Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 135

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< Episode 39 Encroachment (2) >

Mo Kyung-un smiled accepted the scroll held out from the wall and asked.

“How is your new body? “Ma Seung.”

To this she responded with a face that said she was satisfied with the wall.

“I think it’s worth using.”

It was like that.

Surprisingly the body of the man called Byeok (碧) was already possessed by a demonic monk.

This happened just three days ago.

For the third time after the guard samurai and servants were replaced Byeok secretly came to Mok Gyeong-un’s villa to inspect it.

However this was not the first but the third visit.

Mok Gyeong-un had already sent a horse horse to visit the entire Amjong for four days to find out how it worked and what the power of the Amjong was.


Mok Gyeong-un understood that this person named Byeok was a confidant who was no different from the right hand man of the king of Amjong.

That’s why he was looking for an opportunity and overpowered him as he broke into the outbuilding.

No matter how much his inaction reached its peak and he was good at hiding his presence because he came from the Silent Susalmun (無音愁killing gate) there was no way he could handle the eyes of the vengeful spirit and Mok Gyeong-un’s inaction.

Mokgyeongun judged that the wall he held on to was highly useful.

So he possessed a demonic horse in his body.

In this way the demonic monk who took over the body of the wall had been keeping watch by the side of the female servant for three days under the order of Mok Gyeong-un.

“Hmm. “Is this what the head of the cancer group sees every day?”

Mo Kyung-un asked holding up an old scroll.

To this the demon possessed by the body of the wall nodded his head and answered.

“That’s right. “I saw him for about half an hour every single day.”

After first receiving his report Mok Gyeong-un became curious about the scroll and ordered it to be brought to him for a moment.

No matter what is written you can memorize it all just by looking at it once.

At that time Ma Seung glanced at the man whose head was being held in Mo Gyeong-un’s hands and asked.

“Master who is this person?”

-iced coffee. You mean that sentient being? I think it was the blind guy who sent it last time. Phew.

The person who answered this question was none other than Cheongryeong.

In her annex she was free from her wooden doll and was smoking a cigarette on her teddy bear.

“What if he’s blind?”

-okay. That annoying bastard.

It was the blind Wi Meng-cheon a member of the Wuakhoe a confidant of Hui Zhou’s second disciple Jang Neung-eok.

Unlike the retreating Jang Nung-eok he showed a strange wariness so I thought he would do something troublesome in the near future and my prediction was correct.

He boldly sent someone to Mok Gyeong-un’s villa in Amjong’s manor in the middle of the night.

Of course they were caught as soon as they entered the annex.

“It was quite tongue-in-cheek.”

At those words Ma Seung looked at the unconscious man’s hand.

His hands were a mess.

All of his fingers were bent in the opposite direction and even needles were stuck in his fingernails.

He was properly tortured.

“I was hoping he would hold on a little longer but he opened his mouth at the sixth fingernail.”

Mok Gyeong-un licked his appetite as if he felt regretful.

He had planned to prick him with needles and then rip off his fingernails and toenails.

No matter how patient he was it was difficult to withstand the continued torture after his inner strength was banned.

Mok Kyung-un said taking his hand away from the man’s head.

“Do you know what this person said when he first approached me?”


“He said he was from Jeongjeong Maeng Amcheon.”


Jeongjeongmaeng is from Amcheon?

Does he think that makes sense?

Even deeper suspicion could have been avoided if he had referred to someone else within the Heaven and Earth Association but why did he answer in that way?

Cheongryeong exhaled a long puff of cigarette smoke and spoke to the puzzled demon monk.

-Whoa. Can’t you see it? I’m just thinking about it.

“Fine hair?”

-Perhaps they did it to target the fact that Jung Saeng was a hostage to a political faction. Unlike my master that blind man was suspicious and wary of sentient beings.


-Tsk tsk. Use his head. head.

The demon monk scratched her head at her reprimand.

Although she had an honest side she was a demonic horse that was far from being over-the-top.

Cheongryeong said to Mokgyeongun.

-But I don’t know what kind of guts that blind guy had to send someone like this here. If he had messed up he could have been caught.

Hearing her say this Mok Kyung-un stroked his chin.


Come to think of it that was also the case.

This place is none other than Amjong’s manor.

Because it was a place that managed confidential information and information the security was strict even in the inner walls.

But how did they get to the separate building without being noticed…


For a moment Mo Kyung-un’s eyes became sharp.

-Why are you doing that?

“The storehouse was left open on purpose.”

-Did you leave the barn open on purpose?

What does this mean?

Mok Gyeong-un shook her head and said to the puzzled woman.

“If you leave the storeroom open the thief inside will know what he wants. “If you follow the thief you will even be able to find out his base.”

-no way?

“yes. “It looks like they let it in on purpose.”

There was no way that the border of a place handling confidential information could be breached so easily.

Unless you intentionally let it in.

That means they had already noticed that this person had broken in but it was highly likely that they had let him in to find out what his purpose was.

“It’s not a carcinoma for nothing. “This is the reverse way to prevent someone from breaking in.”


I could feel a lot of people outside.

Soon the window and door weather strips were illuminated by torches one by one starting from the south.

It seemed like the people who had suddenly come in had surrounded the outbuilding so that they could not escape.

Cheongryeong looked at Mo Kyung-un with strange eyes.

The expectations were exactly right.

* * *

A dark alley between walls about 30 miles away from Amjong’s manor.

On the other side of this fence was a middle-aged man with long hair holding a bamboo cane and covering his eyes with a black cloth.

He was none other than the blind Wi Maeng-cheon a member of the Oakhoe and a member of the Iakhoe.

Why is he here not far from cancer?

Soon an unidentified person wearing a mask jumped over the fence came to his side and spoke in a whispering voice.

“Like you said it looks like they were crowded into that guy’s outbuilding.”

“It went as planned.”



Wei Mengchen laughed slightly.

Everything was happening as desired.

I could probably picture Mok Gyeong-un looking embarrassed right now.

He is an extremely clever guy so he would have figured out his true intention by now.

Just a few hours ago

[yes? Is that really okay?]

[okay. However it can’t be done right away. Hold on as long as you can. It may be painful and difficult but it has to be done.]

[What if you say as much as possible?]

[Until his doubts are over.]

[…All right. But wouldn’t it be better to pretend to be the archduke or the woman above him rather than Danju? Just in case.]

[no. He’s a clever guy so if you mention someone he hasn’t even had contact with he’ll quickly figure it out.]


[Rather if I say I sent him he won’t kill me right away.]

[Is that really true?]

[Trust me.]

[All right. But what would happen if he knew that Danju sent him?]

[If he truly surrendered to this association and became a person of Amjong he would tell his master Lord Amjong and if not he would worry about how to deal with it. But that doesn’t matter.]

[Because the carcinoma will move first anyway.]


Carcinoma is confidential so external and internal boundaries are strict.

Of course this isn’t the case for the entire manor but if someone tries to break in from the outside they will notice right away.

Once you get in it’s only a matter of time before you get caught.

[If cancer warriors come forward in large numbers….]

[yes. At that time I will die again as a dark angel of the Justice League.]

This was Wei Mengchen’s real aim.

To create a picture that Mokgyeongun is in contact with Amcheon the ganja of Jeongjeongmaeng.

If that happens the head of the Am clan will have no choice but to suspect Mok Gyeong-un who was a hostage to the political faction.

[Please. Jihang.]

[I will definitely complete my mission.]

[…I will never forget this loyalty.]

[yes. Please take good care of the family members in Danyang.]

[i get it.]

From the beginning it was a plan designed with the intention of losing one’s life.

Telling Mo Gyeong-un the truth along the way was simply to buy time before the warriors of Amjong made their move.

If you lose your life before then you won’t be able to follow your plan.

‘I apologize to my lord but that guy Mok Gyeong-un is not someone you can trust. If he reaps he will become poison and will never be beneficial.

Therefore it would have been better for him to become a member of the political faction and be overthrown.

It would be better if you were unlucky and died.

Even if he had truly converted to the Heaven and Earth Association it was Wei Meng-cheon who could never trust Mo Kyung-un.

“Then let’s go back.”

Iak Wi Maeng-cheon who confirmed that warriors of the Am species were flocking to Mok Gyeong-un’s annex soon left the place with the masked man.

* * *

Wei Mengchen lay down on the bed with a somewhat relieved mind.

He trusted his intuition.

There was nothing more accurate than the sound of his heart.

A person whose heartbeat was normal and whose emotions did not change no matter what happened was far from an ordinary human being.

There was definitely something wrong with such a being.

He expressed his opinion several times to his lord his second Confucius Jang Neung-e but all of them were ignored as his greed for wood cultivation had already grown.

So what can you do?

He had no choice but to solve it on his own terms.

Fortunately what I gained from becoming blind not only maximized my hearing and other senses but also deepened my ability to observe and insight.

It was a number he created through dozens of simulations over the course of seven days.

No matter how clever he is he will not be able to escape and will eventually be dealt with by his teacher Lord Amjong.

‘I feel more comfortable and feel refreshed.’

In that way Wei Mengchen went to sleep in a good mood.

How much time has passed since you fell asleep?


Soon Wei Mengchen quietly lifted his head from the bed.

Since he was blind to begin with all of his senses that did not depend on sight were twice as good as those of an ordinary person and his hearing was even stronger.

Although he was asleep his developed senses allowed him to sense a crisis every time.


At one point it was quiet outside.

It’s so quiet that you feel uncomfortable.

Around his residence four warriors took turns standing guard at night.

I can’t sense their presence.


Wei Meng-cheon stood up from his spot and grabbed the handle of the bamboo staff that contained the bamboo sword.

Then he carefully opened the door and went out.

Wei Mengchen slowly walked to the place where the warriors were standing guard without any trace.

-Whoosh! Whoosh!

I hear breathing.

The steady breathing sound was not what it used to be when I was awake.

‘Are you sleeping?’

Wei Mengchen frowned.

Since they took turns standing guard they never worked sloppily.

But everyone was sleeping no matter how much they could hear their breathing.

At this Wi Meng-cheon became suspicious without knowing why.

Does it make sense that all the bodyguards around the residence are sleeping?

While I was wondering I heard footsteps coming from somewhere.

Although it was approaching as quietly as possible it was clearly audible to his hearing.

-Jump jump jump!

Wei Meng Chen held the handle of his staff and assumed his sword stance.

The sound of these footsteps.

I’ve heard it somewhere.

It was only once but I remembered this clearly.

‘Is that possible?’

He should have been imprisoned in the golden prison of Amjong and being interrogated by now.

But how…


At that moment the presence arrived in front of him at incredible speed.


In an instant Wei Meng-Chen who struck with his sword quickly blocked the sharp anticipatory energy flying towards him.

The sound of metal clashing between swords rang strongly in my ears.


The two people who were clashing swords widened the distance by clashing several swords like lightning.

-Chae chae chaeng! Papapak!

When the distance widened to some extent Wei Mengchen opened his mouth.

“…How did you come here?”

“I guess you were very surprised?”

The owner of that voice was none other than Mok Gyeong-un.

Wei Mengchen could not understand at all.

I understand that the warriors who stood guard at Amjong stepped forward and surrounded Mok Gyeong-un’s outbuilding.

But how did we get here?

Wei Mengcheon who was puzzled soon increased his attack power.

‘We have to subdue him first.’

I don’t know how he got out of the cancer cell and came to his residence but the priority was to subdue him.

That said

“ah! “You have to take this before then.”



Something heavy that cuts through the air.

It felt like it was too heavy to be called memorization so Wei Mengchen easily took two steps back and dodged something Mu Qingyun threw.

It rolled across the floor and stopped in front of Wei Mengchen’s feet.

“What are you doing?”

“I brought back what you gave me. Is there a problem?”

“What on earth did you give it to me…!?”

At that moment Wei Mengchen stopped speaking midway.

After losing his eyesight his senses became twice as good as those of ordinary people.

Naturally this sense also included the sense of smell.

With the scent of blood rising from beneath his feet Wei Meng-Chen was in awe so he stretched out his foot forward and bounced back something that Mo Qing-Yun had thrown.

And he caught it with his left hand.



At that moment Wei Mengchen’s expression hardened.

Coincidentally the touch he felt in his palm was his face.

The owner of that face is none other than


This was Jihang whom he sent to drive Mok Gyeong-un into a political faction.

To be exact it was Jihang’s severed head.

< Episode 39 Encroachment (2) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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