Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 108

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< Episode 30: Master of Assassination (4) >

“Cluck cluck… It’s really hard to hold hands even once.”

Mok Gyeong-un whose mouth was covered in blood smiled bitterly and muttered.

Mok Gyeong-un thought a lot about what to do to contact this spirit beast.

‘How can I access it?’

He saw himself absorbing energy.

Maybe that’s why he tried to control himself and attacked while falling through the yogi.

How can we approach this situation?

He’s so suspicious that unless he’s dead he’ll never get close…


Then this was the method I came up with as a last resort solution.

‘You’re lucky.’

This method was a kind of life-threatening gamble.

The guy thought of himself like an insect but he also thought of himself as a key to get out.

Therefore I was confident that he would try to save her in some way.

And he received that assurance.


Yogi energy beyond imagination was sucked into the palm of my hand through the form of meditation.

It could not be compared to a vicious beast or a monster.

The concentration and vastness were beyond imagination.

It was hard to believe that this thing had been weakened after being sealed for thousands of years.

What level is it at its peak?


Cheongryeong who had been weakened by being robbed of his spiritual energy staggered with a thin face and looked at Mo Kyung-un.

He is a guy who always feels but exceeds expectations.

Who would risk their life to do such a crazy thing?

‘Only that sentient being can do this.’

It was the result of a combination of cleverness insight and the boldness to make it happen.

No matter what that young beast had to save Mok Gyeong-un.

Only then could I get out of here.

‘It’s not like this.’

More than 80% of his spiritual energy has been taken away and he is in a critical situation. However if he helps Mo Kyung-un now his chances of survival will be even higher.

A blood-red glow emanated from her dying eyes.

It was right then.

-Why can’t I quit right now?

A middle-aged man with white hair urged Mok Gyeong-un.

His hair which had been falling down covetously stood up straight and his anger seemed to have reached its peak.

‘You worm-like people!’

How dare you deceive him and target his own charm?

I have to get his hand off somehow.

A middle-aged man with white hair shook his head to remove Mok Kyung-un’s hand.




After adsorbing with a human my energy was not properly controlled.

It seemed like it was because it was moving away too quickly.


In response the white-haired middle-aged man tried to forcibly remove Mok Gyeong-un’s adsorbed wrist with his opposite hand.

But at that very moment


The space mutated as the cavity spread with blood.


It was the blood realm the realm of the spirit’s return.

The white-haired middle-aged man turned his head and made a bewildered expression.

The dying young spirit exploded all of her remaining spiritual power creating the realm of her ears.


The blood from the opened blood system flew in like a whip and grabbed the left arm and legs of the white-haired middle-aged man.

The sticky blood-stained whips turned as tough as leather and bound him.

-You bastard!

The white-haired middle-aged man who was furious tried to forcibly shake it off.


The whip of blood increased due to the tremendous force.

However the blood system of Cheongnyeong who was prepared to disappear was also not easy.


More blood turned into a whip and grabbed the body of a middle-aged man with white hair who was trying to shake it off.


The white-haired middle-aged man’s anger reached its peak.

Even if he had recovered only 30% or even 100% of his strength before he was sealed he could have destroyed these insects with a single wave of his hand.

But I couldn’t do that now.

I don’t know what this bug-like human was doing but the energy in my body became unstable and I couldn’t control it properly.


In the meantime Yogi continued to escape.

The remaining amount has already exceeded 30%.

If things continued like this it might get to a point where it would be difficult to even maintain the current form.

‘Damn bugs.’

It was a dilemma.

Unless your life is in danger you should take the first step but if you do that this weak human being will die.

However if you don’t get away from this guy your vitality will continue to be taken away.

‘Even if this damned ghost doesn’t interfere…’

You can stop it by tearing off the arm absorbing energy with the opposite hand.

But that mischievous spirit doesn’t move perhaps because it’s prepared for extinction.

So the white-haired middle-aged man decided to take a bit of a risk.

-good night. underneath…


The only place that could move were the hands and arms that were holding Mo Kyung-un.

A middle-aged man with white hair lifted Mo Kyung-un up.

Then he hit Mok Kyung-un’s head first on the floor.


‘I’ll knock you out.’

He was about to stun Mo Qingyun and prevent the absorption of his energy.


-this guy…

Even though Mok Kyung-un hit his head so hard that it broke the floor and blood flowed out he did not lose consciousness.


Instead he was staring at himself while breathing heavily.

Those eyes were very annoying.

How dare a being no better than an insect look at you with eyes full of such malice.

Does he look down on himself?

-good night. Let’s see who wins.

-Poof! Quang!

The white-haired middle-aged man lifted Mu Qingyun again and slammed him on the floor.

This time he let his whole body collide.

The white-haired middle-aged man hit the stone floor so hard that it cracked and dented.


Mo Gyeong-un’s complexion turned white as he hit the floor.

And the blood did not stop flowing from his mouth.

Even if that wasn’t the case the internal injuries were severe so of course hitting him down made the injuries worse.

-bang! bang! bang!

The white-haired middle-aged man threw Mo Gyeong-un on the floor one after another.

In order to prevent this Cheongryeong went even further and made a whip out of blood and tried to restrain the right arm of the white-haired middle-aged man.


Perhaps because of the dressing ceremony the blood surrounding his right arm liquefied and melted.

So there was nothing I could do about this.



For the first time a scream of pain came out of Mo Kyung-un’s mouth.

As he continued to hit the stone floor in a defenseless state not only his body but also his bones were broken and his body was in complete disrepair.

He might lose his mind at this point.


A middle-aged man with white hair looked at his neck with a puzzled look.

His eyes were not dead at all.

He was staring at me with a bloodied and dying face and for a moment I felt a chill go down my spine.

‘Does it send a chill down your spine?’

At that moment the white-haired middle-aged man’s expression was distorted horribly like that of a demon.

Isn’t that the feeling of fear?

He felt that way about humans who were nothing more than insignificant insects?

‘That’s ridiculous. ‘It can’t be.’

Even thousands of years before he was sealed there weren’t many things that scared him.

Or rather they had ridiculous strength.

Didn’t even the sages and so-called heroes of ancient times fear the golden fox and the monster monkey?

But compared to those beings this guy is nothing more than a bug or a parasite. How did he manage to send a chill down his spine?

Did being sealed for thousands of years make him so weak?


The white-haired middle-aged man gritted his teeth vigorously.

The energy he had already absorbed was close to 50%.

It was really dangerous now.

In response the white-haired middle-aged man grabbed Mok Gyeong-un who was glaring at him and pulled him towards him.


-This parasite-like bug. You brought it all on yourself.


Then he pulled Mok Gyeong-un to his forehead and headbutted him.

I was wondering what the hell was going on?

At that moment something strange caught Mo Qingyun’s eyes.

Something in a blurry shape suddenly flowed out of the white-haired middle-aged man’s body.


It’s similar to

‘Spiritual body?’

It had the same form as a soul.

However its form did not resemble that of a human when it was alive but rather a form in which light was jagged and protruded like a star.

What is presumed to be a spirit body sticking out like that suddenly


It seeped through Mo Kyung-un’s forehead.


The moment it seeped in Mo Kyung-un threw his head back as if it had been pierced by something sharp.

-Oh no!

The young man who saw this shouted.

Coincidentally it was hidden from behind and I saw it at the moment it penetrated into Mok Gyeong-un’s head.

it is unmistakable

‘Out of body.’

It was Youngsu’s departure from the body.

All living beings have a spiritual body which can be called a soul in addition to a physical body made up of molecules. After the physical body dies the will is converted to the spiritual body but while alive the will cannot be transferred to the spiritual body.

However sometimes there are beings who realize this and are capable of it.

‘Are you trying to control the body by possessing it?’

It seemed that the spirit beast was trying to interfere by leaving the body and directly possessing Mok Gyeong-un with his spirit body.

‘We have to stop it.’

In order to prevent this Cheongnyeong tried to shake Yeongsu’s body.



The body of the white-haired middle-aged man did not move at all.

Rather it was maintained taut by applying force.

‘This can’t be right.’

How can you give will to both your spiritual body and your physical body at the same time?

He was not a spirit beast that had lived for thousands of years for nothing.

As he was doing this a convulsion occurred in Mok Gyeong-un’s head.


It seemed as if the spirits of Yeongsu Yeongche and Mok Kyung-un clashed.

Her expression darkened.

She wanted to help in some way but she was currently on the verge of extinction as her spiritual energy had been consumed to the point where her body became blurred.

It was my limit to be able to hold on to him.


Will Mokgyeongun be able to withstand this?

No matter how special Mok Gyeong-un’s constitution was the opponent was a spirit beast who had lived for thousands of years.

There is also something called class in the soul.

Because it is a being that is infinitely close to a god it is on a different level from the will of Mok Gyeong-un a human being.

Maybe it would be a futile rebellion.

And as if that prediction was exactly right

-bulge! Bulging!

Black veins sprouted from Mok Gyeong-un’s skin and a phenomenon occurred where his body was about to be taken over by possession.


It’s the worst.

The moment Mok Kyung-un took his body it was all over.

His upside-down eyes were trembling like crazy and black blood was flowing from his mouth.

Does this mean that it is impossible for human will to bear the will of a spirit who has lived for thousands of years?

-Tuk! Tuk!

Then the whips of her blood which she had been holding with all her might were broken.

With most of her spiritual power exhausted she could no longer hold on.

She was hopeless now.

It was a moment so despairing that everything felt futile.

It was right then.


The black veins that had been bulging and protruding all over Mo Kyung-un’s face began to subside.

‘no way?’

I’m doing it


The eyes that had been shaking wildly since they had flipped over quickly returned to their original state.

at that moment


A star-shaped sphere of spirit protruded from Mo Qingyun’s forehead and soon penetrated into the head of the white-haired middle-aged man who had escaped.

Then a middle-aged man with white hair suddenly screamed.


What on earth is going on? While I was wondering the white-haired middle-aged man lost his arrogant expression and opened his mouth with eyes full of tension or fear.

-What the hell are you?

“Haa…haa…what…are you saying…?”

-What is that thing inside you…boo!

Before he could finish his sentence the white-haired middle-aged man suddenly showed a painful expression.

Then she started to twist her body wildly.


What on earth is going on?

As he was doing this the white-haired middle-aged man’s skeleton suddenly began to change drastically.

-Wow! Wood clatter!

What phenomenon is this?

His skeleton grew rapidly and hair even sprouted from his face and entire body.

The speed was so fast that the fur tore through the clothes and covered the entire body in an instant.

And even a tail sprouted.

The skeleton and fur grew large enough to reach the ceiling of the cavity.

It has become something that can no longer be considered a human form.



It was like that.

The white-haired middle-aged man transformed into a huge raccoon dog that was twice the size of a human.

Is this the true identity of this spirit beast?


As its body grew its hands became much larger than those of Mokgyeongun and took on a grasping form.

Maybe that’s why my hand that was doing the dressing ceremony felt like it was going to break.


Ani Youngsu a white-haired middle-aged man who had become a giant monster raccoon spoke in an angry voice.

-Inoooooom. Come on take the main seat…..



At that time the eyes of Yeongsu who had become a monster raccoon wavered.

As expected something made of faint light suddenly filled Youngsu’s neck arms and legs.

Youngsu turned his head with trembling eyes.


There the hanging scroll that the guy escaped from was floating in the air and something like a white string came out from there and was connected to the light shackles that were restraining the spirit beast’s neck arms and legs.

Youngsu saw this and shouted in an embarrassed voice.

-It can’t be like this. The seal was clearly broken and came out…..


That was before the words were even finished.

At that moment a string of white light pulled the monster that had become a raccoon dog at great speed and its body began to be sucked into the scroll.

-Oh no!


In response Mok Gyeong-un hurriedly got dressed and kicked the guy.


-Inoooooom! Let’s go together!

Yeongsu who was being dragged by a white rope tried to hold on to Mok Gyeong-un’s ankles but


At that moment something grabbed Mok Kyung-un’s wrist and pulled him.

It was Cheongryeong.


Yeongsoo’s eyes widened as he let go of Mokgyeongun in an instant.

However there was no need to do anything about it.


With a scream filled with madness Yeongsu was immediately sucked into the scroll.

As the water was completely sucked in a large raccoon dog which was not there before was depicted howling on one of the cliffs in the scroll painting.



The hanging scroll that had imprisoned Youngsu fell to the floor and rolled up on its own as if it had completed its task.

Cheongnyeong who was confused as he saw this spoke with difficulty.

-The seal…isn’t…completely…loosened. It really seems like heavenly luck…..rebirth?

At that time her expression hardened.

The skin on Mokgyeongun’s wrist that he was holding on to was crumbling.

When she let go of it her arm fell as if she lost strength.


The cracks quickly spread throughout Mo Gyeong-un’s fallen body.

The bark was broken and scattered like bare branches or dying trees in winter.


And in that shattering shell


New skin full of luster was emerging.

Cheongryeong looking at this couldn’t hide his excitement and muttered.

-Hwanbone metamorphosis.

< Episode 30: Master of Assassination (4) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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