Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 908

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Genius Magician Who Takes Medicine Episode 908

Hearing (4)

Not long before Lennok appeared at the hearing.

On one side of the stairs of the Magic Tower, there was a long meeting going on over Madame’s work.

[It took longer than expected to adjust the Geass. Still, the effect will be certain, so don’t worry.]

Madame said, pretending to wipe her sweat through the dark veil.

She pointed to a large piece of equipment lying next to her.

[If you have this equipment, it won’t be difficult to avoid the third rule of the referee code.]


[Why is everyone reacting like that?]

“No, I know what you mean, but…”

Jenny said. He said, unable to hide his nervous expression.

“Equipment that circumvents that protocol. Did it really have to be like this?”

Lennok also did not point out what was wrong, but instead agreed with silence.

A chair on wheels made by layering multiple pieces of black metal like ink.

The design itself is simple and not awkward, but it is clear what the object’s purpose is.

“I can’t imagine what the reaction would be if an 8th level archmage showed up at a hearing in a wheelchair.”

Jenny said, frowning as if imagining an image that was very difficult to recall.

But Madame coldly snorted, as if it was absurd.

[You don’t seem to know anything, but this is equipment that has always been effective even throughout the long history of vampires.]

“No, but this…”

[I heard that Fast has been suffering from an injury for a long time. Why is it a problem to use a walking aid for the safety of the injured person?]


[If you understand, please sit down right here. I have to make sure the equipment functions properly.]

Madame’s words were very firm.

He is tapping the wheelchair parked next to him as if this is absolutely necessary.

[Wasn’t you trying to ask my advice for help with this?]


Lennok finally uncrossed his arms and walked forward.

Lennok took off his coat, holding the cane he was holding in one hand, and glanced at Madame.

“Is it okay to just sit down and not need any other preparation?”

[yes. Of course, when you attend the hearing, you will need someone to help you drive.]

Madame answered leisurely.

[You can add an automatic driving function, but it would be more effective to have someone pull it for you.]


While Lennok was moving as Madame requested, Madame started moving around and adjusting the wheelchair.

[great. The height and saddle length itself are appropriate. There are no problems with the operation of the equipment… Looking at it now, I see that you weigh less than your body size.]

“You seem quite good at this kind of work.”

When Lennok asked, seeing that he seemed to be skilled at adjusting assistive devices, Madame nodded slightly.

[I have learned some of the Kundara technique. Most of the residents there are accustomed to using such equipment.]

“The Jangsaeng species of the Outer World City are used to handling assistive devices?”

[No, it’s about the equipment that controls Geass.]

Madame shrugged her shoulders.

[But what you say isn’t entirely wrong. Kundara’s interests, both then and now, have been in the areas of deficiency and deficiency.]


Adjustment of Geass. Deficiency and deficiency.

As Madame, a former vampire, she probably knows more about the Dark City than others.

But for now, Madame didn’t seem to have any intention of explaining it either.

[That’s Okay. Lastly, if you place the cane you are carrying on your lap and cover it with your coat like this…]

Madame stepped back and clapped happily.

[The powerless wizard who was inevitably called in by the Central Council’s violence is completed.]


“Hey, this….”

Jenny’s expression, who had been watching with a distrustful look, changed slightly.

Jenny, who was looking intently at Lennok sitting in the wheelchair, spoke in a shaky voice.

“It suits you better than I thought?”


Madame smiled loudly and spread her shoulders.

[My eyes are not wrong. Do you know how many people I have interacted with and invested in beauty?]

“I see. “I thought the intention was too obvious, but at this level, no one would suspect anything.”

The two brokers suddenly reach a consensus and then whisper about Lennok.

Madame spoke excitedly, as if she were intoxicated with her own work.

[This pale face and pale expression. Dry lips and tired eyes. Everything is aesthetically perfect.]

“I understand how far a vampire’s sense of beauty is from that of humans.”

[Here, just sweep the hair upward and then spray it to fix it -]


While Jenny was inadvertently admiring, Madame dragged Lennok in front of the mirror in the hallway on the stairs.

Only then was Lennok able to see what he looked like now.


Blank eyes and cold expression. Just as Madame said, discolored lips and a dry face with no moisture present.

Even after changing his face with disguise magic, he shows intense fatigue that cannot be hidden.

The aftereffects of not being able to sleep properly for several days and using my magic power had not yet gone away.

As I sit in the wheelchair and hold the cane at an angle, I look like a sick person who doesn’t have much time left to live.

[I don’t know what’s wrong with making sick people look sick.]

Madame shrugged her shoulders calmly.

Once I saw the completed Lennok, I felt quite confident.

[If you don’t like it, I’ll change the Geass adjustment equipment to a different form right now. Instead, I should get an incentive this time.]


[What do you want to do?]

I didn’t plan on pampering Madam for free anyway, so it doesn’t matter if I get an incentive.

The question is whether Lennok has enough reason to appear at the hearing in this form.

While Lennok was pondering, Jenny grabbed the handle of the wheelchair as if she remembered something.

“Do you think you can use it like this?”


Jenny slowly pushing her wheelchair up and down the ramp between the stairs.

I easily walk up and down the stairs of the tower with Lennok in tow.

Lennok nodded as soon as he saw the wheelchair moving up the tower’s ramp much more smoothly than before.

“good. “I suddenly like it.”


Madame was looking at Jenny and Lennok, who were smiling as if they knew this would happen, with an expression of confusion.


* * *


Lennok in a wheelchair gets out from the back of the sedan and the camera lights pour in.

There is probably no one who knows that Lennok’s face is not captured on camera, but no one gives up on pressing the shutter.

Even if you can’t see the face, at least its appearance. If nothing remains, at least a shadow.

I think it would be enough if I could leave a record to prove that I was present at this event.

Reporters quickly whispering to each other amidst the incessant sound of the shutter.

“He is truly an extraordinary person. “How did you think of coming to the hearing looking like that?”

“I heard you were sick. “He must have overexerted himself during the decisive battle with Cheonbeon.”

“You never know. “They may be intentionally trying to emphasize that point in front of the media.”

“Look at your face. Does that dying complexion look like he is acting like a patient?”


The reporters who had been skeptical the moment they saw the face of the young man sitting in the wheelchair fell silent for a moment.

The figure leaning on the armrest with his eyes closed looks blurry, as if it will disappear before his eyes at any moment.

He appears to be sinking so deeply that it is hard to believe that he is the most notorious wizard in this city.

The image, which resembles a burning candle with only a few remaining wicks, causes some reporters to quickly write notes instead of taking pictures.


Lennok raised his hand, his face expressionless as the camera lights poured in from all directions.



The man who brushed his hair started walking behind Lennok, holding onto the handle of the wheelchair.

Click click!!

Antares’ appearance is as unusual as Lennok, so the camera shutter naturally turns towards it.

However, instead of ignoring the camera like Lennok, Antares waved his hand with a relaxed smile.

In response to that calm reaction, the sound of reporters pressing the camera also becomes more intense.

Lennok said, sitting back in his wheelchair and holding a cane.

“I know you’ve been back in the city for a while, and I’m sorry for asking you to do this.”

“don’t mind.”

Antares laughed.

Even as he walked across the carpet and through hundreds of people, his voice could be heard clearly.

“Because I do it because I want to do it. “I’m sorry that I can only help you with this.”

“What do you mean?”

“I am refraining from getting involved in changing the future of this city.”

Antares said as he passed between the cameras at a pace that was neither fast nor slow.

“It would be troublesome if cause and effect were to be unnecessarily twisted by me. That was the reason I left the Balkans for a while.”


“I’ve said it before, but it’s better if the future changes in a direction that no one knows about.”

Lennok fell silent and Antares shook his head lazily.

“There is a clear distinction between what cannot be changed and what can be changed.”

“Are you saying that the results of this hearing will have no significant impact on future changes?”

“Well, rather than that… it’s thanks to you. ”

Antares tapped the handle of the wheelchair.

“Because you are a person who did not exist in the ending I saw. “When I intervene in what you do, I don’t have to worry too much about changes.”


“No matter how you move, the future will eventually follow the unknown. “This time, I just want to watch it from the sidelines.”

Antares said that, stopping in front of the entrance to the hearing room and turning his wheelchair around.

Reporters moving slowly along Lennok were camped out in a circle and holding microphones.

The last brief interview given to reporters before the hearing begins in earnest.

“Bar Ban…!!”

One of the reporters mustered up the courage to speak out.

He seemed to hesitate, as if calling Lennok’s name itself felt very awkward.

“It is an honor to meet the great Archmage.”


However, he did not lose his courage until the end, moved the microphone closer and boldly asked a question.

“Can you tell me why you decided to attend the hearing being held today?”

Lennok slowly opened his eyes and shrugged his shoulders as if telling Antares to do as he pleased.

As soon as I stood in front of the hearing hall, the sound of the shutter disappeared and the square became quiet to hear the voice.

Lennok, who was silently looking at the reporters, raised his magic power and opened his mouth.

[Just watching quietly.]


As soon as Lennok’s mouth opened, a loud roar exploded out of it.

Yukhapjeonseong, which is not voiced, but sounds magical energy and processes it into the form of a voice.

The ultimate art of conveying one’s thoughts to a reality where physical laws exist using only one’s thoughts.

[These days, useless rumors and ghost stories have been floating around me.]


The moment the reporters’ faces turned blue as Lennok responded by imitating Oliveira and pressing down on the recording device.

Lennok spoke leisurely.

[I was not interested, so I helped, but the exaggeration got worse without knowing the extent.]


[So, I would like to take this opportunity today to clear up any misunderstandings.]

In front of reporters who are shivering with a shiver down their spines, Nok smiled.

[I hope this is a sufficient answer.]


All of the reporters gathered here reacted as if they could not agree with that statement at all.

But soon the reporters came to their senses and quickly started asking other questions.

Now that I know that Lennok will answer questions, I wanted to use this opportunity to get at least some news.

It would be a great opportunity if we could hear about Do-rei’s personal life and true feelings here, which he doesn’t usually reveal.

“I know you don’t normally use a wheelchair, but is there a reason why you came to the hearing?”

“I wonder if you overexerted yourself in the final battle with Cheonbun…!!”

“A huge amount of money has been gambled around this situation. What do you think about this?”

“How do you plan to take responsibility for the destruction currently taking place around District 49…”


At that moment, the harsh voices of reporters everywhere suddenly stopped.

A strange feeling of discomfort, as if the words are not being transmitted to the ears even though the words are being spoken through the mouth.

Someone walked out from inside the hearing room, which suddenly became quiet, and stood next to Lennok.

A gorgeous-looking woman dressed in a suit spoke in a blunt voice with her back turned.

“Time is up. “The interview will end here.”


The reporters opened their mouths and tried to say something, as if in protest, but their voices did not reach this far.

The woman neatly turned away from the reporters and nodded lightly toward Lennok.

“You’ve waited a long time. “Let’s go right in.”

“They created a vacuum zone and blocked the sound.”

Lennok ignored her words and muttered, resting his chin.

“Seeing as the magical arrangement is very regular, it must be the magic of the tower that is refined while passing down the techniques. “Which one is it?”

“This is Avenia Stenson from the Tower of Valeport.”

A woman who introduced herself as Avenia bowed her head politely.

“We have partnered with the Balkan Central Council and are assisting the council’s work for the time being.”

“I’m helping the council…”

Lennok said and stared at Avenia.

Even though she was just staring while sitting in the wheelchair, Avenia’s body flinched for a moment.

Lennok’s eyes, who did not miss that sight, narrowed.

“I saw it. yes?”


Avenia admitted.

“I was invited as an advisor to the duel between Ban and Cheonbeon. “I have been staying in this city ever since.”


I heard that the tower wizards stayed in Balkan one by one after this incident and began research.

Are there high-ranking wizards who have already partnered with the city council and begun their activities in earnest?

Avenia, who quickly regained her composure, opened her mouth again.

“Now that Mr. Ban has arrived, the hearing will begin immediately. Please go this way… and Antares.”

Avenia winked at Antares as she guided Lennok towards the entrance of the hearing hall.

Antares smiled transparently.

“Stenson. “It’s been a while.”

“…refrain from foresight within the venue. “I also warned those with congenital disabilities who attended the hearing.”

“don’t worry.”

Antares responded leisurely to Avenia’s sharp words.

“I didn’t come here today to tell you any bad fortune.”

“We’ll have to wait and see.”

Avenia, with her mouth twitching, turned around and started walking first.

Lennok asked with a look of surprise.

“Do you know each other?”

“Before. “We worked together a few times.”

Antares said as he slowly pushed the wheelchair into the hearing room.

“The wizards of the Valefor Tower are very extreme combatants. “If you can’t fight, you won’t even be allowed to go outside.”


“He’s basically good at advanced combat techniques, so he’s easy to work with, but he has a lot of friends with nasty personalities.”

“You have a dirty personality…”

If Antares, who has experienced all kinds of hardships in the mercenary industry, can say that, then you can guess what level of reputation the Balefor Tower has.

“Most magic towers would have a stronger identity as a research institution, but this is unusual.”

“More than that, I felt it when I saw how he treated you earlier…”

Antares grinned and spoke in a quiet voice that Avenia could not hear.

“I guess Avenia respects you?”


“Maybe it’s because they are a real-life fighting group, but the Valefor Tower really likes people who are good at fighting.”


“I guess he was impressed by what you did recently.”

While Lennok was silent about those absurd words, Avenia, who was walking ahead of him in the hallway of the hearing hall, stopped.

This is because an older man with dark blond hair was standing in front of the huge door leading to the hearing room.

A young face that feels heavy and dull at first glance.

On the sleeve, a navy blue badge representing the Senate of the Central Council shines.

He leaned against the door and was silent as if he was deeply contemplating something, then stood up as he saw Lennok approaching from afar.

“Oh, it’s not too late.”

“Senator Haven.”

Conrad Heyburn.

He is a magnate with considerable influence in the Senate of the Central Council and a powerful figure who occasionally intervenes in important matters within the Balkans.

Have you ever encountered Reisen Azamaha once at a fair as Evan?

Conrad said, scratching his head at Lennok’s indifferent answer.

“I heard there was a slight disturbance outside the hearing hall. So, I wanted to check before starting…”

The senator’s expression turned gloomy as he glanced at the haggard Lennok sitting in the wheelchair.

“…I don’t think that’s necessary. Well, if it’s not that bad, other people will understand at a glance.”

“Why are you here?”

Why is Heyburn here, aside from all the other city council members attending this hearing?

Considering the sensitive public opinion, secretly coming out to meet Lennok before the hearing starts could have been a risk in itself.

Is there any reason for Conrad to meet Lennok in advance, even if it means risking it?

“I once owed you something for Reisen Azamaha.”

Konrad lowered his voice slightly and winked at Antares.

This is probably because I am reluctant to talk openly about the incident in which former senator Reisen merged with an extinct tree and became a heterogeneous being.

Did the joint research to weaponize parts of the Reisen’s body that had been eaten away by the extinct tree yielded results?

“Thanks to your advice, I have been able to see significant results since then. “In return, I would like to warn you before the hearing begins.”


Lennok nodded and Conrad immediately opened his mouth.

“The hearing held against a high-ranking superhuman is not just a ceremonial event.”

Conrad’s eyes darkened for a moment.

“Restraints and restrictions are essential for the safety of attendees and stable progress. “But it’s not like you can impose detention without any consequences.”

“Are you saying that a price is needed for the judgment rules to be established?”

“…Did you already know about the refereeing regulations? It might not have been difficult for an archmage to familiarize themselves with the information in advance-” “

There’s only one minute left. “The door will open soon.”

Conrad cleared his throat and said as Antares seemed confident.

“Anyway, in order to pay for the judgment regulations, one person each from the city government and the Senate judiciary must come forward and force the establishment of the regulations. And its members must be composed of superiors of all involved in this matter.”

“He is a superior…”

Lennok’s eyes changed slightly as he understood the meaning of those words.

It is easy to be mistaken because of the fastness and a thousand decisive battles, but the fundamental cause of this incident is the wanted order that started in District 19.

The reason for the wanted order was that Amy Weinston, the deputy mayor of Balkan City, was in a coma.

And at this point, if someone higher than Deputy Mayor Weinston has to step in and enforce the establishment of the referee protocol –

“I guess you already understand what I mean.”

Realizing that Lennok had noticed, Conrad nodded, skipping all other introductions.

“This hearing. There is a possibility that the Mayor of Balkan will be attending in person.”

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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