Helmut: The Forsaken Child Chapter 40

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# 40

Helmut Episode


Listening to their conversation, Helmut was able to get a general idea of what was going on in the world.

Helmut, a man with a sprout of darkness, stands in opposition to the temple. It is beneficial to listen to information about the enemy.

“In that sense, I’m curious about that wizard named Antiol. “It wouldn’t be possible with average skills to survive despite being so blatantly hostile to the temple.”

“That’s why you’re called a great wizard.”

“I heard you have some mental issues.”

Helmut was lost in thought as he listened to the conversation that continued. I became interested in that wizard named Antiol.

But you have to hide your identity. The enemy of your enemy is your friend, but you cannot trust a wizard you have never met before.

You may want to use yourself as experiment material. It would be his first time meeting a human with sprouts of darkness.

‘The sprout of darkness within me.’

Although it is being weighed down with a stick, it has swelled up a bit after passing through the forest where the devil is located over the past few days.

It was necessary to visit the past and develop skills, but it was also necessary to find a way to remove the sprouts of darkness.

It was a spark that could ignite at any moment. And a cursed power that will drive Helmut into madness.

There were few who could know how to remove the sprouts of darkness. The temple judged that it was impossible to remove it, so children born with sprouts of darkness were killed or sent to the Forest of Pahe.

This is impossible with holy magic. So, is it possible with magic? Helmut was curious about that.

‘Is there anything different about a wizard called the Grand Wizard?’

Antiol Helmut had that name firmly engraved in his mind.


The next day, the Faith mercenaries were able to reach the outskirts of that damn forest.

The road was peaceful, as if I had never been able to sleep comfortably even for a moment due to an attack.

Since there were only a few people, only two people were assigned to each carriage.

“They said that if we go from here for about four more days, we will reach our destination.”

When I said Tanagya, he asked as if he remembered Finn.

“What happens to the second-level mercenaries who ran away, Paul and Max?”

“He probably didn’t join Tariq’s mercenary group. “If you have a conscience.”

Sean, who was walking behind, retorted.

“No, they would think we were all dead, so we could have gone back to Tariq’s mercenary group.”

“They will be reprimanded for being the only ones who survived, but if we pretend that it was an unavoidable situation, what can we do with those who came back alive?”

“Butan Trading Company’s reputation for entrusting an unreasonable request will also suffer.”

“We should tell you the truth.”

“Are those bastards going to faint when they see us back alive?”

“If you’re lucky, you might run into it right in the village. “It’s obvious where the nearest town is from here.”

Finn gritted his teeth.

“Those bastards really make a mess whenever I look at them.”

“With your skills? The opponent is a second-class mercenary. “Even Puen wouldn’t be able to do that.”

However, since there is no business in selling, there is also a method called secret selling. Because these 3rd grade mercenaries have the highest level of skill even among 3rd grade mercenaries. Tanya also internally gritted her teeth.

“Then Helmut…”

“Hey, be quiet.”

Tanya noticed. You must not fall into the ears of Miles or Henry, the only survivor of Tariq’s mercenary group.

Everyone was keeping quiet about Helmut’s skills. There didn’t seem to be any leaks except for the pin.

Of the compensation received for this request, 70% was supposed to go to Helmut. In addition, all the profits obtained from the monster’s corpse belong to Helmut.

‘It may be a small reward for saving our lives, but we also have to make a living.’

Puen smiled sheepishly. It was a request that would not have been successful without Helmut. It would have ended not only in failure but in the extermination of the mercenary group.

Since they also helped Helmut, he felt that his share was reasonable. It was a satisfactory stake.

“But Helmut, you didn’t forget that you decided to give me a shot, right?”

Finn came over and gently placed a hand on his shoulder. After trying to figure out how to deal with Helmut, it seemed like he had finally given up on thinking about it.

He clung to Helmut again, pretending to be friendly, as if asking when was the last time he looked at Helmut like he was a monster. The hair looked like a simple pin.

‘When did I make that promise?’

I guess I’m consolidating what I skipped over last time as a promise in my mind.

Before Helmut could open his mouth, Sean spoke with a puzzled expression.

“Hey hey Finn. Do you have no conscience? You should take the shot, man. Now that I think about it, Helmut has been looking after you. “I thought it was strange that you were still fine.”

“He’s such an idiot that he blames me for getting hurt.”

“What about this guy?”

Tanya intervened and stopped Sean.

“Hey, we’re still processing the request. “That’s it for the small talk!”

“I’ll see you later.”

Finn stuck his tongue out at Sean. It was the usual pace mercenary group. Puen laughed and put an end to the conversation.

“I take the hit. So think about what you’re going to eat.”

Those words seemed to give me strength. They increased their speed and were able to reach the small village closest to the forest at sunset.

It was rare to welcome a group of this size in this village far from the travel destination.

The villagers looked at them as if they were watching a spectacle.

The Faith mercenaries immediately stormed into the only inn in town and took a room.

Even mercenaries who were accustomed to a rough life did not miss a comfortable sleep during their rest periods.

The Face mercenaries just wanted to rest like crazy. I hadn’t been able to wash properly in a while and my whole body was full of odor after walking.

“Are there any other guests here?”

When Puen asked, the innkeeper said.

“There were two guests who appeared to be mercenaries, but they packed their bags and left in a hurry before you arrived.”

Their arrival caused an uproar in the village. It seemed like he ran away when he saw all the attention. Uther clicked his tongue.

“They get rid of the babies so quickly.”

“Anyway, I guess you figured this out. “They must not return to Tariq’s mercenary group.”

They are traitors and fugitives. The Face Mercenaries planned to inform everyone about what they had done. Butan Chamber of Commerce also promised to do so.

“Our stock price will rise, so we will receive a lot of requests in the future.”

Tariq’s mercenary group lost many mercenaries. It will take a long time to recover the lost reputation and reduced personnel. This was a welcome event for competitors.

“I decline a request like this.”

Tanya grinned, showing her teeth. It was a bright smile for the first time in a few days.


Puyen, who has a small side, shot that one thing right away that day.

According to his counter, the injured who were unable to drink or were too tired went straight to bed as soon as they finished packing their orders, so in fact, only a few people came down to the restaurant.

Henry of Tariq’s mercenary group was a position he couldn’t join if he had any sense.

“Hey Helmut.”

Instead of being physically worn out due to being excluded from the chores, only Helmut, who was still fresh, and Finn, who was strong for his young age, came down to the restaurant.

In fact, Puen, who had called them, ate only the pork barbecue with Tanya and went upstairs.

“We have to leave tomorrow morning, so go to bed early!”

Just leaving those words alone.

“They say all you have to do is hang it in front of the Puen. What should we eat?”

Finn looked very excited. I experienced all kinds of dangerous things during my first commission. As for gaining experience, I did it very well. From harassment to near death. Plus, even a miracle. I can’t help but feel excited.

Finn, who ordered drinks and food according to the few menu items listed on the menu, offered Helmut a dark beer that was just served.

“Hey, drink this. This is a home-made deal.”

Helmut took a sip and frowned.

‘Is it poison?’

As I gurgled, gas rushed up, making my throat sting and my nose tingle.

However, the pain was minimal, and soon the spicy scent and rich flavor permeated my tongue. It was a perfect match for the fatty meat snack.

Is this alcohol? I’ve heard the story, but it’s a different taste. Helmut said, letting out the overwhelming drunkenness.

“It’s delicious.”

“yes? The dark beer here is delicious. “Let’s order more.”

I wasn’t asking, ‘Should I order it?’ Anyway, Puen pays the money.

Finn emptied his beer glass mercilessly. To make my stomach explode. I went to the bathroom twice and became increasingly drunk. He was saying something, but his tongue was twisted so it was hard to understand.

In general, he seemed to be talking about his fourteen-year-old life and its hardships and hardships.

In the meantime, Helmut was able to have an honest conversation with Finn for the first time.

It is said that alcohol brings out one’s true nature. Actually, I didn’t mean to do that, but Finn said something ridiculous first. It was a clear pronunciation that could not be ignored.

“Hey, don’t you think I have some talent for swordsmanship? Even though it was my first time seeing a monster, I was swinging my sword and fighting like this. It was my first time in real life! Doesn’t this mean you’ll just rise to level 2 mercenary?”

Most mercenaries, no matter how skilled they are, stop at level 3 mercenaries. Among them, only special mercenaries rise to level 2 mercenaries, and those who have accumulated skills and experience and added talent reach level 1 mercenaries.

If you work hard, your sword skills will improve, but as a mercenary, surviving while carrying out requests and raising the level is not possible through effort alone. Luck and talent must also come along.

But out of hard work, luck, and talent, all Finn had was luck.

I was shocked by the sound that was so far from reality. Helmut, who could not hold back perhaps because he was drunk, spoke out loud.



“You have no talent as a prosecutor. “He’s very timid and his swordsmanship is poor.”

When I spoke in a cold voice, Finn’s eyes widened.

The strength of the heart and the size of the liver are also somewhat innate. If guts was a talent, Finn had the lowest talent.

Being a mercenary is basically a job that involves risk. Regardless of his skills, Finn is a coward and will soon collapse due to strain on his heart.

Finn blushed and huffed.

“Isn’t that too harsh? “I know you are strong, but that doesn’t mean you ignore people like this…” “

But you are good at cooking. All the food you made was delicious. Wouldn’t it be better to utilize the talents of those who are good at it?”

Helmut spoke seriously. The food at this inn wasn’t very tasty, and Finn’s food was better.

Considering that the fin side had much less materials and was in a poor situation, this is the power of skill.

Even in the midst of such hardships, it is not easy to come up with even a slightly different menu every time. Finn also enjoys cooking.

Helmut was given nothing other than life as a prosecutor.

I have no complaints about that. He had to become strong and take up the sword. And it was fun to swing the sword. I was happy that I was getting stronger. I wanted to beat Darian and Elaga, who were stronger than me.

Life in the forest of Pahe is extremely monotonous. It was one of the few pleasures and goals that could be found there.

Helmut was able to gain everything through the sword.

However, for people who are not like that, if they don’t need to pick up a sword and don’t find it fun, wouldn’t it be okay to take a different path?

Helmut thought so for the first time. It was an idea that came to mind as he watched various people living in the human world, and it was also a great development for Helmut.

First of all, in the sense that I cared enough to say this much to others.

Finn’s expression became mysterious. He was looking straight at Helmut. Helmut’s words felt like a slap to the back of the head. The shock sobered me up.

‘I know I’m not talented. but.’

By chance, I joined the Face Mercenaries. While living in this prestigious mercenary group, Finn naturally wanted to become one of them.

It was natural for Finn to think of no other path than becoming a mercenary.

But Helmut showed him a different path. A path that Finn had never thought of. Finn asked tentatively.

“Are you serious about that?”

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Helmut: The Forsaken Child

Helmut: The Forsaken Child

Score 8
Status: Completed
Helmut was a child who had been abandoned in the Demonic Beast Forest at birth. Raised by Demonic Beasts, the first human that he met was the Sword Saint Darien. Little did Helmut know that the chance encounter would soon shake the foundation of his fate… “Grow stronger If you want to get out of here.” The boy who’d lived like a beast was thrown into the human world! He possessed overwhelming swordsmanship, outstanding looks and sharp intelligence, but there was one thing he lacked: humanity. I am no longer prey. I am now a predator!


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