Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 87

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< Episode 24: Raw Footnote (2) >

Spiritual solitude technique.

It was a technique called a forbidden secret art.

More than 60% of the existing martial arts are derived from Taoism and there once existed a Taoist school that made it popular and created a revival.

That was the Mosanpa (茅山派).

The Mosan School (茅山派) was a school with a high reputation in Taoism but it went extinct a long time ago.

Now not even a trace remains.

There are many theories about the extinction of the family but the most influential one is that the 6th emperor of the Yan Dynasty surrendered to the government and joined hands with the government during the persecution of the Wulin Dynasty.

Most of the techniques that remained in the extinct Mosan sect were lost but sometimes some of their past legacies were discovered.

One of them is

‘Ahh. I thought the spirit of solitude would be in vain.’

It was the art of spiritual solitude discovered by In Seo-ok the footnote of Wonsalgak (原殺閣).

The successive lords of Wonsalgak which was based in Shaanxi Province used to visit the collapsed valley called Bongrim (封林) in the distant past.

The same was true for Seo-ok a footnote from Wonsal. When he reached the age of Gapja (甲子) he discovered several secret techniques engraved in a cave in a deep valley.

One of them was this spiritual solitude technique.

[The gods of heaven and earth helped me with this footnote.]

Wonsalgakju who discovered this could not hide his joy.

However the joy did not last long.

This was because more than 80% of the secret arts he discovered were prohibited in the sixty-four corners of Bangwon.

As expected most of the masters of magic were living beings.

‘This can’t be happening.’

Wonsalgakju had many concerns about this.

The forbidden world that had been dry for so long was on the verge of opening but as a practitioner who pursues the pinnacle of occult magic I could not allow it to be shut down due to rules.

That is why he left Bangwon Sixty-Four Squares and entered the Heaven and Earth Association.

He made this decision because he was convinced that Cheonjihoe was the only place that could make his wishes come true.



Ganja Neunghwayang staggering on a cart.

No Gyu So-ha who was possessed by the body of the Neunghwa Yang could not bear the pain.

This was because it was difficult to maintain the possession state due to the enormous spiritual pressure.


Also the timing wasn’t that good.

Thanks to the thick bushes the sunlight was at least blocked but the spirit was inevitably weakened during the day when it was filled with the energy of positive life.

It was the same even if the status was high.


The fact that the veins were sticking out black was a sign that the possession was weakening.

‘I have to run away.’

Gyu Soo-ha instinctively came to a conclusion.

Those two people in front of me were completely different from ordinary people.

In particular the old man holding that cane was truly a monster.

The force emanating from his entire body was overturning the surrounding area.


Gyu Soha enduring the pain jumped off the cart and flew backwards.

But there was another problem here.

In this body the muscles of both legs were severed and the dantian was destroyed.

“Damn it!”

If I wasn’t weakened and it wasn’t daylight I could control my body and restore it to a certain extent but I couldn’t do that right now.

After a moment of contemplation Gyu Soha decided to throw away his body.

Anyway in the current situation this body was just an obstacle to escape.

-Sleep! thud!

Neunghwayang’s body fell to the floor.

At the same time Kyusohah emerged from the flesh and tried to soar into the sky.




A gray curtain covering a radius of 15 miles from the sky.

When I saw this I was at a loss for words.

‘What kind of person…’

Is it possible to create something like a ghost realm that a high-ranking vengeful spirit can form?

The spiritual pressure created by the main force is also ridiculous.

I didn’t know much because I was alone and trapped inside the cliff but it wasn’t a monster that I could do anything about even at night.


However it was impossible to just sit still.


The silicon painter stretched out his hand into the air.

Then numerous chains rose from the floor and flocked towards one point.

The only way to escape was to break through that membrane in some way so I was concentrating my energy.


“Hehehe. Who said they leave things like that?”

-Park! Pop! Pop!

Wonsal Footnote Inseo Jade made her hand sign with her left hand.

She swept the Geumgangji and Taoji and then her Sword Ji with her staff and she swung it wildly.

Then strangely enough she


The tree trunk of the bush grew longer and soon it flew like a whip and caught the chains that Gyu So-ha had made.


Gyu So-ha hurriedly waved his hand downwards.

Then some of the chains turned towards Inseo-ok Wonsalgakju.

At that moment someone blocked my path.

He was a Bangsa Joui-gong.

-Park! Pop! Pop! Pop!

Lim! Fight! Dog! Ash!

He was a prisoner of the old rehabilitation law.

Let’s overlap the index fingers and thumbs of both hands and aim at the incoming chains.



The chain bounced off and flew towards Gyu So-ha.

It was a secret technique among the methods of self-salvage.

In an instant the chain flew backwards and pierced the thigh of Gyu So-ha who was trying to avoid it by twisting his body.


It was bound to be painful as it hit my weakened spiritual body.

However if you make the chain disappear it will be in vain to break the curtain by gathering it to one point beyond being crushed by the tree trunk.

‘You have to endure it.’


The chain hit the gray membrane and blue and red flames shot out like lightning at the same time.

It was a phenomenon that arose when main power and spiritual power collided.

“Where are you running away from?”

The Duke of Bangsangjo took out an amulet from his bosom and tried to recite his spell.

But before that Wonsalgakju In Seo-ok took out the amulet and immediately flew it towards the green spirit Gyu So-ha.

“Change-style cut flower policy and salary rate regulations!”

With the end of the spell


The flame took the form of a bird and flew towards Gyu So-ha.

Gyu So-ha who was unable to move due to the chain being stuck in his thigh was struck by it with a direct hit.



With a scream the chains that had been shaped by spiritual power disappeared.

Then Gyu Soha fell to the floor.

Kyusohah’s entire body was blackened by the flames created by his main force.

The condition wasn’t that good.

-Damn radiation!

“Hehehe. You have a rough mouth. “This Gokju is like a parent to you.”


When Wonsal Footnote In Seo-ok waved the cane the sound of silver coins clinking was heard and the red letters engraved on the outside of the cane glowed with gold.

With that a hand made of clay shot out from the floor and grabbed both of Kyusoha’s arms and both legs at the same time.

-Whoosh! Sigh!

-Let go!

“Do you think you can run away?”


Gyu Soha summoned spiritual power and tried to create chains.

However when both arms and legs were grabbed I felt strangely weak.

“It’s no use. No matter how high your rank is if you are captured by a spirit ghost your spiritual power will disperse and you will not be able to give strength.”


I was losing strength to deny it.

I could feel my spiritual body sagging.

While doing so Wonsalgakju In Seo-ok approached Gyu So-ha holding a cane.

Then she lifted her chin with the tip of her wand.


“Hoo. “It turned out better than I expected.”


Kyu So-ha opened his mouth like an animal and tried to look threatening towards In Seo-ok.

But it had no effect.

Rather Wonsal footnote Inseo Ok clicked her tongue and said.

“It hasn’t been tamed yet so it shows its molars like a wild animal. Don’t worry about anything. “This Gokju will refine it so that it is very usable.”

-Don’t be funny. human being!

“Hehehe. I completely forgot that I was human. Well it’s not a bad phenomenon because it’s proof that the level has increased.”

In Seo-ok was rather satisfied.

Then her disciple Bangsangjo’s master approached her and said

“Master is this it?”

“That’s right. “If I had been a little more clever I would have been able to create a blue spirit in a short period of time but it’s really unfortunate.”

“Huh. Even so you are truly amazing.”

Duke Jo said with a truly surprised expression.

That’s because a vengeful spirit of this caliber was created artificially in just 15 years.

It was a feat that no other radiologist had been able to accomplish.

Of course there are no people who would welcome that achievement.

“Are you going to let it mature a little more in solitude?”

“no. “It’s impossible.”

“What if it’s unreasonable?”

“Once the sobriety is broken it is difficult to continue practicing solitary techniques. “It’s a shame that it’s a bit inferior to what I expected but it’s enough to pamper me so I guess I’ll have to make a new jar.”


Gyu So-ha gritted his teeth at these words of raw murder.

I didn’t know what they were talking about earlier but when I heard it I realized that it was they who created that hell-like cliff?

After learning the truth my anger rose.

– Damn old man. You!


“Hehehe. They are trying to recover their spiritual power just by getting angry lest they think it is a vengeful spirit. one…..”



When he waved the silver coin on his staff Gyu So-ha blocked his ears and was in pain.

The sound made by a silver coin with a mantra engraved on it creates pain that stimulates the spirit body of vengeful spirits.

“If you don’t want to be expelled it’s better to stay still.”


Gyu So-ha was startled probably because he felt fear at the word ‘priest’.

No matter how much he was a vengeful soul he couldn’t help but feel fear at the thought of being decommissioned.

Looking at Gyu So-ha like that In Seo-ok a nobleman stroked his beard and said.

“But I’m really curious.”

“What do you mean? “Master.”

“This note’s technique of spiritual solitude was perfect. “But I don’t know how I was able to escape.”

There was no flaw in the technique.

But it was broken.

It would have been more understandable if this green spirit in front of me had been completed to the blue spirit level.

But since he wasn’t either I didn’t understand.

“Then wouldn’t it be because Priest Yoon neglected the management of the cliff?”

“That can’t be possible. This footnote has also been checked periodically.”

Bangsa Joui-gong scratched his head probably embarrassed by his teacher’s firm words.

Then Wonsal footnote Inseo Ok shook her head and took out an amulet from her bosom.

“It doesn’t matter what happens. “If it is not due to the amount of interest it is a problem that can be found out through gradual investigation.”

With that he brought the amulet to Gyu Soha’s forehead.

Then Gyu Soha who sensed something ominous turned his head and tried to avoid it.

“I would have said it was no use.”


Inseo-ok forcibly placed her amulet on her forehead.

This was written in red ink on her amulet:


Wonsalgakju In Seo-ok spoke as if Bangsa Jo Uigong his disciple wanted him to listen.

“Take a good look. “I’ll show you how to turn a vengeful spirit created through Spiritual Solitude into a food spirit.”

In Seo-ok’s face showed anticipation.

Originally it was almost impossible to control a vengeful spirit as a food spirit.

However this technique which is a continuation of the Spiritual Solitary Art was able to make possible what was impossible with all existing magic systems.

“Law on Prolonging the Prolongation of Breeding.”

With those words In Seo-ok recited a spell.

“Heaven Earth Yin-Yang the blessings of this day the spirits of ancient ancestors spirits and spirits the poetry of Sihyang-si the water-water-gu-bak the sacred principles the daily-week-old grave the Tong-sin-su-o-so the Su-sosa-sa Geun-mig-ju-gwa and the upward wage rate ordinance!”


As soon as the spell was over the amulet turned into a blue flame and burned.

Then the ash powder gave off a soft glow and was sprinkled all over Gyu So-ha’s body.

The corner of In Seo-ok’s mouth went up as she looked at this.

It was finally the moment I had been waiting for.

‘If I could control a high-ranking vengeful spirit as a food spirit…’

It may also be possible to control the ‘thing’ that was called a disaster as a food spirit.

In Seo-ok smiled and said to the green spirit Gyu So-ha.

“Who is this footnote?”

Soon the word ‘master’ will come out of Gyu Soha’s mouth.

I was looking at it with eyes full of expectation.

– Damn old man.


Wonsal Footnote Inseo Jade frowned at her.


Obviously according to the method of breeding extending expanding solitude had to become one’s food spirit.

But why doesn’t he call himself master?

Is it because my status is high and my ego is strong?


“Call this footnote owner.”

-go away!


In Seo-ok’s eyes narrowed.

Something went wrong.

There was obviously no problem with the jutsu so why didn’t she respect him as her master?

In Seo-ok spoke in a voice filled with anger.

“This footnote is your master. “Obey the orders of each state immediately.”

-Who says you are the owner? Damn old man. If you want to be the master bark like a dog in front of me.

“This guy!”

In the end Inseo-ok got angry and hit Gyu So-ha on the head with her cane.


Gyu So-ha screamed in pain after being hit by a staff with an incantation engraved on it.


“This footnote says you own it…..”

Then I heard someone’s voice.

“Elder. Why are you hitting someone else’s dog like that?”


At the sound of the voice being heard Seo-ok frowned and looked there.

Standing there was a boy with a very handsome face who had approached me at some point.

He was none other than Mok Gyeong-un.

“I am the owner of it.”

At this voice the green spirit Gyu So-ha shouted with an angry face.



In Seo-ok’s expression became horribly distorted.

< Episode 24: Raw Footnote (2) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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