Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 78

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< Episode 21: Captain (4) >


The eyes of Moharang in Mohwabang were shaking.

The blurry shape of the chains wrapped around her body seemed like her fantasy and as she tried to move her body it tightened and restricted her even more.

As she was trying to raise her inner strength her neck cultivator approached her and said

“The price for seeing what you want will be quite expensive is that okay?”

A smiling face.

But that smile was truly full of malice.

How can you smile like that if you don’t have any killing energy?

At that moment she remembered a story she had heard before.

[There is one person out of tens of thousands of people who is born with a killing nature.]

[What is that?]

[It is the nature of feeling joy pleasure and the reason for existence in death and extinction.]

[….Isn’t it dangerous?]

[It’s not dangerous. If you can properly tame one it can be said to be the best killer.]

[The best?]

[okay. Salseong is unwavering in killing someone. That’s why I don’t get emotionally swayed.]

[That could be a talent.]

That was the time when Mohwabang was still called a four-point shooting group.

She thought that Mok Gyeong-un might be the life-saving nature her father had talked about back then.

If that’s the case she may have touched something dangerous.

But this didn’t matter.

Moharang looked straight into Mokgyeongun’s eyes and said.

“I will pay any price.”

“How much is it?”

“If it means revealing a secret I’m prepared.”

“Be prepared…but you only have one life can you live as long as you want?”

Mok Gyeong-un still has a smiling face.

But her words were extremely cruel.

-Master. Please give me this human body.

Gyu Soha the green spirit said with her greedy eyes.

Moharang was startled as if he heard this voice and looked at Gyu Soha.

At this Gyu So-ha tilted her head and muttered.

-human being. Can you hear my voice too?


Cheongryeong also showed interest in those words.

She deliberately revealed her appearance but she did not even allow her voice to be heard.

But being able to hear this

-It looks like the spiritual eye has been opened.

“Young eye?”

-okay. I haven’t opened my eyes to the ghost eye that sees the essence of the other side like you but I think I have gained the eyes to see the soul at the crossroads of life and death.

Cheongryeong called it the spiritual eye.

Mo Harang couldn’t take his eyes off Gyu So Ha as if he couldn’t even hear her voice.

Mo Harang carefully removed her lips.

“Are you…really a ghost?”

-why? Do I look like just a human being?

Gyu So-ha raised the corners of her mouth.

The fear of living humans was like food to the vengeful spirit.

But she said Mo Harang showed feelings different from her fear.


Something seems heightened.

It was almost like that feeling when she saw what she was looking for.

Mokgyeongun said to her:

“You have an interesting reaction. “Has it been your wish to see the dead?”

“no. no. “That’s not it.”

Moharrang’s voice trembled.

She said as she turned her head looked at her neck and braced her neck as if she had made a decision.

“I’ll pay whatever price you want. Even if it means my life.”


At her words the interest in Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes cooled.

She has seen so many deaths that she can somewhat distinguish between those who are truly prepared to die and those who are not and she is closer to the former.

She was prepared to risk her life if necessary.

She continued her words to Mok Gyeong-un.

“Help me instead.”

“…Hmm. “Please help me.”

Mok Kyung-un muttered with an annoyed expression.

Then she moved her fingers towards her neck and said

“Why should I do that? “It’s just annoying.”

-Hold on!

Her fingers pressed into where her uvula was.

She spoke with unwavering eyes.

“Body….You said your ghost wanted a body. “If you do me a favor I will give you this body as much as you want.”

“It may seem like a second but you don’t have to you can still take the body now.”

Moharang’s eyes became sharp at Mok Gyeong-un’s words.

At that moment a sharp energy emanated from her body.

-Chaekang! Cheek!

Then her chains made with Gyu So Ha’s spiritual power were cut off.

Before she knew it her mother-in-law was holding a sharp dagger in both hands.

The dagger had a shimmering spirit attached to it and it was forged much sharper than Jusalgok’s sword.

-Go away.

The young man warned.

At this Mok Kyung-un took a half step back and slightly shook her head to the side.

At that moment several trajectories drew lines before her eyes narrowly passing around her neck.

If she had been a little late parts of her body including her chin would have been cut.

No she got slightly cut.


A drop of blood flowed down where the trace passed.


It was much thinner than thread but it was elastic.

This thread-like thing tied to the back of the dagger stuck in the floor surrounded it to prevent it from moving.

Moharrang said in a cold voice.

“Don’t look at me so funny.”

Her voice was full of life.

In response Mok Kyung-yun twitched her lips and spoke.

“There was a hidden trick.”

As I was doing so I heard her voice.

-I heard it was a dagger technique that I had seen a lot of times and it seems to be in the lineage of the King of Sal.

“King of Sal’s genealogy?”

As soon as Mok Gyeong-un’s question was over a strange look appeared in Mo Harang’s eyes.

She said she couldn’t understand.

“What are you?”

Moharang was truly surprised.

It was because I had no idea that the words ‘lineage of the king of flesh’ would come out of Mok Gyeong-un’s mouth.

-What is even more strange is that even after seeing Yeonsal (聯殺) and Seomyeongbi Dosul (剡影飛刀術) she cannot think of King Sal.

Hearing Cheongryeong’s words Mok Gyeong-un said them exactly.

“It’s even more strange that you can’t think of King Sal even after seeing Yeonsal and Seomyeongbidojutsu.”


Moharang’s eyes widened at those words.

Yeonsal was known to many people and there were few people who did not know about it.

However Seonyeongbidosul was different.

This was a vision that only the Ark of Mohwabang could master.

It is literally a vision and it is almost unknown because it is not used unless it is an enemy that must be killed or is difficult to handle.


‘King of Death’ is the predecessor of this room. He said “This is a story that only the Ark and its descendants know about through word of mouth. How does he know?”

That was the moment she was confused.

Mo Kyung-un stepped on the floor strongly.

Then her wooden board was pushed downward and the part where the dagger was stuck rose upward.

At the same time the thin thread that had been tightly wrapped around it became loose.


At this moment Mok Gyeong-un flew his body towards her in one fell swoop and grabbed her neck.

Of course Moharang did not stay still.

The moment Mo Qingyun rushed towards her she immediately came to her senses and stabbed the dagger towards Mo Qingyun’s heart as she had practiced tens of thousands of times.

No to be precise only the tip of the dagger was slightly dug in.

‘It’s fast.’


He would have dug deeper if Mok Kyung-un hadn’t grabbed his wrist with his left hand.

Her movements were so rapid that it was difficult to react even when seeing them with her own eyes.

Moharang was definitely much stronger than Jusalgok’s Cheomga.



As Neck Cultivation tightened her grip she frowned in pain as if her wrist was about to break.

In the meantime Mok Gyeong-un chuckled as he saw that she didn’t make a single moan.

“You are strong. “When did you put this on my neck?”


Before I knew it a silver thread was hanging around Mo Kyung-un’s neck.

The dagger which had been stuck on the floor and bounced upwards was hanging from the ceiling and would have strangled her only for Moharrang to pull her hand away.

“Why don’t you pull it?”

“You’re not strangling yourself either.”

As he said Mokgyeongun grabbed Moharang’s neck with his right hand but did not apply any force.

As a result she also did not pull her thread.

To be honest she was holding back because if she pulled this Mok Gyeong-un’s neck would be cut off.

This was an area where they really killed each other.

‘If you kill him it will be a violation of the restrictions of this gateway.’

And there was still something I wanted from Mok Gyeong-un.

That’s why I can’t kill you…


At that time Mok Gyeong-un let go of her hold on her neck and placed his finger on her thread.

At that moment her threads which had been taut soon became flaccid.


Moharang’s eyes widened.

She was indeed shedding her true energy but as if it had dissipated her thread no longer listened to her.

‘What is this?’

She couldn’t understand.

While I was doing that Mok Gyeong-un said.

“It seems like it could be quite useful.”


“I was going to give it to Soha in the flesh but I don’t think it would be a bad idea to just use it.”

“What are you saying now…”

“You said you would pay any price for what you wanted right?”

Moharang hesitated for a moment at Mok Gyeong-un’s words.

She obviously decided to do so but perhaps because of Mok Gyeong-un’s sudden change in attitude she hesitated for a moment.

Then Mok Gyeong-un suddenly grabbed her collar and pulled her.



Then she stabbed her dagger and forced her wrist to bend in the direction where she was.

I wanted to stop this by raising her energy but the true energy sent to her wrist kept scattering and I lost my strength so I couldn’t do anything.


Before she knew it the dagger she was holding was pointed towards her face.

Is she really trying to kill herself?

As she was doing that something fell from her and she wet her lips.

It was none other than a drop of blood.

-Drop drip!

The blood from Mok Gyeong-un which was on the tip of her sword was about to drip into her mouth.

As she was about to close her mouth Mok Gyeong-un spoke.

“Spread it open.”


What are you talking about?

I couldn’t figure out why it was doing this.

However she soon decided that he was not trying to kill her and opened her mouth without raising any questions.

Then the blood droplets that had formed on the tip of her dagger fell into her mouth.


She did as she was told.

The moment she swallowed the drop of blood that entered her mouth


Her heart felt very hot.

The searing pain was consuming her body and it was so painful that Mok Gyeong-un forcibly shook off her hand that was holding her and immediately tried to put her in the lotus position.

‘Poison… it’s poison.’

Pain that causes the five organs and six parts to become distorted.

She was sure it was poison.

As a descendant of a certain painter called the Four Masters she was somewhat familiar with poison and even consumed some extreme poisons to develop a tolerance to them.

But Mo Gyeong-un’s blood could not even be compared to that.

‘How can there be such poison in the blood…’

The venom was so strong as if she had condensed numerous poisons.

Even saying she was extremely poisonous was not enough.

‘If I don’t get lucky soon…..’


As she was trying to cross-legged Mok Kyung-un kicked her in the stomach.


She was already suffering from the pain of her five organs and six parts being twisted and when she was kicked in the abdomen she burst into tears from the pain and wanted to kill Mok Gyeong-un.



At that time Mok Kyung-un pressed his foot on her shoulder and collarbone and said.

“I said I would pay any price. “Then I hope from this moment on she will be a faithful dog.”

“You…you don’t have to go this far…”

“Ahh. That’s not possible. “I never trust people.”

Moharang’s eyes wavered.

She felt like she had made a huge mistake.

This guy was more twisted than he ever imagined.

It cannot be defined by murder or anything but this was truly evil itself.

* * *

The boys walked around the rooms giving up their luck and rest to collect money.

They were surprised to see a group walking down the hallway.


‘…Is this real?’

‘what? ‘It doesn’t make sense.’

They couldn’t believe their eyes.

Two men and women are following Mo Gyeong-un on both sides.

They were the descendants of Jusalgok and Mohwabang who were said to be the most promising at the gateway to Sihyeolgok.

The ban on inner strength had also been lifted. Everyone expected that each of them would naturally become a leader and lead others.

But what is this?

Could it be that those two people at the level of a leader went under that guy?

< Episode 21: Captain (4) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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