Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 1224

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Chapter 1224

“Why are you there! Inquisitor Warton!”

After hearing Lethe’s words Warton began to break out into a cold sweat like crazy. He clicked his teeth together his face becoming reflective.

Her General Karvos who was next to her moved his gaze and looked at her.

[If you have any hesitation erase it. The path Hieromir takes is only victory.]

After hearing those words Wotton closed his eyes and gently bit his lower lip with his tongue. Then he walked out with his eyes raised.

Lethe opened her mouth in shock.

“Could it be a sword that betrays the Daeva Goddess and the Federation?”

“I am sorry Saint Lethe. “All I believe in is my own safety.”

Wotton raised his arms.

Fifty torture devices converted into coral devices flew into the air with every part of his body dyed purple. The electric chair crackled purple and thorns protruded from the bed that was folded in half.

“It would be a mistake to think about the Rune League days. Let me show you. The power of torture devices enhanced by The City’s technology!”


All instruments of torture flew towards Simon and Lethe. Lethe her face flushed with anger raised her arms.

“You really…!”

As soon as there was a change in the sky Simon quickly spoke.

“Wait a minute Lethe! “You can’t drop a star.”

Currently the ‘curse of attention’ used by Bahil is hanging over the entire army.

Any act of breaking the spotlight especially strong light or sound had the risk of breaking the curse placed on the searchers.

Lethe smiled at those words.

“Do you think I am some kind of amateur?”

As she lowered her raised arm her sacred magic circle unfolded one after another and spears of light began to shoot out from within.

<Lete Original – La Escream>


The spear of light fired with a blessing band wrapped around it shattered the approaching torture devices one after another.

Lethe also rotated her body engulfed in the starlight that had just fallen from the sky. Her white hair bounced once and her toes kicked the torture bed from where it had come.


The blown bed shattered leaving a star-shaped scratch on the floor.

“There are countless ways to fight even without dropping the stars yourself.”

That moment.

General Karbos appeared behind Lethe silently holding a purple greatsword. His waist moved and the great sword that drew Coral’s purple power swung to cut Lethe’s waist in half.


Immediately Simon rushed in and took General Karvos’s greatsword with the Greatsword of Destruction and pushed it aside.

Lethe seemed to have believed in Simon’s appearance as she calmly gave her blessing and jumped in front of her.

[Guardians. Deal with the star saint.]



Elite soldiers armed with coral armor almost similar to General Karbos called the Guardians raised their swords and charged at the same time.

Lethe took out the white dragon Ran and stopped their charge with her sacred breath and then she began to deal with them in hand-to-hand combat.


‘You don’t have to worry about Lethe.’

Simon who saw the Guardians running out of control exhaled lightly and stared at the opponent in front of him.

‘For now let’s focus on dealing with The City’s second-in-command.’


General Karbos activated the handle of the great sword. Kiiiiing! With the sound the entire sword body shimmered purple.



That wasn’t all. Part of the armor opened with a metallic sound and purple power began to emanate.

[Big. Whoa.]

A difficult voice was heard as if operating the equipment was quite painful. Soon his eyes gazed at Simon.

[It is an honor to deal with you. Simon Pollentia.]

“Do you know me?”

[I know. It is one of the most difficult enemies in conquering the continent.]

He slowly tilted his great sword and took an attacking stance. Even though he was wearing that heavy armor his posture was flawless.

[I am Karvos Weberlock the Supreme Military Commander of the City and Commander-in-Chief of the Fleet.]

Simon also took a fighting stance.

“Simon Pollentia commander of the 7th Corps and student council president of Kizen.”


The one who moved first was General Karbos. He kicked his feet and jumped leaving huge purple footprints on the floor.

Soon it appeared in front of Simon with incredible speed. Simon also reacted immediately and swung the Great Sword of Destruction.


The two swords clash and the air howls.

Simon threw himself to the side dissipating the force that was trying to push him away and General Karbos also took a detour in the opposite direction and returned.


However purple power emanated from something like a booster attached to the armor and the speed increased. Simon also countered by activating jet black all over his body.



Oh my gosh!

Simon couldn’t help but be surprised as they exchanged swords again.

‘Even though it’s in peer mode it doesn’t lag behind in power and speed!’

Even though magic was not developed I felt that even the powerful in this world could not ignore it.

At that time Peer’s voice rang out.

[Hehehe! We have plenty of means boy! There’s no need to fight strength against strength!]

As the saying goes.

The opponent lacks knowledge of black magic. You can tell just by looking at them that they are devastated by Bahil’s curse.

Simon who let go of General Karbos’s roughly wielded greatsword stepped on the ground strongly and took advantage of the gap.

‘Open the door!’



The moment the two tentacle blades rose from the ground a booster suddenly erupted from under General Karbos’ feet and he dodged in the air.

General Karbos who had landed on the floor again took a detour to the back and charged again.

‘wait for a sec.’

Simon’s eyes became sharp.

‘It seems like you know my skills?’

I wanted to check again. Simon pretended to clash swords with General Karbos then suddenly raised his right index finger and fired a curse but General Karbos as if he knew what was flying from his fingertips turned his head to dodge it and swung his body around to attack with force. A horizontal cut was applied.


Simon who was holding the great sword with only one hand while shooting a curse caught it with an unstable guard and had to roll on the floor once and stand up again.


Simon suddenly raised his head and stared at General Karbos. There was something to be guessed about. Simon’s eyes moved and looked toward Wotton.

‘Did Warton give the general my information and anti-Necromancer tactics?’


Wotton lowered his arm. Coral’s power enters spewing out purple boosters and torture devices are shot out.

Lethe was advancing fiercely toward Warton destroying the torture devices with holy magic. however.


A group of guardians wearing armor similar to General Karbos raised their swords and blocked the way. As she swung her fists and struck down her kicks Warton approached the other Guardians and lifted Vahil’s curse with purification magic making them her full power.

‘Lethe’s divinity is being consumed too much at this rate.’

[Are you worried about women?]


The purple tip of a sword approached from behind. Simon dodged it by lightly tilting his chin but he got a slight cut and blood spouted out.

[Rather than that why not worry about yourself first?]



Simon took a few more steps back dragging his shoes on the dirt floor increasing the distance between him and General Karvos.

‘It’s strong. The Army of the City.’

His heart sank as he imagined such a force invading the continent while it was in chaos. Simon who wiped away the blood from a cut under his chin with the back of his hand looked at General Karbos.

“Can I ask you one thing?”

[Out of respect for the strong I will answer as best as I can.]

“Why is the group targeting the continent?”

Simon opened his palm as if asking an innocent question.

“The Order has advanced dimensional technology and owns numerous worlds including Whiteland. “There is no reason to be obsessed with the continent.”

A low laugh is heard from inside General Karbos’ mask.

[I am a general of Whiteland and not a member of the organization so I will answer. Even if you look around countless dimensions most worlds are difficult for living creatures to live in including Whiteland.]

Not affiliated with any association.

Simon concentrated on the story thankful that the person he was providing information to didn’t have his head exploded.

[On the other hand your continent is special. It is rare to find a place with that level of climate that level of geography that level of population and that level of productivity culture. From our perspective it is a world that can be called paradise.]

He looked for a moment at the gray snowy sky then looked at Simon again.

[I heard that the upper echelons of the organization were originally from the continent. Those who were wandering around the dimension would want to take over their original hometown the continent if only to achieve their secret wish.]

“Even if innocent people die because of it?”

[The weak are only taken away by Simon Pollentia.]


General Karbosga raised his great sword.

[Morality and ethics are nothing more than an illusion created for their own internal satisfaction. Is it wrong?]

“…Okay thank you for being honest.”

Simon also raised the great sword of destruction.

“Thanks to you I can blow you away without any feelings.”

[If possible.]

The two people exchange glances.

Simon examined Karvos’ armor weapons and movements.

‘If we use too loud a technique the curse of yew will be lifted and we will become dangerous. ‘How can I win?’

Several thoughts came to mind.

If you can cleanly defeat an opponent then a curse is the right choice.

Then Simon’s pupils moved and looked towards Bahil.


The sight of creating a huge monster and still drawing the attention of the entire army.

-Curses are influenced by the emotions and sensibilities of the other person. Before developing the curse in earnest let’s create a simple production using ‘Setup’.

-Just as it is easier and more effective to create anxiety and scare people in the dark of night than to scare people who are busy passing by. Directing makes you more susceptible to being cursed.

Simon’s head turned quickly.

‘…Professor Bahil’s teachings.’


Simon suddenly stretched out his index finger from the hand holding his greatsword and aimed at Kar Boss and Kar Boss flinched moved out of the way of the index finger and took his place again.

A world where technology has developed instead of magic.

The enemy is very wary of his every move.

And above all the appearance of Bahil. Due to Bahil’s power everyone on this battlefield is extremely wary of the curse.

Although I have information from Warton the information is fragmentary. To begin with Wotton doesn’t know much about Priest.




Simon spread a meaningless magic circle on the ground relaxed his grip on the Great Sword of Destruction and plunged it into the ground with the sword’s tip pointed toward the ground.

Completely defenseless.

If the students at Keygen had seen it they would have asked “Are you out of your mind? Why did you disarm yourself?”


General Karbos does not approach.

He is alert to the ground and prepares to take off at any moment.

‘I definitely learned one thing from Rune League. A necromancer can only win if he deceives his opponent until the end.’

Simon raised the corners of his mouth and grinned jet black erupting all over his body.


A magic circle begins to unfold from all sides of Simon.

‘The second strongest man in the world is being toyed with here.’

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Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy and the Genius Summoner
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Artist: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
After the ‘100-Year War’ between the Necromancers and Priests, an all-time genius who’ll shake the power structure was born. “Am I a rare case or something? Do I have talent?” A potential beyond all imagination. He obtained his father’s undead army and entered the great Necromancer school of Kizen that divided the continent. Geniuses are geniuses, even when gathered among the elites. The research community was flipped on its head by the appearance of a new case. Professors wouldn’t leave him be alone, wanting to make him study directly under them. Officials from all over the kingdom and heads of organizations fidgeted over whether to scout him. “Professor! When can I make a Lich?” “Gimme a break. How talented are you? You’re crossing the line, honestly.” A genius among geniuses had appeared.


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