Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 1223

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Chapter 1223

Simon and Lethe took a detour for the operation and only Bahil stepped forward.

The mere sight of him taking a step forward caused the leader of The City’s army to flinch.

“Can you hear me well? Simon. “We will start outdoor classes now.”

Using a curse to send a voice to Simon Bahil took out a glove from his suit pocket and put it on his hand.

“You are in a situation where you have to deal with the enemy army alone without any preparation or countermeasures. However a professional necromancer must be able to respond analyze and win no matter what situation is thrown at him.”


Jet black began to flow from Bahil’s body who was also wearing a glove on his other hand.

“Curses are influenced by the feelings and emotions of the other person. Before developing the curse in earnest let’s create a simple production with ‘setup.’”

The jet black overflowing from Bahil’s body gathered into a single point and began to spread and expand with incredible force.

It was like bad graffiti. He created countless eyes in the sky drew red veins and created terrible tumors.

Next Bahil’s pitch blackness also gradually grew larger and began to take shape. It is a monster-like shape with thousands of long tails reaching towards the sky and the ground.


It roars and stimulates all kinds of fear and discomfort in humans. It sounds like a baby’s cry or a woman’s scream.

Now soldiers from all armies were watching Bahil.

“At the beginning of the war I shot down two ships with a curse and neutralized the lead offensive. “They have become more wary of me for a long time so let’s take advantage of that.”

As Bahil strides forward the monster’s shape also moves. The leading searchers held out their spears with pale faces.

“Directing makes you more susceptible to curses. To put it simply it is easier and more effective to create anxiety and scare people in the dark of night than to scare people who are busy passing by. Especially in front of this many troops-”


Bahil finally unfolded the magic circle he had been preparing.

“These devices are effective.”

<Bahil Remake – Intentus>


At once there was an effect as if something was spreading around Bahil. The searchers’ heads twitched and were fixed in one direction unable to move.

Both eyes were focused only on Bahil and both ears were focused only on the sounds Bahil made. All thoughts and sense organs were focused on Bahil.

The curse of attention.

It was Bahil who placed a curse on the entire army preventing others from paying attention to anything else and only focusing on himself.

“Now is it Lethe! let’s go!”

Simon who had already come to the front of the enemy lines while hearing Bahil’s voice made his decision and ran. Lethe whose wrist was grabbed by him spoke in a panicked voice as she was dragged away.

“Now wait a minute! Are you planning to enter the enemy camp like this?”

“don’t worry! “Trust me!”

Simon was running towards the leader of the enemy. The enemy soldiers are all armed with purple spears. If you turn the tip of the spear right to the side and strike it you will be hit. Lethe said ‘What is this!’ He thought and closed his eyes tightly.



Something amazing happened.

Simon and Lethe were running through the searchers’ camp on their own two feet. No one paid attention to Simon and Lethe. All he could do was stiffen and stare at Bahil in the distance.

“What is this….”

Lethe muttered in disbelief.

This is like not being able to feel the hem of your clothes swaying in the wind touching your body in a desperate moment when a robber’s knife is in front of your neck. Even if they know that the enemy is passing by the soldiers cannot move.

After Simon heard Bahil’s voice echoing in his head he spoke to Lethe.

“As long as you don’t use too strong light or sound explosions or directly attack the cursed opponent it will be safe. Just like this…!”

Simon’s eyes lit up.

“Let’s go to Jeongi!”

* * *

Bahil placed a powerful yew curse on the entire enemy army.

Of course this was not the type of curse that directly controlled the opponent’s actions so the entire army came to aim for Bahil’s life.

It is a curse device that is like a double-edged sword that becomes a ‘bait’ on its own.

-Kill that man in white clothes!

The leader of the searchers began to rush forward holding a purple spear and shouting. Bahil watched the scene calmly and opened his mouth.

“This is the second lesson.”



The searchers who were rushing at the forefront holding on to their spears all fell to the ground or knelt on the spot.

Due to the sudden stoppage even the soldiers at the back became stuck tangled collapsed and a stampede began to occur.

“What are you doing in front of you!”

“All legs!”

The legs of some of the leading soldiers were frozen or frozen and did not move at all as if they were frostbitten.

That wasn’t all.

“It’s cold!”

The searchers’ wetsuits were made of extremely cold-resistant material to preserve body heat but now they were shivering with their arms wrapped around their arms their noses dripping as if they had suddenly been stripped bare.

<Bahil Remake – Lower Cold Resist>

Bahil who used the curse calmly watched them and said.

“If you are worried about which curse to choose when you are at a numerical disadvantage it is better to actively consider external variables that is the natural environment. Since the environment is experiencing extreme cold you can suppress the leader’s charge by casting a curse that reduces cold resistance. and.”

Bahil dropped another range curse at the head of the enemy line as if dropping a new solution on top of his solution.

<Sensory Frenzy>

The curse <Sensory Frenzy> is a curse that forcibly activates the senses.

With their resistance to cold already reduced due to <Lower Resist> the searchers begin to fail as the curse that activates their senses is added.

The residents of The City have been fighting against ‘extreme cold’ their entire lives and ‘extreme cold’ is the biggest cause of death.

It’s just that your cold resistance has decreased slightly but your brain accepts the current extreme cold as ‘unbearable’ due to your heightened senses.

In fact the body may be able to move sufficiently but if the mind is broken the body will also be broken. Everyone starts rolling around in the cold collapsing and becoming incapacitated.

– Neutralize the leader! You can’t move forward!

-Turn to the right and left!

Still The City’s military command also responded immediately.

Bahil who saw this opened his mouth.

“This is the third lesson.”

He slowly raised his hand and gestured.

“What is the military? In curse science the military is defined as a state of total brainwashing that unites ‘individuals with free will’ and binds them with the curse of discipline fear and honor thereby breaking their free will and forcing them to function as a group to serve specific interests.”

He spoke as an extremely low-level professor and spread his hands.

“Then we can attack the curse that binds individuals with free will as a curse.”



The completed magic circles unfolded behind Bahil’s back and settled on the ground one by one. Bahil stepped through the magic circle one after another with his legs while staring at the eyes of countless enemies.



The curse magic circles emit different colors and spread out like waves across the ground casting a curse on any enemy that touches them.

Some curses dwell in the falling snow while others spread through the wind.

The soldiers of The City who have neither curse resistance nor knowledge of the curse simply move to capture Bahil whose gaze is fixed on them.

Then I discover something strange.

-Army 8 and 9! Why do you show your back! I told you to take a detour and hit from the side!

-General Karvos told us to retreat! Didn’t you hear the communication?

-Really? General?

Confusion occurs in enemy communications and troops begin to clash and tangle with each other. Each person was moving while listening to different commands.

“It’s a monster!”

“Don’t come any closer!”

There several soldiers screamed hysterically and waved their arms wildly then suddenly carried mortars on their shoulders and started firing in the direction of the friendly forces.



An explosion exploded in a dense formation sending the entire army into confusion.

“What are you doing!”

“Is this kid out of his mind? “Stop it!”

Soldiers whose eyes turned red began to attack their allies. Although there were only a small number of people the fear enveloped the surrounding people to the limit.

It was a delusion curse that made allies look like enemies.

-This guy’s eyes are stained red!

-Hold on! Don’t make me take up arms!

-I’m fine! What are you doing!

Bahil cast only a portion of the Delusion curse which consumes a lot of jet black and then mixed it with a curse that simply changes the color of the eyes. The City’s searchers who have no knowledge of the curse begin to arrest or kill allies whose eyes have turned red.

In addition there were people who tried to kill people who were under the hallucination curse because their eyes turned red and people who were furious and asked why they were attacking them and actually tried to kill their allies.

-Where are you firing the main gun?

-Do not move!

The air battleships were also in confusion. Among the people who entered each function there were a mixture of those who were cursed and those who were not so there were many cases where they could not move at all or the main gun misfired.

The entire military is being played by Bahil.

Of course The City’s command team was not stupid so they were able to grasp information about the curse and quickly deliver countermeasures but to Bahil’s horror they were constantly changing and replacing the curse’s activation conditions and effect transfer conditions.

Bahil’s fear was that the more he tried to attack the more he fell into the labyrinth.

“It’s always fun to see the true value of a curse.”

When Bahil gestured backwards a very large magic circle much larger than the other magic circles unfolded.

“Let’s stop the cackling and just play properly.”

Creating confusion is just to buy time.

Now a massive curse was being prepared.

* * *

Before the transition period.

Bahil controlled the entire battlefield but the side where General Karbos and the elite soldiers were stationed was in better condition.

It was physically far from Bahil and above all Wotton was here.

“You said it would definitely help if you saved me right?”

Wotton said as he purged the curse of yew on General Karvos. I was already sweating profusely as if I was exhausted.

Meanwhile General Karbos spoke unsatisfied.


“Just breaking a curse of the highest order like that is amazing!”

At that time Karbos’ gaze returned.

Passing by the soldiers cursed with yew a man and a woman arrived at the place where the transfer device was located. It was Simon and Lethe.

[Have we finally come this far?]

General Karbos walked out hurriedly. The elite soldiers that Warton had purified around them also prepared for battle.

‘That person is General Karbos.’

Then Simon watched with a nervous look on his face.

“Wait a minute!”

Lethe shouted and pointed at Warton.

“Why are you there! Inquisitor Warton!”


When Wotton saw Lethe his face went from pale to white.

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Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy and the Genius Summoner
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Artist: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
After the ‘100-Year War’ between the Necromancers and Priests, an all-time genius who’ll shake the power structure was born. “Am I a rare case or something? Do I have talent?” A potential beyond all imagination. He obtained his father’s undead army and entered the great Necromancer school of Kizen that divided the continent. Geniuses are geniuses, even when gathered among the elites. The research community was flipped on its head by the appearance of a new case. Professors wouldn’t leave him be alone, wanting to make him study directly under them. Officials from all over the kingdom and heads of organizations fidgeted over whether to scout him. “Professor! When can I make a Lich?” “Gimme a break. How talented are you? You’re crossing the line, honestly.” A genius among geniuses had appeared.


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