Why Did I Have to Enroll Chapter 51

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Lesson 12. Monster Wave – 1

Light giggled at what was funny in the morning.

“Assemble. Fuh.”

“I know it’s funny, but please stop.”

“No, it’s funny to use that word in that situation. Puhhh.”

I didn’t have time to think in many ways, so I sent a text message urgently.

biting it off

Maybe assemble (assemble) is a word with a very funny meaning in the country of light.

Dokgoyeon, who was sitting next to Light, rolled his eyes at him as he ate fried spring rolls.

“I hope you feel comfortable. If you take out the Holy Sword right away just because it’s a little dangerous, I know you won’t stay still.”

“Because I know. It’s just that I have to say…”

Wright shrugged his shoulders as he ate a spoonful of exotic-scented stir-fried pork bibimbap (not fried rice, but stir-fried pork and mixed with sauce). .

“I have an anti-jae battlefield consciousness. That’s why I should say that it won’t change much if I tell you that a threat awaits us.”

It is said to maintain tension as if it is always on the battlefield, so it is an anti-jae battlefield.

Even a semi-yuwon who had never served in the military would find it absurd.

Even the one who said that was Wright.

Dokgoyeon laughed at Light on behalf of the party.

“It’s not really even funny.”

“Did you ever want to do humor that doesn’t fall behind assemble?”

“Poop… Yuwon Ah~.”

“It’s not humor! And you, Lucille! Did you just laugh at me and ignore me casually?”

Should I say I’m really glad that Ruchel’s personality has become a lot bolder or I’m worried about the future?

Ban Yu-won was thinking about that while chewing on rice, but Wright insisted with an unfair face.

“The dimension I lived in was originally like that! Our country’s soldiers did not relax even for a moment and were vigilant of the border, and Abba… His Majesty the King always practiced martial arts, saying that in case of emergency, you should know how to protect yourself even without the protection of an escort knight. Me too of course… Ouch!”

“I don’t need spiritualism, so get rid of it.”

Dok-go-yeon, who hit Light with his fingers by flicking the rice grass that had fallen on the table, spoke in a cold voice.

“If a situation arises, it means to move as we agreed yesterday. all right?”


After breakfast, the party prepared and gathered in the auditorium.

It was truly spectacular to see all the students from 1st grade to 5th grade gathered together.

Even if the number of students decreases as they get older due to reasons such as dropping out or dying during exploration, the total number is about 1,000.

All of them were the best giraffe sons in all dimensions who dreamed of becoming gods.

The freshmen in the first year still had a sense of inexperience, but from the second year, who had been through the tower for a year, they all showed a seasoned look.



After calling Ban Yu-won by name, Dok-go-yeon looked around and spoke in a satisfied voice.

“Starting the channel is a really good thing.”

“Yeah, I think so too.”

Ban Yu-Won also smiled bitterly and agreed with her words.

Surprisingly, in this suffocating place where all the students observe and check each other, there was not much hostility towards Ban Yu-won.

They were definitely in a position to be wary of among the first graders, but it was easy for those who watched their videos favorably to soften their eyes even a little.

‘Originally, even people in the world I lived in would naturally nod their heads saying, “I have to earn money,” even if I was jealous when a person I didn’t know was making 2 billion a year.

More than anything, Rebellion is now in a position to stand against the special class, gaining support from the majority of ordinary students who do not belong to the special class.

In return, there is no sense of completely turning the special class into an enemy, but because of their origins, they had no choice but to become enemies anyway, so I didn’t care.

‘Especially if the special activities become dangerous…’

“Have you all gathered?”

At the right time, Yumina appeared and approached them.

She was wearing a picnic hat made of flowers and stems woven over her hair made of flowers, which gave a very bright atmosphere.

Even if she suddenly reveals that she is the goddess of flowers, she feels like she will nod and say that she knew that somehow.

The flower goddess spoke strange words to them.

“Everyone is pretty and cool. But since it’s a day to go outside, I think it would be nice to decorate it a little.”

All the students are wearing the same uniform, but the decoration is a piece of shit.

I thought so, but Yumina immediately plucked four flowers from the hat she was wearing and put them one by one in the ears of the party.

Dok-go-yeon hated it and tried to avoid it, but no matter how raw and creepy she was, she couldn’t defeat Yumina.

In the end, all members of Class 11 ended up wearing flowers in their hair.

Ban Yu-won wanted to cry a little.


“…This is for sure.”



“This pretty flower will protect you wherever you go!”

Dok-go-yeon, who was about to pluck the flowers right away, hesitated when he heard that.

It is because he noticed that this flower was one of the protective measures Yumina had prepared.

she gritted her teeth and asked.

“Aside from these damn pretty flowers… is there anything else?”

“You can change the shape a little bit. Which do you prefer, a headband or a hair tie?”

“If there was such a thing, I’d do it with a hair tie.”

As the flowers turned into a hair tie decorated with colorful flowers, Dok-go-yeon bit her lip and tied her long white hair back.

In doing so, her pure white and smooth neck was exposed, and Ban Yu-won inadvertently glanced at it.

Since he is Dokgo Yeon, who usually doesn’t pay much attention to his appearance, when he reveals his gaps, it feels more attractive.

“Half-yuwon? Is there something wrong?”

“Uh no.”

“…Professor, please change me too. With a lace headband.”

“That would be nice too!”

Seeing Ban Yu-Won’s eyes on Dok-Ko-Yeon, Ruchel, who felt a sense of competition, made a request for a different direction to Yu-Mina.

Ruchel, who decorated her hair with a gorgeous lace hairband with flowers, had her hair originally bright pink, so it matched perfectly.


Ban Yu-won, who saw that, recalled the previous time when he was shopping with Ruchel.

Now I understand why the clothing store clerks recommended Lolita fashion, which felt too flashy and old-fashioned, to her.

It wasn’t just because a corset could accentuate her figure.

In the first place, Ruchel was an extremely rare being who actually matched fancy clothes and accessories that appeared only in cartoons.



At the exclamation he vomited without much thought, Lucille clenched her fists in delight.

Then, as if he had won, he looked at Dok-go-yeon with a proud expression, but Dok-go-yeon only looked at her with a gaze wondering what the beast was like.

“Should we, Ban, do something special?”

Meanwhile, Wright asked Ban Yu-Won if he felt threatened when two of his colleagues transformed flowers into plausible hair ornaments.

Ban Yu-won replied.

“How about putting a flower in your mouth? In our world, good men do that.”

“That sounds so inconvenient…”

Damn it failed!

Banyuwon, who had killed Light and cowardly tried to survive only himself, had no choice but to choose to destroy himself.

“Then you should just plug it in and go. A man should be confident in any situation.”

“That’s right. Because we are men!”

“Come here, both of you. I will exchange them for earrings.”

In the end, Professor Zenon came up on the podium while the two people, who ended up hanging flower-shaped jewelry earrings, drew attention from all directions.

“Did everyone gather? great. We will start our special activities from now on. Board the dimension line in turn, starting with class 1 of the first year.”

A dimensional ship?

At the time when Ban Yu-Won had such a question, a translucent oval ring suddenly appeared in front of the eyes of Ortima, the first student in the first grade.

What can be seen inside the ring is clearly somewhere different from this space.

It was probably the inside of a ship called the Dimension Line.

“professor? As far as I know, there is a spaceship dock in the floating island.”

“Small spaceships are mainly used by seniors for small-scale special activities such as space exploration, and dimension lines are used for large-scale special activities. The principal and Professor Zenon have the authority to control.”

Yumina responded calmly to Ban Yu-won’s question, which was surprised by something beyond her imagination.

But can a thing that cannot be confirmed even be called a ship?

No matter how much Ortima is, seeing as if it’s the first time in a dimension line, he seems to be slowing down. As expected, this school is strange.


“Big eggplant.”

Ortima clears her throat when one of the boys in class 1 calls her name and steps out into an unknown space.

It was Russein, so Ban Yu-won knew his name for the first time now.

“Professor Mina Yu, you’ve been with me throughout this special activity.”

“Professor Cantone.”

Class 1 students are bravely charging into the dimension line following Ortima.

Their professor, Alec de Cantone, spoke to Yumina.

He is in charge of the top research course (many associate professors under him were in charge of lectures because it was a compulsory course for all students) and is one of the full professors of the academy. It was one.

“I wondered what the meaning of the lower-dimensional special screening was, but wasn’t it unexpectedly helpful to our relationship? Isn’t that fun?”

“There doesn’t seem to be a connection between me and Professor Cantone.”

Yumina didn’t even think of putting on a fake smile and replied coldly.

She was basically polite to everyone, so this kind of reaction was surprising.

Is it because he has been receiving so many stupid approaches from him?

For some reason, Ban Yu-won had a strong idea that it might not be because of that reason.

The answer came quickly. from Professor Cantone.

“Did you still have the things from the last meeting in your heart? Professor Yumina and Alec are not the types to cling uglyly to things that have already passed. So, I can assure you that nothing like what you are concerned about…”

Why are you glancing at the anti-yuwon in that part?

In Ban Yu-Won’s mind, the wariness toward this man increased.

On the other hand, Yumina’s expression became even colder.

“Professor Cantone. You said you weren’t the type to cling uglyly to the past.”

“of course.”

“Then I hope you don’t get hung up on talking to me. I think you’ll understand what I’m saying.”

Hum… Hum….

The students around him who heard the refusal clearly understood that even a person who had never been in a relationship in their life started whispering.

And Banyuwon captured the entire process on video.

“under…! I excused myself when Professor Yumina was in a bad mood. Let’s talk later.”

Grinding his teeth and ignoring the reality that Yumina hates him, Cantone threw himself into the dimension line with Ban Yu-Won last.

Yumina snorted and turned her head to the group.

“Guys, it looks like all the students in Class 1 are on board, so shall we go too?”

“Can I pretend to be Professor Jeong?”

When Ban Yu-Won genuinely worried and asked.

Yumina put her lips to his ear and whispered.

“Professor Cantone is an enemy anyway. Remember and be vigilant.”

“yes. … Whew.”

However, Ban Yoo-won sighed at her attitude of directing an overly friendly appearance with him rather than the content of what Yu-mina said.

Unsurprisingly, most of the eyes of the students who filled the auditorium, as well as his classmates, were focused on him.

Suddenly, he became the main character of a huge scandal surrounding Yumina.

* * *

The dimension line was a space that made me doubt whether this was really a ship.

It was a place where inorganic corridors and rooms were lined up without any windows that could look out, but there was no door to the outside as it was natural.

To put it simply, if Zenon doesn’t open the exit, it’s the same as being trapped here.

“Is this really a pear?”

“That’s right.”

Despite Ban Yu-Won’s questioning gaze, Yu Mi-Na just smiled and replied.

Since there was no way of knowing whether the ship was moving or not, Ban Yu-won had no choice but to wait and believe that it would arrive at its destination.

Class 11 was in the same room as Class 1 in the dimension line as much as they acted together with Class 1, and Yu-Won Ban was blatantly feeling the gaze of the two of them.

One was Ortima.

Although he was hiding from his followers, he could not deceive Ban Yu-Won, the owner of Mandok-Eun.

His gaze went back and forth between Ban Yu-won and Dok-go-yeon, but Dok-go-yeon was also making a displeased expression as if he had noticed this.

“I kind of expected it, but it was like that. It’s like a kid who can’t even hide his life properly…

As Dok-go-yeon moved to the side of Ban Yu-won, as if trying to avoid her gaze, Ortima’s gaze became more intense.

At this point, Ban Yu-won was convinced that Ortima had at least a crush on Dok-go-yeon, or feelings close to obsession as a member of the opposite sex.

It must have been a real pervert.

“That bug made me feel bad. What do you have?”

“Do you think I have a 4D pocket?”

However, since there was a similar inventory, Ban Yu-won took out a thermos bottle he had prepared and poured hot chocolate into a mug.

It was clear that others would find it anyway, so I prepared theirs as well.

Dokgoyeon took a cup of hot chocolate and drew a subtle smile on her lips.

“Whoa… my heart is at least calming down. It was like that then too.”

“You left this at that time… Huh?”

Dokgoyeon and Light muttered similar words before suddenly meeting their gazes in the air.

The two exchange glances with a strange meaning.

After reading the strange atmosphere, Ruchel looks at Banyuwon with an expression betrayed by her lover and asks,


and vomited out a sad word.

Ban Yu-won was embarrassed by the sad appearance and made an excuse.

“Ah, this doesn’t mean much… Why do I feel like I’m being questioned for cheating?”

“Whoa, this is really delicious.”

Did he notice that Banyuwon was in trouble?

After drinking the hot chocolate, Yumina put down the cup and said with a smile.

“I think adding a little alcohol would be fine. Now, shall we talk about the schedule for this special activity?”

“Oh yes.”

“The contents of this special activity are largely divided into three parts. Whole school activities where all students move together Class activities where classes 1 and 11 move together, and group activities where only students in class 11 move separately. The first day is focused on school-wide activities, but the second day will be class activities and group activities, and the last day will have school-wide activities again.”

“It reminds me of the middle school retreat.”

In response to Ban Yu-won’s reflexive response, Light’s eyes shone in amazement.

“retreat? Do you practice at your level as well? For that kind of thing, I was too weak when we first met.”

“Don’t practice that.”

“Ah, what I just said was that it was only when we met, and now I think you are a really good swordsman.”

“Noisy Light.”

Ban Yu-won thought deeply.

I don’t think the whole school activities would be dangerous even if you just heard about them, and since Ortima himself was with the class activities, he wouldn’t make things happen at that time even to avoid suspicion.

In other words, what they have to prepare for is a group activity in which only the party moves.

‘Anyway, he’s staring at me with a really dirty look.’

Ban Yu-won, who was following the accident, suddenly sighed.

Not Ortima.

It refers to Aire’s gaze, sitting alone at a wide round table in the opposite direction to Ortima, who occupied the table with a crowd of followers.

Unlike Ortima, who alternately looked at Dokgoyeon and him, she alternated between looking at Yumina and him.

Yumina’s eyes widened even more when she slammed Ban Yu-won with even a light touch on her body, to the point where she wondered if Cantone had disguised herself as Aire.

“Professor is very popular with both men and women.”

“That’s right, I am a pitiful flower that everyone can’t help but love. The most attractive thing is that it is not broken by anyone.”

oh wow that’s how it goes

Ban Yu-Won just laughed in amazement, but Yumina suddenly stood up from her seat.

“I have arrived.”


did you start?

―Everyone prepares to disembark. Get down in reverse order, starting with the 5th grade special selection group.

However, as if to prove her words, Zenon’s voice came over the ship’s broadcast.

When Ban Yu-Won heard that, he hesitated because he called those who belonged to the special screening of the lower dimension of the 5th grade as ‘Cho’ instead of ‘Class 11’.

He instantly recalled how this academy originally treated students from lower dimensions.

“…that’s scary.”

“are you okay. Because you are the best class.”

Yumina said in a clear voice without a single doubt and held Ban Yuwon’s hands tightly.

Seeing this, Dok-go-yeon sneered without hesitation.

“I really don’t understand why you say you are talking about a semi-yuwon.”

“Keureuk… I heard it smelled like that.”

Even Ruchel glared at Yumina, sending a gaze that shouldn’t have been directed at the professor.

As Yumina didn’t bother to argue and just smiled, Light next to her said with an absurd expression.

“You guys said something to me earlier, but don’t you guys have to get your anti-war battles in order?”

Ban Yu-won fully agreed with Wright’s words.

It would have been better if it hadn’t been Wright who had said it.

“Half you just cursed at me inside.”

“Light, you’re only smart when you really don’t need it.”

“You acknowledged it…?!”

The first special activity, which was extremely unsettling in many ways, was about to begin.

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Why Did I Have to Enroll

Why Did I Have to Enroll

Because I Carelessly Applied for Admissions, WDIE
Score 8.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Ban Yu-won can understand all the languages in existence. He was able to translate every language, modify it. As a child, when Ban Yu-won first learned about the existence of the fictional building called the Tower of Babel in the Bible, his respectable grandfather told him it was their ancestors who built it. “The Tower of Babel was completed without collapse, and people have the wrong idea.” One day, out of the blue, the Union Academy practical exam began. Finding traces of his ancestors at the academy, Ban Yu-won decides to enroll in the academy full of monsters.


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