Helmut: The Forsaken Child Chapter 56

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# 56


Episode 56

‘Even though he looks quiet, he has a sharp and dangerous look. ‘I guess that’s why he disguised himself.’

Nobles place as much importance on impression as on attitude. It wasn’t something I couldn’t understand. What I don’t know is why I came to see him.

Helmut immediately took out the business.

“I want you to tutor me.”

Area, who frowned, responded immediately.


“The reason is?”

Are you asking because you don’t know? Area looked at Helmut with dumbfounded eyes. After breaking up with him, I felt uncomfortable sleeping for some reason. I was shocked because it was so unexpected that they came and did it all at once.

“Because it’s annoying. “Why do I have to go to such trouble?”

‘I thought I came to Baden for a request, but it was for tutoring?’

“Were you preparing for the academy entrance exam?”

“No, transfer. “I have to prepare for the written exam.”

“I don’t do tutoring, whether it’s transfer or anything else. I just hate teaching stupid people. “I don’t even want to fill the empty prosecutor’s head.”

Area was not in need of money. And he was a genius, and his personality was so bad that he was famous for it. I didn’t have enough patience to tolerate the criminal’s lack of understanding. I also hated it when people flirted with me and said they wanted to become friends when I had no intention of building a network. The reason I joined Zheringen and his party was to avoid something even more troublesome, so it was an extremely rare exception. Area didn’t like being associated with people.

Helmut decided to use the universal method. He spoke like a rich man.

“I’ll give you money.”

“You’re giving me money? “How much can you give?”

Area snorted as if it were ridiculous.

“How much does it cost?”

She could have said she wouldn’t do it no matter how much they paid, but Area showed her courage without even realizing it.

“I’m expensive. “Does a third-level mercenary have the financial resources to hire a first-year student in the magic department?”

Helmut didn’t worry much. He may not have wealth, but Ethan Kudrow will. Since I said I would become a guardian, it was an arbitrary calculation that I would support the missing tutoring expenses.

“Call me.”

“No 100,000 mark credit. “Pay in cash in advance.”

Area crossed her arms and spoke confidently. Helmut responded indifferently.

“Okay, 100,000 marks. “I’ll come prepared, so don’t say anything else.”

Alea’s eyes widened slightly.

“really? “Are you serious?”

100,000 marks is a lot of money even for a nobleman. So much so that even a family around Zheringen would have to worry about it. In fact, being a mercenary was just a hobby. Was he the son of a wealthy family? But what wealthy person would allow his son, who is not even an adult, to do the difficult work of a mercenary? It doesn’t make sense.

“Tutoring starts tomorrow. “Where can I meet you?”

Helmut calculated how much money he had. In total, I have a little less than 120,000 marks in my Black Hawk pocket. There are some things that have not been disposed of yet, so your assets will decrease significantly, but you can pay that much. It wasn’t a waste. Helmut, who had lived almost his entire life without money, had no regrets about money. It is enough to spend the money earned in a short period of time when you need it.

“Okay, come to the front of the dormitory by ten o’clock tomorrow morning.”

Area had a skeptical look on her face. It was obvious that he was doubting whether this guy could really raise the money.

“If you don’t bring money, there will be no tutoring.”

Area, who had made a threat, quickly got up and left the living room. He was caught up in the feeling of being caught up in something.

“It worked out well.”

Helmut muttered as he left the dormitory. Did you say he was the head of the magic department? There was only one person that came to mind, and I was fortunate that that one person was a suitable person. If Area had not met him, it would have been a pain, but if he had met him, Helmut had the will and means to carry out his demands. Because he knew what Area’s magic was. It was a guess that was close to certainty.

‘I was thinking of threatening you if it doesn’t work out.’

Threatening a wizard is actually a bad choice. It was easier to solve the problem with money.

Helmut went back to the inn and packed his bags, then immediately got on a horse and headed to Ethan Kudrow’s mansion. The Kudrow family was quite famous in Baden. Ethan Kudrow lived in a mansion on the outskirts of Baden.

“You are a guest.”

When he held out the note he had given him, the guard happily let him in. It was an old-fashioned mansion with an interior similar to the academy’s instructor’s office. Helmut was led straight to a room on the first floor. A room with silk wallpaper and furniture and a faint scent of wood. The bedding and soft fabric are incomparable to those found in inns. I felt like I would fall asleep as soon as I lay down.

‘Good job moving it.’

Ethan Kudrow was a wealthy guardian, judging by his well-maintained mansion. You will not experience any inconvenience until you graduate from the academy.

Some time later, around evening, Ethan Kudrow returned home. Helmut had dinner with him and had a long conversation.

“Area said she would tutor you?”

“Yes, I said I would do it.”

“okay? Surprisingly. That guy’s temperament is well-known. “I guess you liked it.”

“I said I would give you 100,000 marks.”

Cough! Cough! Ethan, who was just drinking soup in a civilized manner, coughed. It looks as if it has been unexpectedly attacked.

“Anyway, 100,000 marks? Do you have the money for that?”

“I have money earned through my mercenary work.”

“What property did Darian leave behind?”

Because of the betrayal, he had no choice but to leave everything and disappear. Darian had no descendants, so his family members would have divided up his property. However, since Darian’s life or death was not confirmed, there were assets that could not be touched. Money stored separately in a bank, which is not family property, cannot be touched unless you bring it with you or a certificate presented by him. The human lifespan is set at a maximum of 120 years, and if no one wants to collect the money by then, the disposal will take place only after that.

“I haven’t heard anything like that.”

Helmut tilted his head.

“Darian’s assets are probably still in the bank. “I don’t know if you can touch it.”

“I told you to go to the bank and hand over this sword when you are starving to death. Is that what you meant?”

“I guess that’s the proof.”

Ethan Kudrow nodded.

“However, if the freeze on Darian’s assets is lifted, there is a risk that rumors will spread somehow. “It would be best not to touch it for the time being.”

“I understood.”

Helmut and Ethan continued to talk after that. Ethan Kudrow told Helmut what he needed to know about the Academy and Baden. And also about yourself. Ethan said that his wife had died a long time ago and that his only son had left Baden after graduating from the academy. It is also said that his son is hiding his name and working as a mercenary.

“Mercenary work is all about gaining practical experience. “He will do well.”

I don’t know if I’ll return to Baden afterward and become an instructor at the academy, but that was for then.

Knowledge is learned through books, but common sense is learned through life. Ethan, who was teaching us about various common sense things, gave us one piece of advice.

“Oh, it would be a good idea to buy a present tomorrow. Even a small snack. “Even if it’s private tutoring, you show courtesy to the teacher who teaches you.”

‘It’s a gift.’

At that time, something suddenly crossed my mind. Helmut nodded.


The next day, when I arrived at the entrance of the academy exactly at the appointed time, Area walked out just in time. Area asked, leading him into the living room like yesterday.

“What about the promised money?”


Area looked at the heavy money bag Helmut handed her with distraught eyes. I tried a spell just in case, but this money is real. The amount was just right.

‘Should I just say I won’t do it?’

Tutoring. It does not suit my spiritual aptitude. However, Greta Academy taught morality and trust so important that they were tested separately. Keeping promises is one of them. It wasn’t specifically said to be a promise, but Area had never unilaterally offered a fight like this. It was Area who told him to bring the money, and he also had a conscience. Area quietly threw Helmut away, hoping that he would leave on his own.

“I’ve never done anything like tutoring. So I may not be able to teach well enough to receive this money.”

“Maybe so.”

Those words sounded dismissive and hurt my pride. Alea raised her eyebrows. He snorted and sneered.

“And even if you learn, there’s a higher chance that you won’t be able to keep up, right?”

“That’s no problem. “It’s empty, so it’ll be easy to fill it up.”

Helmut interpreted what Area said last time positively and returned it. Alea pursed her lips.

‘What is this guy?’

Something strong. It’s natural to get angry if you spew out harsh words like this, but you have a very good attitude. It didn’t even look like it was scratched, let alone hurt. That was confidence. Confidence that has a solid basis, different from those who run wild with their families on their backs or are narcissistic and bravado.

‘Do you think you’re quite capable?’

In fact, even in the swordsmanship department, there are many students with basic qualifications, so there are only a few students who fail the written exam. Because of that, everyone is sharpening their swords to death, but this guy in front of me is preparing to write for a large sum of money. It means that you are definitely confident in your practical skills.

“Oh, that’s right, this.”

From the moment we met, I thought there was something in his hand, but Helmut held out something wrapped in a paper bag to Area.

“what’s this?”

“gift. “I heard you have to give it to the person who teaches you.”

Area opened the envelope and froze when she saw what was inside.

‘Before this. In front of the inn.’

It was a small flower pot with colorful flowers blooming. At that time, Area caught her eye and stopped for a moment. I thought it would be nice to decorate the window, but cold reason whispered to me that such a small thing could destroy me. In order to avoid rumors that a guy who already looked like a girl was doing girly things, Area had been keeping quiet all this while. I calmed down because I was aware that doubters could appear at any time.

But why am I giving this as a gift?

‘You noticed me looking at this? ‘Are you implying something?’

Area, overcome by cold suspicion, spoke in a cold tone.

“I have no hobby of receiving flowers from men.”

“You can throw it away because it’s yours.”

Helmut said indifferently. It means literally. I bought it because I thought that if I was going to give something, it would be better to give it something I liked. It’s a formality, so it’s probably good.

‘I guess… I don’t think much of it.’

Alea calmed her horrified heart. It was the same when he realized the magic had been cast on him, but in a strange way, he had an attitude of knowing and not knowing. But at the same time, he acted as if he had no interest in the area itself. I had to either stay away or cover my mouth, but it wasn’t easy. It feels like I’m caught up in something.

Wizards sometimes have moments like this. It is as if one is caught up in the flow of manpower or events that have nothing to do with one’s will. It had such an impact that it changed the wizard’s life. It is also related to magical achievement or direction. This trend was called ‘The Wizard’s Fate’.

‘Seeing as we keep getting involved, does this mean that this guy has something to do with my wizard’s fate?’

Area looked at Helmut in a perplexed mood. It was said that when the wizard’s fate begins, avoiding it does not lead to good results.

‘I’m not sure, but whatever. good.’

Area decided to tackle it head on. Area is someone who has never lost a fight or run away. He was evaluated as an unprecedented genius in the history of Greta Academy and was also a descendant of an archmage. Area declared.

“Then let’s decide how to do the tutoring.”

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Helmut: The Forsaken Child

Helmut: The Forsaken Child

Score 8
Status: Completed
Helmut was a child who had been abandoned in the Demonic Beast Forest at birth. Raised by Demonic Beasts, the first human that he met was the Sword Saint Darien. Little did Helmut know that the chance encounter would soon shake the foundation of his fate… “Grow stronger If you want to get out of here.” The boy who’d lived like a beast was thrown into the human world! He possessed overwhelming swordsmanship, outstanding looks and sharp intelligence, but there was one thing he lacked: humanity. I am no longer prey. I am now a predator!


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