It’s not that difficult.”

Baek Sa-ha clicked his tongue again at Mok Gyeong-un’s words.

He seems to be the one who is regretful so now he is trying to make a deal with himself which is really a guy who has gone overboard.

“…What do you want?”

“It’s not that difficult. Just let the old man tell me what I want to know….”

It was that moment.


At that time Baek Sa-ha grabbed her chest.

Then his eyes became bloodshot and he looked at Mok Gyeong-un with a puzzled expression.

‘This… this… what the hell…’

The reason Baek Sa-ha was embarrassed was simple.

It was because he felt pain burning from his chest.

Baeksaha was able to immediately find out where this pain came from.

‘That doesn’t make sense.’

This was a phenomenon that occurred due to poisoning.

The white death was absurd.

He reached the level of poison attack and had the ability to neutralize other poisons penetrating the body with the hundreds of poisons he had in his body.



Dark red blood flowed from his mouth.

Baek Sa-ha’s eyes shook violently.

“How can this be…”

It was absurd.

Does it make sense that the so-called King of Island Poisons is a poison that cannot be neutralized?

[Serious? This is it?]

At that moment I remembered what Mok Gyeong-un said about dying a hundred times.

He caused discomfort by speaking as if his dispatch to Germany was no big deal.

However I realized that I was dying from a poison that was spreading rapidly.

‘This guy… did he really mean this?’

He wasn’t bragging to excite himself.

Baeksaha hurriedly chanted the Perm Poison Sutra and tried to neutralize the poison of the Mok Sutra that had penetrated into the five organs and six parts and spread further.


Dark red steam flowed from his shoulders.

It was a phenomenon that occurred while relieving poison.

Although he was late because he had deep inner strength he was somehow releasing the poison.

But the problem lay elsewhere.



Baek Saha who was doing his fortune telling grabbed the back of his neck.



Mo Kyung-un looked at him in confusion.

Still he is a master of poison attacks but is he able to eliminate his own poison? I was watching and something was strange.

Baek Sa-ha’s eyes were becoming cloudy as he grabbed the back of his neck.

Something seemed wrong.


Accordingly Mok Gyeong-un tried to lay Baek Sa-ha down to check his condition.


-Knock knock knock!


His legs in the lotus position do not relax.

No it’s not that it just didn’t work out. It’s that the bones and muscles of my lower body have become quite weak probably because I’ve been stuck in this position for a long time.

Mok Gyeong-un placed his hand on the acupuncture point there.

‘…Is this why you kept sitting there?’

By touching his acupuncture point Mok Gyeong-un learned Baek Sa-ha’s secret.

It seemed as if paralysis occurred as the miasma flowing back from the acupuncture points in his lower body collided with the true energy of his body blocking the flow.

‘Have you been preventing the poison from flowing back?’

So it seemed like he just kept sitting.

Mu Qingyun slowly climbed up Baek Sahe’s acupuncture point.

The poison seemed to have flowed back through the main acupuncture points along the path through which the true energy moves and reached the brain.

The cause is probably

‘Is it my blood?’

In order to relieve the new poison Mok Gyeong-un’s blood it seemed that the true energy in the body was further dispersed but it failed to prevent the backflow of the poison.

‘What should I do with this?’

If left alone he would either become a vegetative state or die.

At this time I didn’t know if there would be some promise if I could help prevent the miasma flowing back by infusing it with real energy but the problem is

‘Could it be a scam?’

His own morale (death energy) actually causes the true energy to disperse.

On the contrary it could have had the opposite effect.

While he was wondering what to do the voice of Cheongnyeong was heard in his ear.

-Do you have a monthly list?


-The one called Cheonjidan.

-Oh that? I carry it with me.

Mok Gyeong-un who could not see any effect even if he ate it because he had not absorbed his healing energy just wrapped it in his pocket and carried it around.

-okay. Put the Moon Myeong Dan in the mouth of an old sentient being and try to stop the poison that has reached the bloodstream of his brain.

-A miasma that went up to the brain?

Mu Kyung-un looked at the back of Baek Sa-ha’s neck.

Then he removed his hand that was holding the back of his neck and placed his finger on the acupuncture point that connects to the brain.


And then the ceremony of putting on clothes was performed.

The poisonous energy that had been rising through the concentration ritual with one of his fingers was concentrated into one point and soon entered through Mok Gyeong-un’s fingers.


At that moment Baek Sa-ha who had lost consciousness came to his senses.

“Are you awake?”

“You… how are you?”

Mok Gyeong-un said to him who did not know English.

“I think it would be difficult to help you directly so let’s do something with this.”



Mo Gyeong-un immediately put the Heaven and Earth Dan into Baek Sa-ha’s mouth.


Baeksaha who put this in his mouth instinctively realized that this was an elixir.

Even so the current flow of true energy was broken while relieving the poison of Mokgyeongun so it was impossible to stop the poison flowing back.

Baek Sa-ha who was in no position to hide anything


It swallowed the heaven and earth just like that.

As it was indeed an elixir that Cheonjihoe is proud of the moment I swallowed it I could feel the hot energy gradually spreading down my esophagus.

Originally he should have used it to make it his own but

‘Push out.’

Baeksaha had to use the energy of the elixir to push back the miasma flowing back.

Otherwise he might not end up paralyzed from the waist down but his whole body might become paralyzed and he might end up in a vegetative state.


It was at a time when Baek Sa-ha was struggling with the energy of the elixir.

Mok Kyung-un muttered as he looked at him.

“It’s strange. I don’t know why I’m fighting poison. “You just have to accept it.”


At that moment Baek Sa-ha’s eyes shook strongly.

* * *

About 50 years ago.

Young Baek Saha asked the middle-aged man who was kneeling and lighting incense.

[What should I do to ascend to the eighth level of the Permanent Poison Sutra?]


[Are you not going to answer? Father.]

The middle-aged man was none other than Baek Yu Baek Sa-ha’s father and the founder of the Baek family.

He was a man who overturned the martial orthodoxy that the Sichuan Tang family and the Guyang family could not be defeated with poison.

As Yeon Jong-jong the head of the Sacheon Dang family at the time died at his hands the Jungwon martial arts government recognized Baek Yu as the new Grand Master of Doggong.

The Pama poison sutra (波魔魔毒經) is a poison technique created by Baek Yu the founder of the Baek family and has become a season of fame along with the Mancheonhwagyeong poison technique of the Tang family and the Hapma technique of the Ouyang family.

However the process of learning this Permanent Sutra was not easy and as one went up each level it became more difficult to attain enlightenment so except for Baek Yu the creator none of the sons reached the 8th level which is called Geukseong.

The same was true for Baek Sa-ha who was the second son but became the eldest son.

[Isn’t the eighth level of the Permanent Sutra impossible without the Father?]


Baekyu has no answer.

The reason he did this was because this was the shrine where his eldest son’s memorial tablet was placed.

The eldest son Baek Seong-ha who was practicing the 8th layer of the Permanent Sutra suffered a reflux of poison which blocked blood flow to his brain paralyzed his entire body and led to his death.

[Please tell me. Father.]


[If this continues won’t I also lose my life like my brother while trying to learn the eight layers?]

After young Baeksaha lost his older brother he became skeptical about learning the Pama Sutra.

His eldest son lost his life and his third brother became paralyzed from the waist down.

The only thing that was okay was himself but no matter how much he thought about it this Pamadoggyeong was a martial art that no one other than his father Baekyu the founder could have learned.

[Pamadoggyeong is the path to becoming a poison.]

[Are you saying that again?]

[The ultimate definition of poison is to become poison yourself.]

[By what means? From the moment I learned the poison technique I always had to live in a state of tension without being able to sleep properly. How on earth can a person become poison?]

[You just have to comply.]

[…What on earth is that compliance?]

[I don’t understand it now and I know that this father is very dissatisfied. However you have no choice but to realize it yourself.]


‘Conformity… compliance… that bastard compliance….’

Such vague advice even to my son.

As a result one son died and another son became disabled. Is this the way it is?

Baeksaha made a promise to himself after that day.

Instead of following in his father’s shadow he decided to carve his own path.

33 years later.

[Haa… haa….]

Baek Sa-ha is breathing heavily while wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth.

He couldn’t help but be shocked when he got injured in a one-on-one match with someone for the first time in nearly ten years.

He had never competed with Hoeju who was said to be the best expert in Cheonjihoe.

However he once competed directly in a friendly battle with Ho Tae-gang a king of the five kings who had crossed the wall and one of the five kings who received the title of Eight Saints.

Even back then he felt a certain amount of gap but he had never felt this much helplessness.

‘How can this be?’

Even King Pabu who had climbed over the wall could not take his poison head-on.

This is because we know the danger of the power of poison.

However the person collided with him head-on and released all of the indiscriminate poison mist.

Poison that could not be reached had no effect on the person.

‘A high-level technique of flower grafting that even toxins can be easily shed.’

This was only possible if Jinki was treated like breathing.

‘Ghost sword (ghost sword)….’

This guy was truly a monster.

He was to the point where he felt ashamed of himself.

However due to this confrontation Baeksaha realized his shortcomings.

He means that if like this man he cannot handle truth in detail he will not be able to advance any further.

So he refined himself again.

If he were able to move freely just like breathing by finely manipulating his vital energy he might be able to succeed in reaching the 8th level of the Permanent Sutra which he had given up on.

However his judgment could be said to be half right and half wrong.

Baeksaha confident that he could handle the true energy as delicately as breathing challenged himself to the 8th level of the Permanent Sutra.

The 8th floor where only Baek Yu the founder and father succeeded.

He was confident that he would succeed this time.



Baek Saha did not reach the level of the 8th floor.

Now that he was able to handle Jin-ki in detail he tried to achieve harmony with Mi-ki.

However the lower body became paralyzed due to the reverse flow of poison.

He became like his third brother.

‘…Is the polarity of the Permanent Sutra impossible after all?’

In the first place the level of German might have been impossible for anyone other than his father who was a great master.

Baek Sa-ha who was paralyzed from the waist down went into seclusion under the pretext of three years of mourning.

The goal was not to achieve the 8th layer of the Pamado Sutra.

I just hoped that I could suppress the refluxing miasma and return my paralyzed lower body to its original state.

But even now it has remained stagnant.

‘Do I have to live like this with half my body disabled?’

He was becoming more and more tired.


[It’s strange. I don’t know why I’m fighting poison. You just have to accept it.]

The moment I heard Mok Gyeong-un’s words I suddenly remembered what my father Baek Yu had said.

[You just have to comply.]


It was the exact moment when I remembered those words.

Baek Saha released the miasma that had been regurgitating and the miraculous energy that had been blocking it.

And he separated it and threw away everything he had been thinking about.



The true nature and venom of Baekshahe which could not mix like water and oil began to blend together.


-What a mess! Damn it!

Cracks appeared on Baek Sa-ha’s skin.

That phenomenon is

-The old sentient being is lucky. He’s going through a complete transformation.

This was just as the young man said.

Bone metamorphosis.

His body was transforming to accommodate his new awareness.

A body worthy of the 8th level of the Permanent Poison Sutra that I had longed for.

It didn’t take very long.

Baek Sa-ha’s body was already fully prepared.

I was just forcibly blocking it.

< Episode 42: Poisonous Man (3) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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